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Author: bubuk_bearbear

[Tempatan] "Kes Kematian Mengejut, KKM Kena Pandang Serius Kaji Kesan Sampingan Dos Penggalak’ - Dr MAZA

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Post time 21-1-2022 12:39 PM | Show all posts
silencekiller replied at 21-1-2022 11:42 AM
hang ada bukti kukuh cakap kesan vaccine lebih teruk dari kena c19 without vaccine? kajian mana ha ...

Prior COVID infection more protective than vaccination during Deltasurge -U.S. study

Jan 19 (Reuters) -

People who had previously been infected with COVID-19were better protected against the Delta variant than those who were vaccinatedalone, suggesting that natural immunity was a more potent shield than vaccinesagainst that variant, California and New York health officials reported onWednesday.



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Post time 21-1-2022 01:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pengecatbintang replied at 21-1-2022 12:37 PM


He and his Clan are far behind us, We are........
Way more ahead than them.

What he needs to do is just buka balik benang lama dari last year.

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Post time 21-1-2022 01:28 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Samerosie at 21-1-2022 01:32 PM

Tak payah lawan this so called hujah apa kau tepek ni sebab kau sendiri either baca tajuk je lps tu made your conclusion atau saja nak hide the full information.  Tapi aku rasa comprehension kau sendiri fail.  Ni full article.  Apa kes?

Jan 19 (Reuters) - People who hadpreviously been infected with COVID-19 were better protected against the Deltavariant than those who were vaccinated alone (this is the key word),suggesting that natural immunity was a more potent shield than vaccines againstthat variant, California and New York health officials reported on Wednesday.

Protection against Delta was highest, however, among people who were both vaccinated and had survived a previous COVID infection, and lowest among those who had never been infected or vaccinated, the study found.

Nevertheless, vaccination remains thesafest strategy against COVID-19, according to the report published in U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Morbidity and Mortality WeeklyReport.

The results do notapply to the Omicron variant of the virus, which now accounts for 99.5% of COVID-19 cases in the United States.

"The evidence inthis report does not change our vaccination recommendations," Dr. Ben Silk of the CDC and one of the study's authors told a mediabriefing."We know that vaccination is still the safest way to protectyourself against COVID-19," he said.

For the study, health officials in California and New York gathered data from May through November, which included the period when the Delta variant was dominant. It showed that people who survived a previous infection had lower rates of COVID-19 than people who were vaccinated alone.

That represented a change from the period when the Alpha variant was dominant, Silk told the briefing.

"Before the Delta variant, COVID-19vaccination resulted in better protection against a subsequent infection thansurviving a previous infection," he said.
In the summer and fall of 2021, however,when Delta became the predominant circulating iteration of the virus in theUnited States, "surviving a previous infection now provided greaterprotection against the subsequent infection than vaccination," he said.

But acquiring immunity through natural infection carries significant risks. According to the study, byNovember 30, 2021, roughly 130,781 residents of California and New York haddied from COVID-19.

The analysis did notinclude information on the severity of initial infection, nor does it accountfor the full range of illness caused by prior infection.
One important limitation to the study wasthat it ended before administration of vaccine booster doses was widespread.

Dr. Erica Pan, stateepidemiologist for the California Department of Public Health, said in an emailthat the study "clearly shows" that vaccines provide the safest protection against COVID-19 and they offer added protection for those with prior infections.

"Outside of thisstudy, recent data on the highly contagious Omicron variant shows that gettinga booster provides significant additional protection against infection,hospitalization and death,” Pan said.

Silk said the CDC is studying the impact ofvaccination, boosters and prior infection during the Omicron surge and expectsto issue further reports when that data becomes available.


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Post time 21-1-2022 02:51 PM | Show all posts
Samerosie replied at 21-1-2022 01:28 PM
Tak payah lawan this so called hujah apa kau tepek ni sebab kau sendiri either baca tajuk je lps tu ...

aku tepek dan baca yg penting sajork..

aku bukan mcm antuvaks..

antuvaks google kmdian buat ulasan panjang lebar pasal hujah tu..

yg kmdian antuvaks claim pakar itu ini,,

pakar wannabe

aku bukan cengitu..



