Reply #377 impiansetaman's post
tol la...kalo dh breakoff lbh baik putus terus jek...xyahla nk kwn2 ke hapa...sbb tkut kita akan berharap semule utk dia kmbali dn lupekan sume kesilapan yg dia wat tu...start a new life...yiiihhaaaaaaaaaaaaa |
huhuhuh apa lagi impiansetaman bagilah add frenster ko yg ensem ensem tu!! |
Reply #380 hitamputih's post
heh, malu ler plak aku nak kasik add frenster tuh. skali sudah tersilap buat lawak la plak. tapi kata itu kota. aku manusia yg pegang pade kate kate, jadik kau check la inbox kau nanti. aku PM kau add aku. kalau post kat thread nih abes la beb pecah tembelang..wakakaka.. |
setuju dgn impiansetaman tuh..xyah la g layan2 feeling lg..silap dia ckp plak..sy bahagia sgt dgn gf sy skang..tk ke ko lg sedih????ak pn klu break off mg dh abes...xpndang blkanag dh pn..ak pnya pasal ke or dia pnya psal tht contribute to the break off... |
Reply #376 ummi_nuur's post
sonang je cik umi..
kat menu YM ko..gi kat Messenger --> Preference. Pastu kat bawah Category..ko select Ignore List..pehtu ko masukkan la ID YM yg ko nak block tu...taraaaaa...dah jadi....pastu ko nak unblock balik..ko delete la list tu..
ummi_nuur This user has been deleted
waaahh.... hidup lagik thread ko nih yer cik blueberry.. hehe
anyway.. as i mentioned before (agaknyalaa.. tak ingat ) ... i hate things yg ala2 tak tutup buku nih.... sbb most probably buku tuh akan disambung balik cerita utk carik endingnya in future... masa tuh lagik buat sakit jiwa, lagik buat serabut kepala... so always prefer.. no matter what... itu buku musti kena kasi tutup... all questions must be answered! tak boleh biar berjawab dgn "apa2 jalaa.. malas nak pk.. tak penting" ... for now mmg nampak tak penting and konon2 mengganggu jiwa... but later on.... hambik ko... tuh yg sampai dah berkahwen pon tup2 leh ada skandal ngan ex dolu2... .. am not saying that kalau case closed takkan ada skandal2... tapi slalunya (based on case2 yg berlaku di depan mata jelaa.. yg blakang mata tatau laaa) camtuhlaa....
the way i see it... in your case nih... your ex is trying to be a 'hero' laa konon2nya.... he is seeing that you are not happy with him but somehow still want to stick with him... so he got to to do something laa for your own good... and his own good laa jugak kot....
pada dia... love is not everything... and maybe to the extent that love is overrated... apa guna korang bersayang2 andainya tak bahagia?
People always... and always overlooked benda tuh... benda that nurture your love.... understanding, give and take, bla..bla..bla. Though many yg admit they're understanding, they do practice give and take... but little that actually did. Bukannya derang tak understanding... yes, mmg derang understanding, but in their own standard and terms laa.... bukan to their partner's standard or terms.
Am not suggesting to you.. to get back together with your ex or anything of the likes.... juz for your own sake... try to 'close the book la'... solex pastuh campak ke laut... and err... make sure dia pon tau jugak... karang kalau sorang je assume dah tutup buku... sorang lagi plak tak tutup lagik... payah jugak...
IMHO... dia msg2 you tuh... sindrome biasa org rindu... ala2 gila talak ler kot.... alaaa... cam u masa mula2 break dulu... u missed him rite? u just wanna call to check out how's he doing rite? Samalaa ngan dia... dia manusia, u manusia... basisnya sama aja dong! org kalau dah benci, dah tak suka, dah tannak... msg pon tak hingin dek... cam u skrang, tgh benci dia kan? nak jawab msg dia pon rasa nak muntah kan?
kalau rasa ada soklan2 tak berjawab tuh tanya dia abis2 an... mintak tutupkan buku korang tuh.. solex.. ckp terang2 kat dia... u nak tutup buku, nak solex then nak campak ke laut... biar dia paham....
ah yer... make sure jugak dia tau... don't even try to be 'hero' if that is what he's trying to do... coz that simply not worth it.... the best would be you guys sit down together and talk heart to heart.... about expectations and all.... bukan jenis main buat kesimpulan sendrik then konon2 berkorban jiwa raga for the sake of the other person...
ntahlaa samada all my predictions tuh betol ke tak.... but i think that kinda scenario is common laa.... then again, maybe i'm wrong... |
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Reply #386 ^MsBlueberry^'s post
huh!!jantan tu dah setat menyesal la tu...i miss u konon...nak kawan biasa konon..huh!!ape kate ko reply "gi mampos la!!" hahaa...kejam tak aku...dah..ko jgn cair ngan mamat tu lg...meh sini address dia...biar aku parang dia...ko jauh..aku kat mesia bleh la aku parangkan dia...ada berani???? |
loser xbf ko nih..retarded junkies...keras hati sket |
Originally posted by ^MsBlueberry^ at 17-5-2007 08:53 PM
aku suke la post ko nih..tutup buku eh..mmg aku nak tutup buku..tapi xbest lak sbb aku jauh..tutup buku ni best kalau face to face., leh bgtau terus terang abis2an yg apa sbnrnye yg aku dh tau..y ...
xBF ko tuh try contack ko balik
OMG : |
Originally posted by ^MsBlueberry^ at 17-5-2007 08:53 PM
aku suke la post ko nih..tutup buku eh..mmg aku nak tutup buku..tapi xbest lak sbb aku jauh..tutup buku ni best kalau face to face., leh bgtau terus terang abis2an yg apa sbnrnye yg aku dh tau..y ...
haih... see..? told ya... he misses you
my guess is that... masa korang tgh gaduh tuh... he was not in his best condition... u have no idea what was on his mind... dgn exam semua... then you pulak buat perangai... so he was lost! and being human.... his actions are all predictable... well expected... especially for someone of his age....
he got confused.... here got this girl, yg admit sayang gila, chenta tak ingat... but her actions tak menggambarkan mcm tuh pon.. betol ke dia sayang? betol ke dia cinta? your actions yg dulu seolah2 tak respect dia.... lagi buat dia konpius, betol ke u sayang dia or you just nak manipulate him for your own good? do you truly madly deeply care and love him... or is he just a convenient? I almost sure benda2 nih yg bermain di kepala dia time tuh... and to make things worse, dia tgh serabut nak exam... then apa yg u expect a normal human being like him nak buat? dia takleh nak berfikir secara rasional... pada dia apa yg dia buat, itu adalah yg terbaik.. too bad, he was wrong....
and that other girl.... she's just a reason.... nothing more than just a reason.... this one pon i almost sure gak... and i predict, nnt u balik mesia.... dia asyik nak jumpa and hang out with u, diam2 blakang that girl... then that girl find out.. kantoi... abih... pening kepala...
udah2 laa tuh.... nak tunggu jumpa eye to eye, mmg tak dpt.... so your best option sekarang cuma to pick up the phone and talk heart to heart via phone... leraikan semua benda yg kusut2 tuh... trust tuh penting, kena ada.. respect, and humbleness.... kena ingat, we all human, we do mistakes.... dia buat mistake... so did you! so berbual laa dgn berhemah, akui salah masing2, jgn menghukum ikut emosi... jgn rasa kita jer yg betul, kita je yg teraniaya... tak boleh mcm tuh... tuh jer yg i boleh suggestkan.. good luck dear.... |
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ak rs la kan beri sbb ko pn jauh sama agaknyer..hurmmm ak pn terlibat jg dlm LDR ni..sumhow i do u'stand wht's d feeling...rs nk dibelai, nk pegang xdpt..peluk bantal je la |
Reply #392 ^MsBlueberry^'s post
aku rasa rumet dia jd balaci tukang korek rahsia pompan tu..musti pompan tu yg soh tanye..agaknye ex ko dah tak layan dia sgt..pehtu dia pon nak taula ape punce korang berpisah..pastu ex ko tak nak bgtau....peh tu pompan tu pon soh rumet dia tanyekan...hahaa..best tak spekulasi aku nih??
ooo btw..cemana rumet pompan tu dpt no ko?korang tak pernah kenal kan?so..takkan tetiba dia mintak no. ko dr pompan tu plak..aku pasti 132%..mesti pompan tu yg soh tanye... :@ |
ak rs xyah la berry...bior jek....bukak buku br la weh..cr laki yg lebe hebat dr dia |
Originally posted by ^MsBlueberry^ at 18-5-2007 04:30 PM
die bukan msg hp aku..die anta msg kat frenster aku..ko tau x..aku mmg xreply msg die tuh smlm..aku igt dah abis cite..arini die anta lagi msg kat aku..die ckp sbnrnye byk bende aku xtau..n die a ...
mesti kepala otak ko serabut.. sbb ko dah try banyak kali dah bencikan dia.. tetiba dia dtg balik lak kann..
kl aku jadi ko pon konpius gak.. sbb masih ader rase sayang... |
Reply #397 ^MsBlueberry^'s post
takpe..ko dgr dulu ape dia nak ckp..pastu ko paste kat sini...biar kitorang yg pertimbangkan.. |
aar berry
jgn luper update yer
interesting nie
i wish the same thing happen between aku ngan xbf aku... huhuhuh .. aku nak sgt dia balik kat aku...
sorilah bukan nak provoke ko amik balik xbf ko tuh... |
Reply #400 ^MsBlueberry^'s post
bagus jugak sebnrnye tindakan ko tu..better tatau drpd tau then sakit hati...yeahh..u go girl!!! |
wuu..penat aku marathon 17 page skali..
berry..aku pon peminat citer ni..update eh... |
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan