Yg jake gyllenhaal berlakon ada rabbit besar tu..dony darko tak silap |
No country for old men boleh? |
I've watched it before and highly recommends it. plot twist mmg mcm 'eehhhhhh!!! ye keeeeee?'
Edited by mbhcsf at 8-9-2016 05:05 AM
gone girls - i hate that story - violent habis
i like : inception
and of course Prof Langdon - Sophie Neveu 
angels and demons
kingdom of heaven - yes
the intepreter - 
kalau nak thinking cer cuba tengok film matt damon yg bercorak spy or government based story
Citer Ethan Hawke tu kan? Plot twist tu aku tak kisah sgt tp yg bother aku pasal movie ni is to connect every events & "transformation". Pening la aku yg tak detail perhati masa/tahun
But it was pretty good utk aku yg tak berapa suka time travelling movies 
gerbera.memopad replied at 8-9-2016 05:01 PM
Citer Ethan Hawke tu kan? Plot twist tu aku tak kisah sgt tp yg bother aku pasal movie ni is to co ...
Kalau tgk cerita ni takleh nak leka.. Kompem kita jd konpius. Tp iols suka sbb senang je nak ikut.. Bila da ujung2 baru laaaaa, all interconnected rupanya |
the others tu cter hantu nicole kidman ek.. klu cter tu mmg best lah lain dari cter hantu yg lain. |
the prestige (2006) -chris nolan yg direct filem ni |
shutter island
usual suspects |
truman show
john malkovich
drag me to hell
truman show
into the wild
shutter island
donni darko
usual suspect
lord of flies 1963
the time machine
requiem for a Dream
the mist
source code
meet joe black
edge tomorrow
* baca wiki sebelum tonton film
truman show
john malkovich
drag me to hell
truman show
into the wild
shutter island
donni darko
usual suspect
lord of flies 1963
the time machine
requiem for a Dream
the mist
source code
meet joe black
edge tomorrow
* baca wiki sebelum tonton film
Ada peminat crita nih?
Movie nya tak brapa best compare dengan drama version. 1st series pon very mind blowing.
Dari dulu sampai skrang ai tak boleh lupa jalan cerita nih. |
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mzz suka twin peaks. zaman kehenseman kyle mclachlan. unbelievable betul..ingatkan kes bunuh2 biasa rupanya agak supernatural.
rasanya diorang tengah buat season 3..bak kata laura palmer, i'll see you in 25 years gitu.
and dia punya theme song mzz suka sampai hari ni
thanks ultra..yeappp donnie darko.
lagi satu cloud atlas. tengok dua kali baru faham. tapi paling epik masa end credit..terkesima tengok list actors and characters,

Hari tu cuba try tengok Twin Peaks. Tapi tak terfollow cerita ni....

Cerita enemy sekarang dekat astro citra
cuti panjang datang lagi
korang suggest je citer
lepas bangkem tengok, bangkem bagi rating kat depan |
tengah donload incendies nih
tengok trailer dan komen kat utiub cambes
| |