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Author: mummyhakim

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Post time 27-4-2007 03:08 PM | Show all posts

Reply #340 danielly's post

umi and danielly,

i'm really glad to meet other moms of multiples whenever i have the chance. sebabnya  most ppl around us tak faham apa yg kita lalui. diorg duk kata jaga sorang ke, dua ke, sama je, kalau jaga dua lagi senang sekali penat jek! huh! tension mak ni mendengarnya!! :@

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Post time 27-4-2007 03:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by umifaisal at 27-4-2007 02:53 PM
Jaga triplet or twin ni macam cup cakap macam zombie je mak bapaknye.   Triplet umi ni time hitnye masa kul 1 am to 5:30 am....memang tak tidur ...lepas satu satu.....siang bagi susu je lelap ... ...

betul tu umi...masa pantang tu aku rasa mcm aku takde keje lain selain menyusukan dorang 24jam.  masa tu aku depressed sangat...

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Post time 27-4-2007 03:26 PM | Show all posts

Reply #341 cupcake's post

hehehe...slalu dpt komen gitu gak

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Post time 27-4-2007 03:46 PM | Show all posts

Reply #342 danielly's post

danielly, me too, was depressed although didn't want to admit it. actually before i gave birth i searched for mother of multiples support group kat malaysia ni kalau ada, tapi the closest is in singapore. after i gave birth i really wanted so badly to talk to someone who experienced taking care of twins, tapi takde! now i'm thinking of forming a support group for mother of multiples, for us to share ideas and thoughts about taking care of twins, triplets, quads, etc. since we all have our jobs and are busy with our own kids, i'm thinking just an internet based support group. what do u mommies think?

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Post time 27-4-2007 04:17 PM | Show all posts

Reply #344 cupcake's post

good idea cup maybe it can also be a place for us to sell our twins stuff  e.g. twin stroller, etc cos kalo nak beli twin stroller ni mmg mahal giler & i also dunno to whom i want to pass it to

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Post time 27-4-2007 04:29 PM | Show all posts

your twin sama dgn nez punya twin. always pegang tangan especially time tdo hehehe. biasanya adik selalu letak tangan dia kat tangan kakak

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Post time 27-4-2007 04:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cupcake at 27-4-2007 03:46 PM
danielly, me too, was depressed although didn't want to admit it. actually before i gave birth i searched for mother of multiples support group kat malaysia ni kalau ada, tapi the closest is in s ...

hai cup

ramai juga mama twin kat sini kan

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Post time 27-4-2007 04:32 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by danielly at 27-4-2007 04:17 PM
good idea cup maybe it can also be a place for us to sell our twins stuff  e.g. twin stroller, etc cos kalo nak beli twin stroller ni mmg mahal giler & i also dunno to whom i want to pass i ...

twin stroller mmg mahei la

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Post time 27-4-2007 04:49 PM | Show all posts
good idea tuh cup..mummy to be pon boler join kan..

umi u tak reply my msg lagi laaa..

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Post time 27-4-2007 07:08 PM | Show all posts

Reply #349 empat's post

hi hanezz and empat! :-)


tuhlaa...i dulu beria carik stroller online, nasib baik terjumpa this lady yg nak balik from uk, nak jual twins stroller brand mothercare dia. dia baru pakai 1 year. i beli betul2 harga bargain dgn dia masa tu, hehe. dia bukan anak twins, tapi anak dia jarak umur dekat2, so boleh je letak dua2 dlm tu, hehehe. nasib tak beli yg mahal2, sebab my twins sampai skrg tak suka duk dlm stroller kalau jalan2...nak berdukung jek...

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Post time 27-4-2007 07:48 PM | Show all posts
Bagus  idea tu, boleh le kita meluahkan masalah anak kembar ni dan menimba pengalman dari ibu-ibu kembar yang dah berpengalaman seperti spidernfly, jamu mak dara dll.

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Post time 27-4-2007 10:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #351 umifaisal's post

thanks yall for the support . i'm really excited. i hope we can try build up our support group in a form of a blog (bcoz it's free!). i dah start sikit building the blog, bila dah siap i will let u know. in the mean time, any ideas are welcomed. apa2 jelah in terms of topics of discussions ke, ada any good articles ke u wanna share about multiples pregnancy/children ni, any good book titles u used/are using, anything!! tak lupa juga any good deals like sales (buy 1 free 1) ke, hehe, any nurseries yg bagi discount kalau hantar twins ke, etc etc. heheheh. penting juga! i dah start survey sikit2 preschool ni, ada satu yg kasi waive registration fee for 2nd twin, hehehe, tapi monthly fee still kena bayar lah.

