a friends is just like a fiddle strings
she must not be screwed too tight...
n i have three kinds of friends:
those who love me..
those who pay no attention to me..
and those who detest me..
most people enjoy the inferiority of their friends..
n my true friends have always given me that supreme proof of devotion..
a spontaneous aversion for a friend i loved..;)
so long as we are loved by others, n i should say that..
we are almost indispensable; and no man is useless while he has a friend..
it is more shameful to distrust one's friends than to be deceived by them..
God gives us our relatives.. thanks God.. n we can choose our friends..
a friends is just like a fiddle strings she must not be screwed too tight...
n i have three kinds of friends: those who love me.. those who pay no attention to me.. and those who detest me..
most people enjoy the inferiority of their friends.. n my true friends have always given me that supreme proof of devotion.. a spontaneous aversion for a friend i loved..;) so long as we are loved by others, n i should say that.. we are almost indispensable; and no man is useless while he has a friend.. it is more shameful to distrust one's friends than to be deceived by them..
God gives us our relatives.. thanks God.. n we can choose our friends..
My Wish For You....
I wish you happiness The kind that's deep withinyour soul and shines through your eyes...;)
I wish you serenity and a sense of perspective that calms you and lends you understanding in the most difficult times.....
I wish you success in every facet of your lifes.... Satisfaction and contentment in everything you do.....
I wish you dreams with the promise of their fulfillment a lifetime of extraordinary memories and a path which leads to beautiful tomorrows.....
Above all wish you could see.... What a difference you make in my life and how grateful I am to know you.....
I believe... God sends us special friends to share our lives...
Very special people we can be ourselves with... talk with....laugh with.... hope with and believe with..... friends like YOU....
I'm sure God knows.... just how special you are to me...... and right now, I'm hoping that YOU know too....;)
rose u know what
this mornin' i'm 'blurr'
donno even 2 recite a poem{:1_125:}.
ONLY a short phrase from me[Anonymous] `A life with love will have some thorns,
BUT life without love will have no roses`