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Author: putragold

Teori Pemanasan Corona Matahari berdasarkan tafsiran Alquran dan Sains

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Post time 20-3-2009 07:06 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fashasipan at 20-3-2009 01:28

i haven't followed this thread from start so i dont know what's the direction on this. so i'll just answer ur question generally..

how corona is hotter than then sun itself. first we need  ...

We have already mentioned / defined "plasma "- what it is  and how does it behave in comparison to other types of matters. That's fine as far as  three of us are concerned. We have covered that already. But yg nak argue sangat tu ialah ..ntah ....tak nak pulak back to basics tu yg jadi sampai  berpages pages...and it is fun still but  the discussion is not being thouroughly expanded.

So, do you have any theories?

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Post time 20-3-2009 10:10 AM | Show all posts

Reply #277 fashasipan's post

of course heat is a form of energy and it is largely depended on the mass of an object. The higher the mass the greater the energy anyway. Temperature is the  readings/ objective measurement of that energy. Therefore, an  object with two different masses could be having the same temperature

that  point we have covered.

However,  the threader wanted to know where is the source of energy that the corona is getting from ? one of his friend postulated that the energy is derived  from the vacuum of  space and based  solely on this fact,   he concluded the space in itself is the source of energy ( heat ) - that the corona is deriving from.

but then ... to explain the mechanism of heat transfer from the sun to the corona actually poses a few challenges. The challenges are readily reflected on those previous pages....

would you want to synthesize that and tell us what you can make of it ?

[ Last edited by  mbhcsf at 20-3-2009 10:12 ]

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Post time 20-3-2009 01:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ussopp at 20-3-2009 01:37 AM
what is this world exactly......

where is the real world......?

The word 'real' itself gave rise to debates.

There is a book on philosophical science ('The Mind of God be Paul Davies), and the author needed to discuss about what does 'real' mean for 1 whole chapter. This is why I no longer discuss about philosophical stuff like 'what is real'. In science, we only consider elements that can be measured (as Einstein said).

This is why Einstein strongly opposes Quantum Mech; there exists something that we cannot measure. Just as the word 'real', we cannot measure how real a phenomenon is.

[ Last edited by  aku_EnSeM at 20-3-2009 13:15 ]

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Post time 20-3-2009 01:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fashasipan at 20-3-2009 01:28 AM

i haven't followed this thread from start so i dont know what's the direction on this. so i'll just answer ur question generally..

how corona is hotter than then sun itself. first we need  ...

for the previous, like, 5 pages, we've been convincing others to accept this.

dh bebuih da mulut ni ckp, kekal gak nk stick kpde tafsiran terpesong dr Quran n tuduh kitorg ni lupa agama.

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Post time 20-3-2009 04:10 PM | Show all posts

Reply #282 mbhcsf's post

i don't know wat the fuss with how does the corona get the energy. from sun of course. how? through heat transfer of course. vacuum? that mean the transfer is not through conduction and convenction. many believe magnetic disturbance has big influence on corona. this shown by black spot seen from distance. the black spot always there, it just a matter of how much. some time there are more and the people who responsible to monitor it will alarm NASA so their astonot won't do any activity outside spaceship(erkk this more related to solar wind )

rather than asking how the corona get the heat, why not argue how our earth get the heat from sun. have vacuum also in between

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Post time 20-3-2009 04:11 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 20-3-2009 13:10

for the previous, like, 5 pages, we've been convincing others to accept this.

dh bebuih da mulut ni ckp, kekal gak nk stick kpde tafsiran terpesong dr Quran n tuduh kitorg ni lupa agama.

harap2 takde la pejuang islam yg nak ingatkan aku betapa tamadun rom dan yunani telah mencuri ilmu2 tamadun islam

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Post time 20-3-2009 04:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 20-3-2009 13:07

This is why Einstein strongly opposes Quantum Mech; there exists something that we cannot measure. Just as the word 'real', we cannot measure how real a phenomenon is.

einstein opposes quantum mech? i thought he is one of the first who introduced this field through his photoelectric discovery

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Post time 20-3-2009 04:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fashasipan at 20-3-2009 04:15 PM

einstein opposes quantum mech? i thought he is one of the first who introduced this field through his photoelectric discovery

Yea, tu yg byk ahli fizik pelik tu... Die gak yg dpt Nobel Prize dr photoelectric effect, last2 die jd penentang kuat Quantum Mech.

Slh 1 bende yg plg die xsuke adelah entangled particle, d mne 2 entangled particle 'seem' to send signal faster than light. So, no wonder r npe Einstein mrh.

Byk lg quotation die. Slh satu adelah "Sye percaye yg bulan masih wujud walaupun kite x tgk bulan tu".

