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Author: acikhan

Istana Bawang 6 (Kate vs Meghan Markle)

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Post time 16-5-2019 01:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bukan calang2 Middleton

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Post time 16-5-2019 01:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Twitter: BananaBarones
They really are scraping the barrel forcing this narrative down our throats... Ah, maybe JM only wants to come now that Meghan is crashing at George & Amal Clooney’s mansion? Still wondering about the TL w.r.t. to W&K visiting yesterday & MM’s escape to the Clooney mansion?

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Post time 16-5-2019 02:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 15-5-2019 11:37 PM
siapa hari tu rekues adegan awkward kat majlis Investiture Prince of Wales?

Good one

Ending the best MM kebil2 mata nonstop nak tahan nangis.

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Post time 16-5-2019 02:47 AM | Show all posts
Edited by dani-rox at 16-5-2019 02:48 AM

artikel dari blog balaci MM, Lainey Lui utk hiburan takyah click utk sumbang view kpd blognya.

Master Archie receives the Cambridges

Prince William and Catherine visited Prince Harry and Meghan Markle yesterday at Frogmore Cottage for their first visit with Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor. That’s all we know. The only statement released by the royals about it was that “it was a private visit”. Obviously this isn’t going to shut down rumours of a rift between House Cambridge and House Sussex but, right now, the UK media is focusing its venom solely on Meghan herself, still bothered by how she masterfully rolled out Master Archie’s introduction last week by taking them out of the process. Not only that, but they’re also worried about the advantage that the American media has over them where Meghan and Harry are concerned.This isn’t new. Way back when Harry and Meghan first started dating, I was already pointing out how American publications, like PEOPLE and Us Weekly (before its ownership change), were scooping the British outlets on exclusives. The biggest exclusive, obviously, was PEOPLE’s cover story earlier this year with five of Meghan’s friends anonymously defending her over the sh-t that the UK press had been throwing at her. And now Gayle King.
Gayle King was in London last week ahead of the birth to shoot segments for an anniversary special that CBS is airing on Friday. According to Page Six Gayle also privately spent time with Meghan and Harry but it was an off-the-record meeting. CBS, however, was one of only two cameras at Windsor Castle last week for Archie’s first public appearance. Gayle’s no fool. She knows what she’s doing. Securing that camera was a win, for CBS, obviously, but mostly for Gayle – because she’s just signed a major deal with the network that’s reportedly paying her at least $11 million, and she is delivering on that value, with the seeds of investment planted for more value as, well, if Harry and Meghan are ever again going to do a sitdown interview with anyone, the frontrunner now, no doubt, is Gayle. Gayle King is showing the f-ck out of her work.

That said, Meghan’s no fool either. It’s not like she wouldn’t be aware of how that meeting would benefit Gayle and that Gayle’s hoping for a payoff later on, but there’s an upside here to go along with the downside of pissing off the British media. The bonus is in the messaging. What is the messaging? There are a few messages. As a woman of colour, Meghan is using her power to contribute to the power of another woman of colour. Gayle’s budding relationship with Meghan is an asset to Gayle – Meghan here is sharing her capital. Also, she’s the first woman of colour to become a member of the British royal family who’s been subject to racially insensitive reporting from the predominantly white British media. Wouldn’t Gayle understand that more than most?

This is also a classic move from the celebrity handbook. Celebrities often favour certain outlets, are more generous with their time with certain reporters and networks than others. As I keep saying, Meghan Markle is a celebrity. She knows this game. She’s applying it to her royal communication strategy. But there’s precedent too. Didn’t Diana do this? Didn’t she handpick Andrew Morton to tell her story? Didn’t she favour certain people over others? Didn’t she use the media to her advantage when she had a point to make? Diana ultimately was ill-equipped to handle the stress of the media chessboard. Meghan, however, remember, was raised in Hollywood, famewhore central. The British media are basically dealing with a Kardashian. Who are they going to send out there to post up against her in the paint?”

so much ass kissing, play victim and justifications in one article.
5 friends ka PR


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Post time 16-5-2019 02:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 16-5-2019 02:47 AM
artikel dari blog balaci MM, Lainey Lui utk hiburan  takyah click utk sumbang view kpd blognya. ...

Eh chopp. Maggot ada kawan lagi meyh d saat saat genting? tadi i ada baca. Dorg edit pic PWKM g melawat Archie. Cite dia memang nampak la menipu. Kalau g melawat takan la PWKM tak selfie ng Archie. Kann?

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Post time 16-5-2019 04:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
JRmommy replied at 16-5-2019 02:59 AM
Eh chopp. Maggot ada kawan lagi meyh d saat saat genting?  tadi i ada baca. Dorg edit pic PWKM g ...

I baca ummah kokesen buat lawak

Berapa harga agaknya megan charge PWKM untuk visit dan tengok kaki anak dia saja

Yela, meghan kan suka buat duit

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Post time 16-5-2019 04:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
namieamuro replied at 16-5-2019 01:00 AM
bukan calang2 Middleton

woow bestnya.. nenek Kate dan nenek sedara dia codebreaker .. wooow.. x sangka. bukan senang kerja jd code breaker utk wireless nie. kerja ni mmg kerja utk org yg pintar2 saja and of course dorg adalah semua spies!

and jeng jeng jeng.. Kate ada dna kembar x mustahil one dia melahirkan anak kembar.

