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Author: Truth.8

Was Muhammad Meditating in cave of hira???

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 Author| Post time 6-2-2017 10:30 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 6-2-2017 10:37 AM
Meditate, Yes. But that still does not prove that Jesusmeditated.

It goes without saying that many Christians, even the world,cares deeply about the history and teachings of Jesus; after all, he didsignificantly change the course of humanity. He inspired wars, philosophies,political motives, and countless individual lives.

He influenced billions.

And yet for all his influence, for all our knowledge of him,we are still left with a gnawing question: who was he, and what did he believe?Every Christian has their own take, it seems. They interpret based upon theirown culture and understanding.

But his teachings are not exclusively owned by Christians,nor should they be.

Everyone can form their own opinion…and nearly everyone has.Including those that subscribe to a very different set of beliefs from those ofChristianity: the Hindus and Buddhists.

Jesus in India

Many people don’t realize that lots of Hindus and Buddhistsbelieve Jesus studied eastern teachings- and even taught them to his disciples.

It’s claimed, by several sects, that Jesus visited India inhis formative years.

There he lived and studied in the Hemis monastery, aBuddhist refuge. This was corroborated (with lots of controversy) by a mannamed Nicholas Notovich who read ancient Hemis historical manuscripts while hehealed from a broken leg in the early 1900’s. This manuscript talked about“Issa”, a saintly man from Judea who could heal the sick, and who stood up tothose of corrupt power.
Learning to Meditate is in the Bible

If Jesus did go to India, it’s very possible he taught hisdisciples all sorts of eastern teachings- including meditation. And while thereis no direct evidence that Jesus taught meditation techniques, there arecertainly hints in the Bible:

Matthew 6:22

    “The light of thebody is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be fullof light.”

This verse, in particular, is something that many peoplepoint to as proof that he did in fact, meditate. In eastern teachings, the spotbetween the eyebrows is known as the spiritual eye, or the ajna chakra. Thisspot must be opened in order to achieve enlightenment. Often, when it doesopen, the practitioner feels as though they are being filled with light.

There are others as well:

Joshua 1:8

“This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, butyou shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to doaccording to all that is written in it; for then you will make your wayprosperous, and then you will have success.”

Luke 17:21

“Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold,the kingdom of God is within you.”

So what do you think? Is it possible that Jesus taughteastern meditation techniques?

But do you know why the Rishis fast? It did not start as a religious practiceas it is today. Originally, the rishis in India used to travel on foot formiles and sometimes, it could take several days to reach one village fromanother. These rishis will have to travel through land which has no food (likefruits, vegetable and even water). So they learn to control their own body toresist hunger until they could reach a settlement where food is obtained.

Overtime, normal people also started to fast as a form of penance and"sacrifice" and that is how fasting was inserted into Spiritualpractice.

Like I mentioned, there no such things religion….humans likerishi /prophets are choose to teach others to live according to rules and law…this was the  designed by GOD that humans know how to valuelife and others…not going around claiming we are  the true religion and bomb here andthere..such teachings comes from different spirits..         

Keeping quiet when asked does not mean he agrees ordisagrees with the question. It simply means he don't know the answer. Andsince anyone who claims there is God, then the proof of his answer falls to himand since no one can prove God exist (to this day), then by default, Buddhaanswered (through his silent) that there is no God.

Gautama kept silent on issue God reason  his teachings base good elements because Hindusduring his time  per occupied with puja ,Gods and Deva /Dewi…hence there is lacking in others…Gautama came to prefect itwithout denying Supreme….if  he haveanswer about God, than what  is the  point being enlighten one??  Even now peoples still  believed inGautama teachings without denying Supreme…simple as that…

If you must mimic my answers, at least create your ownstatement.

Not mimic...a mirror to image  yourself
Hehehehe... Lying is it

…the spirit waiting for your duration time….so don’t be coward

Yeah, by idiots like you.

I asked PETA and they said they don't cover morons misusinglizards, only cows and brave Tamilans trying to wrestle them. It seems theywere fighting cos Muslims complaining the mistreatment of cows in Jallikathumake the meat taste weird.

It been use in India for ages…

For what? To die?

Waiting for your duration? Please provide your answer on theduration time frame….perhaps making you sound like lizard for few weeks…

I am WAITING!!!!!!!


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Post time 6-2-2017 11:49 AM | Show all posts
by Snake.8

It goes without saying that many Christians, even the world,cares deeply about the history and teachings of Jesus

I don't about his so-called teaching but Christians must first prove that a person named Jesus existed first because all the evidence points to that Jesus was a character created by the Roman Church 300 years AFTER his alleged suicide.

He influenced billions.

Yes, to kill, rape, plunder and all other nasty things Christians were famous for, all while pretending to be "saved" from hell.

It’s claimed, by several sects, that Jesus visited India inhis formative years.

And yet no one in India had any records of a guy who can walk on water, turn water in wine, cure the blind and the sick and resurrect the dead. WAIT ... they didn't have a record of him doing that in Middle East either.

Funny how no matter where Jesus went, no one actually knew or recorded about him. Almost as if he was a fictional character which was created by the Romans 300 years AFTER his alleged suicide ... ahem ... death.

