Originally posted by Santeira at 12-8-2008 08:38 PM
Thanks cinta_ungu, for all your support For having faith in me. For the banners, and the soothing words.
Currently listening to: * Melodies of life - Santeira *
Same-same kasih kak san....
kebetulan kite mmg suke sore and nyanyian kak san...
tadapat nak tolong banyak...bleh tolong tak susahkan ati kak san aje...
walau apepun result nanti..harapnye kak san akan terus menyanyi kat SYMT nie key...
Originally posted by Santeira at 12-8-2008 09:56 PM
Ayyooh so many things happen this week. seb bek ada org macam you kat online nih. So sweet--guys would love someone like you
bersabar yek kak san....
kak san, kak CT pernah berpesan dlm lagu Melawan Kesepian dia....