weii korang...
wayang citer ni still fullhouse lagi ke?
aku tak tgk2 lagi ni...bila nak pegi pun tak tau..
aku malas la nak pi tgk time2 org ramai nih...
aku suka tgk wayang bila dah tak ramai org...
kira cam panggung tu aku yg punye laa..:lol
baru leh menghayati citer ngan baik...
kalu tak..byk gangguan aah..
hehe...cerewet tak aku? :bgrin: |
balia This user has been deleted
Originally posted by imf at 9-3-2005 06:15 PM:
haha... kalau nak tahu, sharifah amani masa waktu penggambaran filem sepet ni ada jatuh cinta betul-betul dengan ng choo seong tu... katanya, sebab choo seong hensem, dan choo seong sendiri boleh t ...
haha, itu yang saya post di chinese forum, qqjeffkan, itu source daripada akhbar mingguan hiburan cina, Young Express, edisi 258. ah...dia bukan art designer, tetapi Art Director di Leo Burnett Advertising Firm, syarikat sama dengan Yasmin Ahmad.
saya ada satu article yang interview dia, saya postkanlar
[ Last edited by balia on 9-3-2005 at 06:49 PM ] |
balia This user has been deleted
Just in for the ride (interview with Ng Choo Seong)
THE movie Sepet deals with young inter-racial courtship, Malaysian-style, but it is also about unconditional love for others.
On the set of Sepet the young cast built a 搈akeshift family |
yess..akhirnya berjaya gak aku tgk sepet...spt yg korang, cakap cinema dipenuhi dgn warga berbilang kaum...hehe..
aku duduk row ke-3 dari belakang middle seat...line aku and depan aku mostly org melayu..3 row kebelakang dan 4 row kedepan hampir kesemuanya cina..sampai aku rasa cam tgk citer cina plak...
film ini meet my expectation just a little set back...kan bagus kalau aku tak baca thread ni dulu sblm aku tgk sepet..sbb aku dah baca terlampau banyak spoiler..thanks to u guys:bgrin:..eventho spoiler..scene2 dia berjaya gak touch aku walaupun aku dah tau apa akan jadi...
aku cukup suka opening credit film nih...a pencil-like line scratching the name of the production crew with mandarin song on the background..even for the opening credit cukup untuk menimbulkan mood utk audien memahami sepet..begitu jugak dgn camera-work..sgt cantik dan professional..aku rasa cam tgk iklan petronas selama 2 jam...begitu juga dgn editing dan sound..smooth and high-quality..
protagonist2 dalam sepet mempunyai chemistry yg sgt tinggi...lakonan chee seong and sharifah amani sgt menyakinkan dan bersahaja membuatkan scene nampak natural..tak dibuat2 and tak stereotype..camera work jugak banyak membantu dalam menghidupkan naturality dlm scene2 nih...aku rasa aku bersetuju dgn semua positive opinion dari korang mengenai film nih
but nothing is perfect..bagi aku ada gak kelemahan2 dlm sepet..ini just pendapat amatur aku but aku rasa its quite obvious for audien to detect..aku bukan nak kritik dari segi logikal macam scene berkemban and semua tuh..tu bg aku is creative idea and not superficial...aku just nak kritik beberapa acting ability by some supporting actors...aku rasa karekter mat saleh celup(bf kpd bestpren orked) agak lemah..acting mamat tu agak stiff and in some way mcm merosakkan plak scene tuh coz lakonan sharifah armani and bestfren dia tu natural and strong..so tak balance...begitu jugak dgn beberapa skrip dlm scene..nampak agak tak natural..1 example, scene orked nak pegi airport dia baca surat jason dgn mak dia..dialog yg dia minta hp dari mak dia tu sound spt sgt formal..aku rasa org x akan mintak something while crying with formal sentence like "mak can i borrow your handphone please.."..people tend to speak it short when it comes to that kind of situation..and scene macha jual bunga kat diaorg tu pun aku rasa nampak cam tak berapa logik coz xpenah plak dibuat org jual bunga dari meja ke meja kat dlm fast-food restoran..lainla open-air foodstall cam mapley...but this kind of "error" aku rasa x effect audien & aku still boleh accept it and have fun...maybe tak for mansur puteh heheheh
overall..sepet is a very good movie and highly recommended to watch...sepet takdela hebat sampai boleh disamakan ngan AADC(but in some way..sepet is far better than AADC..after all this is just my amatuer opinion tho)..tapi kalau nak dievaluate dari segi entertainment value..aku rasa mmg tak rugi..it worth a watch..almost all audien in the cinema laugh when it comes to funny scene and weep when it comes to sad scene...and most of the audien yg cried toward the end of the movies pun are chinese audien...that's what i proud bout this movie..
