well PBL
maybe boleh dicuba, i'll try.... tapi tak semua fields sesuai kaedah ni. yg problematic to me ialah kita expect budak2 ni jadi as genius as newton. kalau problem based approach, from the problem, kita harap dia boleh infer something fundamental. the case study is i drop a durian on the kids heads, and i want them to come up with the theory of gravity. tall order neh?
tall order it is!
i think they will also vocalising OUUUUCHHHHHH instead of VERbalising of EUREKA EUREKA....well atl east on the positive sides, they are with clothes , unlike Pak Cik Archemedes...heheheh
oh the "kids head hmm bahaya tu..it's called non - accidenal injury...though you cannot BLAME gravity..could u hmmm..hurmmmm hahhah
all if we were to base on problem -based learning ni, we sadly i think need to reduce sikit expectation ler rasanya.....
kalau nak ikut by the book , ni pengajar ni kena jadi fascilitator and nooo...you gotta control the urge to...err to give away the answer ...and i selalu tengok my profs mmg dok blurted out the answer well susah sangat ! nak sebut mailah... nak cakap gitu...
so if a student came out with certain ideas, then it is expected that anoter student wil expand or they would find out more about it. They are not expect to come up with the exact answer...tapi tulah tu. tey need to do a lot more lah no spoon feeding , tapi yg dok ada ni...nak buat lit review pun ..ish i pening sungguh they do not know what is plagiarism!!! they like to quote website that journal..depa tak dilatih cari journal sesangat..depa akan guna yahoo..but jarang nak guna google schloar or even subscribed databases...ni yg bila i tengok research proposal i nak eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..bak kata nak korek korekkkk bijik materr...
but lagi satu pengajar kena bagi encouragement , it's okay to give wrong answer nobody would say stuoid nobody cares it does not matter..sebab apa yg i tengok ialah bila tanya studnt kita akan tunduk muka ...kan kan? |
Originally posted by blastoff at 6-2-2009 11:16 AM
scientists suka sangat nak generalize kan theory mereka , seolah-olah macam nak memperlihatkan bahwa ilmu mereka dah luas ya amat kan sampaikan theory mereka applicable untuk semua keadaan :l ...
I would say, they will publicize their theories surely but at times they also are being critical at their findings for they do not want to be laughed at, and they are being careful about this....but as they are also being critical about this as they will find ways to test their theories in various condition lah so to speak..but if you were to look at the transcript of Nobel laureates, you could find a very humble statement actually. Sebab if you 'd browse through journals ada sajer yang akan sanggah or disproven one team's finding the week after the other team had publish their observations...editing nak masuk journal tu pun payah..tu lahtu so..in awa y ada fiilter di mana teori mereka akan dibakulsampahkan atau disuruh improvise
[ Last edited by mbhcsf at 7-2-2009 06:36 PM ] |
oh yes this one
atau in case of application; bagi dia problem, suruh dia solve...that requires a full background knowledge.... full background knowledge tu nak dapat macamana? problem based jugak ke? dah jadi macam tadi jugak, expect budak jadi genius...
i guess i ni dah keras kot, takleh nak adjust2 dah hehehehee...
well i think different people acquire knowledge in so many different ways, like u know kalau if a lady would say . "ooo..i see." - meaning dia banyak terima input external thru vision
masa belajag kursus kaunseling dulu in one of teh modules i was taught at by a psychologist actually..and she has good observation sebab dia boleh tahu yg student ni kalau u suruh dia tulis sambil dengaq dia tak dapat tapi if u ask her to pay attention to you then she got it ....
kalau dia banyak cakap like i heard or i bla bla it is basically thru these sense that the input fom the external world being internalised , kalau yg banyak tanya cara tu dia par ilmu ...u know bebenda cam ni menarik ... |
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 7-2-2009 02:21 PM
when you are confronting this kind of reptiles, well..the safest thing to do is to stand still, any flickers of movement of that human will be interpreted as a threat by that Mr Snake...
well, if you don't inform the snakes about your presence , then you must be prepared to stand still for a very , veeery long time , better bring along your camping equipment as well , because if the snakes don't realize your presence then little chance for them to wanna move away from you , so if you don't want to be there for long then better try to communicate with the snakes in some way
because snakes are not very active creatures once their stomachs are fulled , they tend to linger around lazily dah kenyang maka lepak laaa , only if the snakes can sense a threat in their surrounding then they will move away from there , hence the need to use the stick to produce some kind of sound for them to perceive it as a threat
[ Last edited by blastoff at 8-2-2009 08:08 AM ] |
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 7-2-2009 02:21 PM
But then, this is Moses we taking about...and this just the stick what about the red sea splitting into two? cayalah kan..
Konsep asas yang berlaku dalam mukjizat memang tak lari dari hukum alam, sebab hukum alam ni pun Allah yang cipta , maka mestilah keduanya selari kan .
