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Lawak la kamu ni bro..buat buat tanya pula.
Apalah FM ni. Forumer Defcon2 bincang pasal Sirius, tapi anda keluar topik dgn membawa persoalan 'Mesir kuno tiada kena mengena dengan agama Islam?'
Semua sejarah mengenai Mesir kuno ni ada dalam British museum. Kamu pernah pergi tengok sejarah mesir kuno di British museum, Berlin museum dan benerapa lagi museum di eropah?
ReligionGodsIsis | Title | Queen of the Throne | Cult Center | Philae | Gender | Female | Father | Geb | Mother | Nut | Consort | Brother Osiris | Sons and Daughters | Horus
Four Sons of Horakhty, in Early mythologies she was wife of Ra-Horakhty (the noon manifestation of Ra) | Patron - Dominion | Mistress of magic - mother of Pharaohs and thrones | Dedicated temples | Philae Temple | Appearance | Woman wearing a vulture headdress and the solar disk between a pair of horns | Greek equivalent | Aphrodite | Cult | - Greatest goddess of Egypt
- Sister of Osiris, Seth and Nephthys
- in the Legend of Osiris, after Osiris was killed by his brother Seth, following his death, Isis tirelessly searched for his body so that he may be properly buried and may rest in peace in the Underworld.
- Through her magic, she brought Osiris back to life so that he could impregnate her with their son Horus
- Isis resurrected him with the "Ritual of Life", which was later given to the Egyptians so that they could give eternal life to all their dead.
- Isis was a vital link between the gods and mankind. The Pharaoh was her son, as the living Horus.
- Often shown holding Horus on her lap, her lap was the Pharaoh protector in childhood
- Isis protected Horus during his childhood from his uncle Seth who wished to murder him. It was her hole that he might one day grow up to avenge his father's murder.
- She is also the mother and protector of Imsety, one of the Four Sons of Horus
- Her worship spread well beyond the borders of Egypt, in the Roman Empire, and was later evolved by early Christians into the cult of the Virgin Mary | Similarities Between Isis and The Virgin Mary
- Isis was the most important Egyptian Female god in ancient Egypt, the Virgin Mary is the most important female figure in Christianity
- Isis is the mother of Horus, Virgin Mary is the mother of Jesus
- Horus was born without a father ( Osiris was already dead), this closely resembles Jesus being born from the Holy Ghost without a father
- Both of them are depicted in art holding and caring for their baby gods during infancy
- At infancy Isis protected Horus from his evil uncle, while Mary protected Jesus from the infanticide fury of King Herod
- The role of a merciful mother figure is identical in both cases
- Both held the title "Lady of Light" because they gave birth to the light. Horus being the god of light, while Jesus is the light of the world
- The solar disk of light above Isis head closely relates to the Halo of light above Mary's head
Yes Sirius itu adalah salah satu tohan mesir kuno. Google ajalah tak perlu saya nak letak semua kat sini.
Tak berapa tepatlah FM, anda hanya melihat pada 'persamaan' tetapi mengenepikan 'perbezaan' nya pula.
- in the Legend of Osiris, after Osiris was killed by his brother Seth, following his death, Isis tirelessly searched for his body so that he may be properly buried and may rest in peace in the Underworld.
- Through her magic, she brought Osiris back to life so that he could impregnate her with their son Horus
- Isis resurrected him with the "Ritual of Life", which was later given to the Egyptians so that they could give eternal life to all their dead. Sila tunjuk bahagian mana dalam Bible/Al-Quran yg mempunyai persamaan dgn bahagian atas ini.
Anda ini benar-benar keliru.
Jadi dalam fahaman bro Sirius dalam Quran 53:4 tu tiada kena mengena dengan tohan mesir kuno?
Mesir kuno tiada kena mengena dengan agama Islam? Konteks diskusi asal ialah adakah 'Sirius' dalam Al-Quran itu merujuk kepada kepercayaan mesir kuno? Soalan yg saya gariskan di atas adalah dibawa oleh anda sendiri. Kenapa tiba-tiba anda beralih kepada soalan lain pula.
Tengok YouTube ni https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BhKGPslPwwA
Sekarang you tau maksud amin tu apa? Hahaha...itu tuhan mesir kuno iatu Amun.
Apasal sebut amin selepas baca doa? Apasal berdoa pada tuhan mesir kuno?
Saya bukan Saintis ataupun penkaji sejarah mesir, tapi saya meminati sejarah seperti Greek, Rome , mesir dan beberap lagi.