one more thing about sepet...eventho ianya memfokuskan subjek percintaan antara MELAYU dan CINA tapi yasmin ahmad berjaya menggabungkan elemen ketiga2 bangsa dgn begitu melodramatik sekali...walaupun subject adalah cina dan melayu..tetapi elemen INDIA digunakan sebagai "penghubung" kepada subject..contohnya..jason membacakan puisi dari penyajak agung india iaitu Tagore...ibu jason meminati amitabh bachan and kalau tak salah aku ade beberapa lagu hindustan terselit dalam filem nih...
aku puas hati tengok sepet..and aku harap ade lagi filem2 yg memfilemkan mengenai "Malaysia" bukan "Melayu"....and kalau nak bagi rating..bagi aku filem ini first malay film yg buat aku nak tgk lagi sekali kat wayang... |
bug_vengeance This user has been deleted
terimalah sembah dari saya
saya berterima kasih kerana awak menghantar mp3 sam hui itu kepada saya
terima kasih ya saudara balia
Originally posted by king_kong at 11:19 PM:
yess..akhirnya berjaya gak aku tgk sepet...spt yg korang, cakap cinema dipenuhi dgn warga berbilang kaum...hehe..
aku duduk row ke-3 dari belakang middle seat...line aku and depan aku mostly org ...
:: best tol la king_kong nye posting... aku menyokong 100% apa yg king_kong cakap... mmg betul apa yg king_kong ckap.. penuh merendah diri dan yep, bijak... !! |
Originally posted by lollipop at 2005-2-15 05:16 PM:
nk tgk amani berlakon
"don't stereotype people la," kata Keong dalam Sepet
:cool::cool::cool: |
Originally posted by buiscasey at 9-3-2005 13:52:
ish.. tak nak aku vic. tak suka tgk dia. biar la si jason tu. aku rasa lakonan dia paling excellent dlm filem sepet.

yelah , walapun limau minat kat Vic, tapi watak Jason tak sesuai dengan diakan.. memang untuk seong.. |
1st time tgk sepet aku nangis sungguh2 daugwh.....that was last few weeks,masa tu tgk kat OU,panggung memang fullhouse ah,puas ati betul masa tu....rasa mcm nak tgk agi...
pastu semalam aku tgk agi,baru nampak few weakness,some scenes nampak fake,pastu makeup si jason tu terlalu ketara..nampak buruk...
member aku yg sungguh2 bawa aku tgk(sampai terpaksa burn class)tak puas ati ngan this film..,he s such a deep thinker..aku 2nd time tgk pon masih boleh njoy..walupon taklah teruja sgt mcm masa 1st time dulu....for sure watak amani in this film takleh direspect sgt.. |
btool tu king kong....sebenarnya sepet melibatkan banyak bangsa kalau dilihat pada lagulagunya......Yasmin ambik lagu dari seluruh dunia termasuk orchestra Czech pun ada...kerana falsafahnya kita manusia adalah sama......
anyway berkenaan puisi Tagore tuh...rasanya ada suatu kebetulan yg misteri...aku tak berapa ingat....tapi rasanya.....1st shoting Sepet dibuat kat sebuah sekolah di Ipoh....dan kemudian barulah tahu lokasi pertama ini pernah disebut dalam puisi Tagore yg mana namanya disebut dalam 1st scene dlm sepet....errr...boleh paham ker ?
