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Author: bobby2008

[Tempatan] AirAsia Indonesia (QZ8501) [V2]: Jumlah Mangsa Dijumpai - 34 orang. #201

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Post time 8-1-2015 01:16 PM | Show all posts
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Flying on wild guesses and wild weather

AFTER such an eventful, controversial and tragedy-filled year, I wanted my column to strike an upbeat note.

But as luck, fate, whatever would have it, more bad news hit us in the remaining days of 2014: many states in Malaysia were hit by severe floods, sending thousands fleeing to temporary shelters. And, as if that wasn't bad enough, on Sunday, Indonesia AirAsia Flight QZ8501 from Surabaya to Singapore went missing with 162 people on board.

All of us who heard the news must have reacted in a similar way - shock, followed by disbelief. Then, when the truth could not be denied, that wretched sense of loss and sorrow.

I was at a mall in Malaysia shortly after I got the news and when I ventured into a store, the sales assistant was quite jovial about the missing plane, telling her co-worker that no Malaysians were on board, as if that made it all right.

Indeed, most of the passengers and crew were Indonesian, but there was a Malaysian, a businessman from Sarawak, as well as one Briton, one Singaporean and three South Koreans. Among them were 16 children and one infant.

I don't think the sales assistant meant to be callous, but it is certainly not all right. Even if Malaysia's loss was one citizen and it was an Indonesian-majority owned airline, we feel the pain because the victims are our neighbours.

Also making the rounds are conspiracy theories making a big deal of the AirAsia pilots' request to deviate from their scheduled route by ascending to a higher altitude and the plane having turned "slightly" by a few degrees.

All that brought back memories of the still missing Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Flight MH370 and its strange flight path, which obsessed us for months in the first quarter of last year.

But I believe there is nothing sinister in QZ8501's disappearance. In all likelihood, it was bad weather that downed the plane.

According to press reports, the pilot asked to divert his plane because of dense storm clouds, strong winds and lightning.

Aviation experts say modern planes can weather stormy flying conditions and experienced pilots know how to navigate such conditions. That seemed to be what the AirAsia pilots were trying to do. They were ascending to 38,000 feet when contact was lost.

But apparently the storm clouds had risen up to 52,000 feet, which means flying at 38,000 feet would not have helped the pilots overcome the extremely adverse weather.

All this is still speculation at this point and how big a role bad weather played in this air disaster remains unknown. But it cannot be denied that bad weather is increasingly becoming unprecedented wild weather, because of climate change.

The world is experiencing fierce erratic weather never seen before, or at least since we started recording weather patterns. So what aviation experts think they know about bad weather may not hold water any more. We could now be flying in uncharted weather conditions.

It is this thought that sends chills down my back. After all, almost everyone flies these days. I took almost 20 flights to destinations near and far last year.

Early last month, my sister and brother-in-law who flew to Tokyo from Singapore had their flight redirected to Haneda Airport because of bad weather at Narita.

My son, who also flew to Tokyo on the same day, arrived two hours late because his MAS flight out of Kuala Lumpur International Airport was delayed by bad weather. Then his connecting flight from Haneda to Chitose in Hokkaido was also delayed by two hours because of heavy snow.

I was waiting for the three of them to join me in Hokkaido, and tearing my hair out with worry and anger over the delays.

Now, with hindsight, I am thankful that nothing happened to them because wise decisions were made to delay and redirect their flights.

Statistically, flying remains the safest way to travel. As says, no other form of transport is as scrutinised, investigated and monitored as commercial aviation.

According to, which tracked accident data from 1993 to 2012, we have a one-in-4.7-million chance of being killed flying on one of the world's major airlines, on any single flight. And the odds are still one in two million even if we are flying on an airline with the worst safety record.

"The most dangerous part of your airline flight is the trip to the airport," aviation and national-security expert Carl Rochelle told NBC News.

That is cold comfort to the bereft relatives of the passengers of Flight QZ8501. I, too, am shaken by this latest air disaster so close to home, and spooked by the thought that wild weather may cause planes to crash. But it will not stop me from flying. In fact, I plan to travel quite a bit this year on both MAS and AirAsia.

I have started making my holiday plans, pencilling in dates, destinations and working out my budget. But I will also pay more attention to the weather conditions and work my dates to avoid typhoon or monsoon seasons, for example.

It is my dream to see more of this big, beautiful world, which is a major item on my bucket list. That dream is possible, thanks to the phenomenal growth of the aviation industry.

Yes, the loss of Flight QZ8501 is a horribly sad way to close the year, and I will mourn the passing of the victims. But I refuse to let fear cloud my future as it would be self-defeating.

So let's keep our chin up, square our shoulders, bid goodbye to our annus horribilis and do all in our power to make 2015 a happier new year.