Contoh :
- Big snake eating little snakes .... itu memang berlaku in the wild, for example a king cobra loves to eat other snakes .
- Sea having walkway that can be crossed by human , well nowadays it exists everywhere for example very close to us aje jambatan pulau pinang , yang lebih canggih adalah macam walkway dalam aquarium macam kat underwater world kat langkawi tu , boleh jalan dalam air sambil ikan berenang kiri kanan dan atas kita pe , tak mustahil one day human will try to apply that under the ocean pulak kan , think about it , walkways deep under the ocean so that we can enjoy the scenery down there bestnya kan
kalau kita nak focus kat keajaiban the stick that could turn into a snake and the sea that could split in two , maka ia bukan usaha moses , ia adalah direct dari Allah maka di sini kita bercakap mengenai kekuasaan dan keupayaan Allah . That's the nature of mukjizat , ia bukan berlaku berdasarkan kemahuan atau usaha moses tapi kerana kehendak dan kekuasaan Allah secara direct , jadi sebagaimana Allah mampu cipta semua benda hidup dari object mati macam air , maka apa yang mustahilnya untuk Allah cipta ular dari sebatang kayu , kan , kat situ lah logik nya tu .
Dan sapa yang bagi kat kita knowledge untuk cipta jambatan , walkway dalam aquarium tu semua kalau bukan Allah kan , maka kalau kita pun boleh buat laluan merentas laut , maka tak mustahil lah bagi Allah nak belah laut sebagai laluan di dasar lautan agar moses and his followers dapat merentas dengan selamat . Kuasa Allah mana ada batasnya kan . Kat situ lah logik nya tu, so I don't see them as against logic in anyway .
[ Last edited by blastoff at 8-2-2009 08:40 AM ] |
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 7-2-2009 02:24 PM
It is the faith of course then comes the logic, how about my saying that they are parallel..
to me ia saling berkait , memerlukan di antara satu sama lain . Kalau faith saja tanpa logic maka itu macam agama kristian , hindu etc , kalau logic aje tanpa faith maka itu macam atheist , free thinker . Islam berada di tengah , faith and logic bergabung sebagai satu kekuatan yang sukar di goyahkan . |
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 7-2-2009 06:16 PM
u have learnt ?
meaning before you involved with your current position , you take zoology?
I belajar mengenai ethology secara sendiri aje ( dengan pertolongan Allah ) waktu usia I awal 20-an dulu , dengan cara baca banyak buku nukilan ethologists terkenal dan lepas tu I buat observation sendiri untuk lihat kesahihan teori mereka tu . Ethology ni lebih kepada teori yang di hasilkan dari pemerhatian di alam semulajadi , belajar mengenai tabiat dan perangai haiwan liar dan sistem hidup mereka in their natural habitats in the wild .
[ Last edited by blastoff at 8-2-2009 09:00 AM ] |
where's Fox Mulder went off to? busy doing ISO , too? gosh... |
waaa...sekali tertinggal jenuh nak reply...isskk isskk |
Originally posted by blastoff at 6-2-2009 11:40 AM
mengenai apa yang berlaku pada nabi Musa, memang logik la Nabi Musacampak tongkat dia tu bila di di kelilingi oleh ular-ular para ahlisihir sebab bertepatan dengan apa yang manusia biasa patut buat punapabila terserempak dengan ular-ular yang banyak ,
ok, logik untuk orang yg tau maklumat tu. tapi, kalau Nabi Musa dah tau benda tu, tak perlulah turun wahyu perintahkan baginda
campakkan tongkat kan? anyway, ni bukan macam indiana jones yg terjatuh dlm snake's lair yg mana ular2 tu sume tgh melepak. ni ular2 ahli sihir yg memang nak serang Nabi Musa. so, standing still might not be an option.lagi pun once di campak maka tongkat tu menjadi ular besar lalu memakankesemua ular-ular para ahli sihir tu , itu pun logik gak tu , ularbesar la yang boleh lawan ular-ular kecik, dan memang wujud ular besar makan ular kecik di alam semulajadi kita la ni pun ,
ni yg aku cakap hindsight is 20/20. kita dah tau apa yg akan berlaku selepas tu boleh la kita cakap logik ke apa. tapi cuba kita duduk kat tempat Nabi Musa masa tu. bukannya dia tau apa Allah nak buat lepas tu. Dia tak tau pun bila dia campak tongkat tu, tongkat tu jadi ular besar. so, dari dia punya point of view, tak logik la
the fittest and the strongest has the overwhelming power to overcomethe weak , not by being violent but by being smart - that's the law innature so its totally logical la perintah Allah ke atas nabi musa untukmencampakkan tongkatnya tu apabila dia di kelilingi oleh banyak ularkecik . |
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 7-2-2009 02:21 PM
when you are confronting this kind of reptiles, well..the safestthing to do is to stand still, any flickers of movement of that humanwill be interpreted as a threat by that Mr Snake.But then, thisis Moses we taking about...and this just the stick what about the redsea splitting into two? cayalah kan..