kalau tak silap aku begitu la ceritanya....tapi mungkin juga aku silap...pesal ingat tak ingat je...... |
anyway macam biasa tak ada bende yg boleh memuaskan hati semua orang....setiap perkara ada pro dan kontranya....tak ada perkara yg perfect dalam dunia...
dan aku jumpa ini dlm blog kawan aku.....dia ambik artikel ni dari bolg org lain pula....yg tak suka sepet....dan aku copy n paste kat sini pula.....
mungkin ramai lagi yg tak suka...taste masing2 nak buat camana kan....
I hate Sepet.
I dont understand the hype about it. For me its just another Malay movie that I dont have to watch. Its like mixing Sembilu with American History. Thankfully Awie is not in it, and although Harith Iskandar may not look exactly like Edward Norton, he's still cute.
What's with the `9As dont get scholarship issue'?? What was the message in that? That Malays dont deserve what they get? Can't these people just accept the way things are? I wonder what the critics would say if I do a film about chinks running the economy and putting the Malays to a slow death. Err... what a minute. I dont need to do that cos its already happening. Nobody makes reality movies, except when it involves Donald Trump.
But to Yasmin Ahmad, the ideal world is in the movies. She just had to suck up to them and be seen politically correct, though thats probably just in her mind.
And what about the ending? Dont u think its just taking the easy way out? Just kill off the main character and then leave the audience gasping for answers. I guess she really lived up to the expectations that Malays are plain lazy. Just do a death scene and boom, the movie ends, go to credits and blame the censorship board if it cant sell. But for some reason the audience are stupid enough to think the movie is good.
My advice to Yasmin is as follows: If you want to do a movie, errm... well, just dont bother.
http://takdekerje.blogspot.com |
rofl This user has been deleted
Originally posted by GAIA at 10-3-2005 03:44 PM:
anyway macam biasa tak ada bende yg boleh memuaskan hati semua orang....setiap perkara ada pro dan kontranya....tak ada perkara yg perfect dalam dunia...
dan aku jumpa ini dlm blog kawan aku.... ...
hhAhhahHAHHAHAHA...dia tak leh terima hakikat kot ...ntah ntah dia melayu HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA |
Originally posted by GAIA at 10-3-2005 03:44 PM:
anyway macam biasa tak ada bende yg boleh memuaskan hati semua orang....setiap perkara ada pro dan kontranya....tak ada perkara yg perfect dalam dunia...
dan aku jumpa ini dlm blog kawan aku.... ...
yasmin yg malas nak buat ending ke dia yg malas nak pk kemungkinan yg tersirat :cak: |
Originally posted by GAIA at 10-3-2005 03:44 PM:
anyway macam biasa tak ada bende yg boleh memuaskan hati semua orang....setiap perkara ada pro dan kontranya....tak ada perkara yg perfect dalam dunia...
dan aku jumpa ini dlm blog kawan aku.... ...
org yg tulis tu obviously racist (chink is a racist word!!) and he/she is not the type of person yg tahu appreciate movies. |
rofl This user has been deleted
Originally posted by ashna at 10-3-2005 05:39 PM:
org yg tulis tu obviously racist (chink is a racist word!!) and he/she is not the type of person yg tahu appreciate movies.
hhhaahahhaha... |
Originally posted by GAIA at 2005-3-10 03:44 PM:
anyway macam biasa tak ada bende yg boleh memuaskan hati semua orang....setiap perkara ada pro dan kontranya....tak ada perkara yg perfect dalam dunia...
dan aku jumpa ini dlm blog kawan aku.... ...
well u guys..i think what gaia pasted tu just showed that MALAYSIAN PEOPLE ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT LOCAL FILM..and tak kisahla whether he or she tu melayu ke bangsa lain ke..but that person had made one crucial action yg denied that person self believe towards malay films..dia pegi tengok Sepet..that's it..so take that review as "balancer" for Sepet...as for myself..i think Sepet is a good movie..not a masterpiece but still good..aku pun bukanlah local film-goer..even Sepet pun kalau x kerana Yasmin Ahmad punya reputation i wouldnt even consider of watching it..