And while there is no direct evidence that Jesus taught meditation techniques, there arecertainly hints in the Bible

Right ... hints. As if the Bible doesn't have enough "hints". Jesus did NOT teach any meditation, Yoga or Ayurvedic techniques. Full stop.

Like I mentioned, there no such things religion….humans likerishi /prophets are choose to teach others to live according to rules and law…this was the  designed by GOD

It is amazing how you can contradict yourself in a single sentence without even knowing you are contradicting yourself. You said there is no religion and turn around and say that prophets are instructing people how they should live according to God as if such thing is not religion. You are a contradictory fellow.

….if  he haveanswer about God, than what  is the  point being enlighten one??

Maybe if he said there was God and people asked for proof, they could find out that he was unable to prove it and thus they will know he is not as enlighten as he wants others to believe.  IF he denied God, then people will label him as an atheist and refused to listen to him. In another word, the only reason why he kept quiet was to preserve his own interest. That is all.

…the spirit waiting for your duration time….so don’t be coward

And I have told you already that you can choose whatever time you want. What seems to be the problem???

It been use in India for ages…

Yes, that is why it is called SUPERSTITION. People of any races could do something irrational because of their lack of understanding how Karma works.

A person who knows and understands Karma will know that nothing happens by chance and by properly living and doing good deeds, one can steer their own lives without any help from supernatural things or superstition.

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 Author| Post time 6-2-2017 12:44 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 6-2-2017 12:55 PM
I don'tabout his so-called teaching but Christians must first prove that a personnamed Jesus existed first because all the evidence points to that Jesus was acharacter created by the Roman Church 300 years AFTER his alleged suicide.

Jesus existed and it was documented and proof…u can google it      and if u still have problem, please crawl back to your  thread on the rubbished title Sephiroth's Little Corner ... 3rd one….which self question and self      answer…
Yes,to kill, rape, plunder and all other nasty things Christians were famous for,all while pretending to be "saved" from hell.

Oh really? Which verses does Jesus says rape do all the nasty things?? Please educate me…the only nasty things I read in    hindu book  that Krishnan   peeping women taking bath in river and stealing butter….what kind moral story is this??
Andyet no one in India had any records of a guy who can walk on water, turn waterin wine, cure the blind and the sick and resurrect the dead. WAIT ... theydidn't have a record of him doing that in Middle East either

It was recorded by four  witness in Biblewhich good enough…any record that Krinan the peeping women in river or stealingbutter??? Or does it exist in  firstplace??
Funnyhow no matter where Jesus went, no one actually knew or recorded about him.Almost as if he was a fictional character which was created by the Romans 300years AFTER his alleged suicide ... ahem ... death.

If Jesus story is fictional, how you explaine church and place of worship for  Jesus is growing??
Right... hints. As if the Bible doesn't have enough "hints". Jesus did NOTteach any meditation, Yoga or Ayurvedic techniques. Full stop.

Ohreally? Here it is :In fact, biblical meditationis to focus the mind MORE on aparticular subject. The objective for biblical meditation is to make theconceptual nature of the Word of God a reality in your life.
Some people confuse bible reading with biblical meditation. It is very importantto read the bible. But there is a difference between causally reading the Wordof God and meditating on the Word of God.
Joshua 1:8God promises good success and a prosperous way to a person whomeditates on the Word of God. God instructed Joshua, that this Book of the Lawshall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do accordingto all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, andthen you will have good success [Joshua1:8].
To meditate on God's Word you think about it over and over, filling yourmind and even your mouth with it. Biblical meditation is about thinking,pondering, imagining, muttering, and speaking the Word of God.
King David declares that he remembers and meditates on God while resting onhis bed and through out the night [Psalms63:6]. David says that he meditates on all of God's work [Psalms143:5] and he contemplates God's ways [Psalms119:15]. My meditation of him shall be sweet; I will be glad in theLORD [Psalms104:34].
Aspah, a Kohathite from the tribe of Levi, who ministered to the LORD withsinging in the Temple said, "I will meditate also of all thy work, andtalk of thy doings" [1Chronicles 6:32-39, Psalms77:12]. Aspah said he would meditate and talk of God's Work. It isimportant to fill your mind and your mouth with God's Word.
The Apostle Paul instructed Timothy to, "meditate on these things; giveyourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all [1Timothy 4:15]. The New Living Translations says, "Give yourcomplete attention to these matters. Throw yourself into your tasks so thateveryone will see your progress. If you want to make progress in understandingGod's Word, you will have to be diligent.
Another essential aspect of Biblical Meditation is your internal dialogue that you have withyourself. Your internal dialogue is also called your self talk. It is what yousay to yourself. Your self talk is what you really believe. Listen to yourinternal dialogue or self talk. Are you speaking to yourself what God saysabout you? Or do you say negative, unscriptural things that you have heardothers say about you or to you?
Meditating on the Word of God leads to what the Apostle Paul calls a renewed mind [Romans12:2, Ephesians4:23, Colossians3:10]. A renewed mind leads to accurate self talk based on the Wordof God. You will talk to yourself according to the Word of God.
This is the objective of Biblical Meditation. A believer meditates on theWord of God so that Faith [confidence] is produced in the heart. When faith isproduced in the heart, then the mouth will speak as Romans 10:10states, "with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with themouth confession is made unto salvation". The passage of Romans10:9-10, is talking about salvation, but the concept is the same forhealing, deliverance, or prosperity. True biblical faith always has somethingto say according to the Word of God [2Corinthians 4:13].
Psalms 1:1-3
"Blessedis the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the pathof sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, andin His law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree planted by therivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf alsoshall not wither, and whatever he does shall prosper" [Psalms1:1-3].
Seeking God's counsel and advice will bring blessings. Delighting in theLORD and meditating on God's Word day and night has 4 PROMISES from God in [Psalms1:3].
  • God promises that you will be planted by an abundant source of     water. Water is always associated with life. All living things need water     to survive. God will abundantly supply you with water so you can thrive in     your life.