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Post time 21-1-2022 04:50 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Samerosie at 21-1-2022 05:08 PM
pengecatbintang replied at 21-1-2022 02:51 PM
aku tepek dan baca yg penting sajork..

aku bukan mcm antuvaks..

Well, kalau kau ambil je yg kau rasa penting yakni yg kau nak saja tanpa baca sampai habis, kau dah silap.  Mana boleh macam tu, sebab yg kau nak tu ikut tekak kau tapi sebenarnya the full article cakap lain.  Bila orang highlight/bgtau kau nak marah pula bukan nak apologise sebab sudah kasi salah information.
Aku kesah la kau nak vaksin ke tak, ujung2 kalau kau sendiri yg tanggung hidup ke mati tapi kalau kau tepek misinformation yg mengelirukan orang lagi2 yg malas membaca lepas tu percaya, aku akan betulkan je.  Tapi kau pulak meroyan cakap orang antuvaks la orang pengtaksub vaksin la apa, sembah vaksin la bagai..lepas tu claim victim macam kawan kau yg sorang tu, tu yg menyampah tu.  Mcm budak hingusan..pffttt


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Post time 21-1-2022 06:25 PM | Show all posts
Samerosie replied at 21-1-2022 04:50 PM
Well, kalau kau ambil je yg kau rasa penting yakni yg kau nak saja tanpa baca sampai habis, kau dah ...

ada da baca..

aku hilite content yg sama dgn tajuk tu..

kalo aku budak ingusan..

macmana aku x tertipu dgn KayJay n DeeGee Icham..

ko yg kena tipu..

beria ia defend KayJay n DeeGee Icham n beksin..

tipah tertipu = budak tua ingusan..

sebab aku panggil..

budak = ko mcm budak2 x der fakta

tua = ko tau sendiri ler


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Post time 21-1-2022 06:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pengecatbintang replied at 21-1-2022 06:25 PM
ada da baca..

aku hilite content yg sama dgn tajuk tu..

Apa la masalah kau.  Kau pernah tak baca apa kau type kat forum ni, in fact komen kau pada aku ni?  Mcm budak2 and Still tak mengaku menipukan.  But then what do you expect.  Kau balas jelah ckp kau sendiri.

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Post time 21-1-2022 06:43 PM | Show all posts
Samerosie replied at 21-1-2022 06:31 PM
Apa la masalah kau.  Kau pernah tak baca apa kau type kat forum ni, in fact komen kau pada aku ni? ...

ko cakap jer lah..

ko n sorang gang ko tu nak masuk kem antivaks..

nak berubah arah lepas sedo ditipu

kem antuvaks dah punah ranah..

ko an d gang mcm nomad la ni..

nak defend lagi beksin da susah n mustahil..

sbb now Tedros WHO, Kesatuan Eropah kata beksin n booster membunoh n lemahkan imun system

ko n d gang antuvaks kan da termalu sundri back up beksin gila2..

now terbukti beksi tu penipuan..

tp.. nak wat camner..

borang join ahli antivaks da abis

ni lockdown punya pasal..

kertas pong short supply

sori yer


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Post time 21-1-2022 08:01 PM | Show all posts
dua_chzy replied at 20-1-2022 09:54 PM
Ni yang rakyat masih berada dalam tanda tanya.

31:45, status tak lengkap tu hanya untuk sinovac katanya..  


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Post time 21-1-2022 10:20 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Buritan replied at 21-1-2022 12:10 AM
Tu laaa.. rasanya mmg aku tak amik. Kenkawan cina aku pung byk yg berbelah bhgi.. ramai yg query d ...

Ini adalah ujikaji so siapa ade kesan aefi atau meninggal itu adalah kesan ujikaji...jgn kita biarkan hidup kita diuikajikan sampai meninggal ok .

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Post time 21-1-2022 11:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pengecatbintang replied at 21-1-2022 06:43 PM
ko cakap jer lah..

ko n sorang gang ko tu nak masuk kem antivaks.. ...