that person review on Sepet might sound harsh to u guys..IMO if Yasmin Ahmad read it i think she gladly accepted it...a film is not a good film if there's no one want to discover the negative side of the film...even film sehebat the godfather and taxi driver pun pernah dpt worst review from some of great film critics....
aku rasa org yg tulis review tu actually ade point gak...yasmin ahmad try to re-create a "perfect world" in her Sepet...so aku rasa ape yg kawan gaia jem pasal Sepet ni is ketidakpuashatian dia mengenai how yasmin ahmad think that Sepet is an example of the "actual" life in Malaysia...but the thing is..life in Malaysia aren't that "beautiful and perfect" like yasmin ahmad interpreted it thru Sepet..itu pendapat aku mengenai ape yg kawan GAIA thinks la...correct me if i'm wrong...
kawan GAIA tu aku rasa mmg seoarg yg terlalu realistic..maybe dia byk tgk filem2 martin scorcese or gus van sant heheh...and Sepet plak terlalu byk hype dgn label2 spt "the real-life film about malaysia" and "filem malaysia" or so to speak..so film-goer2 yg "level" dia lagi tinggi dari kita maybe mempunyai a very high expectation kat Sepet..maybe diaorg igt yasmin ahmad ni bole disamakan dgn martin scorsese or gus van sant..tu yg diaorg silap kot...put a very high hopes based on hype..
ape2pun i think kawan GAIA punya post tu is a good post..eventho sound harsh but still have points..bukan mcm mansur puteh heheh...im not backing or agreed with kawan GAIA punya review coz i like Sepet and what yg kwn GAIA review tu ade betulnya..
anyway nothing is perfect kan... |
Originally posted by GAIA at 10-3-2005 03:44 PM:
What's with the `9As dont get scholarship issue'?? What was the message in that? That Malays dont deserve what they get? Can't these people just accept the way things are? I wonder what the critics would say if I do a film about chinks running the economy and putting the Malays to a slow death.
ni memang bab sensitif... kalau ia realiti, kenapa nak nafikan? apa yang yasmin cuba maksudkan, sometimes things are not same as what we thought... saya bukan nak kata apa, i know it will be a big issue... tapi sedar la hakikat, sememangnya perkara sebegini berlaku... yang 3A boleh dapat scholarship, dapat masuk u, yang 7/9A, hanya mampu ke ipts even jual vcd(macam jason)... sebab ipta tak boleh terima... disebabkan kuota... it's really happened... saya tak nak cakap it's unfair... but itu la realiti yang bangsa-bangsa lain perlu hadapi setiap tahun... ok, ambil contoh lain, bumiputera study ke luar negara dapat tajaan, mara, jpa... tapi ramai cina and bangsa lain perlu cari sumber lain... contoh, pinjam duit bank... orang tak tahu, tapi orang hanya tahu cakap, because chinese are rich, mampu... but, kisah di sebaliknya, orang tak tahu... dan kenapa orang cina pinjam bank loan, jual segala harta, sebab tak dapat bantuan langsung daripada sumber yang sepatutnya... orang tak tahu... that's what yasmin want to say in that issue... orang tak sedar, tapi realitinya berlaku... yasmin memang cuba bawa mesej supaya kita fikir tersiratnya... i hope that my words did'nt make people angry ok... i'm sorry... but what i'm say is true... |
haLLie This user has been deleted
manusia ada macam2 ragam..... panjang pendek akal yg menentukan. |
heh..baru jer nak komen napa semorang suka sangat Sepet...takkan detractors takda kot? ehehe...
anyway..walaupun Edge rasa ianya bagus...tapi belum la boleh nak dikatakan hebat...kan?
in time Yasmin will be better la...hopefully...if she still makes movies that is...
tapi takda ker orang terasa yang Sepet banyak sangat klise? |
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