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aku lak x suka part semigel tuh.. cepat je aku nak part tu habis.. |
cmf_GAIA posted on 21-12-2012 05:15 PM 
aiyooh...aku tak perasan pong Gandalf nampak lebih tua....tapi ya lah kalo pikir2 balik apa salahnya ...
Gandalf dah berumur 300 tahun kan dalam LOTR..........ke ris silap....
cikatilia posted on 1-1-2013 11:20 AM 
sgt kacak...
i setujuk

c_manis posted on 2-1-2013 04:44 PM 
king thorin pon merembes gak nyah

sora sedap nyanyi nye
cikatilia posted on 2-1-2013 04:46 PM 
king thorin pon merembes gak nyah
sora sedap nyanyi nye
yer setuju.. suara dia husky.. macho gitu.. mata dia biru..
tp boleh tgk sekali pandang.. kalau tenung lama2 takut coz dia ada iras wrestler.. huhuhu 
c_manis posted on 2-1-2013 09:50 AM 
yer setuju.. suara dia husky.. macho gitu.. mata dia biru..
tp boleh tgk sekali pandang.. kalau t ...
in real life David Armitage (the guy who plays Thorin) sgt la handsome.. lps tonton The Hobbit terus sya google about him.. turn up he's quite popular in UK & byk gk drama lakonannya yg diupload ke youtube
Last edited by naj13 on 2-1-2013 10:21 AM
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MissNigga posted on 16-12-2012 11:10 AM 
Kan smegol tu pun keturunan hobbit jugak... selepas dia jumpa cincin tu kat dasar sungai, dia bu ...
bukan smeagol yg mula2 jumpa cincin tuh kat dasar sungai tuh..... tapi kawan dia yg memancing bersama2 dia tuh kan.... bila ikan makan pancing kawan tuh, then heret kawan tuh jatuh ke dasar sungai, then dia terjumpa cincin tuh.... bila naik ke atas, smeagol nih beria2 nak kan cincin tuh, dia kata kat kawan dia tuh, hari tuh harijadi dia, so dia nak cincin tuh, tapi kawan dia tuh tak bagi then sampai smeagol membunuh kawan dia tuh.............. tapi lama ke lamaan smeagol nih kira cam di sumpah then terlalu taksub kat cincin nih sehingga menjadi rupa camtu.......
Risma posted on 2-1-2013 09:28 PM 
bukan smeagol yg mula2 jumpa cincin tuh kat dasar sungai tuh..... tapi kawan dia yg memancing bers ...
haah.. betul ler tewwww...  |
baru je tengok semalam.actually sejam pertama tu susah aku nak fokus.mana taknya ade mangkuk hayun yang dok belakang aku ni tak bedung kaki gamaknya!parking kaki kat belakang kerusi aku pastu dok goyang-goyang!memang bikin panasss laa!! dah sound pon berkesan kejap je,pastu sambung balik!haishhh memang rosak mood aku! sabo je laaaaa!!ape pon lepas tengok filem ni tetiba aku berminat nak layan filem LOTR pula sebab banyak sangat persoalan yang aku nak cuba paham.sebelum ni tak pernah tengok pon LOTR tu.so terpaksa marathon laaaa nanti termasuk la filem The Hobbit ni  |
Nak tanya.. Part bilbo jumpa dgn gollum kat underground tu.. Masa part bilbo kenalkan diri dia sebagai hobbit,gollum masa tak excited or terkejut pun sedangkan gollum ni asalnya.bangsa hobbit jugak..
Explain pls? |
hanakikan posted on 3-1-2013 02:00 AM 
Nak tanya.. Part bilbo jumpa dgn gollum kat underground tu.. Masa part bilbo kenalkan diri dia sebag ...
nak bertanya pun... sejibik cam soalan exam utk paper sejarah  |
Saya dah tengok lagi kali ini kat Signature Garden : HFR 3D
so kalau nampak HFR3D tuh try laa experience..memang gambar dia jauh lagi hidup dari normal 3D......bak kata macam kita nih betul betul kat scene....and very lively |
naj13 posted on 2-1-2013 05:20 PM 
in real life David Armitage (the guy who plays Thorin) sgt la handsome.. lps tonton The Hobbit ter ...
