ade website buat paraody pasal 300...haahha...
Long ago, in days of old, there once was the kingdom of Sparta, home of the greatest warriors in the world.One day, a Persian messenger arrived on really slow horses, so slowthey were practically in slow-motion. The messenger sought the ruler ofSparta, King Letightanus to bear a message from Emperor Jerkxes.
揈arth and water |
Reply #319 LimpBizkutMerri's post
no. because your points are laughably stupid, that there's no point to argue anymore. i made my points and your responses just further proves your NAIVITY.
to put it simply, you just dont get it.
lagipun kenapa ko suka sangat? aku dah bagi dah point2 aku kenapa aku kata filem ni bodoh. aku nak tau. |
Originally posted by LimpBizkutMerri at 4-4-2007 03:24 PM
ade website buat paraody pasal 300...haahha...
Long ago, in days of old, there once was the kingdom of Sparta, home of the greatest warriors in the world.One day, a Persian messenger arrived o ...
the dialogues here are infinitely better than the actual movie. |
Originally posted by maberik at 4-4-2007 03:26 PM
no. because your points are laughably stupid, that there's no point to argue anymore. i made my points and your responses just further proves your NAIVITY.
to put it simply, you just dont get ...
LOL.. it's ur point is stupid not mine.... who are asking why there is bottomless pit in the village?? who that ask why got ppl with goat head and unsatisfied with ppl with goat head????i u or me???
seems that it is u that done have anything more to argue...not me.....it is u that asking many question without strong argument for it... i juz simply replied it
[ Last edited by LimpBizkutMerri at 4-4-2007 03:37 PM ] |
Reply #324 LimpBizkutMerri's post
i didnt ask why there's a bottomless pit in the village. i *criticize* the very existence of that pit. and the stupidity of the characters in that particular scene (macam yg yellow_belmont terangkan tu). dan-dan je persians tu boleh berenti berdiri membelakangi lobang tu. cam dah ready nak kene tendang. tak ke bangang tu (in film context)?
[ Last edited by maberik at 4-4-2007 03:41 PM ] |
Originally posted by maberik at 3-4-2007 02:13 AM
kalau bukan bottomless pun. tak rasa bodoh ke dan2 pulak ada lobang tengah2 kampung tu? LOBANG ok. dan2 pulak persians tu nak berenti berdiri kat situ. 'convenience' yang tak ...
see that.. ur own question with stupid argument.. argue about goat head because it juz plain stupid for ur opinion wut the heckkk.. maybe u know about other races cultures and tradition...LOL..now which one making stupid argument... |
laa.. name pun filmmm.. if u noticed laa... mase leonidas ajak let's take a walk.. mmg diorang berjalan ke arah tuuuu... cume yg messenger tu yg x realized.. diorang berjalan ke arah manerr...tak terpikir ke.. pasal ape leonidas ikut jalan tuuu.. dan berenti kat situuuu...awal awal lagi die dah tauuu.. kan yg the ethian dah turn the offer yg persian bagii....and of coz king leonidas tau who that he dealing withhh |
lemme list the reasons i called this movie stupid in "point form". seeing that youre unable to "read" in paragraphs.
- Slow-motion yang melampau banyak. perlu ke tiap-tiap scene tu ada slow-motion? perlu ke babak orang jalan kaki pun nak slow-motion? dan mana rasa "thrill" aksi bila semua action scenes dah di slow-motion kan. nak tetido aku tunggu Leonidas nak libas parang je. kalau nak banyak slow motion baik buat music video je. takpun jadi trailer movie je.
- Dialog yang ntahapehape. tak abis2 bebel pasal 'freedom', 'honor', 'glory' yang tak membawa apa-apa makna. cakap-cakap kosong. i just wished they would just shut up and get on with the bloodshed.
- plot yang klise melampau+simplistic. sebenarnya aku tak expect pun plotnya bagus, tapi takkan la seteruk macam ni. pergerakan cerita macam video game. hero2 gerak dari satu level ke level lain. fighting off hordes of enemies with increasing difficulties. siap ada stage 'lawan boss' lagi tu. sebijik cam video game.
