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Author: ibuKA

Bishie Hunter, Yaoi and Yunjae rules!! Ver.3

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2012 12:32 PM | Show all posts
eh tak la.. bibir dia cam jaejoong seh.. tapi iras muka terutama mata dia cam changmin.. b ...
Kia_picanto Post at 12-4-2012 15:08

    yeke?...aku salah le ni... aku rasa bibir dia yg cam changmin...
kai nih seorang yg pemalu bangat... kelakar tgk dia... SM train Exo nih, sebelum DBSK pecah tau...lama kan derang nak debut...

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2012 12:33 PM | Show all posts
yg itu aku tak sure
Kia_picanto Post at 12-4-2012 15:09

    betoiii...adik aku la yg kata...
nti aku carik gambo derang kalo ada yg ala2 18sx punya...

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 Author| Post time 13-4-2012 12:34 PM | Show all posts
saje aku tepek EXO ni utk menghilangkan kesuraman umah bishie nih
Kia_picanto Post at 12-4-2012 15:10

    mmg suram punnn...takde yunjae cam tak best lak...

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Post time 13-4-2012 12:37 PM | Show all posts
yeke?...aku salah le ni... aku rasa bibir dia yg cam changmin...
kai nih seorang yg pe ...
ibuKA Post at 13-4-2012 12:32

    idok le... penat aku wat pengecaman bibir dia tuh

oh.. mmg EXO ni dah lama.. kemunculan awal Kai ni masa MV DBSK hahaha.. kiut giler...

aku rasa lama derang train tu tak pasti la.. aku rasa diorg masih mencari konsep utk kumpulan baru.. jadi sementara tuh train habis2 la..

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Post time 13-4-2012 12:42 PM | Show all posts
betoiii...adik aku la yg kata...  
nti aku carik gambo derang kalo ada yg ala2 18sx  ...
ibuKA Post at 13-4-2012 12:33

    mantapppp.... itu yg sebaik-baiknya

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Post time 13-4-2012 12:43 PM | Show all posts
mmg suram punnn...takde yunjae cam tak best lak...
ibuKA Post at 13-4-2012 12:34

    peminat yunjae takde ilham..

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Post time 13-4-2012 01:06 PM | Show all posts
KRIS ni leh jadi asami-sama aku kan??

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2012 01:47 PM | Show all posts
idok le... penat aku wat pengecaman bibir dia tuh

oh.. mmg EXO ni dah lama ...
Kia_picanto Post at 13-4-2012 12:37

  amboii...gigih ko wat pengecaman ek?... yeke?? dbsk yg mana?...nak tgklah...

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2012 01:50 PM | Show all posts
peminat yunjae takde ilham..
Kia_picanto Post at 13-4-2012 12:43

   mmm...tu la pasal...takde brite psl yunjae yg boleh dijadikan gosip...

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 Author| Post time 14-4-2012 01:54 PM | Show all posts
KRIS ni leh jadi asami-sama aku kan??
Kia_picanto Post at 13-4-2012 13:06

   sertakan bukti2 kukuh (gambar2)...nti aku nilai prestasi dia...

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Post time 16-4-2012 07:18 PM | Show all posts
amboii...gigih ko wat pengecaman ek?... yeke?? dbsk yg mana?...nak tgklah...
ibuKA Post at 14-4-2012 13:47

   carik MV Ha Ha Ha.. DBSK pegi studio rakaman and tolong junior artist diorg bersemangat nak berlatih.

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Post time 16-4-2012 07:19 PM | Show all posts
mmm...tu la pasal...takde brite psl yunjae yg boleh dijadikan gosip...
ibuKA Post at 14-4-2012 13:50

   ada pon ngarut2 jer yg aku baca.. oh.. ada... nanti aku carik balik...