  • You will bring forth your fruit in season. The     English word fruit is the     Hebrew word פרי pĕriy.     Thayer's lexicon defines periy as,     "fruit, produce (of the ground); fruit, offspring, children, progeny     (of the womb]; and fruit of actions, (figuratively)". In all three     areas of your life you will bring forth fruit in season.

  • You leaf     will not wither. Webster [1913 Edition] defines wither as, "to fade;     to lose freshness; to become sapless; to dry or shrivel up". The leaf     is the energy factory of the tree. God is saying your strength, vitality,     or your energy will not wither. The physical, mental, emotional, and     spiritual components of your whole being will not wither or shrivel up.

  • You will prosper. The English word prosper in this scripture is the     Hebrew word צלח tsalach. Thayer's lexicon     defines tsalach as,     "to rush, to advance, prosper, make progress, succeed, be     profitable". The Gesenius's Lexicon defines this Hebrew word as to,     "to go over or through, (as a river)". It is interesting that in     Isaiah     55:11, this same Hebrew word is used to describe God's Word, "it     shall prosper" [tsalach] in the thing whereto I sent it".
How to PracticeBiblical MeditationYou must first spend time investigatingwhat the Bible says on your topic of interest. The Bible always reveals whatGod's purposes, plans, thoughts, and will are for humanity. You personally needto investigate what the Word of God says about the subject you are interestedin.
You faith, your confidence in God's Word will not be very sure, if youpersonally are not sure what God has to say on the subject. Many people fail in obtaining what they desirefrom God. They fail because they rely on someone else to do their investigationand draw their conclusions.
Hebrews11:6, says that God "is a rewarder of them that diligently seekhim." You need to diligently seek God in his Word to know his will. Godknows when you are being diligent in seeking him through his Word and hepromises to reward you for your effort.
The Apostle Paul instructed Timothy to, "Meditate on these things; giveyourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all" [1Timothy 4:15]. If you want to make progress in the Kingdom of Godyou will need to meditate.
TheAmplified Bible reads, "be careful what you are hearing. The MEASURE (of thought and study) yougive (to the truth you hear) will be the measure (of virtue and knowledge) thatcomes back to you--and more (besides) will be given to you who hear" [AMP,Mark4:24].
Next you will need to collectall the scriptures related to the topic you are examining. Don't just gatherscriptures from the Bible that support your personal perspective, but collect ALL the biblical scriptures related toyour topic of interest. You will need to write or type the scriptures down toreview periodically in your mind. There are many excellent internet websites toassist you such as BlueLetter Bible,,or
Read through all the scriptures related to the subject that you areinterested in. As you review the collection of scriptures in your mind try to understand what God is saying to you.Reading the Word of God is plantingor sowing the Word in your heart [Mark4:13-14]. Meditating is developing "root in yourself" [Mark4:16-17]. It is important to stay diligent, to stay focused on theWord of God and not allow distractions to "choke out" the Word inyour heart [Mark4:18-19].
Ask God to assist you throughthe Holy Spirit in understanding the scriptures. Remember Jesus said he wasgiving us the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth [John14:17]; to teach us all things; bring to our remembrance things thatJesus has said to us [John14:26]; guide us into all truth [John16:13]; and tell us things to come [John 16:13]. In John16:15, Jesus declares that, "All things that the Father has areMine." Jesus says "He (the Holy Spirit) will take of Mine and declareit to you" [John16:13-15, NASB].
Fill Your Mindand Your MouthAt this point, actually begin to practice biblical meditation by thinkingabout God's Word in your mind. You might want to say the scriptures out loud toyourself. Fill your mind andyour mouth with the Word of God. Meditating will increase your confidence orlevel of faith in God and His Word.
Listen to your internal dialogue or self talk to evaluate your progress in renewing your mind [Romans12:2, Colossians3:10, Ephesians4:23]. Your internaldialogue is what you are saying to yourself. A renewed mind leads toaccurate self talk based on the Word of God. In Proverbs the scriptures states,For as he thinks in his heart, so is he [Proverbs23:7]. You need to talk to yourself according to the Word of God.
This is the objective ofBiblical Meditation. A believer meditates on the Word of God so that Faith[confidence] is produced in the heart.
Jesus said, "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" [Matthew12:34]. Are you speaking to yourself the Word of God? Remember faithcomes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God [Romans10:17].
You will be amazed at the insight, fresh perspective, and new direction foryour life that you will obtain through biblical meditation. Be sure to act onwhat you discover in God's Word. Be a "doer of God's Word not just ahearer only" [James1:22].
Butdon't just listen to God's word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you areonly fooling yourselves. For if you listen to the word and don't obey, it islike glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forgetwhat you look like. But if you look carefully into the perfect law that setsyou free, and if you do what it says and don't forget what you heard, then Godwill bless you for doing it [NLT].
Itis amazing how you can contradict yourself in a single sentence without evenknowing you are contradicting yourself. You said there is no religion and turnaround and say that prophets are instructing people how they should liveaccording to God as if such thing is not religion. You are a contradictoryfellow.                  