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Post time 16-5-2019 04:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 16-5-2019 12:12 AM
FMC tuh sampai sekarang mcm tempat jin bertendang, nak privacy mcm m ...

amal dan george dah lari..

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Post time 16-5-2019 04:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
primadonia replied at 16-5-2019 12:14 AM
Princess royal ni  ada classic beauty look. Iols suka tgk dia.. Muka mcm sopan2 elegant gitu tp di ...

jgn memain ngan Princess Royal.. dia ni sporty.. mmg kick ass dan mukanya pun nampak inesen tp kalau melawan boleh tahan

wah PP kata susah nak handle.. hehehe sabar je la.. only bapaknya tahu perangai his only daughter. and yeap cantiknya classic and looks very royal.

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Post time 16-5-2019 04:49 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 15-5-2019 07:09 PM
dulu masa mula2 kawen, rata2 rakyat Sweden tak suka Princess Sofia. Tak mcm MM, background dia lg sa ...

Kalau guwe seorang prince (terbayang jadi diri ini jd prince charming wlpn guwe pmpuan) maybe boleh lagi terima bakal binik guwe model topless hahaha sekadar itu sja yg tak clean sangat tpi kalu si jenglot ..eewuuu uweekk.. Guwe tak sesekali terima..

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Post time 16-5-2019 04:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 16-5-2019 12:14 AM
katanya, profesion caddy tu yachter jua tp di darat

tingat kat thread mana entah, bod sini j ...

woow betul ke dani.. now menguatkan teori bab pelacuran di laut dan darat. kat msia dan indonesia pun ada gak sis... ish ish ish.. I heard about caddy pompuan ni from my hubby, dia dpt tau dr friends dia yg sll main golf di indonesia, x sangka service caddy ni hingga ke katil..

gobsmack... meaning dia mmg professional vip call girl

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Post time 16-5-2019 05:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
acikhan replied at 14-5-2019 11:45 PM
Sis Eva, sis nombor, sis Jr mommy, sis joyah Mari la berkuntum umah baru vol.6 nie

tq sis.. penat membawang lupa nak bg muahh kat you.. tq tq

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Post time 16-5-2019 05:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
namieamuro replied at 16-5-2019 01:00 AM
bukan calang2 Middleton

Boleh tahan.. Tpi lonjongnya body si kate ini. kena berisi sikit baru body umphh.. By the way itu dah bodynya.. jaga kesihatan ya kate

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Post time 16-5-2019 05:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
JRmommy replied at 16-5-2019 01:49 AM
Twitter: BananaBarones
They really are scraping the barrel forcing this narrative down our throats. ...

org tu lari dr UK, x mo balik UK dah.. tu agaknya dia crashgate org hahaha .. menyusahkan

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Post time 16-5-2019 05:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by eva at 16-5-2019 05:15 AM
dani-rox replied at 16-5-2019 02:47 AM
artikel dari blog balaci MM, Lainey Lui utk hiburan  takyah click utk sumbang view kpd blognya. ...

Lainey Lui mmg kwn MM dan Jessica Muloney.. dorg mmg super duper sugar meggot so.. trash writing hahaa

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Post time 16-5-2019 05:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
JRmommy replied at 16-5-2019 02:59 AM
Eh chopp. Maggot ada kawan lagi meyh d saat saat genting?  tadi i ada baca. Dorg edit pic PWKM g ...

sempat nak curi limelight PWKM. Dorg kan pergi ke tmpt D Day punya peringatan tu. x sangka nenek sedara Kate antara yg gugur

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Post time 16-5-2019 05:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Farnor replied at 16-5-2019 04:49 AM
Kalau guwe seorang prince  (terbayang jadi diri ini jd prince charming wlpn guwe pmpuan) mayb ...

dua dua tak senonoh sis..

now I boleh paham la apa yg kwn2 I bgtau dlu about do it willingly or pay for the service. x sangka kutukan dorg kat pompuan yg selling diri lagi teruk tau.. walhal sama mat salleh tu..

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Post time 16-5-2019 05:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
primadonia replied at 16-5-2019 12:10 AM
Tp beatrice masa kecik2 comei sgt2.. Tp dgr rumours mata terbeliak dia tu sbb health condition nam ...

Actually p.beatrice orang cakap scare tengok mata dia..for me dia tu sebenarnya lawa..bentuk matanya tu unik bulat macam anime jepun ehhehe.. Kalu dia kurus sikit tak mustahil dia tu lebih lawa dr princess lain..

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Post time 16-5-2019 05:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
joy_ah replied at 16-5-2019 04:08 AM
I baca ummah kokesen buat lawak

Berapa harga agaknya megan charge PWKM untuk visit dan tengok k ...

Hahahahaa .. Ingat PWKM nak bayar ke? Laaaaammmbett lagi. Baik tgok gambar kat socmed je

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Post time 16-5-2019 05:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by eva at 16-5-2019 05:23 AM
namieamuro replied at 16-5-2019 01:00 AM
bukan calang2 Middleton

classic beauty between two middletons.. x sangka kan. no wonderla Kate nie berani, keturunan Code Breakers.. Code breakers ni yg intercep communication musuh. Wireless kan dan dorg ni strategists juga.. teringat dokumentari WWII.. bukan calang2 yg dpt tugas nie, mmg latihan dia sgt sgt la special. Nasib la dorg x kena hantar ke Germany, France or kws kws perang. mmg berani mati punya spies nie.

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