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Post time 16-4-2012 07:21 PM | Show all posts
Ok nah.. dari LJ 5_forever_tvxq

50 facts about YunJaeOkay, so I found this post on tumblr and it's really so asdfghjkl; so I'd like to share it here :33

  • The mother and father of the group
  • Both are Aquarius and Wood Oxen
  • Jaejoong (and Yunho?) admitted to reading Gashiyeon, an extremely famous and beautifully written fanfic that is known for it’s dark themes and graphic sex scenes
  • Shipped within the group by Yoochun, Changmin, and Jaejoong
  • For YunJae Petch’s 4th anniversary in 2008, they got several celebrities to sign a bookcongratulating YunJae on their marriage
  • Jaejoong’s 8th sister (Sooyoung) is a known supporter of the couple and has been known to autograph pictures of them; his other sisters support the couple as well, but not as publicly or obviously
  • Have been friends since 2001; Jaejoong met Yunho in a street fight, and then once again later that year when they were both trainees
  • Yunho claims that hugging Jaejoong from behind calms him
  • Both have said on multiple occasions that they would pick each other to marry if they were a female; Jaejoong picks Yunho because he’s manly and would be able to protect him, and Yunho picks Jaejoong because he can cook well
  • According to Yunho, if he weren’t a member of TVXQ he’d end up being Jaejoong’s fan
  • While Jaejoong’s leg was injured in 2006, Yunho could usually be found hovering near him and helping him walk or sit—in some cases refusing to let others do it instead
  • Most popular couple in China and Korea; this seems to be a source of pride for both Yunho and Jaejoong
  • A rather famous couple in Korea even outside of the fandom; outsiders don’t exactly know the details of the ‘YunJae couple-dom’, but there are general suspicions of TVXQ’s Leader and Lead Singer
  • When travelling to different countries, they often shared the same room (one of which notoriously had a glass wall and only one bed)
  • Known for going out of their way just to hug each other in congratulations
  • Jaejoong’s first scandal was with Yunho after filming Dangerous Love; they had an awkward relationship for a while afterwords because Yunho would feel shy whenever he looked at Jaejoong
  • Yunho is responsible for most of the ‘non fanservice’ (the touching and staring) moments that many fans use as proof of their relationship
  • Jaejoong is the best at (public) fanservice (saying certain things, acting certain ways where the fans can see them) while Yunho is the worst; Yunho rarely goes out of his way to do it if he can help it (however, during the early debut days it was Yunho who made the effort to establish them as a group couple: YunJae ‘wedding,’ referring to himself as the father to Jaejoong’s mother, calling Jaejoong his ‘wife’)
  • Have had at least 3 couple rings; the first from fans (given with the clear meaning of symbolizing love/a relationship) and the other 2 by Cartier (comment #5) (Cartier is the ring brand that Yunho personally prefers). They’re rumored to have more currently, but nothing has been confirmed.
  • According to a fan account, Yunho and Jaejoong were spotted on what seemed to be a very obvious date in a Japanese ice cream parlor shorty after Yunho’s birthday; Yunho personally asked the fans to delete their pictures and not spread the story around
  • After Jaejoong was taken to the police station for his DUI in ‘06, he was there for 10 minutes (supposedly) before Yunho showed up to take him back to the dorm
  • Yunho has a habit of walking in front of Jaejoong in crowded airports, as if to guard or protect him
  • During concerts, most of the fan items that Jaejoong collects for himself are YunJae related
  • Jaejoong considers himself a Sadist and Yunho considers himself a Masochist
  • Yunho once took a picture of Jaejoong dressed as a woman (while filming Vacation), and went around showing it to the staff. When asked if it was a picture of his girlfriend, he said ‘yes’ instead of explaining that it was Jaejoong cross-dressing.
  • Yunho’s old nickname for Jaejoong is Jiji.
  • Were always in the same project groups before debut
  • Yunho considers Jaejoong to be a presence that he needs in his life
  • Both have described the other as ‘my other half’ at some point
  • Jaejoong saved all of the members in his phone as “우리 (our/my) [Name] ♥” with Yunho’s being the only one he saved as “우리 윤호야 ♥ (our/my Yunho-ya ♥).” He claims to not remember why it’s different.
  • Shortly before (as in same day, hours before) filming the couple talk for AATVXQ III, it’s widely believed that Yunho and Jaejoong had a rather intense fight about Yunho’s involvement with the ‘85 Club and Jaejoong’s displeasure with it. They’re said to have made up afterwards.
  • Though Jaejoong is the elder, both generally refer to Yunho as being the oldest in the group, although for several years Yunho referred to Jaejoong as ‘hyung’
  • Have many friends in common with varying degrees of closeness; Tablo, Hong Suk Chun, Youngsaeng, Hyunjoong, and BoA are some of the more famous ones
  • When Jaejoong is in charge of doling out food among the members, he always serves Yunho first (or attempts to, at least)
  • Yunho taught Jaejoong to use a ripboard and gave him his first one
  • Have been spotted wearing similar or identical clothing and jewelry post-split
  • Yunho still refers to Jaejoong as ‘Jaejoongie’ (2011)
  • Yunho grew his hair long in 2006 just to see if it would look as good as Jaejoong’s did
  • Jaejoong is a good cook but hates doing the dishes; Yunho is a bad cook but doesn’t mind washing dishes. Both have sent messages to their future lovers that they don’t mind doing one if they will do the other.
  • According to an ‘SM insider’ Yunho will not tolerate anyone speaking badly about the Jaejoong in any way—jokingly or not.
  • One fan account claims that an SM manager mentioned that when they both fight, they have to be locked in a room alone so that they can resolve the issue privately (because they become too loud and violent to do so around other people).
  • Have claimed to be dating or married on multiple occasions
  • Jaejoong often describes his ideal type as having pretty/nice hands; Yunho’s hands are generally considered to be among the nicest in the group by the fans
  • Yunho has often described his ideal type as someone who picks lint off of his clothes or fixes his outfit for him—something Jaejoong is known to do
  • The term “JaeSu Gap” was coined due to Jaejoong (knowingly or not) sitting or standing closer to Yunho than to Junsu when in their 3-2 formation (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)
  • Yunho helped Jaejoong write his rap in Wrong Number
  • Jaejoong bought Yunho his dog (Taepoong) for his birthday; according to Yunho the dog was bought by ‘the members’
  • Both have recently signed YunJae photos
  • Their fans are extremely protective of the couple; sasaengs keep their information to themselves (even to this day) and it was notoriously difficult to join and level up in YunJae Petch (before it closed) in order to have access to anything—to even gain membership one had to almost write an essay about the YunJae topic of the admin’s choice.
  • Rumors about their relationship: Jaejoong is said to have had feelings for Yunho for most of 2005, but he held off because Yunho had a girlfriend. Shortly before or after Yunho’s poisoning incident in 2006, it’s believed that they became an official couple—many say that it happened on the actual night, when Jaejoong and Yunho were alone together in his hospital room for around an hour. They’ve broken up two to three times since then (first in 2007, next in late 2008, again in December 2010) but eventually got back together each time (although it’s generally believed that they were broken up for most of 2011).