No  contradicting here….religion was man made…Godwords for all human kinds..God in    allhis power and wisdom, teaches to all nations  different subject on time and places….simpleas that
Maybe if hesaid there was God and people asked for proof, they could find out that he wasunable to prove it and thus they will know he is not as enlighten as he wantsothers to believe.  IF he denied God, then people will label him asan atheist and refused to listen to him. In another word, the only reason whyhe kept quiet was to preserve his own interest. That is all.

How could behis own interest  when Gautama left allthe materials   world and leads    normal life to teaches positivedirections??? Keeping quiet /or silent  not meaning is self interest  you moron..
And I havetold you already that you can choose whatever time you want. What seems to bethe problem???

I can’tchoose for you…the magick work when it comes from that  person own mouth/or writings  that spell need to be casted…so      please choose the duration                                
Yes, that iswhy it is called SUPERSTITION. People of any races could do somethingirrational because of their lack of understanding how Karma works.

Karma worksin different direction  while lizard sound works in different way…both are different issue..


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Post time 10-2-2017 08:55 AM | Show all posts
by Snake.8

Jesus existed and it was documented and proof…u can google it      

And you can go hang yourself in the nearest tree.

I have to find proof of your false god? Christians are the ones who must prove Jesus exist, NOT non-Christians. If you cannot even prove such thing (as Jesus) exist, than he doesn't exist. PERIOD.

Oh really? Which verses does Jesus says rape do all the nasty things??

Your Jesus didn't say anything because he never existed.

But the Roman Emperor Tiberus and his jolly group of Roman Priests existed, created the Roman Church and they said it is OK to kill, rape, plunder etc because a fairy tale god Jesus had committed suicide for them.  In another word, Tiberius and his men are your god.

It was recorded by four  witness in Biblewhich good enough…

which four witnesses is that? Your fairy tale's four fairy-tale wisemen? The "witnesses" themselves don't exist either.  Talk about using bullshit to cover bullshit.

If Jesus story is fictional, how you explaine church and place of worship for  Jesus is growing??

Because it is a good business.

In America, there exist things like Mega Churches which have the sole purpose of "selling" a fairy tale named Jesus and his so-called "sacrifice" while conning millions of dollars from stupid people who have lived a life time of sin and wants some quick "fix".

Remember the case of that Chinese priest in Singapore who collected millions of dollars in form of "donation" from his members (of the church) and then use it to fund his wife's recording career? That is just one example how selling religion is a fast way to get easy money.

….religion was man made…

Yes, and Christianity is the perfect example how in 300 AD, the Romans have successfully created a religion and pushed it down the throats of everyone within their region.

How could behis own interest  when Gautama left allthe materials   world and leads    normal life to teaches positive directions?

Because you cannot do the wrong thing and expect positive result.

It was wrong for him to leave his pregnant wife and his unborn child. It was wrong for him to leave his elderly parents. It was wrong for him to leave his kingdom and subjects. Even if it is for sake of Spiritualism, he should have discussed it with his immediate family (wife) and explain and seek her permission before leaving instead of running off like a coward in the middle of the night.

But fine, maybe he did not had a choice because he is afraid his father will find out and prevent him from doing so. At least, he should "leave" the World after receiving Enlightment but he didn't do that either. He stayed on this World and created his own religion which in return make hundreds of thousands of young men to leave their families in the same way he did.

At least in Hinduism, under Manu's Laws, there exist laws which states that a person cannot renounce the World and enter Sanyasi (become a monk) until he had taken care of his immediate family (husband, wife, children) or had committed his responsibility to his parents. ONLY when a person have exhausted his or her commitments to the World (without creating a new commitment like getting married) can a person be free to go on a Spiritual Path. IF a person abandons his responsibility to his or her family even for sake of Spiritualism, that by itself is a Sin.

Keeping quiet /or silent  not meaning is self interest  you moron..

It is, dumb@ss. Especially if by keeping quiet, you invite more questions which could lead to wrong answers. Gautama Buddha had done that.

It is because of his "silence" that Atheism creeped into Buddhism after his death and have become the main source for Atheism to move about, infecting the minds of youngsters alike in Asian region.

the magick work when it comes from that  person own mouth/or writings  that spell need to be casted…

You Stupid or what? What kinda of moron do you think could ask someone to curse themselves just to please the moron's ego???

