EgyptAir#Sisa mayat hancur berkecai dengan kesan terbakar - Pakar Forensik Mesir
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tak perlulah disebokkan pasal kemalangan maut kapalterbang yg hanya 0.001 peratus setahun. berbanding kehilangan jiwa di jalanraya Msia yg meragut 7000 nyawa tanpa gagal setiap tahun. Itu sepatutnya fokus semua orang.
7000 setahun. dlm 10 tahun 70 ribu nyawa hilang di jalanraya Msia. |
somehow this tragedy reminds me of AF447
teringat kisah QZ8501..pagi tu aku naik flight transit KCH..landed KCH tengok muka stewardess sume ketat jek..dok kat luar barulah tahu sejam sebelum tu flight Air Asia ilang...
ketar lutut aku nak naik flight balik... |
AF447 sebab asal nya ada sensor yg iced/membeku kan sis then abang2 pilot pun acah2 panik tak reti nak handle issue gitu konsep.
kapten pun last minute baharu nak take charge, mendapat la kan?
dah brapa hari ya crash ni
belum jumpa apa2 body pax kan..
i penah baca reader's digest yesteryears punya..this guy tilik nasib dia akan mati dgn kapalterbang...so tak naik la flight..tetiba kapalterbang jatuh atas umah dia...mati gak la..
Dah ajal kan... macam cerita final destination... nak buat lasik pun jadi terbayang cite tu...
bertabahlah terutamanya family mgsa..mmg tak sanggup nk bygkan... |
Sisa-sisa mayat hancur dengan kesan terbakar -Forensik Mesir
http://www.foxnews.com/world/201 ... -official-says.html
Human remains recovered from the crash site of EgyptAir Flight 804 showed burn marks and were "very tiny," suggesting an explosion brought down the plane, a senior Egyptian forensics official told the Associated Press Tuesday.
Meanwhile, a U.S. official briefed on the latest intelligence told Fox News, "All signs continue to point to terrorism."
The official who spoke to the AP claimed he personally examined the remains of some of the plane's 66 passengers and crew at a Cairo morgue. He said all 80 pieces brought to Cairo so far are small and that "there isn't even a whole body part, like an arm or a head."
He added that at least one part of an arm had signs of burns -- an indication it might have "belonged to a passenger sitting next to the explosion."
The U.S. official speaking to Fox News said American satellites could have missed a potential explosion over the eastern Mediterranean. "Contrary to popular belief, we cannot see every part of the earth all the time."
The official said most U.S. satellites would be trained to positons on land and known areas of interest and not focused over an empty part of the sea, particularly the eastern Mediterranean.
The official would not rule out an explosion took place. To date, no terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the EgyptAir disaster.
The Airbus A320 crashed early Thursday morning near the end of a fight from Paris to Cairo. |
Changa replied at 23-5-2016 11:41 PM
AF447 sebab asal nya ada sensor yg iced/membeku kan sis then abang2 pilot pun acah2 panik tak reti ...
Kapten Tido kan masa tu. CO Pilot berangan nk jadi kapten...hujung2 menjunam dlm Atlantic |
Tak abis2 cakap terorism.. b0d0 punya US..
Kalau terorism kompom diorang dah claimed..
logik ke kalau terorism tapi takde sapa claim??
cukup2 ahh nak cover sekutu ko Al sisi.. dengan nak cover Boeing.. |
Harap dalam benang ni tiada tragedi black board.. |
alkisahnya malam sebelum tu berenjoy sampai tak cukup tido less than 2 hours...
beza masa dua minit je...kapten g tido then bangun jengok balik abg FO try handle permasalahan...dua minit jeeeee...and it happen..
Tok_Batin replied at 25-5-2016 12:19 PM
Sisa-sisa mayat hancur dengan kesan terbakar -Forensik Mesir
http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/0 ...
Innalillah, rip. |
box dia warna oren, in a way make sense juga disebut "black board", sebab board dia kat dalam, gelap....
takde kena mengena dgn atitude pilot pun..
ais yg membeku pd permukaan sensor tu punca segala2nya.
dia hantar false reading dan trigger banyak false alarm.
Autopilot terus disenggaged sbb dah confuse dgn bacaan speed.
Dlm masa yg sama high speed alarm dan low speed alarm triggered serentak. Itu memang tak mungkin la..
So, kedua2 copilot sepakat merumuskan yg pesawat sedang travel dlm keadaan high speed (padahal sebenarnya tak).
Segala jenis alarm mereka abaikan termasuk stall alarm (alarm yg ni accurate).
Bila captain masuk dia sendiri pun confuse apa yg sbnrnya dah berlaku. Take time nak faham dgn keadaan yg huru hara tu.
Akhirnya captain tersedar mereka dlm keadaan stall with low air speed.
Tapi dah terlambat nk recover..
Sejak tu airbus mengarahkan kesemua pesawat mereka yg menggunakan sensor jenama Thales ditukarganti.
Air France pulak mula melatih pilot2 diaorg utk menghadapi situasi yg mana kesemua bacaan komputer bertentangan antara satu sama lain.
dulu2 mmg blackbox kaler hitam..
tapi sgt susah nak dicari lebih2 lagi bila kapal terbang hangus segala benda pun kaler hitam..
so diaorg tukar kaler yg paling cerah iaitu kaler oren.
sbb tu semua peralatan kecemasan seperti jaket keselamatan, pelampung keselamatan, kon keselamatan, bola yg tergantung kat pencawang elektrik bervoltan tinggi, dan apa2 lagi laa kesemuanya berwarna oren.....
nama blackbox tu still maintain lagi laa..
motherboard dia yg kat dlm tu tetap kaler ijau
black board |
Dah jumpa blom blackboard...opss blackbox? |
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