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Author: xyla73

[tvN/viu 2024] Lovely Runner - Kim Hye Yoon, Byeon Woo Seok

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Post time 1-7-2024 09:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hyungju tak penah tjk dance skill ke?seme geng LR dok berkuntum kt ig dia..

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Post time 1-7-2024 09:48 PM | Show all posts
honeybee1802 replied at 1-7-2024 09:33 PM
Hyungju tak penah tjk dance skill ke?seme geng LR dok berkuntum kt ig dia..

dgn PD nim sekali ada komen situ

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Post time 1-7-2024 09:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
honeybee1802 replied at 1-7-2024 09:33 PM
Hyungju tak penah tjk dance skill ke?seme geng LR dok berkuntum kt ig dia..

1st time they work together kat LR kot. Hyewon ni byk kan drama dia lps business proposal. Laku keras.

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Post time 1-7-2024 10:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zehra2 replied at 1-7-2024 09:48 PM
dgn PD nim sekali ada komen situ

Hyungju berjaya bringing them all together...

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Post time 1-7-2024 10:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by zehra2 at 1-7-2024 10:39 PM

subeom² malaysia & singapore pls alert..
kalo ada nmpk couple katik & panjang jalan², tolong amik gambor tp jgn tegur..

mcm ada kata nmpk lalu dpn kereta.
kita rasa mcm nk post je kat X tp kang org kata kita tk sporting.. atau suboem tu salah org

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Post time 1-7-2024 11:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zehra2 replied at 1-7-2024 10:36 PM
subeom² malaysia & singapore pls alert..
kalo ada nmpk couple katik & panjang jalan², tolong amik  ...

Tunggu dia balik korea baru post kot. Bg derang privacy sikit. Kasik chance la bercinta

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Post time 1-7-2024 11:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 1-7-2024 11:06 PM
Tunggu dia balik korea baru post kot. Bg derang privacy sikit. Kasik chance la bercinta

kan. selalu nya dah balik baru staf post kat socmed.
teringat influencer  korea tara choi. skrg dok kat langkawi. tunang dia cina malaysia

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Post time 1-7-2024 11:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zehra2 replied at 1-7-2024 11:32 PM
kan. selalu nya dah balik baru staf post kat socmed.
teringat influencer  korea tara choi. skrg do ...

Itu la..langkawi...redang ke haper..sabah..ada je yg depa chill dulu..
Tp awat sampai sakit perut bam woo seok.kt indon?

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Post time 2-7-2024 05:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
honeybee1802 replied at 1-7-2024 11:41 PM
Itu la..langkawi...redang ke haper..sabah..ada je yg depa chill dulu..
Tp awat sampai ...

Mungkin makan mee goreng pedas berapi kot. Dia kan dok meniru hy. Sblm ni kan tak mkn pedas2, perut tak tahan la tu gaknya.

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Post time 2-7-2024 06:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 2-7-2024 05:52 AM
Mungkin makan mee goreng pedas berapi kot. Dia kan dok meniru hy. Sblm ni kan tak mkn pedas2, peru ...

Ooo...pedas belah indo cili padi..kt sana gochujang tu mcm cili besar merah jek...

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Post time 2-7-2024 07:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
AI cover tu apa.
betul ke yg ada kat YT tu lgu duet woohye?
tajuk love day

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 Author| Post time 2-7-2024 07:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zehra2 replied at 2-7-2024 07:16 AM
AI cover tu apa.
betul ke yg ada kat YT tu lgu duet woohye?
tajuk love day

AI generated guna suara diorg…

Best kan? Iols pun tgk video tu…ada 1 lagi lagu, All For You, sedap gak…kalaulah diorg blh duet betul2…

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Post time 2-7-2024 08:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 2-7-2024 07:29 AM
AI generated guna suara diorg…

Best kan? Iols pun tgk video tu…ada 1 lagi lagu, All For You, se ...

sengau tu mmg mcm suara mamel..

