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Inessa replied at 21-12-2016 11:58 PM
Who wants to hold my hands, hujung lady warda and weather this storm together? The road ahead is a b ...
I wanna hold ur hands....
seb_baik replied at 22-12-2016 12:09 AM
meols xnk tlalu ikutkan perasaan nk sedapkan ht or denial phase. meols mcm rasa dorg ada ckit argume ...
Agreed with u due2 ego... |
Inessa replied at 22-12-2016 12:04 AM
Both of them mangsa dalam ini cerita. Janganlah salahkan Lofa... there are forces out there distur ...
Ntah2 sheols merajuk sebab Tahtah taknak buat appearance esok kt NH acik2 yg overthink ni |
MissBennet replied at 21-12-2016 11:40 PM
Hahaha! Lebih kurang la cik mania...
Jgn lupa pm i gak acik bennet |
I pasrah la dgn lofattah ni.. tengok family fattah family sakinah sgt.. ibu dan adik2 dia bertudung labuh berstokin.. vs family kak love yg yeahhh babesss... semcm tak matching.. tak taulah klau memang jodoh diorg kuat |
Ya allahhh...i terus rasa migrain nak pitam dah ni..huaaaaaaa mcm mna nak stopkan propaganda ni semuaaaa.?.. satu lagi kesiankan la kat kuargaaa org.semua dorang kena tempias kalau benda tu tak betul pon |
BRB.....out pergi 7E kejap nk cari worda coffee, badly in need of caffeine fix |
AngelaBennett replied at 22-12-2016 12:09 AM
I will and always will...walaupun agak rengse la ngan perangai Love malam ni. Just hope depa GAME ...
Adoi love... sikit2 nak tantrum!
Chill sikit pls.. fattah really loves u. Ur feelings is mutual. dont u see that? |
nickapaeh replied at 22-12-2016 12:02 AM
Big hugs to you Jelly, I still believe in them. I love you and the rest as much aa I love them. Le ...
Me toooo....nak hugggss jugak. |
Apapun yang terjadi
Berjalanlah tanpa henti
Air mata tertahan
Waktu untuk dijatuhkan
Nanti kita kan tahu
Betapa bijaknya hidup - siti nurhaliza |
Vanillabean replied at 22-12-2016 12:14 AM
I pasrah la dgn lofattah ni.. tengok family fattah family sakinah sgt.. ibu dan adik2 dia bertudung ...
Who are we to judge them like that dear... for all we know they are good people yg kuat pegangan agama. |
mika_trisha replied at 22-12-2016 12:17 AM
Me toooo....nak hugggss jugak.
Let's hug berjemaah, positive2 juga but kaki mcm x larat nk bdiri |
nickapaeh replied at 22-12-2016 12:19 AM
Let's hug berjemaah, positive2 juga but kaki mcm x larat nk bdiri
Kak nick. Meh i papah. InsyaAllah tak goyang lg ni.. |
nickapaeh replied at 22-12-2016 12:16 AM
BRB.....out pergi 7E kejap nk cari worda coffee, badly in need of caffeine fix
Acik nick, check pm pls!!! |
Chill chill
Kita semua berckp based on assumption je....
Dah...jom tdo |
Edited by silentreader101 at 22-12-2016 12:35 AM
Dah kata sayangkan ego dua dua letak tepi pls the choices are in your hands |
Semoga esok lebih baik dari harini. Goodnight semua. Hugsss. |
nickapaeh replied at 22-12-2016 12:19 AM
Let's hug berjemaah, positive2 juga but kaki mcm x larat nk bdiri
Group hugsssssss |
Sebelum apa2 kot2 ada yg nak cedok ingat ni
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