MissNigga posted on 3-1-2013 07:18 AM 
nak bertanya pun... sejibik cam soalan exam utk paper sejarah
ada jawapan tak nok?
patutnya gollum tu excited lah jumpa bilbo tu sbb dua2 sama.hobbit.. bilbo pun ada introduced diri dia tu hobbit
tapi gollum mcm first time dgr hobbit tu..
hanakikan posted on 3-1-2013 10:48 AM 
ada jawapan tak nok?
patutnya gollum tu excited lah jumpa bilbo tu sbb dua2 sama.hobbit.. bilbo ...
Smegol tu dah lufer diri kekdahnya noks  |
Ni dari History Lord of The rings - ditulis oleh christopher tolkien:
Do you remember Bilbo's storyof Gollum? We don't know where Gollum comes in — certainly not elf, nor goblin; he is probably not dwarf; we rather believe he really belongs to an ancient sort of hobbit.
‘There aws long ago living by the bank of the stream a wise, cleverhanded and quietfooted family. I guess they were of hobbit-kind, or akin to the fathers of the fathers of the hobbits. The most inquisitive and curious-minded of that family was called Dígol.’
‘Gollum!’ said Bingo. ‘Do you mean that Gollum that Bilbo met? Is that his history? How very horrible and sad. I hate to think that he was connected with hobbits, however distantly.’
‘But that surely was plain from Bilbo's own account,’ said Gandalf. ‘It is the only thing that explains the events — or partly explains them. There was a lot in the background of both their minds and memories that was very similar — they understood one another really (if you think of it) better than hobbits ever understood dwarves, elves, or goblins.’
‘Gollum!’ cried Frodo. ‘Gollum? Do you mean that this is the very Gollum-creature that Bilbo met? How loathsome!’
‘I think it is a sad story,’ said the wizard, ‘and it might have happened to others, even to some hobbits that I have known.’
‘I can't believe that Gollum was connected with hobbits, however distantly,’ said Frodo with some heat. ‘What an abominable notion!’
‘It is true all the same,’ replied Gandalf. ‘About their origins, at any rate, I know more than hobbits do themselves. And even Bilbo's story suggests the kinship. There was a great deal in the background of their minds and memories that was very similar. They understood one another remarkably well, very much better than a hobbit would understand, say, a Dwarf, or an Orc, or even an Elf. Think of the riddles they both knew, for one thing.’
‘Yes,’ said Frodo. ‘Though other folks besides hobbits ask riddles, and of much the same sort. And hobbits don't cheat. Gollum meant to cheat all the time. (…)’
naj13 posted on 2-1-2013 05:20 PM 
in real life David Armitage (the guy who plays Thorin) sgt la handsome.. lps tonton The Hobbit ter ...
Oh tidak.. mengapa photo asal dia ni sweet jer..
Mengapa Thorin looking so ganaz...
wawacayang posted on 3-1-2013 12:53 AM 
baru je tengok semalam.actually sejam pertama tu susah aku nak fokus.mana taknya ade mangkuk hayun y ...
Masa aku tgk filem ni pun ada gangguan jugak..
Ada mangkuk depan aku syok sendiri main tablet dia, silau mata aku..
Kejap bukak FB, kejap tangkap gambar sendiri, kejap main game.. bikin panas jer..
Budak sekolah baru dapat tablet cenggitu laa.. 
c_manis posted on 3-1-2013 03:07 PM 
Masa aku tgk filem ni pun ada gangguan jugak..
Ada mangkuk depan aku syok sendiri main tablet di ...
ee aku menyampah betoi la dengan orang yang tak reti bahasa camtu!nak main tablet bagai,nyah je la dari panggung tu.actually memang mengganggu sungguh la bila spesies camni memang spoiler sungguh.time aku tengok The Hobbit ni memang susah nak fokus sebab mangkuk belakang aku tu.rase nak tendang je muka dia ala-ala gaya Ip Man tapi terpaksa aku pendamkan grrrrrr 
aku nak nasihatkan makbapak tolonglah JANGAN BAWAK BUDAK-BUDAK UNDER 13 THN TENGOK WAYANG!!!! especially bebudak kecik yg tak tau ape ni. keje merengek je... menyampah la aku. ape susah korg tinggal je lah anak2 korg tu sape2 jaga ke pakai babysitter upah skit. takpun korg tunggu je dvd tu kuar kt pasar malam melayan la puas2 kt rumah. mcmla korg je yg bayar tiket tu...org len bayar silap2 lg mahal dr korg punye. sekian |
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