What do u expect? hehe... bro, kalo ko expect cite ni seram & ada wajah2 vampire yg ngeri ser ...
leon_mclaren78 Post at 14-6-2010 09:08 
Patutla ramai member perempuan suka citer ni.Bila aku tanya budak lelaki diorang slalu tanya 'citer pasal apa tu?' |
byk gila dah update kalau google..... kalau rajin nanti aku update kat sini...
btw... nak letak g ...
eyka Post at 12-6-2010 04:53 PM 
tgk gak MTV movie awards ni haritu...
motip kan kristen ngelak2...tak sporting betol...sama mcm taun lepas...last2 rob tarik dia terus...hah..hambik... |
Reply leon_mclaren78
buku Bree ni citer pasal Bree je.. ade sikit je citer pasal Edward & Bella ...
pavlova Post at 14-6-2010 09:10 
Ala...mcm tu ke...
emm... kalo nk ikutkan kisah Bree dlm buku tu sebut sket je kan. Carlise berminat nk slmtkan & adopt dia mcm the other Cullens kan, tp apakan daya... Btw just wonder why SM pilih Bree utk buku special edition ni.
Aku rasa aku x minat sgt nk beli la... ada tnampak kat MPH hari tu, ingatkan buku ulasan ke... cover buku lawa gak!
Eh...jap... aku ada dgr ura2 SM akan kuarkan buku "Midnight Sun"...sambungan Twilight Saga gak ke? |
Reply 363# leon_mclaren78
Midnight Sun BEST!!!!!
tp xtau lg bile nak kuar sbb SM dh majuk xnak sambung sbb leak 12 chapter aritu..
Midnight Sun best sbb Edward nye POV.. citer yg sama
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
aku dah habis baca buku Bree tu.... best gak.... tapi kesian gila aku kat Bree..
boleh baca online kat sini http://www.breetanner.com/
asalnya kisah Bree termasuk dalam 'Twilight Saga: Official Guide' utk watak2 lain dalam dunia Twilight.. buku tu akhir tahun ni kot baru kuar... disebabkan Stephanie Meyer tulis kisah Bree panjang lebar.. penerbit buku tu terbitkan kisah Bree asing dari official guide tu...
Stephenie Meyer answers questions about 'Bree Tanner'
Excerpts from a Q&A, released by publisher Little, Brown, with Stephenie Meyer about The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner.
Q: Bree only appears in a couple pages of Eclipse. What was it about the character that made you want to explore her story further?
A: In the beginning, I wasn't fascinated specifically by Bree — it was the newborns in general. While I was writing Eclipse, there was a lot going on behind the scenes, of course, things Bella didn't know about. Because I was focused on Bella, I couldn't delve too deeply into the newborns' story, however, there was always in my mind a general idea of what they were up to. I had to think about that while I was pacing the plot: Bella is at this point, the newborns are doing this. To keep it all straight, eventually I made a calendar of the months of May and June — which is all Eclipse deals with — and wrote down on each square what was going on with Bella that day and what was happening in Seattle. So the story of the newborns was always a big part of the story of Eclipse. And it made me kind of sad that there was no way to express any of that in the book.
Bree is the only newborn mentioned by name in Eclipse, the only newborn who has contact with the Cullens (aside from being killed by them), and the only newborn who encounters the Volturi in the clearing. She lives the longest, so she is the narrator who can tell the full story. She was a natural choice to chronicle the story of the newborns. Once I started writing from her perspective, she really came alive. So much so that, as the inevitable end got closer, it was really depressing going ahead. It was harder for me to kill Bree than any other fiction character I've ever killed, even though I was killing her for the second time. (Before Bree, the saddest was Walter in The Host.)
Q: Why do you feel it is important for people to read Bree's story prior to the release of the Eclipse movie?
A: Eclipse is told from only Bella's perspective. That has some limitations; when there is so much going on off-stage (so to speak), it leaves a lot of mysteries. The films have the advantage of seeing the story from outside of Bella's head. The viewer can see things — like the wolves hunting Victoria in New Moon— that the reader only gets hints of. Of all the Twilight books, Eclipse has the most going on outside of Bella's view. For the movie to work, we have to see and understand some of these things.