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Post time 2-7-2024 09:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 2-7-2024 07:29 AM
AI generated guna suara diorg…

Best kan? Iols pun tgk video tu…ada 1 lagi lagu, All For You, se ...

sebab tulisan nya kecik betul. nmpk kat X psl posting fans woohye kat SD.
dpt la baca sikit translation nya.. tp nk cpt jaga exam, tk dpt baca abis.
mohon yg bijak pandai tolong tepek ya kot dh ada translation..
sjk smlm ada. yg kata mmg kalo couple mmg nk tuju utk kahwin. ada yg predict 2026..
terharu nya bila fans lama woohye bersuara dgn ikhlas

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Post time 2-7-2024 10:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by sitisbp at 5-7-2024 01:00 PM
zehra2 replied at 2-7-2024 09:22 AM
sebab tulisan nya kecik betul. nmpk kat X psl posting fans woohye kat SD.
dpt la baca sikit transl ...

Ada translation english n indo kat x.
Edit yg direct from sd.

@16 hr ago (edited)  

We apologize if there are inaccuracies  or mistakes in the translation. This  post was originally written in English.  Recently, there was a comment from  Tongtong who said he has been a fan  of Byeon Woo-seok for over 7 years  There was also a question about what  fans of Hyepi Ending thought after  reading that article. I am a fan of Kim  Hye-yoon and have been a fan since  <SKY Castle> (2018). Since 1 am an overseas fan, I cannot claim to  represent Hyepi Ending. But I wish I  could make a few comments  

1. Kim Hye-yoon does not have much  dating experience. She attended an  all-girls school for both middle and  high school. Even after I became an  adult, I continued to work. In an  interview with Chosun Ibo, she said  her first love was unrequited. She said  she found it difficult to love the same  way she used to. Because when you  are in love, you can give everything  

2. Kim Hye-yoon's close friends publicly  acknowledged their romantic  
relationship. But there were also  difficult experiences. Jaewook Lee  suffered from numerous malicious  comments after the announcement. He  said in a statement that it had affected  his mental health. Kim Bo-ra eventually  broke up with Jo Byeong-gyu, with  whom she had been close before  filming <SKY Castle>. Dating someone  who is your co-star and has a busy  filming schedule isn't easy .

3. The entertainment industry is a  harsh place, especially for women.  Think about comments about a  woman's age, appearance, etc. (Uhm  Jung-hwa mentioned this in a recent  interview). If you are a long-time fan of  Hyeyoon, you probably know that she  has been quite active on social media  and often posts posts supporting her  fellow stars on Instagram. However,  like Park Eun-bin and Kim Ji-won, these  two actors no longer follow anyone  else on Instagram. I haven't behaved  like this in the past, perhaps because I  learned from past experiences  

4. Hyeyun says that because she has  an anxious personality, it is difficult for  her to recover immediately when  something difficult happens. When it  comes to acting, he has great stamina  and strength, but he also has an  emotional side. He is someone who  treasures gifts from fans for years and  uses them all properly. I spend my time  reading fan letters from all my fans and  listening seriously to their stories. But  in some ways, it's clumsy and naive  I'm not good at cooking or cleaning  Actually, I am quite introverted and shy.  Although he is intense when it comes  to acting, he is much more calm in his   private life.  

5. Hyeyun's close friends say that  Hyeyun often hides her true feelings  and does not express them well. If  you're talking about burnout on an  entertainment show, it's likely a more  serious situation than what Hyeyun  mentioned. I hope her condition  continues to improve. As an actor,  there are times when I neglect myself  because of my desire to continue  showing various sides of myself.  

In fact, most of Hye-yoon's cast  members care for her and have  affection for her. They care deeply for  her and usually become close friends  They also wipe her tears, reassure her  when she is sad, and find her cute and  adorable. She can make them laugh  and make them feel comfortable. They  put on a jacket when you're wearing a  skirt, take pictures for you, and help  you shoot safely when taking difficult  scenes. I think this is possible because  Hyeyoon herself takes good care of the  people around her. She also develops  high-quality, long-lasting relationships  with her colleagues  

But I think my relationship with  Wooseok is really deep. Tongtong  mentioned that Wooseok's attitude  towards Hye-yoon is different from  other fellow actors. Wooseok also said  about Hyeyoon, "She's an inconvenient  person, but she's not uncomfortable.  Since Seon-jae is his first lead role and  Wooseok and Hye-yoon had many  scenes together, it is natural that he  cares for Hye-yoon a lot. However,  many fans also emphasize that the two  have very harmonious and caring  personalities. Because Hye-yoon is not  the only one rooting for Wooseok,  
Wooseok also helped Hyeyoon a lot  with her romantic scenario.  
So, I don't think that the words "older  brother" to Hye-yoon are simply words  to draw a line. I think there is also an  intention to not put pressure on  Wooseok, who is finally starting to  receive attention after 8 years. When  there were malicious reports about him  in the fandom, he did the same to other  fellow stars. For example, in <The Day 1  Found You by Chance>, instead of  choosing an ideal type, you said that  no one is your ideal type.