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Post time 16-4-2012 07:22 PM | Show all posts
Ni tak leh ker???

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 Author| Post time 17-4-2012 12:35 PM | Show all posts
carik MV Ha Ha Ha.. DBSK pegi studio rakaman and tolong junior artist diorg bersemangat nak ...
Kia_picanto Post at 16-4-2012 19:18

    Oooo ye ke?..nti aku tgk...

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 Author| Post time 17-4-2012 12:43 PM | Show all posts
Ni tak leh ker???
Kia_picanto Post at 16-4-2012 19:22

    apa yg boleh?   ko nak suh kai kapel ngn jaejoong ke?

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 Author| Post time 17-4-2012 12:44 PM | Show all posts
Ok nah.. dari LJ 5_forever_tvxq

50 facts about YunJaeOkay, so I found this post on tumblr and i ...
Kia_picanto Post at 16-4-2012 19:21

    heheeee...bersungguh2 aku baca ni tau!...

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Post time 17-4-2012 08:13 PM | Show all posts
apa yg boleh?   ko nak suh kai kapel ngn jaejoong ke?
ibuKA Post at 17-4-2012 12:43

   ha ah.. boleh tak?? ye la.. ngan yunho takde aksi panas.. nanti kalau ada aksi viewfinder kai ngan sesape ko tepek sini

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Post time 17-4-2012 08:14 PM | Show all posts
heheeee...bersungguh2 aku baca ni tau!...
ibuKA Post at 17-4-2012 12:44

   baca fact yg last.. rasanya lagu peiriot tu ditujukan kat yunho.. jaejoong yg cipta..

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 Author| Post time 18-4-2012 12:56 PM | Show all posts
ha ah.. boleh tak?? ye la.. ngan yunho takde aksi panas.. nanti kalau ada aksi viewfin ...
Kia_picanto Post at 17-4-2012 20:13

    ekekkeee...smpai tahap viewfinder takdela kot...sbb dia ni pemalu bangat... dia sllu malu2 miaw ngn Taemin-Shinee...
nti aku tepek ek?

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