konsep tinjauan untuk pasukan armor
kita boleh diubahsuai dengan situasi
dan mukabumi kita sendiri
tak semestinya ikut kaedah untuk pergerakan
ketumbukan armor di kawasan
padang pasir dan kawasan rata seperti eropah
khidmat kuda mungkin masih sangat relevan di sesetengah kawasan,
begitu juga motorsikal scrambler, ferret yg ditambahbaik,
mahupun perodua kembara yg ditambah armor dan GPMG..
selain khidmat UAV dan satelit |
361# d'zeck
cadangan lain dah elok dah tu.cuma nak guna perodua kembara untuk diletakkan gpmg boleh ker???silap2 terbalik plak kereta tu masa memecut,sebab aku ragu lah kestabilan kembara tu,tapi kalau modified,upgrape gila2 kereta tu,boleh lah kot.. |
362# uboat
skadar buka minda,
jangan terlalu taksub dengan model2 luar untuk sejenis
kenderaan tentera dengan peranan asas..
kesungguhan STRIDE dan agensi2 berkaitan
dalam mengkaji dan menghasilkan keperluan
kelengkapan pertahanan khusus utk ATM setakat ini
masih amat tidak memuaskan.. |
konsep tinjauan untuk pasukan armor
kita boleh diubahsuai dengan situasi
dan mukabumi kita sendiri
tak semestinya ikut kaedah untuk pergerakan
ketumbukan armor di kawasan
padang pasir dan kawa ...
d'zeck Post at 23-12-2009 12:02 
boleh kasi contoh mana tempat kuda boleh pakai? |
AV4 kan ada.....
HangPC2 Post at 22-12-2009 18:04 
AV-4 ok apa, aku pun dulu mengharap giler kiter ATM sambau menatang nih, kalau setakat nak buat jadi taxi utk anggota apa lah salah nyer, kalu ada yg kureng tuuu, cakap ler, bleh di tambah baik lagi, jgn buang terus, ni dah mcm anak tiri dah jadi nyerrr, langsung tak pandang sebelah mata, sian |
Post Last Edit by areguard at 23-12-2009 22:59

Possible reasons why TDM is cool over the AV4 :
a. Thin-skinned and lightly armoured
b. Body not slope enough, unable to effectively bounce off bullets
c. Seats bolted to floor, unlike modern suspended seats - important if hit IED and mines
d. 4-wheeled - lessons learned from Condor- 4-wheeled easy to tumble and flip over slopes esp. icy conditions
e. for recon role-might not be suitable - high profile due to height ; might be fast but not can't effectively fight its way out of Dodge due to light armaments. |
366# areguard
is a good start & try for local defence industry but i hope they not stop there bz of ATM not "Ok" wit their product. |
367# gancity
It is a good step towards designing and manufacture our own armored vehicles, however the AV4 is suitable more for domestic security duties, maybe PDRM might find some use for crowd control etc. IMHO, candidate for Condor replacement should not only for battle taxi roles but also for peacekeeping purpose, mobile enough to be transferred by C130. TDM have many choices of candidates from Rosomak to Patria, all excellent in their own class - the only issue is the funding availability and tt/offset from the procurement. |
364# cmf_nando
i.denai/lorong hutan
ii.kawasan permatang/berbukit yang curam
iii.kebun getah/kelapa sawit
iv.kawasan berpaya
v.kelab lumba kuda
vi.lu boleh pikir sendiri ma.. |
369# d'zeck
kelab lumba kuda lh yang paling efektif sekali.boleh jugak jerong2 besar join sekali.he..he.. |
Doosan calon utk penggantian Condor atau dah confirm?
South Korea Offers Tanks to Malaysia
06 November 2009
South Korea has said that it will sell the next-generation infantry fighting vehicle K21 and the Black Fox armoured vehicle to the Malaysian Army. Talks for the potential sale are currently underway between the Malaysian Government and Korean military vehicles manufacturer Doosan DST. The 25t K-21 features advanced high-tech systems including a anti-tank missile system, battle management system, internal navigation, vehicular information systems, and a friend or foe identification system. The 6.9m-long and 3.4m-wide infantry fighting vehicle has an operational range of 500km and a maximum road speed of 70km/h. The 16t Black Fox armoured personnel carrier is available in 6×6 and 8×8 configurations. Doosan DST sold 111 Korean infantry fighting vehicles to the Malaysian armed forces between 1993 and 1995. |
doosan? k21 mungkin ok kot. black fox baik tak payah. black fox pernah dibawa masuk pada tahun 2004 sempena dsa. un-impressive at all. daripada black fox lebih baik zimbru 2000. |
372# dreamwarrior
Bro, at this point, teman tak kisah make&model mana yg dipilih as long as Condor tu berganti dengan aset baru..tapi teman still dok harap Patria yg dapat.  |
372# dreamwarrior
Bro, at this point, teman tak kisah make&model mana yg dipilih as long as Condor tu berganti dengan aset baru..tapi teman still dok harap Patria yg dapat. 
areguard Post at 28-12-2009 19:44 
doosan punya black fox dapat negative remarks masa dsa 2004 dulu. pilihan pokcik patria juga. |
Post Last Edit by rastablank at 29-12-2009 15:12
374# yaminz Sebab adik ipar belah mak tiri dia Rosomok dah battle proven kat Afghanistan~ 
War in Afghanistan (2001–present)
The Polish Land Forces contingent, which is a part of the International Security Assistance Force have been operating 35 KTO Rosomak vehicles (including 5 medivac) in Afghanistan since 2007. The APC's were equipped with additional steel-composite armor. In early 2008 a Polish Rosomak serving in Afghanistan (the version with upgraded armor) was attacked by Taliban rebels. The vehicle was hit three times with a RPG-7 missile but it managed to fireback and returned to base without any help required. In June 2008 a Rosomak was attacked by Taliban and was hit in its frontal armor with a RPG. The armour was not penetrated. Rosomaks have also been attacked by mines and improvised explosive devices but no vehicles have been destroyed. The Polish Rosomak is feared by the Taliban who call it "The Green Devil"and according to some intelligence reports, they tend to cancel their attacks when AMV Rosomak is present.
Tapi reason aku minat Patria sebab kalau dapat package dengan NEMO sekali lagi best~
Yang terbaik ialah yang mampu dibeli.....
patria tak , rosomak tak, zimbru tak, anoa tak, ada uang tak? |
376# rastablank
bermakna armor komposit polish is battle proven, apakah arti semuanya ini bagi keta kebal Pendekar polish? |
Post Last Edit by areguard at 29-12-2009 22:37
374# yaminz
Well, Patria is co-manufactured by Poland, the country that give us the PT91M. Similar financial arrangements could be worked out for the Patria as with PT91M and since the collaboration with the Polish already in place, we could leverage that for ToT. Rosomak, the distant cousin of Patria, also did pretty well in several theaters - Iraq and Afghanistan esp. in terms of armor protection and protection against IED. Patria also passed the ATM mobility trials with flying colors, in addition already operational in many armies so the ILS tak pening.. |
378# windof Hehe, itula pasal, PT-91M Malaysia ni jangan dipandang ringan, kecik2 cili padi~  |
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