Borang dah habis.....

Sekarang Inflation, jadi kertas naik harga sekarang.
Mungkin ada yuran tahunan.


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Post time 21-1-2022 11:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Naatasha replied at 21-1-2022 08:01 PM
31:45, status tak lengkap tu hanya untuk sinovac katanya..

Iols dh cancel temujanji, laju plak dia clear tak sempat nak ss temujanji yg dh dapat tu.
Kalau terpaksa gak iols akan amik sinovac.
Sama ada amik ngn selangkah atau amik kat ppv yg dh ade stock sinovac.

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Post time 21-1-2022 11:14 PM | Show all posts
slavehunter replied at 21-1-2022 11:04 PM
Borang dah habis.....

Sekarang Inflation, jadi kertas naik harga sekarang.

kalo terima jadi ahli pong..

kena jalani test setiap bulan..


pura2 jd antivaks n kmdian sabotaj

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Post time 21-1-2022 11:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Suchi replied at 21-1-2022 11:11 PM
Iols dh cancel temujanji, laju plak dia clear tak sempat nak ss temujanji yg dh dapat tu.
Kalau te ...

I pun mmg nk ambil sinovac. Semoga booster ni hanya memberi manfaat buat kita, suami & family yg lain. Di lindungi dari segala mudarat. Aminn yra

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Post time 21-1-2022 11:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Suchi replied at 21-1-2022 11:11 PM
Iols dh cancel temujanji, laju plak dia clear tak sempat nak ss temujanji yg dh dapat tu.
Kalau te ...

Maybe tak lama lagi covid ni pun hilang la kot eh. Omicron pun simptom hanya mild saje kan, based on  i baca dari pengalaman org yg dah kena..

Selepas ni, klau nk suruh cucuk lagi tak dapat la.. Cukup2 la

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Post time 21-1-2022 11:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lepas tu yg pfizer n AZ tu rasanya dah cukup kuat. Tak payah la paksa depa booster. Ikut depa nak cucuk ke tak.  

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Post time 21-1-2022 11:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pengecatbintang replied at 21-1-2022 11:14 PM
kalo terima jadi ahli pong..

kena jalani test setiap bulan..

Haaa betul ,  kena interview dulu buat background check, mana tahu lalang ker.

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Post time 22-1-2022 01:53 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Naatasha replied at 21-1-2022 11:16 PM
I pun mmg nk ambil sinovac. Semoga booster ni hanya memberi manfaat buat kita, suami & family yg l ...

Kalau uols duk selangor boleh amik dengan selvax ni kena booking dlm apps selangkah.
Kalau tak guna voucher kena bayar rm99
Tp dorang bg voucher so guna tu free je.
Kalau ikut jadual 1/mac nanti semua penerima sinovac yg tak booster akan tukar status.
Sama juga dgn warga emas yg tak booster.
Yang amik pfizer/Az sblm ni kalau tak booster tak tukar status takat ni takde arahan lagi buat masa ni
So yg ni takyah amik booster lagi pun takpe.

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Post time 22-1-2022 02:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Naatasha replied at 21-1-2022 11:16 PM
I pun mmg nk ambil sinovac. Semoga booster ni hanya memberi manfaat buat kita, suami & family yg l ...

nanti kalau u jmp tempat yg bg booster sino inform ye. kat area tnh besar ni sume pfizer je. lagi bagus yg free
iols skrg ni malas base nak booster bagai dah dok rumah je kan. cuma nanti kalau masuk keje, incase wajib berbooster kene la amik jugak.

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Post time 22-1-2022 02:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Suchi replied at 22-1-2022 01:53 AM
Kalau uols duk selangor boleh amik dengan selvax ni kena booking dlm apps selangkah.
Kalau tak gun ...

I kat penang. Ade dh tau tempat yg dpt sino free. Tpi kena tgu depa panggil. Kalo nk date sndiri boleh book kat Pantai Hospital. Meybe mgu dpn la kot nk pegi. Doakn i sihat walafiat lepas vaksin

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