Knowing that elements of Bree's story were being incorporated into the movie, I hoped the story could somehow get out first. Personally, I always want to read a book before seeing the movie. I like to make my own mental pictures before someone else's picture intrudes. Probably most of my readers don't have the same hang-up, but for those who do, I wanted to give them the chance to create their own mental pictures of Bree and the gang.
Q: In which order would you recommend one read The Twilight Saga with the addition of The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner? Should they follow Eclipse with the novella or finish Breaking Dawn before cracking the pages of The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner?
A: If I were going to read the saga for the first time, I would probably read Bella's story straight through before launching into other perspectives.
Q: Why did you choose the American Red Cross as your recipient charity for donations from the sale of The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner?
A: I was very moved by the outpouring of support after the disaster in Haiti. A lot of Twilight fan communities did fundraising effort, and I was so impressed by their efforts. I wanted to continue that movement. I think it's important that we not quickly forget Haiti and Chile now that they're no longer the focus of the media. It takes a very long time to recover from such devastation and they still need our help. |
ni korang dah tau kot..... letak je la sbb dah betul2 confirm
Summit Confirms Splitting Breaking Dawn into Two Films
Warner Brothers did it with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and now the Twilight franchise is following suit. It has been confirmed by Summit Entertainment that the fourth and final installment of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga will be broken into two separate films. The book Breaking Dawn is divided into three parts, the first and third parts are narrated by Bella and the second is from the perspective of Jacob.
The first part of the two part series, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn will arrive in theaters on November 18th, 2011 just in time for the Thanksgiving box office blowout. Summit announced that Academy Award winner Bill Condon will direct both films starring Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Peter Facinelli, Elizabeth Reaser, Jackson Rathbone, Nikki Reed, Ashley Greene, and Kellan Lutz. Since Summit confirmed the cast, we are guessing the Lutz/Greene salary drama has finally been put to bed.
Screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg who wrote the script for Twilight, The Twilight Saga: New Moon, and The Twilight Saga: Eclipse is currently working on Breaking Dawn. Wyck Godfrey, Karen Rosenfelt, and Stephenie Meyer are also attached as the producers of the two part project. Production begins in the fall at an undisclosed location and no release date has been set for part two of Breaking Dawn. |
ni korang dah tau kot..... letak je la sbb dah betul2 confirm
Summit Confirms Splitting Breaking ...
eyka Post at 15-6-2010 02:28 
ha.. yg ni aku penah gak dgr rumours... ye la... tgk buku Breaking Dawn tu je dh tebal mcm bantal, no wonder kena split dlm 2 movie berasingan nnt! Aku masa memula nk baca Twilight Saga ni, mcm x caye je bleh abiskan 4 buku tebal2 ni, especially Breaking Dawn tu... Sbb aku mmg x penah nk suka baca buku tebal2... apa lg kalo buku matsaleh!
Ni kira buku novel matsaleh aku yg pertama la..hehe... sbb dulu2 teringin nk layan buku Harry Potter, tp x mampu nk beli sbb x de bajet. Bila dh ada bajet, tetiba "kasih beralih arah" kat Twilight plak... rezeki SM la tu aku pilih beli buku dia instead of JK Rowling's Harry Potter! Aku terus beli yg box set je, senang nk continue. Mmg x sesia la beli buku Twilight Saga ni, mmg best gile! Memula dulu member aku yg suggest baca, tp aku ni x penah nk baca buku novel matsaleh. then aku x brapa nk amik pot pasal Twilight Saga ni walopun org dok sibuk2 kata buku & movie dia best. Tp bila tertengok "Twilight" main kat Astro, aku terus excited gile... sejak tu aku jadik Twilight Saga Maniac..hehe! |
Aku nk pospon dulu buat 2nd round baca Twilight Saga ni... sbb baru tjumpa file pdf "Midnight Sun" yg SM letak kat website dia...huhu... lps dh abis baca nnt baru bleh buat 2nd round!  |
Reply 369# eyka
BD kite suke part awal2 je.. pas bella jd vampire, dh x best sgt..
so rase kalau ade 2 muvi mesti yg part last tu x best mane..
