{18PL}Paedo dan Kahwin Gadis Bawah Umur.Sama Atau Tidak?
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mashimaru83 replied at 16-8-2015 09:25 PM
Jika sesuatu fatwa itu bersandarkan maklumat yg palsu sudah tentulah ianya tidak tepat, bukan?
Ertinya di sini majlis fatwa tersebut tidak ada credibility...
Dan juga kenapa rebuttal untuk isu ini tidak meluas? Sama seperti hadis jimak malam jumaat pahala besar yang dikatakan hadis palsu.. tidak meluas rebuttalnya..
Boleh jadi isu yang boleh memberi kesan pada kepentingan diabaikan...
Tak beza dgn konsep islamic finance bai al inah yang dikatakan back door of riba.. tapi isu tersebut giat dibahaskan lah... kerana untuk secure kepentingan lebih besar mungkin.. |
alahai....takkan ni saje kemampuan lu...
Child bride aside, what if we look at child labour or child soldier issues? Even in some parts of the world in this modern day these children are being deprived of their childhood for the above reasons...
It is well understood that during pre or during or post world war era, military use of children was a common thing even it was against cultural moral... yes, against cultural moral even during war...
But they had no choice.. we can accept that it was a critical situation and they were needed in the battlefield.. even now in palestine... sebab ada urgency...
Dlm kes child bride ni is there really an urgency of any sort to marry off a small girl to an old man when the girl has not fully developed?
Our forefathers also have practised the same but bear in mind those days there was no structured systems or organized method or principles for them to follow like education system, legal system and the main reason was highly likely poverty...
And with the formation of a new government the leaders need to produce reliable human capitals for the growth of the country so children ought to get good education..
Tapi orang dulu anak ramai so kawinkan cepat2 nak ease the burden... and they lived together raising their family just like other spouses.. and usually they're about the same age.. sama2 teenage.. happily ever after sampai old age...
Now, does the same apply to budak kecik kawin orang tua?? because apart from sacrificing their childhood, the girls indirectly risks becoming his servant... if d girl is 10 and d man is 50, the next 20 years her commitment in marriage will mainly revolve around looking after a sick old man.. and the children an in laws etc...
And if he dies after 20 years, she's only 30 and at the prime phase of her sexuality.. and the society being biased towards older women, it is highly likely she will remain single the rest of her life... well, coz other guys have been eyeing new little girls... is that fair to her?
And the older man, being given a child can decline the offer if he has integrity.. if he is perceived as a visionary leader he should see the dynamics and long term consequences n repercussions.. can't he or the parents at least wait until the girl is 15?
Mcm kes PAC board members promoted to minister posts la.. if they have integrity they should have declined... ini semua pakat senyum meleret sampai ke telinga...
Aktivis hak asasi Mitch Yusof percaya masyarakat tidak boleh menangani isu rogol kanak-kanak tanpa menangani isu penerimaan perkahwinan kanak-kanak.
"Kita membenarkan perkahwinan kanak-kanak di Malaysia, jadi bagaimana kita boleh membuat undang-undang terhadapnya? Ada garis nipis membezakan sama ada pedofilia atau tidak," katanya.
Kita harus senantiasa berwaspada dengan musoh Islam seperti Mitch Yusof yang cuba menidakkan kebaikan berkahwin dengan budak kecik perempuan .....
alajai...takkan ini je level lu...
mashimaru83 replied at 16-8-2015 03:09 PM
Anda pasti terkejut jika saya katakan narration tersebut sebenarnya tidak wujud. Ianya adalah fabr ...
erm gitu kesahnyaaa
ceq sangka ada la direct quotation dari hadith seperti yg didakwa...
Isu asai nya dari fabricated fatwa:
-kendian kait sana kait sini simpui sana simpui sini
-sementela'ah puak Ereb sana mengamalkan "Thighing", n kebetulan Nabi pun bangsa Ereb jugak...
=maka Nabi pun MUSTI buat jugaaa
==bahsa kasaqnya, Nabi tadak kerja lain asik dok training tojoh pensil dia kek celah peha Aisha, gigeh dari umoq 6 taun sampai cecah 9 taun?
===baaam! tadaaa! N.Mohammed Pervert+SexManiac+Paedo
erk patut la puak Isle siblis-liberal berasa terhina sangaaat berNabikan dia. kena saiko sket dah goyah iman. pehtu dgn terlebih galaknya join tumpang sekaki.
bak kata, jika musuh tak terkalahkan, ahhh better gabung jadi sekutu. maka bulih la pakat2 merasa menang jugak |
In this forum one can't simply assume that anyone using malay or of d same demographic is a muslim, as in islam in accordance with what the mainstream is devoted to.. so u cannot give reasoning as though everyone learned or exposed to the same teachings...
