cOmE JoIn LeaRn in Japanese LaNgUaGe...(merged with lovelee)
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genki!genki!:pompom::pompom: |
Originally posted by emiko at 26-5-2006 04:09 AM
P/S: I like ur sig kekeke
hehehe..suka sig yg mana satu tu...atas ke bawahnye  |
Reply #361 evita_ina's post
hihi hai hai. issho ni ganbaro! :pompom::pompom: |
Reply #362 AzusaFuyutsuki's post
ngehehe..wat2 tak paham la plak 
yg atas tu la kekeke. sangat menarik perhatian :bgrin: |
ninjamerah This user has been deleted
nak bertanya ni kpd shifu2 semua..sy budak baru belajar..jadi nak mintak tunjuk ajar :tq:
dulu2 sy pernah terbaca yg

pastu ada terjumpa plak

jadi yg nak ditanya ialah tentang penggunaan "na" tu. adakah memang ada dalam bahasa formal (sbb sy tak sempat abes belajar secara formal dulu)? konpius gak ni..dulu2 igtke "na" tu singkatan "nai" hehehe :nyorok: |
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ninjamerah This user has been deleted
na adalah termasuk di dalam kategori meirei kei, iaitu ayat berbentuk arahan.
na adalah digunakan untuk melarang, pada dasarnya ia adalah bahasa kasar. bahasa yang halus dan lembut ialah .....naide kudasai.
na digunakan oleh orang yang tinggi darjatnya kepada orang yang rendah darjatnya, ataupun sesama kawan-kawan di mana tidaklah mengapa jika kita tidak berapa bersopan santun sangat.
selain itu meirei kei juga digunakan di dalam memberi semangat ataupun menyorak pasukan.
adalah dianggap biasa di dalam perbualan harian, jika orang yang lebih tinggi kedudukannya menggunakan na ketika mememarahi atau memberi arahan kepada orang yang lebih rendah kedudukannya. misalnya, ayah kepada anak atau suami kepada isteri. sebaliknya jika anak menggunakannya terhadap ibu bapa, atau isteri kepada suami, atau orang muda kepada orang tua maka ia akan selalunya dilihat sebagai kurang ajar.
majikan selalunya akan menggunakan na hanyalah apabila amat marah. selalunya penggunaan ayat yang lembut akan diutamakan.
penggunaan meirei kei sesama kawan-kawan rapat tidak menimbulkan masalah, kerana di kalangan kawan-kawan, bahasa kasar juga dikira ramah.
begitu juga ketika bersorak atau memberi kata semangat, meirei kei dianggap sebagai ramah.
contoh kata semangat: makeruna! ganbare! etc.
[ Last edited by ninjamerah at 26-6-2006 02:57 PM ] |
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Common Words and Phrases
A-B-C: slang, similar to "first, second, and third base", where
C is "all the way"
abunai: "be careful", "watch out", or "it's dangerous"
aho: derogatory term, similar to "shit*"
aniki: older brother (like oniisan)
ano: umm...
ai: love
aishiteru: I LOVE you (compare to suki)
arigatou: thank you (short form)
arigatou gozaimas: thank you very much (half form)
baka: "idiot" or "stupid" or "jerk"
bakemono: monster
baka-yaro: derogatory term, similar to "shit*" or "shit*"
betsuni: it's nothing
boku: (masculine) I (child, informal)
chikuso: swear word, similar to "shit" or "damn" or "damn it"
chotto matte: wait a second
chotto matte kudasai: please wait a moment
daijoubu: "are you all right?" or "I'm all right", depending on tone
demo: but
domo arigatou gozaimas: thank you very much (full form)
doshte: why
dozo: please (when offering a guest refreshment, for instance
or welcoming a guest inside the house)
ganbatte: "work hard", or "do your best"
gomen: I'm sorry (short form)
gomen nasai: I'm very sorry
gomen ne: I'm sorry (short form)
hai: "yes" or "yes, Sir" or "yes, Ma'am"
hanashte!: let me go!
hayaku!: "hurry!" or "quickly, now!"
