Guide Line For New Members (avatar, credit, ranking, posting, paste
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Originally posted by cabai at 21-10-2006 07:58 PM
dekat bahagian Signature, boleh paste banner (gambar) tak ?
untuk forumer - tak boleh post banner di signature tu
disabled --
tapi kalau cabai nak juga post banner --
everytime after u post a reply
u can do :
( click image banner tu di sini )
so u will have a banner in your reply
tapi kena buat everytime la - sebab tu bukan
automatically done ---
hope it helps -
[ Last edited by dexa at 28-10-2006 07:30 PM ] |
``tq dexa.. for all the tips..
``sabar nye u layan korg...
``yg tanya pasal gambo kat signature dari 2003 xde pun solution..
``baik hati u bagi idea tu...
``kengkawan lain jgn la tanya benda tu lagi..
``rajin2 la baca earlier posting untuk kita ni....
``wa caya lu.....:tq:
Sabah84 This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Satria-Naga at 11-9-2003 21:50
Status Keahlian dan Credits
Beggar (-negative)
Newbie (0-50)
Member (50-200)
Conqueror (200 - ...
nak tambah kredit dengan banyak macam mana. |
Originally posted by dexa at 23-10-2006 04:12 PM
selamat hari raya kip --
``hi dexa.. tq for the attention..
``kalu credit ttiba naik tu makna nye ade mod yg bermurah hati ye..
``kpd yg berkenaan tu berbanyak t/kasih..
``tp is there anywhere we can check bila, dimana, knapa dan siapa yg baik hati tu..
``tq again dexa..
``semoga raye u gembira..
``..yeye..raya :pompom: |
Reply #303 Sabah84's post
nak tambah credit :
1 - dengan reply post -- di mana2 board yang u nak
1 post = 1 credit
tapi kalau post you tu very good post dan mod tu
murah hati - ada good article --
boleh dapat extra credit -- up to 20 or 30 credits
biasanya 10 credits
2. kalau buat ucapan atau vote kat mana2 board
(only if mod said they will give extra credit untuk participant
dan voters)
3. masuk any competition -- di mana2 board yang anjurkan -
kalau menang kengkadang sampai 300 credits --
--- kat board mawi - insyallah next month kita buat forumer
terbaik - ha ada few categories -- kalau masuk - menang
dapat la banyak credit |
Originally posted by kip at 24-10-2006 01:51 AM
``hi dexa.. tq for the attention..
``kalu credit ttiba naik tu makna nye ade mod yg bermurah hati ye..
``kpd yg berkenaan tu berbanyak t/kasih..
``tp is there anywhere we can check bila, dim ...
kalau credit banyak tetiba --
dan mod tu tak PM your personally masa dia beri credit
u boleh pergi kat member's CP (your profile)
and then click search ----
kat situ you boleh check semua posting you ----
and click la kat posting you one by one -
kalau ada thumbs up kat posting tu on the
top right side----
click kat thumbs up tu --
akan ada prompt --- baca kat situ
berapa credit u dapat
mod mana yang beri
dan kenapa mod tu beri - (sometimes mod tak tulis kenapa
just maybe it is good article or participating in contest)
hope it helps -- |
pagi lak bangun ni --
nak mandi dan pergi solat raya in few hours --
selamat hari raya kip et el -- |
Originally posted by dexa at 24-10-2006 06:11 AM
kalau credit banyak tetiba --
dan mod tu tak PM your personally masa dia beri credit
u boleh pergi kat member's CP (your profile)
and then click search ----
kat situ you boleh check semua ...
``thanks dexa..
``very clear.. hope kekawan lain pon will benefit..
``wah dedicatednye.. bgn pagi terus check.. tabik spring..:tq:
``selamat hari raya to u n family..