From old Egyptian texts we can see that people regarded the Sun as the emblem of the Creator. They called the Sun Ra, and all other gods and goddesses were forms of the Creator. One of these gods was Amen; a secret, hidden and mysterious god named variously Amen, Amon, Amun, Ammon and Amounra. For the first eleven dynasties (c. 3000-1987B.C.) Amen was just a minor god, but by the 17th dynasty (c. 1500 B.C.) he had been elevated to be the national god of southern Egypt. This position gave Amen the attributes and characteristics of the most ancient gods, and his name became Amen-Ra, that is, a supreme form of God the Creator. By the 18th Dynasty (1539-1295 B.C.) a college had been established to study Amen-Ra and as a focal point for worship.
The Jews settled in Egypt for around 400 years4 from 1847 B.C. and during this sojourn there is no doubt they would have been fully exposed to the worship of Amen-Ra. By the time of their exodus from Egypt in 1447 B.C., Amen would certainly be in their language even if it was not their god. It would be a word that had associations with reverence and majesty. This is not difficult to understand. People still talk about Moses, Jesus, Mohammed and Buddha, and often use those names completely out of context as expletives. Amen was seen as a powerful god and the name continued, out of context, as an exclamation or salutation; a classic example of language evolution. From the Jews, the word was adopted by Christians, Muslims and others.
So Amen was originally the name of a Pagan god, who was considered a form of God the Creator. But he was certainly not considered God, or Christ. Interestingly, most Pagans today tend not to use the word, preferring instead to say "So mote it be", an old Anglo-Saxon term. Perhaps they see the word Amen in the Bible and the Tanakh and don't want to be associated with Christianity or the like. Indeed, in the Bible3 we see Jesus Christ referred to as "The Amen". Christ is God's Amen to all that he has spoken. Thereby the name used for an old Egyptian god is replaced by the same name used for Christ.
Like many other words used in religion, (or art, mathematics, medicine, etc) it's easy to believe that our ancestors saw no point in creating new vocabulary when existing and familar words could be recycled. Yet some people are vehemently protective of things and believe Amen is a Biblical word which is also found in the Tanakh and in Islam, and happens to sound like the name of a Pagan god. Others believe it is an Islamic word that can also be found in the Bible and Tanakh. And so on. The whole issue is hotly debated and any Pagan link denied by many. Who knows how many accidental or deliberate mistranslations have crept in over the centuries.
Those who believe that God is the Great Mathematician will no doubt point to the numeric value of Amen:
"Finally, we may note that the word Amen occurs not infrequently in early Christian inscriptions, and that it was often introduced into anathemas and gnostic spedlls. Moreover, as the Greek letters which form Amen according to their numerical values total 99 (alpha=1, mu=40, epsilon=8, nu=50), this number often appears in inscriptions, especially of Egyptian origin, and a sort of magical efficacy seems to have been attributed to its symbol."
Memang tak berani akui kan, Siapa Amon dan siapa Sirius itu? Tapi saya faham kalau dah penganut yang percaya sedetik tohan jadi kan dunia ini adalah islam..maka faham faham aja lah.
Ha ha ..... hujah ko terlampau simplistik dan pincang. Its flawed in so many fronts
Kita ambil satu persatu
(1) Kalo nak banding ttg asal usul , ko kena bagi bukti asal usul ugama Mesir kuno.Sampai skg ko tak mampu buat. This is not an equitable comparison.
Pandangan aku berlainan dari hujah ko , lebih realistik. Ugama yg di bawa oleh Nabi Muhammad(saw) is a reformative religion , perbetulkan apa yg salah. Kita bagi contoh - tuhan2 yg ko bagi adalah bersifat 'anthropomorphism' , mempunyai sifat manusia , binatang , objek. Manakala Allah , kita tak boleh imagine. Senang aje nak test , sebelum 'singularity' tak ada apa2. Boleh tak tuhan2 sifat 'anthropomorphism' wujud?
Yes or No?
(2) Sejak bila lambang bulan sabit ni jadi lambang Islam? Mana bukti ko?
(3) Human clay dolls are what they are - clay dolls , probably playthings. Ok lah , kalo pon ada kepercayaan yg manusia dari tanah , ko kena bagi macamana asal usul ugama tersebut. Kita boleh paham pasal nabi nabi dihantar kepada banyak kumpulan manusia
(4) Virgin birth. You missed the big difference. Dlm ugama mesir kuno , virgin birth ada sangkut paut dgn tuhan mereka. Dlm Islam , ia manusia bukan tuhan. Perbezaan besar tau. Lagi sekali , this is a reformation of thought. Allah berkuasa , 'Be and it is'.
