My exercise right now already lifting weight (6 days a week) and plus 30 minutes of cardio after that (4 days a week) ... Yup my weight drop again at 48.8kg but also my body fat which yaaahhhoooo.
I just need to eat more so that my weight increase to 49 kg again.
Our chicken at fridge almost finish and now just beginning of the month ... Usually when we do groceries, it will last up until 1 month but now only like 2 weeks almost gone ... Then I beritahu my husband that our chicken almost finish ... He replied "kerana sayang makan banyak" hahahahahah ... Then I replied that if I didn't eat a lot, I will become too thin and now I need to eat more coz my weight drop again
i SR .. suka cara u turun berat bdn.. i tgh menelaah. Tp rasa cam susah la nk ikut clean food. Sometime i tgok ur menu guna byk bhn2 yg agak 'asing' bg i. Mana dpt bahan2 tu. Tgh kumpul info nak amalkan clean food.but first.. rasanya kena tau replace nasi dgn compleks carbo..
linalias80 posted on 9-6-2014 12:04 AM
i SR .. suka cara u turun berat bdn.. i tgh menelaah. Tp rasa cam susah la nk ikut clean food. Somet ...
Bahan yg 'asing' tue biasanya boleh dijumpa kat cold storage atau machiato (tak ingat betul atau tak, yg pasti market yg terletak kat pavilion) ataupun market yg carry barangan import. Sometimes I purchased it from Organic Store.
part yg mutia always failed adalah untuk eat clean while I am on vacation .... It just difficult to find clean foods if I did not cook it. I will be happy if I find food stall that mention no MSG. But I always bring anything that I baked for my mid morning meal and mid afternoon meal ... So only 2 times in my 5 meals that I know I eat clean while I am on vacation. I still keep exercise eventhough I am on vacation, its like "Me Time"
Finally I manage to teach my children to love peanut butter and I finally can remove Nutella from our house for good. When you buy peanut butter, ALWAYS buy peanut butter WITHOUT sugar ... Now I see more and more option for this in the market, last time so difficult to find it.
Now my motivation body already change ... Well u will know it if you check out who are the people that I follow in my instagram. So create the body target and health you want to achieve.
anybody that can not let go nasi putih, my advise is change it to brown rice but for dinner only protein and vegetables.
I eat a lot that I admit ... Inside my instagram picture, I use LARGE and WIDE plate and it always cover with food. I enjoy foods ... I can't eat food that tasteless ... Whatever I cook the main meal and vegetables, thats what I serve to my family so I need to make sure that I cook tasty meal (but still clean food) because not just me who eat it.
Mutia, me.. check in.. My name is Sha. put on weight a lot after stop breastfeeding.. I'll post my details later once I read all of 10 pages comment under this topic. ;)
antuchomel posted on 17-6-2014 08:23 AM
oooo thank you..
yoga x bg muscle.... kalau sy wat cardio mcm squat, jumping jack, russian twi ...
There are certain exercise program boleh menghasilkan thicker thigh (yup some women want that even though I don't want it )
can change from flat booty to round and firm booty
or program can make your thigh slimmer
doing the wrong program will give the wrong result
So based on ur answer just now ... U have pear shape? So I belive you want result to slimmer your thigh?
Perform each exercise 12-15 times for 3 sets each. -
1. Inner thigh Lift: Lie on right side, supporting head on hand. Bend left leg, placing foot flat on the floor in front of right leg. Using inner thigh muscles, lift right leg toward the ceiling, hold then slowly lower. Repeat on other side.
2. Single Leg Squat: Feet together and arms by sides, shift weight on right foot. Keep back straight, bend at hips and knees and slowly sit back onto right leg, raising arms straight in front of you as you lower. Stop when thighs are almost parallel to floor. Press into right foot through heel and stand back up.
3. Wide Squat: Stand straight, feet spread wide and toes pointing straight ahead. Arch lower back slightly with slight bend in knees. Hold a dumbbell at sides. Keep head up, chest lifted and abdominal muscles tight. Lower body by bending from hips and knees. Squat until thighs are almost parallel to floor. Slowly return to starting position.
4. Outer Thigh Lifts: Lie on right side. Head, shoulder and hips aligned. Right arm extended out straight or resting under head. Rest left arm on left hip. To make harder fasten ankle weight to lifted leg. Keep right leg straight and foot flexed, slowly raise right leg. Hold for a moment, then slowly lower and repeat. Repeat on other side.
5. Plie: Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, toes pointing out. Bring arms straight in front of you and lower into squat. Come back up and repeat. Go as low into squat as you can without letting knees move past toes. Be sure to tuck tailbone under and contract glutes. Keep torso tall, and don’t let knees creep past toes
msd_brit posted on 16-6-2014 10:31 AM
Sudah page yg ke berapa?
Hi Mutia,
Okay, read all pages. Same goes with ur blog.
I'm 33 Y.O. Married and my baby baru je 1 year. Berat naik almost 10 kilos lepas stop breastfeed. Tinggi 172cm. Starbucks is everyday drink for me. Haiz..Orang tengok kata I tak gemuk. tapi hakikatnya sila lah tengok tummy.
Below are my measurement:
Waist - 83
Chest- 96
Right Leg-60
Left Leg- 59
I can skipped rice for few days but Frappucino I tak boleh missed. That's the bad thing about it. Threadmill, dumbell ada je dekat rumah, tapi I tengok je. Body part yang problem sangat dekat tummy, my arms and legs. Tried diet atkins before, tapi kecundang jugak. boleh tahan 3 days aje. Dulu before married mmg active sport, tapi lepas tu jog pun niat aje. Buat tak.
Once you noted that you gained weight, apa step you buat lepas take note all the measurement? You tau la kan kita mcm tak boleh terus lompat skip this and that. So for you, mcmana you mulakan?
Just followed you on IG and FB.
Eh do we have whatsapp group or something that keep us communicate and motivate?