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Post time 28-4-2007 06:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by danielly at 27-4-2007 04:17 PM
good idea cup maybe it can also be a place for us to sell our twins stuff  e.g. twin stroller, etc cos kalo nak beli twin stroller ni mmg mahal giler & i also dunno to whom i want to pass i ...

dane, ada nk jual stroller ke?
kat thread nih ada org tanyer

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Post time 28-4-2007 06:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by cupcake at 27-4-2007 03:08 PM
i'm really glad to meet other moms of multiples whenever i have the chance. sebabnya  most ppl around us tak faham apa yg kita lalui. diorg duk kata jaga sorang ke, dua ke, sama je, kalau jaga dua lagi senang sekali penat jek! huh! tension mak ni mendengarnya!! :@

hai cupcake, tahniah dpt twins
ajasu dr dulu tingin twins
hubby ada genetik twins ...
tp org kata twins nih alternate generation
dah 2 kali post kat thread nih yang aku tingin twin
40 kali entah2 makbul  tapi jg 2 org yg x twin nih pun x terjaga jugak

rasenyer ayat kat atas tuh
org saje sebut bg hati cupcake senang kot
just a matter of speech jek...jgn la tension
ajasu pun anak selang ckp gitu jugak
saje bg kita relieved kot...supaya kita pk positif

p/s: suka tgk umair n uqail.... :love: :love:

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spidernfly This user has been deleted
Post time 28-4-2007 08:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hanezz at 27-4-2007 06:32 PM

twin stroller mmg mahei la

i ada 3 twin strollers.... and 2 single strollers.  if i keluar sorang mmg i bawak the twin stroller... but if we go out as a family i bawak the maclarens single. senang. but we do have the stroller connectors, where by we could sambung 2 single strollers jadi satu

the 3 strollers, satu tu is a jogger. its from Steelcraft. walaupun gabaks.... its very2 senang nak moneuvere. cumanyer you have to make sure the tyres selalu cukup angin la. yg lagi dua are normal twin strollers, one from Jeep and one from Valco. bothe very lighweight.

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spidernfly This user has been deleted
Post time 28-4-2007 08:21 PM | Show all posts
my boys dulu born at 36 weeks gestation. gynea suruh operate coz diorang dah tak put on any weight. gynea kata "expect 2 small babies". but alhamdulillah , abang was 2.9kg and adik was 3.2kg

first 3 months... uish...mmg memenatkan, apa lagi i breastfed them for that 3months. but i was always particular about routine. everything ikut time.... mandi, tido, makan, nyusu, activities..... till now. by the time diorang 3 months old, they sleep the whole night thru and by themselves (thank god for baby monitors... they are a godsend!!). so it gets easier & easier after that

i memang takde servant. yes, it is tiring so once a month, will send them to my parents so that hubby & i boleh just check in somewhere for the weekend. kengkonon R&R la tu. once diorang dah pandai diri, hubby & i took a long holiday (2 weeks) without the boys. i think as parents, and as couples, should have time for yourselves and oso your hubby without having the kids around.

when they are 1yrs old, we moved to Australia. masa tu la diorang graduated from their baby cots (coz our contenna lambat sampai) so we bought them junior beds. i also brought them to playgroups and mums group. so they can interact with other kids.

tapi ye lah... the cost of bringing them up.... becoz of no hand me downs.... it does get costly. bajus, bottles, nappies, baby cariers, strollers, car seats, shoes, toys...... and the list goes on. but at the end of the day, its all worth it. i always keep an eye for sales. kat sini ada jual branded clothes yg murah. you can get brands like MNG, Pumpkin Patch at quite reasonable price. and mana barang diorang yg dah tak muat tu, ku jual kat ebay. boleh generate income....

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Post time 28-4-2007 11:35 PM | Show all posts

Reply #354 ajasu's post

hehe, ajasu, thanks for the insight. bagusla kalau org yg bg comment tu pikir positif, tapi saya ni terima as lain plak, rasa mcm kita punya penat lelah tak direcognize jek, hehehe. tapi time dlm pantang kita mmg ada sikit sensitip sikit...

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Post time 28-4-2007 11:45 PM | Show all posts

Reply #355 spidernfly's post

spidernfly, hi! my twins dah after 6 months kot baru tido lena throughout the night, tu pun akan bangun2 juga utk night feeds. before that ada yg tak tido, ada yg pukul 3am masih nak berpangku lagi, letak aje dah nangis. so it was kinda hectic for both of us. yes i agree that husb n wife need some time together away from the kids, but so far i tak pernah lagi tinggalkan the twins lama2, paling lama dari pagi sampai petang je (office hours), overnight tak pernah. but sometimes if we get the chance we will go out for a drink just the two of us, datingler...

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spidernfly This user has been deleted
Post time 29-4-2007 12:04 AM | Show all posts

Reply #358 cupcake's post

adoi la.... tido berpangku tu yg tak tahan tgk tu. my sons takde pulak cam tu...kecuali when they are sick. i guess pasal my sons dr awal ku sudah biasakan tidur in their own room and tido sendiri.... so thats why kot. at first mmg nangis... ku pekak kan je telinga ku ini. lama2 diorang pandai tido sendiri.

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Post time 29-4-2007 12:47 AM | Show all posts

Reply #359 spidernfly's post

spidernfly,tula, lain babies lain ceritanya kan. maybe i tak strong enough masa tu kot utk tahan godaan suara nangis diorg, hehe. that's why we mothers of multiples need support! kalaulah i knew u sblm ni, sure i teratur sikit jaga my twins ni, hehe.

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