hentai: Animated pornography. Its direct translation means "pervert" and refers to any scene or movie that explicitly presents nudity or sexual acts. Can also be used to describe a person who is strange or out of the ordinary.
hime-sama: princess
honto: "really" or "truly"
iie: no
iko!: go!
ikuzo: let's go
itadakimas: thanks for the meal
ittai!: ouch!
ja ne: see ya! (informal)
jodan: joke
kami: god, hair, or paper
kami-sama: God
kampai!: cheers!
kancho: captain
kawaii: cute
kawaiikune: not cute (extremely informal, what Ranma says to Akane)
kaze: wind
kohai: lower classman, used to address someone belonging to the
same school or organization who is younger
(compare to sempai)
koko: here
kokoro: heart
konbanwa: good evening
konnichiwa: good day, hello
kore: this
kudasai: please
kuso: swear word similar to "shit" or "bloody hell"
masaka: "it can't be" or "that's impossible"
matte: wait, as in "wait for me!" (informal)
minna: everyone (sometimes used as in minna-san)
mizu: water
moii: it's OK already
moshi moshi: hello (usually used only when answering the phone)
nani: what
nanda: where
naze: why
nigeru!: "run away!" or "flee!"
ningen: human
obaasan: grandmother
obasan: aunt
ocha: tea
ohayo: good morning
ojiisan: grandfather
ojisan: uncle
okaasan: mother
okairi: "welcome back" or "welcome home", in response to tadaiima
omai: "why you" or "hey, you"
omedetou: congratulations
oneechan: older sister
onegai: please
oni: ogre (a creature with horns)
oniisan: older brother
ore: (masculine) I (adult informal)
otousan: father
oyaji: father (very disrespectful)
oyasumi: good night
piku piku: the sound of blinking; this is used most often in fanfic and
originates from Ranma 1/2 anime
sayonara: good-bye
sempai: upper classman, used to address someone belonging to the
same school or organization who is older
(compare to kohai)
sensei: teacher, other professional person (e.g. doctor)
shiine!: die!
shikashi: but, however, nevertheless
shimatta: swear word, similar to "shit"
shimpai suru: to worry
skebe: pervert
sona bakana: that's impossible
sugoi: wonderful, great
suki: I love/like you
sumimasen: excuse me
suteki: it's great, wonderful
tadaiima: I'm home.
taihen: terrible, awful
tasukete!: help!
tomodachi: friend
ureshi: I'm so happy.
urusai: literally, "noisy", as in "you're being noisy"
colloquially, "shut up" or "be quiet"
uso: "it's a lie" or "you're kidding me"
utskushii: beautiful
wakarimashta: it is understood (colloquially, "I understand")
watashi: I
yama: mountain
yamette: stop
yada!: (feminine) "stop it!" or "no way!"
yare yare: colloquially "well, well", "oh, my", "my, my",
"oh, dear", "oh, brother"
yatta!: I did it!
yokata: I'm glad
yoroushku: nice to meet you
yoush!: colloquially "OK, let's go!" or "all right, let's do it!"
yume: dream |
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mother: okaasan
father: otousan or oyaji (very informal)
older brother: oniisan or aniki
older sister: oneechan
aunt: obasan
uncle: ojisan
grandmother: obaasan
grandfather: ojiisan |
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Name suffixes
Japanese names are usually presented family name first, then first name. The ending on the name indicates the speaker's relationship to the person he/she is speaking to. A person is almost never addressed by his/her first name alone unless the relationship is very close. Here's a rough guide:
-sama Very respectful ending. Not normally used with someone's
names. Used to people of superior status, like your boss,
or to your guests as a host. Envelopes should be addressed
with "-sama". A shopkeeper might call a customer
"o-kyaku-sama" (Respected Mr. Customer).
sensei A respectful term meaning "teacher", also used with
physicians. Frequently used to refer to experts in a
field or people in any respected occupation. Lawyers,
master chefs, fashion designers, and even some manga
artists are called "sensei". Sometimes used like an
honorific with a name or title, as in "kouchou-sensei"
(Mr. Principal, Sir).