Karma worksin different direction  while lizard sound works in different way…both are different issue..

You are very stupid. First you believe that a Roman guy had committed suicide for you. Then you believe in a business plan called the Church. And now you think the common household lizards have special powers. Your place really is in Tanjung Rambutan.

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 Author| Post time 10-2-2017 11:16 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 13-2-2017 09:11 AM
And you can go hang yourself in the nearest tree.

failure i guess
I have to find proof of your false god? Christians are the ones who must proveJesus exist, NOT non-Christians. If you cannot even prove such thing (as Jesus)exist, than he doesn't exist. PERIOD.

Sound to  me a failure person….get life moron
Your Jesus didn't say anythingbecause he never existed.

But the Roman Emperor Tiberus and his jolly group of Roman Priests existed,created the Roman Church and they said it is OK to kill, rape, plunder etcbecause a fairy tale god Jesus had committed suicide for them.  Inanother word, Tiberius and his men are your god.
Of course Jesus says good element ….thereample of proof Jesus existed…u just afraid to face the light

Yes roman emperor just likethose corrupted Hindus….seeing any beggar   in road  street started to worshiped them as God….sillyright…worst making idols and  photos outof the beggar  claiming is isthe example:

which four witnesses is that?Your fairy tale's four fairy-tale wisemen? The "witnesses" themselvesdon't exist either.  Talk about usingbullshit to cover bullshit.

Than you lie  to me that you know well about Bible… Fourwitness is fact and truth…

Because it is a good business.

I have seen in temple increasingwith donation boxes ….so good business is it?

In America, there exist things like Mega Churches which have the sole purposeof "selling" a fairy tale named Jesus and his so-called"sacrifice" while conning millions of dollars from stupid people whohave lived a life time of sin and wants some quick "fix".

Those are used forrental-maintenance –salary etc…u zero knowledge in account…
Remember the case of that Chinese priest in Singapore who collected millions ofdollars in form of "donation" from his members (of the church) andthen use it to fund his wife's recording career? That is just one example howselling religion is a fast way to get easy money.

Any proof? Link???

Yes, and Christianity is theperfect example how in 300 AD, the Romans have successfully created a religionand pushed it down the throats of everyone within their region.

Jews did not created    those….

It was wrong for him to leavehis pregnant wife and his unborn child. It was wrong for him to leave hiselderly parents. It was wrong for him to leave his kingdom and subjects. Evenif it is for sake of Spiritualism, he should have discussed it with hisimmediate family (wife) and explain and seek her permission before leavinginstead of running off like a coward in the middle of the night.

Wrong? Finally his wife and sonbecame Buddhist….simple as that….

But fine, maybe he did not had achoice because he is afraid his father will find out and prevent him from doingso. At least, he should "leave" the World after receiving Enlightmentbut he didn't do that either. He stayed on this World and created his ownreligion which in return make hundreds of thousands of young men to leave theirfamilies in the same way he did.

So what wrong become priestdoing good cause  for others in terms ofpositive directions?? He stayed on this world for a mission and left ….isnormal things for gurus-prophets and etc…
Don’t forget even hindu priestleave their family and become single….or leaving their love ones…
At least in Hinduism, underManu's Laws, there exist laws which states that a person cannot renounce theWorld and enter Sanyasi (become a monk) until he had taken care of hisimmediate family (husband, wife, children) or had committed his responsibilityto his parents. ONLY when a person have exhausted his or her commitments to theWorld (without creating a new commitment like getting married) can a person befree to go on a Spiritual Path. IF a person abandons his responsibility to hisor her family even for sake of Spiritualism, that by itself is a Sin.               

Which verses mentioned that a person abandons his responsibilityto his or her family even for sake of Spiritualism, that by itself is a Sin?
Or u making  own  verses?? Show to me

It is, dumb@ss. Especially if by keeping quiet, you invitemore questions which could lead to wrong answers. Gautama Buddha had done that.

Silent is golden….speech in negative way leads bad effect onlife..just like u cursing and bad mouth..u r heart is full of hatred

It is because of his "silence" that Atheismcreeped into Buddhism after his death and have become the main source forAtheism to move about, infecting the minds of youngsters alike in Asian region.  

That’s is your own assumption

You Stupid or what? What kinda of moron do you think couldask someone to curse themselves just to please the moron's ego???

How I could be stupid when I cast spell on tornado at yourarea on eve of deepavali?? So I am still waiting for the duration time…unlessyou are coward

You are very stupid. First you believe that a Roman guy hadcommittedsuicide for you. Then you believe in a business plan called theChurch. And nowyou think the common household lizards have special powers. Yourplace reallyis in Tanjung Rambutan.

U comparing karma with lizard….so don’t you think time foryou check your brain? Getting loose I guess…

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Post time 25-2-2017 12:48 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 31-1-2017 08:29 PM
betul lah muhammad meditasi??? dlm islam ia haram...mcm mana itu???

betul lah muhammad meditasi??? dlm islam ia haram...mcm mana itu???

benar MUHAMMAD  bertapa atau meditasi di sana - bersuluk/berkhalwat/bermunajat

dan tak ada LARANGAN DARI TUHAN - ttg meditasi ni
silakanlah bermeditasi di mana sahaja semampu diri
(sepatutnya masa BERSOLAT adalah meditasi yg biasa juga kan)


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Post time 26-2-2017 01:06 PM | Show all posts
by orang besi

betul lah muhammad meditasi??? dlm islam ia haram...mcm mana itu???

Haram? Di mana dlm Al Quran ataupun Hadith, ianya dikatakan bahawa meditasi itu haram? Saya tahu hanya Yoga je yang haram dlm Islam.

(sepatutnya masa BERSOLAT adalah meditasi yg biasa juga kan)

Tak, Meditasi tak ada kena mengena dgn Solat (ataupun mana2 perbuatan yang berkaitan dgn sembahyang).

Dalam meditasi, kamu sepatutnya "mendiamkan" semua deria dlm tubuh anda serta minda anda. Ianya sesuatu yang mustahil dilakukan oleh haiwan2 yang tidak berminda dan paling dekat sesuatu haiwan melakukannya adalah tidur.

Bersolat (ataupun sembahyang) adalah sesuatu perbuatan ritual yang dilakukan oleh sesebuah golongan penganut sesuatu agama yang mengikuti panduan tertentu. Dalam masa sembahyang (ataupun bersolat), kamu tidak "mendiamkan" deria ataupun minda kamu itu.

Perbezaan yang paling utama antara solat (sembahyang) dan Meditasi adalah - Meditasi itu boleh dilakukan oleh SEMUA golongan manusia - termasuk atheist tanpa sebarang halangan.

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Post time 27-2-2017 12:58 PM | Show all posts

Tak, Meditasi tak ada kena mengena dgn Solat (ataupun mana2 perbuatan yang berkaitan dgn sembahyang).
Dalam meditasi, kamu sepatutnya "mendiamkan" semua deria dlm tubuh anda serta minda anda. Ianya sesuatu yang mustahil dilakukan oleh haiwan2 yang tidak berminda dan paling dekat sesuatu haiwan melakukannya adalah tidur.
Bersolat (ataupun sembahyang) adalah sesuatu perbuatan ritual yang dilakukan oleh sesebuah golongan penganut sesuatu agama yang mengikuti panduan tertentu. Dalam masa sembahyang (ataupun bersolat), kamu tidak "mendiamkan" deria ataupun minda kamu itu.
Perbezaan yang paling utama antara solat (sembahyang) dan Meditasi adalah - Meditasi itu boleh dilakukan oleh SEMUA golongan manusia - termasuk atheist tanpa sebarang halangan.

yoga? sekadar nama saja kan
ada sejenis macam yoga je ke?

kan saya dah kata SOLAt adalah meditasi biasa
kerana dalam setiap perbuatan itu ada seketika seluruh anggota diam seketika
termasuk akal dan hati
antara satu perbuatan dgn perbuatan yg lain - diam seketika atau terus pada perbuatan seterusnya (yg mana lebih baik)
antara bicara dgn bicara seterusnya - diam seketika atau terus pada bicara seterusnya (yg mana lebih baik)

meditasi atau bertapa semua boleh buatkan sebagaimana semua org islam bersolat
tapi berapa ramai yg dapat manfaat terbaik dari meditasi/solat ini?

masa meditasi- anggota, mulut dan minda DIAM
tapi diri kamu masih mampu/sedang merayau/berjalan/pergi/meneroka lagi kan???  betul tak???


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 Author| Post time 27-2-2017 02:51 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 27-2-2017 02:56 PM
orangbesi replied at 27-2-2017 12:58 PM
Tak, Meditasi tak ada kena mengena dgn Solat (ataupun mana2 perbuatan yang berkaitan dgn sembahyan ...
yoga? sekadar nama saja kan
ada sejenis macam yoga je ke?
Hai OB, lama x muncul sini...sihat ker?  Berbalik dgn topic ini,
...betul yoga sekadar nama lebih pada senaman....saya pernah ke India, varanasi, di situ sami2 , yogis malah budak2  pagi2 subuh membuat senaman yoga ...

Meditasi memperlukan seperti berikut:

ke tempat yg   sunyi , tiada ganggunan, seorang(alone)  dan niat kita berhubung dgn Pencipta dan ada juga  'spirit' 2 yg baik  .  Spirit yg   baik akan memberi 'acknowledgement" yg mereka sentiasa bersama seorang itu..seperti sentuh fizikal badan kita.
Jiwa n mindah kena bersih....kalau boleh berpuasa dan banyak berdoa    /atau bersolat...ketika itu ada hubungan2 tertentu pada dimensi  lain...

Saya lalui hampir 50% sahaja....saya x berani ke 100% kerana  belum bersedia lagi..setiap kali saya membuat Meditasi, saya rasa relax dan ada juga fizikal badan saya mcm lemah kerana ada sesuatu yg menarik keluar dari badan saya ke alam lain....

p/s: bila kita dpt  mengenali 'spirit" yg baik, mereka sentiasa akan tolong kita di dunia ini ...dlm semua ..maksud "in all aspects of life"


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Post time 28-2-2017 02:06 PM | Show all posts
by orangbesi

yoga? sekadar nama saja kan
ada sejenis macam yoga je ke?