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Post time 8-1-2015 01:21 PM | Show all posts
Edited by biggirlduncry at 8-1-2015 04:48 PM

Jan 8:

9.43am: Meteorological services say weather conditions for the search are best in 12 days, and divers entered water at 6am near tail, Channel NewsAsia reports. The black box has about 18 days of signal left. Transmission was detected in tail vicinity yesterday before being lost.

12.21pm: The Indonesian government has asked AirAsia to take no more than 7 days after bodies have been identified to pay compensation, reports Channel NewsAsia.

12.37pm: Malaysian navy vessel KD Perak recovers body of female victim. Body will be handed over to BASARNAS, says Malaysia's Chief of Navy.

1.39pm: Four investigators from Airbus have already seen images shot by divers inspecting the plane tail.
While the images have not shown any sign of the black box, an investigator from the Indonesia National Transportation Safety Committee said they are "quite sure" the black box is in or near the wreckage.
“If it is detached from the original position because of the impact... I hope and I am quite sure it will be not far from the wreckage that we found yesterday,” he said.

2.31pm: [size=15.6000003814697px]Divers have reached the tail of the aircraft, but did not manage to penetrate the tail due to strong currents and poor visibility.


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Post time 8-1-2015 01:30 PM | Show all posts
menhub indon tengah menggelupor pasal konon izin rute ini akibat kan banyak flight delay dan kena kansel di indon sekarang.

harus la kena cerca dgn rakyat jelata.

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Post time 8-1-2015 01:40 PM | Show all posts
Vokuro replied at 4-1-2015 11:32 PM
abaikan sis posting ummah yg tak tahu apa itu meter dan kilometer dan tidak tahu beda antara satu  ...

hahaha.. yg ni lawak

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Post time 8-1-2015 02:59 PM | Show all posts
Decaffeinated replied at 7-1-2015 11:08 PM
mungkin sebab jumlah nya ramai.

misal ada satu mayat yang bengkak dan decomposed mahu dipertont ...

Actually this makes sense. Its proven now Im the only one bodoh hahahaa. I tak imagine scenario tu. Ingatkan macam bila dapat jer, semua pegi tengok pakat pakat try identify

Of  course its not like that, like you said no one can stand it. I think lepas identify baru panggil family tengok.

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Post time 8-1-2015 04:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Penyelam TNI AL yang menemukan ekor pesawat AirAsia QZ8501, Serma Marinir Boflen Sirait mengungkap, kondisi ekor pesawat tersebut saat ini dalam posisi menancap atau menungging dan sudah hancur. "Posisinya nungging, nancep. Sirip atas masih ada, tapi pintunya sudah rusak, terbuka, ngempleh-ngempleh(?). Kursi juga sudah tidak ada. Sepertiga body belakang (ekor) sudah pecah, sudah tidak utuh," ungkap Boflen usai menyelam di KRI Banda Aceh, perairan Laut Jawa, Kamis (8/1/2015).

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Post time 8-1-2015 04:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Serma Marinir Boflen Sirait mengaku cukup sukar menyelami rongga bagian ekor AirAsia. Selain visibility atau jarak pandang tidak ada, arus di kedalaman lokasi ekor tersebut sangat deras. Belum lagi kondisi ekor yang sudah sebagian hancur. Karena itu,  Tim Penyelam menyiapkan  peralatan berupa 2 gergaji besi, 1  kapak dan 1 linggis untuk mendapatkan black box yang diduga masih berada di  ekor pesawat AirAsia.


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Post time 8-1-2015 04:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Panglima TNI  Jenderal Moeldoko  memimpin doa keberangkatan tim  penyelam menuju lokasi pengangkatan ekor pesawat AirAsia QZ8501 di Laut Jawa.Sebelum berdoa, Moeldoko mendengarkan presentasi hasil penemuan dan rencana pengangkatan ekor AirAsia selama kurang lebih 40 menit. Presentasi dilakukan Komandan SAR Laut Laksamana Pertama TNI Abdul Rasyid dan Panglima Koarmabar Laksamana Muda TNI Widodo.


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Post time 8-1-2015 04:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Penyelam gabungan TNI AL pun tengah mengupayakan pengangkatan ekor pesawat itu dari kedalaman antara 30-35 meter.  Langkah awalnya, tim penyelam  yang terdiri 17 orang itu akan menuju ke titik koordinat.Sampai titik koordinat, 2 penyelam mengikatkan tali dari ekor AirAsia ke perahu karet agar memudahkan tim penyelam ke lokasi. Lalu 2 penyelam berikutnya membawa floating bag atau balon untuk mengangkat ekor AirAsia.


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Post time 8-1-2015 04:49 PM | Show all posts
Indonesian school mourns students lost in QZ8501 tragedy
SURABAYA — Students at the Merlion International School in Surabaya today (Jan 5) began the new academic term tinged with sadness for the friends they lost during the school holidays.
Grayson Linaksita, 11, and his elder sister, Kathleen, were on AirAsia flight QZ8501, which crashed with 162 people on board in last week.