-san Usual term of respect. It can stand for Mr. and Ms., and
is attached to either first or last names, and names of
occupations like "o-mawari-san" (Mr. Policeman). You
use it for strangers and people you don't know well, but
are more or less the same social status. When in doubt,
use "-san".
However, never use "-san" with your own name or your
family members' names. Also, it shouldn't be used to refer
to famous people, since a small degree of intimacy is
High school girls are usually called "-san".
sempai Somebody in the same general social class, but socially
superior to you. "Sempai" can also be used as an honorific.
Older students may be addressed respectfully as sempai,
especially by girls.
-kun Used by a socially superior male to a socially inferior
male. Familiarly used among male students and boys who
grew up together. Recently, some teachers call girl
students and some bosses call office ladies with "-kun",
but it's still considered a masculine suffix.
High school boys are called "-kun". Girls go from "-chan"
to "-san" in high school, but boys go through a period of
"-kun" in between.
- Calling someone by a family name alone is being very
familiar (or rough). Calling someone by given name
alone is less rough, but more familiar. Using no
honorific when one is expected can be an expression of
-chan Intimate form of address. Families that are close use it,
and "-chan" is often used to, and by, very young children.
Used with given names, abbreviations of given names, and
nicknames, but not family names. Children who grow up
together (like Madoka and Hikaru), may keep using "-chan"
into adulthood. Note: to call a social superior "-chan"
without reason is very insulting. |
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Originally posted by ninjamerah at 26-6-2006 14:54
na adalah termasuk di dalam kategori meirei kei, iaitu ayat berbentuk arahan.
na adalah digunakan untuk melarang, pada dasarnya ia adalah bahasa kasar. bahasa yang halus dan lembut ialah .....na ...
ic ic..
kire termasuk dalam kategori ayat tak formal eh..udah lupa mane yg formal mane yg tak sebab bercampur baur dlm otak yg blaja kat skola dgn yg blaja kat TV hehe :nyorok:
terima kasih ninjamerah :tq: |
ninjamerah This user has been deleted
Originally posted by emiko at 7-7-2006 02:56 PM
ic ic..
kire termasuk dalam kategori ayat tak formal eh..udah lupa mane yg formal mane yg tak sebab bercampur baur dlm otak yg blaja kat skola dgn yg blaja kat TV hehe :nyorok:
terima kasih ...
sepertimana yang aku sebutkan di atas, ia termasuk di dalam kategori meireikei, iaitu ayat berbentuk arahan (informal dan keras). di dalam arahan, ada dua iaitu suruhan dan larangan. ayat suruhan akan berakhir dengan ~e, atau ~o, sementara ayat larangan (jangan) akan berakhir dengan na.
dalam menyorak, ayat yang keras ini akan dianggap lembut.:hatdown: |
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Originally posted by ninjamerah at 10-7-2006 09:55
sepertimana yang aku sebutkan di atas, ia termasuk di dalam kategori meireikei, iaitu ayat berbentuk arahan (informal dan keras). di dalam arahan, ada dua iaitu suruhan dan larangan. ayat suruh ...
oooo okei..time kasih..penerangan yg sgt jelas ttg meireikei :tq: |
watashiwa nihon go naraitai desukedo........onegai shimasu.... |
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Reply #376 katakpuruz's post
douzou............ :nerd: |
minna, doko ni iru no? isogashii kamo ne. nihongo daisuki!
[ Last edited by zeed at 12-12-2006 09:24 PM ] |
apa yang kluar banyak sgt ??????????????????? tue :hmm: |
hm... komen skit boleh? post #243 by ronoaheartily tu...わ たし わ のなまえ りのあ です。 ....
わたし の なまえ は BB_NESSAです [/u (Betul lah tertinggal...
Namae ha BB_Nessa desu..
aku yg xcukup ilmu nih.... klu xsilap, ejaan hiragana mmg patut HA (は) instead of WA (わ). tp bunyi sebutan maintain ler WA.
xgitu? |
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