- the spartans are gays. end. |
Reply #327 LimpBizkutMerri's post
oh tak tau pulak aku orang Persians ni buta. lubang sikit punya besar cam tu tak nampak. |
Originally posted by maberik at 4-4-2007 04:04 PM
lemme list the reasons i called this movie stupid in "point form". seeing that youre unable to "read" in paragraphs.
- Slow-motion yang melampau banyak. perlu ke tiap-tiap sc ...
omg...nampak nye ko x paham yerk citer niii... boleh cakap plak cakap cakap pasal freedom semua tuu cakap kosong jerr.... geezzzz...ni laa anak merdeka sekaranggggg...freedom... protecting ur own country from foreign country is nothing.. although 300 ppl.. they still try to defend their country walaupun tau diorang akan matii...better die trying rather that waiting for death...
takpe laa.. bebudak sekarang bukan paham sgt punn bab bab nii.. |
Originally posted by LimpBizkutMerri at 4-4-2007 04:14 PM
omg...nampak nye ko x paham yerk citer niii... boleh cakap plak cakap cakap pasal freedom semua tuu cakap kosong jerr.... geezzzz...ni laa anak merdeka sekaranggggg...freedom... protecting ...
hahaha susah betul cakap ngan ko ni. nak kene explain satu2.
itu common sense la ngol. sbb tu aku kata filem ni klise. belambak2 lagi filem yg bertemakan pasal 'freedom' ni. yang jauh lebih baik dpd 300 yang separuh masak ni.
ygn menjadikannya bertambah bodoh adalah sebab asyik mengulang je ayat yang sama(pasal freedom and all that). pointless betul.
they still try to defend their country walaupun tau diorang akan matii...better die trying rather that waiting for death...
oh sungguh cliche. itu semua orang tau. jawapan buku teks.
satu je nasihat aku. tonton lah banyak filem. baru ko tau betapa ceteknya 300 ni.
[ Last edited by maberik at 4-4-2007 05:46 PM ] |
haisss ..
mubi cmni pandai lak korg bising2 ..
cube le tgk cerekarama ke ... komen la cite2 cerekarama plak ..
biakn die la bizzkutmerri, die byk mase nk nuntun pilm, kot2 keje tgv ni ... |
ekekeek... tul tuu... mungkin die keje kat tgv..ekekeke.. |
Originally posted by maberik at 4-4-2007 01:50 AM
spot on!
terima kasih. ada jugak org yg paham maksud aku dgn 'kebodohan' scene tu.
haha .. dulu tak notice sgt .. la ni bila ko dah mention baru perasan ..  |
Originally posted by Ax at 4-4-2007 07:30 PM
haisss ..
mubi cmni pandai lak korg bising2 ..
cube le tgk cerekarama ke ... komen la cite2 cerekarama plak ..
biakn die la bizzkutmerri, die byk mase nk nuntun pilm, kot2 keje tgv ni ...
aih nyampuk pulak. sampukan yg tak relevan lak tu. dah nama thread pasal 300. aku komen la pasal 300. common sense la weh. apa punya mod lah
[ Last edited by maberik at 4-4-2007 10:41 PM ] |
Originally posted by LimpBizkutMerri at 4-4-2007 08:18 PM
ekekeek... tul tuu... mungkin die keje kat tgv..ekekeke..
aih dah takde idea dah ke?
mungkin ko dah sedar. baguslah.
haha |
omg.... aku dah sedar?? ko yg patut sedar.. this is film~!!!!!! not some documentary story... |
Originally posted by maberik at 4-4-2007 05:43 PM
hahaha susah betul cakap ngan ko ni. nak kene explain satu2.
itu common sense la ngol. sbb tu aku kata filem ni klise. belambak2 lagi filem yg bertemakan pasal 'freedom' ni. yang jauh lebi ...
ahahaha.. aku kene tgk banyak movie??? LOL.. u are talking to guy that 1.2 TB hard disk.. with 24/7 torrent running.. LOL.. ko suruh aku tgk banyak movie???? i bet the movies i saw more that u ever watched.... |
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