yes.. that red sea thing is another example. kita yg tau how the story ends boleh la theorize pasal logic, tapi kalau kita dalam situasi dia, dengan otak logik kita ni, macamana agaknye bila dapat perintah pukul air dgn tongkat? baik aku pukul kepala firaun tak? kalau kita pada masa tu, kita tak tau apa akan jadi lepas tu. so, nak ikut faith ke nak ikut logik?
kisah nabi musa lagi..... sebelum nabi musa lahir, ahli nujum firaun cakap akan lahir satu budak dari bani israel yg akan jatuhkan kerajaan kamu. so, firaun pun perintahkan bunuh semua bayi lelaki yg baru lahir. pastu, penasihat dia cakap, kalau bunuh semua, siapa nak jadi hamba kita? (nak lawan Allah dahhh kantol....) so, firaun perintah selang selikan; tahun ni bunuh, tahun depan tak bunuh. so, apa Allah buat? kalau ikut logik kita tentulah lahirkan nabi musa pada tahun yg tak bunuh. tapi Allah nak tunjukkan kekuasaanNya, Dia lahirkan nabi musa pada tahun kena bunuh. bila dah lahir, mak dia pun panik..tapi datang perintah suruh lepaskan nabi musa dalam sungai... sungai ni pulak mengalir ke istana firaun. mana logik ni? bila sampai kat istana firaun, Asiah, isteri firaun jumpa dan timbul rasa kasih nak bela. bila dia beritau firaun, firaun pun terus rasa, inilah budaknya yang akan hancurkan aku ni. memang betul pun, tapi dia kalah dgn pujukan Asiah, dia bela juga lah...
so, kalau kita boleh ambik kesimpulannya, kita tengok bila orang tu nak cabar Allah, Allah tunjukkan kuasaNya. takde nak elak2 punya... nak bunuh utusan Aku? haaa bunuhlah! takleh? kena selang seli tahun? nah, Aku lahirkan pd tahun yg kau bunuh, bunuhlah! takleh juga? nah aku hantar dia ikut sungai ke rumah kau, dan letak dia dalam pangkuan kau, bunuhlah! takleh juga? haaa, kau belalah budak ni sampai dia besar.
at every step, against logic. tapi Allah tunjuk kuasaNya tak tertakluk kepada logik akal. |
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 7-2-2009 06:10 PM
so if a student came out with certain ideas, then it is expectedthat anoter student wil expand or they would find out more about it.They are not expect to come up with the exact answer...tapi tulah tu.tey need to do a lot more lah no spoon feeding , tapi yg dok adani...nak buat lit review pun ..ish i pening sungguh they do not knowwhat is plagiarism!!! they like to quote website that journal..depatak dilatih cari journal sesangat..depa akan guna yahoo..but jarangnak guna google schloar or even subscribed databases...ni yg bila itengok research proposal i nak eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..bak kata nak korekkorekkkk bijik materr...
but lagi satu pengajar kena bagi encouragement , it's okay to givewrong answer nobody would say stuoid nobody cares it does notmatter..sebab apa yg i tengok ialah bila tanya studnt kita akan tundukmuka ...kan kan?
haiiyyaaa.... mau komplen pasal edukasyen 3 hari 3 malam tak abis.. it's our culture la i think yg menyebabkan bebudak ni pasif n don't get it ( it = plagiarism, curiosity, finding things for themselves...). satu lagi, bila sumenye nak dimeasure pakai numbers, budak2 pun kejar numbers aje la. but the spirit of learning tu takde.
bagus jugak bebudak iran n arab dtg sini. biar budak2 kita tau langit tinggi rendah. budak2 iran ni, bila kita tell something, dia play with the idea, dia tanya kita, what if i do this, what if i do that... budak2 kita pulak, setakat tau untuk periksa aje. bila kita bagi budak iran A, dia pulak B, dia tanya kenapa. kita pun cakaplah tengok budak iran tu punya exploring of the idea, sedangkan awak tu cuma setakat periksa aje.
satu lagi, budak2 kita ni dah masuk univ pun masih nak latih tubi lagi.. haiyyaaa..... kat univ kena straighten the thinking larrr, contemplate on ideas, argue your ideas..
satu lagi (hehehe tak abis2 satu lagi), tak reti nak argue their ideas. bila buat soalan, dah siap kira2, dapat jawapan, kita suruh dia bagi reasoning and justify jawapan dia, tak reti... |
tak mustahil one day human will try to apply that under the ocean pulak kan , think about it , walkways deep under the ocean so that we can enjoy the scenery down there bestnya kan
>>>> consider this done : Dover --- Calais |
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Category: Belia & Informasi