Apa benda yang kamu Tanya? Tak faham soalan.

kan saya dah kata SOLAt adalah meditasi biasa
kerana dalam setiap perbuatan itu ada seketika seluruh anggota diam seketika
termasuk akal dan hati

Kalau semua deria dan anggota badan itu "diam" makna tubuh badan tersebut take bergerak. Kalau ianya bergerak (macam dlm solat, ianya bukannya "diam". Faham?

meditasi atau bertapa semua boleh buatkan sebagaimana semua org islam bersolat
tapi berapa ramai yg dapat manfaat terbaik dari meditasi/solat ini?

Manafaat apa benda? Antara mereka yang meditasi dgn mereka yang bersolat, siapa yang banyak mengalami penyakit mental? Deh ... solat Islam kamu itu bukan ada manafaat apa2. Ianya bukan meditasi ataupun apa2 perbuatan yang berfaedah. Ianya adalah RITUAL.  Itu je.

masa meditasi- anggota, mulut dan minda DIAM
tapi diri kamu masih mampu/sedang merayau/berjalan/pergi/meneroka lagi kan???  betul tak???

Kamu faham ke apa yang saya katakan "diam diri" tak?

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Post time 28-2-2017 04:14 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 27-2-2017 02:51 PM
Hai OB, lama x muncul sini...sihat ker?  Berbalik dgn topic ini,
...betul yoga sekadar nama aja. ...

Hai OB, lama x muncul sini...sihat ker?  Berbalik dgn topic ini,
...betul yoga sekadar nama lebih pada senaman....saya pernah ke India, varanasi, di situ sami2 , yogis malah budak2  pagi2 subuh membuat senaman yoga ...
Meditasi memperlukan seperti berikut:
ke tempat yg   sunyi , tiada ganggunan, seorang(alone)  dan niat kita berhubung dgn Pencipta dan ada juga  'spirit' 2 yg baik  .  Spirit yg   baik akan memberi 'acknowledgement" yg mereka sentiasa bersama seorang itu..seperti sentuh fizikal badan kita.
Jiwa n mindah kena bersih....kalau boleh berpuasa dan banyak berdoa    /atau bersolat...ketika itu ada hubungan2 tertentu pada dimensi  lain...
Saya lalui hampir 50% sahaja....saya x berani ke 100% kerana  belum bersedia lagi..setiap kali saya membuat Meditasi, saya rasa relax dan ada juga fizikal badan saya mcm lemah kerana ada sesuatu yg menarik keluar dari badan saya ke alam lain....
p/s: bila kita dpt  mengenali 'spirit" yg baik, mereka sentiasa akan tolong kita di dunia ini ...dlm semua ..maksud "in all aspects of life

hai bro, saya sihat je harap bro pun ceria2 je

betul tu, yoga, tai chi ke silat ke sekadar senaman sahaja - jika tiada dimasukkan/disertakan dgn meditasi

benar,meditasi perlukan suasana seperti itu
tapi kena gak kembali ke masyarakat kan - dan praktikkan meditasi plus yoga
baru ngam kan bro

biasa cam tu bro- yg tarik diri ke alam lain perlu hati2 kan
kena tingkatkan kekuatan diri - baru le syok jalan kat alam sana

setahu saya lah, kat tempat2 sunyi tu, spiritnya baik2 je
walau manusia kata situ puaka, menyeramkan, gangguan
yg jahatnya adalah manusia sendiri      betulkan


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Post time 28-2-2017 04:28 PM | Show all posts

Apa benda yang kamu Tanya? Tak faham soalan.

maaf, saya terjawab dalam pengetahuan manusia yg umum tentang yoga ni
maksud saya, yoga ni kalau disertakan dgn meditasi - baru ngam kan  fizikal dan mental

Kalau semua deria dan anggota badan itu "diam" makna tubuh badan tersebut take bergerak. Kalau ianya bergerak (macam dlm solat, ianya bukannya "diam". Faham?

kamu tengok kebanyakan orang bersolat seperti yg kamu katakan itu - betul le
jadi mereka2 yg kononnya solat tapi buat keji/mungkar - dikira belum bersolat kan
mereka hanya berdiri rukuk sujud je tu kannnnn

betul kan

Kamu faham ke apa yang saya katakan "diam diri" tak

iye lah, kan anggota/deria sedang diam
akal pun sedang diam
tapi HATI atau DIRI KAMU YANG HALUS - mana dia mau diam
mana dia mau pergi daaaaaaa


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Post time 1-3-2017 08:35 AM | Show all posts
by orangbesi

maksud saya, yoga ni kalau disertakan dgn meditasi - baru ngam kan  fizikal dan mental

Tak, Yoga ataupun Meditasi tak ada kena mengena dgn agama. Yoga itu adalah sejenis senaman badan manakala meditasi adalah senaman minda. Kenapa kedua2nya dikaitankan dgn agama?

