341# sphinx
but stilll... ada few points yg tak kena la... but what the hell  |
343# Ha_Neul
hehe..itu lar... alar..konsep dia mmg sama je..motif pun sama jek..cuma cara penyampaian dia berbeza..so what kan.. cuma marketing dia org je lar over... hype kan cite nie seolah-olah Avatar nie lar 'the most life-changing film ever made' gitu..which i think byk critics were annoyed with.. tp kena faham gak..sbb budget cite pun dah telan beberapa ratus juta..so dia org kena up kan marketing/promotion utk dpt balik modal..and so far..tactic dia org dah berjaya... lg pun James Cameron sendri pernah kata yg dia tak berminat nak buat filem utk masuk festival..or utk dpt pujian from critics..tp dia lebih berminat utk target the 'mass audience' and so far mass audience are liking his work.. so thumbs up utk encik Cameron 
tp tak setuju kalau cite camni yg menang Oscars sbb storyline dia dah banyak kali ada... i would like something mcm Let The Right One In yg menang..baru gempak...  |
Pocahontas ada sekuel, boleh le Avatar 2 tiru jalan cerita dia lak ....
but i bet kalau ikut sekuel Pocahontas tu, boleh histeria peminat Avatar berdemo membantah  |
343# Ha_Neul
hehe..itu lar... alar..konsep dia mmg sama je..motif pun sama jek..cuma cara penyampaian dia berbeza..so what kan.. cuma marketing dia org je lar over... hype kan cite nie seolah-ola ...
sphinx Post at 8-1-2010 14:26 
aku rasa citer memang takleh menang.,.but aspek teknikal for sure boleh...;) |
Filem ni berpeluang cerah tercalon Best Picture tp menang tak kot....Hurt Locker yg locked untuk menang rasanya... :re: |
gelak sorang2 aku baca komen korang2 kat sini.. hahahah.. some of u memang lawak.. keep up the good work!
well, aku baru nengok cite ni tadi.. setelah gagal dlm percubaan nak nengok minggu lepas, dpt nengok The Imaginarium of Doc Parnassus la pulak coz tu jek yg tiket tak sold out without taking into account cite pulau asmara and apa lagi tah.. kes tak ingat nak buat booking awal2..
review aku: cite ni definitely not for someone yg tak minat sci fi movie mcm hubby aku.. dia kata apa la cite karut aku bawak dia tengok ni hahaha.. hubby aku jenis suka heavy drama & cite2 yg byk kena pikir.. so unlike me..
so pd aku cite ni best sgt2.. despite watching it from the 2nd row from the screen sampai sakit2 leher.. (opss lupa lagi nak booking awal2.. hmm) & menyebabkan aku masuk benang filem & wayang for the first time coz nak baca review org lain..
mesej dia w/pun cliche still berbekas kat hati aku.. and aku sokong bab2 environmentalist & saving the world tu.. kebetulan hari ni hari pertama kerajaan s'gor berkempen 'no plastic bag' day.. so aku siap2 bawak beg sendiri utk isi barang shopping kekeke
so pertanyaan aku: siap zoe saldana tu ek? cam tak penah dengar lak nama dia.. michelle tu aku tau pasal aku follow 'Lost' yg hubby aku cakap storyline karut giler )
mana la creator na'vi language tu dpt idea nak cedok bahasa m'sia as in the article pasted by Zep tu?
aku nak nengok lagi lah cite ni, in 3D pulak, to compare the difference.. hopefully kali ni aku tak terlupa nak booking  |
Mg karan film ni........................................the best from James Cameron....
:pompom: :pompom: |
ops lupa set navi tue guna bahasa laing ker?
ingatkan bahasa english? hmy3: |
350# logy
ni siyes ke gurau ni weh? |
sarcasm.... hehehe....
dah tentu curios......
set navi tue betul ckp bahasa laing ker? |

sphinx Post at 7-1-2010 23:09 
me ingat lebih kurang cam kevin costner dance with the wolves
jalan cita dia..
anyway, 3D dia memang hebat.... |
so pertanyaan aku: siap zoe saldana tu ek? cam tak penah dengar laknama dia.. michelle tu aku tau pasal aku follow 'Lost' yg hubby akucakap storyline karut giler )
Tengok tak movie Star Trek tahun lepas? Zoe Zaldana berlakon jadi Uhura, makwe kepada Spook.. |
terbaca kat wiki...
Avatar Sequels - Cameron has mentioned Avatar sequels are being planned, including more story line with Jake and Neytiri, and to explore a moon orbiting Polyphemus. The sequels are rumored to be Cameron's next two projects. |
aku tertinggal erl...huhu..br tgk smlm citer neh..
bg aku citer ni sgt menarik...
rase mcm pegi dunia lain jer..
pe pon sgt beslah..nak tgk lagik pasneh |
set navi tue betul ckp bahasa laing ker?
bhasa hape tu...???
bluezink Post at 14-1-2010 01:29 
bahasa yg dicipta khas utk muvi ni.
xwujud kat mana2 |
konpem aku beli Blu Ray Avatar pasnie......sure mengganas di tv plasma ku... |
Post Last Edit by philipinoe2 at 15-1-2010 00:21
dah tgk kali kedua mlm td..versi 2d plak... |
best giler filem ni!
sya tengok 2D aje... tapi best jua! |
aku pun akan beli blu ray.... |
| |