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Kili hensem...  |
bess aje cter nih..x der pon bosan..aku bg 4.5 star ..mmg mula2 tuh agak slow skit tp makin lama makin bes...senang cter klimaxnyer mmg slow skit...tp ok laa dr cter 2 batman..btol x paham org kata bes pada aku mengantuk yg amattt laa cter2 batman nuuu
plan nk tgk version biasa plak wiken nih 
langit_biru18 posted on 26-12-2012 01:32 PM 
Masa tukan diorg mmg dah singgah Rivendell..tapi kalo ikut logic kalau burung tu tinggalkan diorg ...
haha lupa pulak ms tu dh jumpa Lord Elrond..
sya terjumpa link ni while browsing about The Hobbit movie dlm IMDB.. maybe this can answer the question:
Why don't the Eagles bring the heroes all the way to The Lonely Mountain?
A similar question also comes up by some viewers of the film version of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, and the answer is largely the same: The Eagles of Middle-Earth are sentient beings with intelligence and pride, not beasts of burden. Every time Gandalf calls upon an Eagle to help him he is asking for a favor in a dire situation and not making a command of them. This may not be as clear in the film versions because the back story of the Eagles is not given nor do they speak as they do in the books. In this film, the Eagles left the heroes short of their goal because they were asked to save them from the Orcs and nothing more. Furthermore, since they are indebted neither to the dwarves nor their mission, the Eagles would not, at this point, put themselves at such risk by going so near to Smaug. They would have nothing to gain from doing this.
Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0903624/faq#.2.1.31
Ai pun enjoy sgt movie ni!!
Agaknya DVD Extended dia kuar awal 2014, tak gitu?
applemy posted on 28-12-2012 08:00 AM 
Batman yg baru, overall dari 1st sampai 3rd movie mmg tak best la.. mentang2 la cita dia a bit ava ...
OT: for me the worst batman muvie yg ada george clooney tu, Batman & Robin 
haaa btul tu applemy aku pon skak yg tim burton wat movie batman forever.. lain hancuss..
opsss.. jauh lari topik ni, jom sambung The Hobbit blk.. |
just watched the movie. cant wait for the sequel |

cant wait for sequel too.. |
aghh..lambatnya nak keluar sequelll!!! |
akik posted on 29-12-2012 09:50 AM 
aghh..lambatnya nak keluar sequelll!!!
Tunggu jelah taun depan
Off topic jugak :-
nk kutuk batman pn p la kutuk kt topik diorang  |
Tgh tgk Fellowship of the Ring kt HBO skarang... 
Tengah malam ni The Two Towers di HBO - 12.15am or 12.45 am..31st Dec. |
alaaaaaaaaaaaa...xder HBO.... |
br lps tgk cite ni bole la thn. byk ckp je. aku pon terpk gak nape x helang tu bawa je smpi kat gunung diA, kan snang. saje je. aku ada men game dia helang2 tu sepatutnya bole berckp n pndi. suara pon macho. |
aku pon abru tgk movie ni
mata aku terglue pada skrin cuma
potong sbb asik bawak anak buah aku pi tandas..  |
c_manis posted on 27-12-2012 02:10 PM 
Kili hensem...

sgt kacak...
i setujuk
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