Hyeyun has  always been smart, knows how to set  boundaries, and is someone who is  completely dedicated to her work while  also being considerate of those around  her.  
Tongtong also mentioned that  Wooseok feels pressured to repay  those who first supported him. I think  they understand each other because  they both have a passion for acting. So  I think Hyeyun also wants to see  Wooseok continue to succeed. Rather  than praising his appearance or height,   
she focuses on actor Byun Woo-seok's  skills. As she said, "He was a great  actor from the beginning, but 1 think he  shined even brighter through this work,"  she believes in his capabilities and  aspirations  
However... the fact that Byun Woo-seok  said in an interview, "I should say that  he is approaching Byun Woo-seok as  he is moving away" shows his  masculine and cool side. This may be  the first time a performer has publicly  offered reassurance like this. I don't  think Wooseok is stupid. I also don't  think his agency Varo is careless  enough to allow false or exaggerated  claims in his interviews. Having worked  in the modeling and acting industry for  many years, Wooseok has a lot of  experience. He didn't need to say this.  He also knows how to draw lines and  set boundaries with others. But  instead, he went public with his praise  for her in an interview  
In particular, social expectations for  women after marriage are high,  including regarding career, family, and  children.
However, Wooseok said that  he is willing to adapt to the other  person's style when dating. Wooseok is  also called Choi Soo-jong of the model  world by Joo Woo-jae. Additionally, he  noted that in the past, there were  people who took advantage of his  kindness. However, this time, he saw  Hye-yoon, who is small in stature,  faithfully taking care of those around  the set, such as providing chocolate  and jelly and inspiring the entire cast  through her acting. A person who does  everything while enduring the coldest  weather and the saddest scenes. How  could you not be impressed?  

Hyeyun has previously said that she  wants to become an 'irreplaceable  actor. I think we are already heading  down that path. I sincerely hope that  Hye-yoon can find a love that can  support her goals and dreams,  complement her weaknesses, and  nurture her strengths and generous  heart. I said earlier that it doesn't  matter to me whether Wooseok and  Hye-yoon's relationship is platonic or  romantic. It doesn't even matter if  you're dating publicly. I firmly believe  that Wooseok and Hyeyoon are people  who truly love others. If the two of you  

who truly love others. If the two of you  date, it will be a serious relationship  with marriage as the premise. If not, I  hope Hye-yoon gets along wel for a  long time to come, just like she did with  her co-stars in the past.  
Ultimately, Hye-yoon's current goal is to  find her own happiness. As a long-time  fan of hers, my biggest wish is to do  what makes her happiest.  
See original (Translated by Google)  

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Post time 2-7-2024 10:23 AM | Show all posts
Edited by sitisbp at 5-7-2024 01:01 PM

Yg ni dari wooseok fans pulak.

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 Author| Post time 2-7-2024 10:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Terharunya baca semua komen2 ni…

No wonder staff LR semua cakap their bond is deep…dari sumber2 dalaman, derang cakap Wooseok datang set penggambaran walaupun dia takde scene hari tu to give moral & emotional support to Hyeyoon…n derang sendiri cakap they can communicate without words…

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Post time 2-7-2024 10:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pnjg nya.. huhu tq tepek. rehat kang baca

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Post time 2-7-2024 11:01 AM | Show all posts
aku le tu... yg blm moveon lg dr drama ni.... pastu bila baca psl woo seok and hye yoon,,, mmg terharu sgt dgn effort dorg...the deserve what they have today...

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Post time 2-7-2024 12:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ailin replied at 2-7-2024 11:01 AM
aku le tu... yg blm moveon lg dr drama ni.... pastu bila baca psl woo seok and hye yoon,,, mmg terha ...


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