So what pills are you on now?
stingerzz replied at 30-1-2018 03:06 PM
Kau belum jawab lagi kemusyikilan aku....earlier on kau sebut atau memberi gambaran crush itu tak ...
Susah la nk jwp i bkn refuse nk jwp.but i seriously tatau nk jawap mcm mn. Bg la i ms fikir skit. sabar ye |
You read law atau loyar buruk during your Uni years?
stingerzz replied at 30-1-2018 04:01 PM
You read law atau loyar buruk during your Uni years?
I x read how to answer to someone like u.dah la.gi balik gi |
Diversion is the best form of defence..have you not heard of this?
stingerzz replied at 30-1-2018 04:27 PM
Diversion is the best form of defence..have you not heard of this?
Eh i like u.hahahahaha |
wah wah noraidil mengorek rahasia rahasia lama ye ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
hah let me tell you lah that sometimes, the best chats yg i had was with my kids when they were 5 6 7 8 years old... downhill after that ha ha
waalaikumussalam, that is a very cultivated response genki. mature you ni. tak mcm i yg emotionally bland, uninteresting in character
Yg lain ibarat passing clouds dok?
hey, my sister used to stay in section 14! jaya supermarket ek?
my bil salu gak bawak i gi situ beli groceries. ade lagi tak jaya tu
thrifty's satu lagi
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... nora i can read you; u somehow suka someone at a tangent; i understand that.. at least i think i do. i rasa u dont want the responsibility of liking soemone. there is so much to do, to invest in if u started to like someone and kena maintain that ''like'' once u dah dapat him.
ipes2 replied at 30-1-2018 04:52 PM
hey, my sister used to stay in section 14! jaya supermarket ek?
my bil salu gak bawak i gi situ b ...
I reserved my comment la, while mr stingers is still around.lol |
ipes2 replied at 30-1-2018 04:52 PM
hey, my sister used to stay in section 14! jaya supermarket ek?
my bil salu gak bawak i gi situ b ...
Seksyen 14 now is not seksyen 14 yg kite kenal dulu.skrg best dlm versi skrg.but all the hang out place is gone. No more jaya supermarket.tgi friday is not there also. I hope baker's cottage is still there.
Thrifty dkt dgn hilton kan?i rase dh x de juga.
Look how ancient we are.lol |
Edited by ipes2 at 30-1-2018 05:12 PM
yes, bila berdua bukan muhrim, yg ketiga ialah syaitan. sgt berbeza situasi nya dgn hadith2 lain yg kata jgn risau jika berdua yg ketiga ialah Allah etc.
ya, agak bahaya. even if si lelaki takde niat, maybe si wanita does. lebih baik elak.
''? Sebab kau lurus dan tak merbahaya?'' ha ha, jgn lah sekali kali any wanita ingat lelaki yg mcm boring and lurus tu tak boleh berubah, salah tu stingerzz. I know diri i, lama dah i know, dari zaman my teens lagi, that i ini agak merbahaya..
..xxx xxxx xxx xxxxx xxxxx
ipes2 replied at 30-1-2018 05:01 PM
yes, bila berdua bukan muhrim, yg ketiga ialah syaitan. sgt berbeza situasi nya dgn hadith2 lain y ...
Haaaaaaa.what have u done to that women!!!! |
Edited by ipes2 at 30-1-2018 05:13 PM
that was very urbane of you , to buy a guy a drink.
apa actually definasi wanita melayu terakhir
that was from a movie kan
Maruah somi kau, kau letak kat kepala lutut ...apa setakat aku kat sini, kau nak reserve your comment?
Melayan memuji jantan dalam forum termasuk dalam kategori crush yg tak tergolong kategori curang? Selagi suami Bagi izin?
Atau Meraikan crush jantan lain itu satu perkara normal dalam dunia global hari ni?
vitamin c
vitamin e
b complex
and then
kalau rajin fish oil and sometime kalau nak umph i ambil pill kacip patimah
now now, dont be bashful Nora, just answer the gentleman's question there please @stingerzz
no commotion here .
just bertukar pendapat and exploring curiosities
The final one left standing....when all already taken....
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan