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Reply #318 Hanni's post
danielly, cup bukan setakat kurus, dark eye circles dah tahap kronik!! hehehehhe...but all that doesnt compare to the joy of having twins kan?  |
nak tanya.. umi dpt twin tu, consive naturally ke, buat rawatan kesubutan spt ivf/iui?
anyway..tahniah... seronoknya.. |
Reply #322 mhskyjuice's post
kita amik berkat kat sini kan sky.. moga2 berjangkit :pray: |
Originally posted by cupcake at 27-4-2007 12:23 PM
comeeell!!!!! how r u coping with the twins danielly? i hope better than me...i jadi sampai kurus kering dah ni, heheh.
hi cupcake...before my maid came, i was like a mad woman esp during my confinement period. it's slightly better now but the "pressure" is still there hehehehe. im a small frame person & i only gained a littled weight during my pregnancies. it's very hard for me to put on weight. & very easy to lose weight. i think it's just a matter of time before i become a walking skeleton |
Reply #318 Hanni's post
hanni nyer hb pun ciner ker?
nama dorang gabriel isaac & hazelle katelyn.... |
Reply #328 danielly's post
hubby melayu tulen ler dan... |
Reply #329 danielly's post
mmg x leh click direct ke? |
Originally posted by Hanni at 27-4-2007 02:09 PM
mmg x leh click direct ke?
ok dah...i dah edit |
Originally posted by cupcake at 27-4-2007 12:32 PM
danielly, cup bukan setakat kurus, dark eye circles dah tahap kronik!! hehehehhe...but all that doesnt compare to the joy of having twins kan?
cup, i dah tengok fotopages cup....i think im thinner than u heheheh |
Reply #325 Amiizaa's post
aku ingat mizaa dah tengok gambar nie |
Originally posted by umifaisal at 26-4-2007 08:59 PM
Hanni dan semua kengkawan,
Umi selamat bersalin triplet (c-section) on 9/4/2007 di HKL dan baru discharge pada 23/4/2007 coz baby under weight.
Alhamdullilah semuanya selamat dan babies s ...
umi, tahniah triplets...
ingat lg time umi cite mula2 peknen triplets
alhamdulillah...now dh selamat....  |
Reply #334 danielly's post
danielly, hehehe...glad to hear you're coping very well!!
hehehe..muka i mmg chubby, but badan very the kering one. i'm 160cm at 40kg. masa twins keluar one is 3.38kg, one is 2.46kg. and i gained like 19kgs kot...all that lost dlm sekelip mata! |
Jaga triplet or twin ni macam cup cakap macam zombie je mak bapaknye. Triplet umi ni time hitnye masa kul 1 am to 5:30 am....memang tak tidur ...lepas satu satu.....siang bagi susu je lelap ....time ni bagi susu mata masing2 besar-besar .....tak tutup pun ....kenkadang tu tiga-tiga melalak ......bayangkan le ......
Umi masa pregnant triplet nak dalam 8 kg je .......rase badan....espcially lengan peha ...macam kecik je .......timbang masa kat spital lepas bersalin tu kurang 4 kg dari berat sebelum pregnant.
Rasenye .....lepas pantang ni ....lagi kurus gamaknye .......... |
Originally posted by cupcake at 27-4-2007 02:43 PM
danielly, hehehe...glad to hear you're coping very well!!
hehehe..muka i mmg chubby, but badan very the kering one. i'm 160cm at 40kg. masa twins keluar one is 3.38kg, one is 2.46kg. and i gaine ...
samer ler kiter.. original weight 40-41kg. masa mengandung 9 bulan - 54kg, 1 wk after bersalin - 47kg. now, after 4 bln - 45kg. berat erk your twins. aku nyer girl -2.75kg, boy-2.2kg but now the boy is heavier than the girl. |
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