“Thank you Grayson for the memories, you will no longer have to go to school, but going to where you’re going right now, you will gain more wisdom than many of us,” said Ms Apple Suemith, Grayson and Kathleen’s teacher.
Grayson and Kathleen were headed to Singapore with their parents from Surabaya on Dec 28, when the flight they were on went missing. Wreckage and bodies were found days later in the Java Sea.
Teachers and students at the school in the Indonesian city were still reeling from shock.
“Losing two children is devastating for many of us because we really feel like we lost a family member, and in this case we have two,” said school principal Madam Flor Ponce.
“I was in touch with my friend who is a psychologist and she’s going to help us debrief the students but when I was messaging them while on holiday, asking them how they were feeling, I think they haven’t really fully internalised what has happened, although they’re very sad,” said Ms Suemith.
The loss was most strikingly felt, when at the school assembly, no one was there to receive Grayson’s trophy, which he had won in a football tournament with his team just before the school holiday commenced.
But the school has decided that Grayson will get his award. His trophy will be brought the funeral home, in a final tribute to the goalkeeper. CHANNEL NEWSASIA


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Post time 8-1-2015 04:53 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 8-1-2015 04:59 PM | Show all posts
truly replied at 7-1-2015 03:19 PM
Kalau pun muka bengkak, orang kalau dari kurus pastu gemuk pun kita boleh kenal.

Tah la, just c ...

ada jugak mayat yang dah berubah sifatnya..tambahan 3 hari dalam air.. mayat mengelembung dan fizikal berubah..
lagipun itu procedure untuk kenal pasti mayat..  dan nak puaskan hati waris..


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Post time 8-1-2015 05:11 PM | Show all posts
PENING aku thread ni bila byk org kopipes berito indon......

wak sarjo.........................................

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Post time 8-1-2015 09:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
GuaAnakMelaka posted on 8-1-2015 09:11 AM
PENING aku thread ni bila byk org kopipes berito indon......

wak sarjo........................... ...

sebab pesawat tu jatuh di laut jowo...bukan di selat meloko..

wak doyok........

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Post time 8-1-2015 09:50 PM | Show all posts
Kerêta_Angin replied at 8-1-2015 09:44 PM
sebab pesawat tu jatuh di laut jowo...bukan di selat meloko..

nasib baik ada NEW YORK TIMES .....

x pening bAca paper  MAT Saleh.................

paper Indon cam Kompas mmg  poning....

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Post time 9-1-2015 04:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
AirAsia crash: 'ping' signals from black box detected

Jakarta: "Ping" signals from the black  box of downed AirAsia flight QZ8501  have been detected 300 metres from  the aircraft's sunken tail section,  Indonesian army commander Moeldoko  has confirmed.

General Moeldoko said the ping was picked up by Indonesian ship Jadayat well away from the tail, which is the current focus of the search and recovery effort.

"We are chasing the sound and are sending divers in the direction of the 'ping'," he said.

General Moeldoko also said the tail  section of the plane was part submerged in mud at the bottom of the Karimata Strait. ... 0150109-12l3zk.html

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Post time 9-1-2015 04:55 PM | Show all posts
Akhirnya dah dpt kesan isyarat ping.

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Post time 9-1-2015 07:08 PM | Show all posts
Isyarat ping udah berdenyut. potensi besar nak jumpa tu dah ada sangat dah. Bagi beberapa jam lagi jumpa la tu.

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Post time 10-1-2015 02:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
So camne skang. Dh tau punca crash?

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Post time 10-1-2015 09:15 AM | Show all posts
Five other airlines found to have flown routes without permits

JAKARTA — Indonesia’s Transport Ministry yesterday said five other airlines, including state carrier Garuda Indonesia and private airline Lion Air, were found to have violated rules by flying some routes without permits. The flight routes have been suspended until the necessary documentation are obtained by the respective airlines.

This comes after the ministry suspended AirAsia’s Surabaya-Singapore licence, saying the airline had permission to fly the route only on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Flight QZ8501, which crashed into the Java Sea on Dec 28, had been flying on a Sunday.

Indonesia AirAsia, which is 49 per cent owned by the Malaysia-based AirAsia budget group, has come under pressure from the authorities in Jakarta since the crash.

Following the suspension, the government began conducting a week-long audit to review flight approvals at five major airports across Indonesia.

The crash of flight QZ8501 and the issues that have surfaced from the incident have sparked mixed reactions from the public, with some calling for those responsible to be fired from their positions immediately. The Indonesian government has said disciplinary action will be taken against those directly responsible for AirAsia’s unscheduled route, but some have called for a softer approach.

Speaking at a press conference, Transport Minister Ignasius Jonan said 11 air transport officials would face disciplinary action for the permit fiasco and that efforts would be made to prevent a repeat of such a violation.

He also said the consequences for Garuda and the other budget airlines would not be severe, stating that they could apply to operate the routes that had just been suspended. AGENCIES

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