U have to remember malaysia adalah negara berbilang kaum dan agama.. dalam ni ada pelbagai latarbelakang...
Muslim sunni, muslim shiah, non practising muslim, catholic, protestant, jewish (ada forumner yg half jewish dlm ni), hindu, buddhist, atheists, agnostics..
The idea of gods revelation, prophecy, mukjizat, some jurisprudence doctrines etc etc are not something what these people belive in.. kalau u believe in reward and punishment or afterlife or kesepakatan ulama or apa saja from your teachings they have no implication on those who believe differently... |
kapir kah kalu aku berpikiran yg dok kata nabi tunang dgn aishah umur 6 tahun dan menikah umur 9 tahun tu... adalah pembohong semata..sengaja memfitnah nabi..
ada je pendapat yg aishah kawin nabi umur 15, 14, 18 dsb nye..
tapi kebanyakkan ulama seronok nak kata nabi kawin budak2 7, 9 thn.. |
Edited by milo_888 at 17-8-2015 03:12 PM
Sebab tu jurusan dakwah diajar dlm islam n christianity.. jewish mmg takkan preach orang masuk agama depa la coz they're above the rest, that's what they believe ini...
Most importantly now you should realize how other people view what you worship and believe, in this case the muslim apologists... also never be too confident that one day your own offsprings will not question the same...
Dalam ni boleh nampak the issue is poorly handled except for one or two persons.. mostly more of sentiments and imposing response...
Bukan kapir......anti-hadith!
Edited by KucingBiru at 17-8-2015 04:28 PM
milo_888 replied at 17-8-2015 02:09 PM
Child bride aside, what if we look at child labour or child soldier issues? Even in some parts of ...
Waktu Rasulullah s.a.w mengahwini Aisya belum ada revelation menyatakan syarat sah nikah adalah baligh..maka zaman itu tak boleh dijadikan kayu ukuran apa yang kita amalkan sekarang.
Sekarang wajib wanita itu baligh. i baligh umur 17 tahun(yes i know very late for a girl) so kalau sebelum time tu parent aku yabg beragama Islam paksa aku kawen diorang berdosa.
Kalau dah baligh pula, setiap wanita/gadis ada hak utk agree for the marriage. Kalau gadis tu macam celine dion, umur 12 tahun dah suka kat Rene yang umor 40 tahun.. Dan dah baligh.. Boleh je la kawenkan.
Tapi kalau gadis tu dah baligh tapi nak belajar tinggi sampai berjaya macam Malala... Dan tanak kawen.. Takde hak ibu bapa dia paksa. Setiap gadis ada right to choose her partner in life.. Kalau tanak kawen pun tak apa cuma itu not advisable from sunnah and scientific fact juga.
Kalau parent oppress anak sendiri, tortured her just because she refuse to marry old man that proposing marriage... Dosa jatuh pada ibu bapa. Anak gadis tu tak berdosa for not agree.
So apa masalah yang dikatakan berkait dgn Islam di sini? I see the problem is with the cultural practice not with Islamic guidance pun.. islam give the best solution at all time.
Anyway, bapa Imam Hanafi dan Imam shafie meninggal waktu diorang still very young. Their mother remain single mother till end of their life. Is that consider worst situation? No.. They capable raise 2 biggest imam in history.
Itu kisah Imam dalam Islam.. Kalau Celine Dion tu... Dia kawen dgn Rene yang tua.. Adakah dia sengsara? Adakan Rene jadi burden for her to take care of him? Maybe yes sbb she have to take break just to take care his sick husband and to concieve baby..but who are we to judge? Mata kasar kita rasa itu burden but to her that is her love and every marriage need sacrifaction. |
Maideen. replied at 17-8-2015 04:46 PM
Kalau Celine Dion belum baligh pon apa salahnya Rene "thighing" saja dulu sampai Celine Dion balig ...
As a woman.. My personal opinion I would say thighing is much better if compared to sex when the women is not ready physically yet.
Kamon la semua wanita yang kawen and still virgin on wedding night takes times before betul betul ready physically. It takes me few months before i betul betul ready to accept my husband physically. Itu I yang dah umur 30 waktu kawen. Lol.
Takde paksaan dalam Islam even muslim man yg really understand Islam will not push his wife yang sexually not ready. |
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