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Post time 20-3-2009 04:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fashasipan at 20-3-2009 04:11 PM

harap2 takde la pejuang islam yg nak ingatkan aku betapa tamadun rom dan yunani telah mencuri ilmu2 tamadun islam

xpe r, mls da nk ckp psl bende ni. klu nk tau gosip2 die cmne, bace page2 blkg...

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Post time 20-3-2009 05:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 20-3-2009 16:44

Yea, tu yg byk ahli fizik pelik tu... Die gak yg dpt Nobel Prize dr photoelectric effect, last2 die jd penentang kuat Quantum Mech.

Slh 1 bende yg plg die xsuke adelah entangled particle, d mne 2 entangled particle 'seem' to send signal faster than light. So, no wonder r npe Einstein mrh.

Byk lg quotation die. Slh satu adelah "Sye percaye yg bulan masih wujud walaupun kite x tgk bulan tu".

ok to be sincere i don't like mech quantum either. but einstein tried to solve the greatest mystery ever which is no other than to combine gravity with 3 other forces (which called as grand unified theory). and there is no way he could do that without applying quantum mech. well he failed though, but still during the process he applied some of it. so probably he just didn't believe part of the idea

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Post time 20-3-2009 05:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 20-3-2009 16:45

xpe r, mls da nk ckp psl bende ni. klu nk tau gosip2 die cmne, bace page2 blkg...

nanti senang baru bace

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Post time 20-3-2009 05:21 PM | Show all posts

Reply #290 fashasipan's post

he did say 'the theory is not complete'...

the fact that every thing is based on probability does not make me feel good either...

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Post time 20-3-2009 05:26 PM | Show all posts

Balas #291 fashasipan\ catat

aku pun akan tunggu , kalo2 ko bleh selesaikan masalah vacuum tu....fasha...

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Post time 20-3-2009 05:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 20-3-2009 13:07

The word 'real' itself gave rise to debates.

There is a book on philosophical science ('The Mind of God be PaulDavies), and the author needed to discuss about what does 'real' meanfor 1 whole chapter. This is why I no longer discuss aboutphilosophical stuff like 'what is real'. In science, we only considerelements that can be measured (as Einstein said).

This is why Einstein strongly opposes Quantum Mech; there existssomething that we cannot measure. Just as the word 'real', we cannotmeasure how real a phenomenon is.



aaaaah~ you know, its really comfort enough to clasify  real as something that we can measure.......aaaah~ legenye, at least boleh jugak aku berfikir, berbincang atau bercakap ngan org kalau cakap tentang sesuatu yg boleh dgn nak bercakap apaka real yg sebenar....

aku percaya, falsafah real sebenar ni hanya boleh diselesaikan dgn ilmu laduni.....yg mana satu2nya ilmu yg saintis barat tiada idea bagaimana utk mendapatkannya.....

melainkan melalui perjalanan rohani.....

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Post time 20-3-2009 05:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ussopp at 20-3-2009 17:33



aaaaah~ you know, its really comfort enough to clasify  real as something that we can measure.......aaaah~ legenye, at least boleh jug ...

"cogito ergo sum"

betul ke apa yg kita sense (nampak, sentuh, rasa, dengar etc.) sume tu real? sume tu otak kita yg interpret. Mana tau entah2 kita ni cuma sebijik otak dalam dish atas meja makmal seorang saintis gila? Dia sentiasa stimulate otak kita with all signals dan otak kita interpret as "seeing and reading cari forum", "minum horlicks", "driving kereta", "bertengkar dgn orang (yg imaginary) lain", etc... How would we know?

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Post time 20-3-2009 06:01 PM | Show all posts

Balas #295 saden\ catat


hmm.....the question is how???how do we know.......the answer is yesss, we dont know...

macam mana kita nak tahu, sebab dunia ni pun sudah cukup real....haha...

[ Last edited by  ussopp at 20-3-2009 18:12 ]

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Post time 20-3-2009 06:45 PM | Show all posts

Reply #296 ussopp's post


Psl ni aku xminat da bincang psl falsafah ni. Soklan kite xpernah terjawab.

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Post time 20-3-2009 06:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ussopp at 20-3-2009 06:01 PM

hmm.....the question is how???how do we know.......the answer is yesss, we dont know...

macam mana kita nak tahu, sebab dunia ni pun sudah cukup real....haha.. ...

Hahaha... For me, I would rather say 'why bother about that?'.

Just like the black hole. Sometime, we don't care what sort of chaos happen within the event horizon because they will never affect us.

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Post time 20-3-2009 09:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 20-3-2009 18:48

Hahaha... For me, I would rather say 'why bother about that?'.

Just like the black hole. Sometime, we don't care what sort of chaos happen within the event horizon because they will never  ...

maybe that's the key for time warp. doesn't it tantalize u? ;)

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Post time 20-3-2009 10:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fashasipan at 20-3-2009 09:43 PM

maybe that's the key for time warp. doesn't it tantalize u? ;)

yea it could...

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