``jom makan lemang....:pompom: |
Reply #308 kip's post
amacam lemang and raya kip??
ha -- jangan makan banyak sangat -
karang tak muat pintu la pulak ![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif)
hope u had a nice hari raya ---- |
Camner, nak buat tulisan bold sekali dengan color dan underline? BIla I try, cuma boleh buat salah satu je. Kalu nak buat bold, tak boleh buat color... I tanya sebab nak insert link yang ada tulisan warna dan underline dengan fon yang besar sikit.. |
Originally posted by dexa at 26-10-2006 10:10 AM
amacam lemang and raya kip??
ha -- jangan makan banyak sangat -
karang tak muat pintu la pulak ![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif)
hope u had a nice hari raya ----
``raye mmg sonok...
``tp letih sikit ulang alik kg ngan kl..
``anak tucen kawan dok kat umah..
``hari2 kena balik sesi bgurau senda..
``dexa.. kawan try search username kawan..
``takde kluor..
``kawan try kip kat search area..
``memacam kluor tp bukan kawan punye..
``ape yg kawan buat silap....:tq:
btw kawan makan banyak manapon.. badan mainten... |
Reply #311 kip's post
ahhh baiknya dia jaga kucing kawan dia --
tuhan sajalah balas jasa tu --
bagus la kalau metabolisme tinggi
belasah apa saje -- maintain.......aje
nice ;) ![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif)
btw re: search post tu...
1. you log in : kip
2. you go to member's CP
3. click search kat member's CP
note* bukan search main --
tapi search yang kat member's CP
so that yang keluar posting you --
4. usually yang keluar ialah posting
yang u opened the new thread -- tapi there're
few times yang u posted pun ada keluar
(bukan posting open new thread)
- try again ye....
good luck -- hope it helps --
- dex -
[ Last edited by dexa at 26-10-2006 07:19 PM ] |
Originally posted by nafizzz at 26-10-2006 12:57 PM
Camner, nak buat tulisan bold sekali dengan color dan underline? BIla I try, cuma boleh buat salah satu je. Kalu nak buat bold, tak boleh buat color... I tanya sebab nak insert link y ...
hiya nafizz...
untuk bold tulisan you and underline and color at the same time....
1. you block (highlight) the sentence yang u nak bold and underline
2. click the B ( on the leftest icon)
3. click the U ( the third from left icon)
4. click color --- choose the color you wanna use --
then post -
btw - are u using firefox or IE --
this task is easier with IE --
* i will bold, underline and using red color -*
i follow the step that i just written up there ^^^
an example ----
i am dexa
i am your friend ---
[ Last edited by dexa at 26-10-2006 07:25 PM ] |
Originally posted by dexa at 26-10-2006 07:17 PM
ahhh baiknya dia jaga kucing kawan dia --
tuhan sajalah balas jasa tu --
bagus la kalau metabolisme tinggi
belasah apa saje -- maintain.......aje
nice ;) ![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif)
btw re: search post tu...
1. ...
``will do dexa, thanks..
P/S : kawan tu teman le kata orang paritt
tucen saya kata orang putih....:ting: |
Reply #314 kip's post
u maksudkan diri u tu teman?
macam orang utara perak cakap la --
orang parit buntar kata saya = teman --
saya lak ingat - teman tu kawan you ..
ooppps maaf -- segan saya sorry..
tucen tu bukan kucing - spelling slang??
gosh.... saya memang hampehs bab bab
cam ni...
maaf ye -- - :nyorok: |
my new avatar
laaa, tak jadi plak
[ Last edited by nafizzz at 27-10-2006 07:20 PM ] |
Reply #316 nafizzz's post
nafizz nak letak new avatar ka???
dapat URL dia dah kat properties?? |
hi dexa....
macamne nak masukkan pensil then ada -----------kat atas tu ada perkataan discuz.pastu kat bawah dia kiter boleh tulis apa ayat yang kita nak?
tolonglah ajar saya budak baru belajar.... ;) |
satu lagi nape saya punyer digest Posts tu asyik 0 jer? saya tengok Credit,Posts dan Reading Access je yang ada jumlah...macamne nak bagi Digest Posts tu ada jumlah? |
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Category: Belia & Informasi