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
buku SM yg baru tu takde sesapa ada ebook dia ke? |
tak sabarnya nak tunggu Eclipse...Tapi novel New Moon aku tak habis2 baca lagi..
konsep aku, novel baca lepas tengok movie... |
buku SM yg baru tu takde sesapa ada ebook dia ke?
mimiekiut Post at 16-6-2010 11:31 
midnight sun 12 chapters tu available kat official website SM je. x bleh print atau convert. kalo nk baca kena save kat PC / laptop ko je... so mmg x ada e-book. kalo ada org yg berjaya copy & convert pdf SM tu, kira x respek SM la... dh la novel dia tu kena curi... so sad dia dh x de hati nk abiskan. |
Post Last Edit by leon_mclaren78 at 16-6-2010 23:25
tak sabarnya nak tunggu Eclipse...Tapi novel New Moon aku tak habis2 baca lagi..
konsep aku, no ...
gjoy_chester Post at 16-6-2010 13:02 
emm..kalo aku prefer baca buku dulu sbb kalo dlm movie kita x bleh nk selami sgt perasaan atau pemikiran watak2 dlm cite ni. Kalo kat dlm buku mmg detail gile! Pastu x pyh menderita tunggu movie dia kuar! Kalo dh baca buku, kita bleh enjoy tunggu part yg kita nk tgk sgt2 and also dpt mengesan scene2 yg diaorg erase dlm movie (walopun ada kat dlm buku, vice versa).
weh, rugi ko x abiskan baca buku tu semua! Aku plan nk wat 2nd round dh, tp nk abiskan Midnight Sun dulu. Tp Midnight Sun ni mcm slow gile... romantik sgt Edward tu agaknya kalo nk dibandingkan dgn Bella! Dlm 4 buah buku Twilight Saga terawal, plot cite smooth je. Tp yg midnight sun ni tlampau detail cite pasal feeling Edward towards Bella! Letih nk abiskan... baru masuk mukasurat 50 ~ kisah Edward first time tegur Bella kat biology lab tu...  |
Ada dengar tak event best2 masa opening Eclipse ni? |
Reply 376# leon_mclaren78
oic..aku lebih suka tengok movie dulu pasal movie tu boleh dikatakan macam summary untuk novel...novel terlalu detail, kadang sampai tak larat nak baca,banyak skip2...lebih2 lagi novel New Moon tu, part Jacob dan Bella tu boring...hehe...sorry Team Jacob.. |
Post Last Edit by leon_mclaren78 at 17-6-2010 17:41
Reply leon_mclaren78
oic..aku lebih suka tengok movie dulu pasal movie tu boleh dikatakan macam ...
gjoy_chester Post at 17-6-2010 11:16 
ekceli aku ni pemalas nk baca buku novel! Tp ada member aku bgtau & suggest aku baca "Twilight"...katanya vampire romantik gile... aku memula x minat sgt, sampai dh kuar movie "Twilight" dan juga "New Moon", aku masih blum tgerak hati nk beli walopun aku minat juga nk baca. Skali tu aku tertgk cite 'Twilight" kat Astro HBO...huh... langsung la aku tergoda, kebetulan ada duit lebih sket, aku terus g MPH & beli box set Twilight Saga (masa tu blum sale, harga RM188.00..huhu...) Once aku dh start bace, x bleh nk stop...even kul 2 pagi pun mata aku masih terang layan buku2 nih! Aku bjaya abiskan dlm masa 2 minggu..hehe... aku mmg x sangka dpt abiskan novel omputih ni yg tebal2 gitu! aku ter-admire kat diri aku sendiri kejap...ngeehehehe....
Btw...aku dlm team Edward, taw! walopun ramai yg suka Jacob, tp aku still admire Edward walopun dia penah tinggalkan Bella skali, tp dia dh repair keadaan & sanggup sacrifice utk Bella at last... Pastu edward romantik gile, jambu, multi-talented, wangi (ikut kata Bella la...wakakaka!) dan gentleman . Lgpun in future Jacob tu kan bakal jadik menantu Bella-Edward gak nnt khennn...hehe... |
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