Tashu replied at 3-12-2024 07:19 PM Iklan
Use magic Report
tari replied at 3-12-2024 07:27 PM Wani dh weng Sian
tari replied at 3-12-2024 07:28 PM Faizul letak sesuatu dlm minuman rina ke
tari replied at 3-12-2024 07:30 PM Sah… rina x sedar lps minum air yg faizul bg
Tashu replied at 3-12-2024 07:18 PM Yup mentari telah menyinari dgn jayanya.
tari replied at 3-12-2024 07:31 PM Hujan menyorok pulak
Tashu replied at 3-12-2024 07:19 PM Tanya nk mkn apa
tari replied at 3-12-2024 07:32 PM Oo ingat apa td
Tashu replied at 3-12-2024 07:21 PM Hahaha kelako
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