sket lg nak abih BD....
so far... twilight paling best.... BD ni rasa crowded sgt.... |
hmmm ptg ni nak tgok lagi skali twilite... hehehe... |
Balas #340 ladydolph\ catat
cameron tak sesuai jadi alec!! muka dia tembam lor..
ingat tom felton le jadi.. isk |
To all timakasih for sharing gambar & update wlpn tak smua kaka dpt baca. bnyk udah ketinggalan
apapun muka charlie bewley tu seswai je jd antu puntianak.. |
Reply #343 a.ceCCo's post
aku pun ngatkan Tom....
nampaknya kena tgk lah transformasi Cameron nih nanti...
kot2 meet kita nyer expectation kan.... |
kinda sad news... Carter Burwell will not be returning to compose for New Moon...
loved his music very much......
Will you work on the sequels to Twilight?
As I understand it, the director of New Moon, Chris Weitz, has hired Alexandre Desplat to composer the music for the film. Desplat composed the music for Weitz' earlier film The Golden Compass. I don't know if they'll use any of my themes from Twilight, such as "Bella's Lullaby".
read the rest here : http://www.carterburwell.com/projects/Twilight.html
Published by Larry Carroll on Wednesday, April 15, 2009 at 6:55 pm.
On Tuesday afternoon, Summit Entertainment officially released the names of the new 揟wilight |
page sangkut!
Reply #344 ladydolph's post
hmmmm...orait gak le casting depa ni....
graham greene tu memang nampak sesuai jadi tribe werewolf tu...dia ni memang ada darah2 native american ker (errr tul ke gelaran aku tu??)...
cameron bright...at first look aku rasa macam tak sesuai...tapi bila tgk muka dia lama2. aku dapat imagine macam mana mata dia bila dia bawa watak tu nanti...mata jahat...  |
waduhh.. kena baca breaking dawn cepat2 neh.. kang sibuk tengok harry potter yang dah nak keluar ni dah lupe balik..
dua2 siri buku/filem ni menagihkan aku betul la
teringat kat belakang book cover BD.. praise for SM, "move over, harry potter." sukati jerk.. 
[ Last edited by a.ceCCo at 17-4-2009 19:28 ] |
Reply #357 a.ceCCo's post
gorg dah abih smlm BD.... mmg syahdu... |
Originally posted by gorgonz at 17-4-2009 21:23 
gorg dah abih smlm BD.... mmg syahdu...
alamak..syahdu ker?tak sabarnyer..dora baru sampai part diorang gathering geng2 carliste.. |
Originally posted by gorgonz at 17-4-2009 21:23 
gorg dah abih smlm BD.... mmg syahdu...
congrats sbb dah berjaya habiskan...hehehe
bagi aku walaupun BD ni agak crowded ngan pelbagai characters... tp ttp best..... semua elemen ada.....
part mana yg syahdu tu? heehe....
| |