(5) Ko klaim tuhan mesir kuno tu , Sirius diciplak & ada dlm Quran53:49. Ok jelaskan lah : '...and that it is He who is the Lord of Sirius....'. Sampai skg ko takut buat demikian
You actually have nothing but speculation.
Ada english saying : a little knowledge is a dangerous thing
Saya yang keliru ataupun bro yang keliru? Seperti pencipta mentol lampu tu kan? Hahaha...
Edited by FOTHER-MUCKER at 6-7-2017 02:02 AM
Di atas kubah mesjid tu apa? Bukan bulan sabit dan bintang? Lagi mau konar ka samdol?
Samdol tak mau klim ka agama dan tohan mesir kuno dulu adalah islam? Hahaha...
Betulah maideen kata kamu ni samdol tin kosong!
Tengok YouTube ni https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BhKGPslPwwA
Sekarang you tau maksud amin tu apa? Hahaha...itu tuhan mesir kuno iatu Amun.
Apasal sebut amin selepas baca doa? Apasal berdoa pada tuhan mesir kuno?
Saya bukan Saintis ataupun penkaji sejarah mesir, tapi saya meminati sejarah seperti Greek, Rome , mesir dan beberap lagi. Saya tidak pasti kenapa anda masih susah untuk menerima kenyataan.
Adakah sekarang ini saintis/cendekiawan seluruh dunia tidak lagi boleh menggunakan perkataan 'Sirius' yg merujuk kepada bintang kerana sudah wujud maksud lain daripada zaman mesir kuno lagi?
Adakah setiap kali saintis/cendekiawan seluruh dunia menggunakan perkataan 'Sirius' maka dengan itu mereka berdoa kepada tuhan kepercayaan mesir kuno?
Saya ataupun kamu yang susah untuk menerima kenyataan? Hahaha... kamu lawak ke apa ni bro?
Amin sisebut selepas baca doa.
Sirius ada dalam Quran, dan ada benerapa lagi tohan mesir kuno ada di dalam Quran. Adakah itu kebetulan kerana bahasa yang memberi maksud berlainan? Hahaha...
Saya ataupun kamu yang susah untuk menerima kenyataan? Hahaha... kamu lawak ke apa ni bro?
Amin sisebut selepas baca doa.
Sirius ada dalam Quran, dan ada benerapa lagi tohan mesir kuno ada di dalam Quran. Adakah itu kebetulan kerana bahasa yang memberi maksud berlainan? Hahaha... Sirius juga ada dalam ilmu sains masa kini.
Edited by FOTHER-MUCKER at 6-7-2017 02:03 AM
Secara jujur nya kamu ni terlalu lemah untuk memahami dan berfikir.
Edited by sam1528 at 6-7-2017 10:12 AM
Ha ha .... tu pasal aku kata a little knowledge is a dangerous thing
Kalo pon ada bulan sabit kat kubah mesjid , macamana ko boleh pikir ia simbol Islam
Ni Mesjid Cina kat Melaka
Mana dia bulan sabit? Oops , ko dah sesak nafas .... pada ko , kot2 bukan mesjid kot
Apa simbol Islam semasa Nabi Muhammad(saw)?
Aku dah kata dari dulu , pengetahuan ko hanyalah 'scratch the surface'. Lepas tu mula lah bagi general & vague answers
Macamana ni? Jelaskan lah : '...and that it is He who is the Lord of Sirius....'. Sampai skg ko takut buat demikian
Syiok aku tampar ko , kiri kanan .... LOL
Edited by FOTHER-MUCKER at 6-7-2017 02:07 AM
Saya fikir tin kosong seperti kamu tak tak perlu dilayan.
Kenapa tohan itu tidak adil? Tohan Hanya memilih lobai lobai samdol sahaja untuk menegakan agama islam? Hahaha..
Edited by sam1528 at 6-7-2017 10:12 AM
Translation : I am cornered .... dah tak mampu jawab
Ha ha ...... jelas ko tak mempunyai pemikiran kritis ..... tengok aje virgin birth .... sesak nafas kata Quran ciplak tuhan mesir kuno tapi ko tak sedar dlm Quran bukan tuhan tapi manusia ...... not very good issit?
Kesian ....
Maaf saya katakan, seperti yg bro sam katakan, hujah anda amat lemah.
Anda tidak dapat menerima hakikat bahawasanya sesuatu perkataan itu boleh membawa pelbagai maksud/makna. Ini adalah pengetahuan am.
Kamu ni betul betul bodoh dan tin kosong.
Kamu pernah tengok mesjid Di timur tengah..mesjid bangsa arab yang tohan toronkan agama islam tu?, Di turki?
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