Jawapannya kerana meditasi yang dilakukan oleh para Rishi (mereka2 yang menbelakangkan kehidupan duniawi semata2 utk Spiritualism) memerlukan masa yang panjang. Mereka akan duduk dan mendiamkan diri mereka utk jangka masa yang lama jadi badan mereka akan menjadi kaku dan memerlukan masa yang lama utk bersedia utk sessi meditasi seterusnya.

Jadi para Rishi ini mencipta Yoga sbg senaman badan sebelum dan selepas sessi meditasi utk mengaktifkan kembali fungsi2 badan mereka. Oleh kerana orang ramai melihat para Rishi ini buat Yoga, maka mereka fikir bahawanya Yoga pun sebahagian daripada proses Spiritualism para Rishi. Dan senaman Yoga juga menbuat para Rishi begitu aktif walaupun pada usia yang begitu tua sehingga Yoga itu menjadi spt sesuatu yang mistik dan satu bentuk Spiritualism tersendiri.

Sesiapa pun boleh melakukan senaman Yoga dan Meditasi - tidak memerlukan agama Hindu utk berbuat sedemikian.


Yakah? Kamu berani kata ke sesiapa yang bersolat 5 kali sehari itu tak akan melakukan benda2 yang keji dan mungkar? Boleh buktikan dgn fakta siapa bersolat dan siapa tidak?

tapi HATI atau DIRI KAMU YANG HALUS - mana dia mau diam

Kenapa hati dan diri tak boleh diam? Bagi saya satu sebab.

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 Author| Post time 1-3-2017 12:13 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 1-3-2017 12:40 PM
orangbesi replied at 28-2-2017 04:14 PM
Hai OB, lama x muncul sini...sihat ker?  Berbalik dgn topic ini,
...betul yoga sekada ...
hai bro, saya sihat je harap bro pun ceria2 je

bagus lah sihat...saya biasa aja

betul tu, yoga, tai chi ke silat ke sekadar senaman sahaja - jika tiada dimasukkan/disertakan dgn meditasi ini lebih pada senaman....not meditation..

benar,meditasi perlukan suasana seperti itu
tapi kena gak kembali ke masyarakat kan - dan praktikkan meditasi plus yoga
baru ngam kan bro

boleh 'combined' dua-dua pun      bagus....kerana ia dpt mencegah dari nafsu makanan dan lain...melalui meditatsi - berdoa dan yoga dpt mengawal nafsu seseorang...

yg skg ini, nama aja  puasa tapi bantai makanan  kalahkan jin

biasa cam tu bro- yg tarik diri ke alam lain perlu hati2 kan
kena tingkatkan kekuatan diri - baru le syok jalan kat alam sana

teringin juga ke alam lain  tapi saya kena berhati-hati ke tahap itu...
setahu saya lah, kat tempat2 sunyi tu, spiritnya baik2 je
walau manusia kata situ puaka, menyeramkan, gangguan
yg jahatnya adalah manusia sendiri      betulkan

sebenarnya ada banyak sipirit2 di dunia ini yg ingin membantu manusia...sipirit2 ini juga ciptahan  Tuhan...
dlm dunia yg penuh dgn 'hostile" di mana kita di buli...x salah minta sipirit tersebut dengan nama Pencipta..

alam sipirit ini luas...kita x boleh kata sipirt ini jahat...atau ini...kalau  niat kita baik maka baik lah sipirt2 itu....

filem2 horror banyak membuat andaian bahawa sipirit jahat...hmm mungkin pengarah2 filem nak melariskan filem2 tersebut   sebab  mereka mengarah filem2 mcm itu


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Post time 2-3-2017 06:21 PM | Show all posts

Tak, Yoga ataupun Meditasi tak ada kena mengena dgn agama. Yoga itu adalah sejenis senaman badan manakala meditasi adalah senaman minda. Kenapa kedua2nya dikaitankan dgn agama?

dah kamu jalankan senaman yoga utk fizikal dan meditasi utk minda - utk kamu teruskan kehidupan dgn lebih baik kan
kehidupan yg lebih baik - agama gak kannnnnn

dr tok sami buddha sendiri- jika ada 100 sami maka akan adalah 1000 agama

Yakah? Kamu berani kata ke sesiapa yang bersolat 5 kali sehari itu tak akan melakukan benda2 yang keji dan mungkar? Boleh buktikan dgn fakta siapa bersolat dan siapa tidak?

saya tak berkata sebegitu lah,
maksud saya tak semestinya dah bersolat itu dikira baik

dan jelas mereka2 yg masih melakukan keji dan mungkar - masih belum BERSOLAT
walaupun mereka kononnya selalu mengerjakan solat

Kenapa hati dan diri tak boleh diam? Bagi saya satu sebab.

dir dan akal boleh diam
SI HATI ni.......cuba kamu tanya para Rishi, apa tu yg dinamakan HATI
dab adakah HATI ini turut diam atau sebaliknya???


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Post time 2-3-2017 06:28 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 1-3-2017 12:13 PM
bagus lah sihat...saya biasa aja

bro pun boleh start combinekan kedua-duanya
mungkin tai chi lebih sesuai utk manusia cam kita

sebenarnya ada banyak sipirit2 di dunia ini yg ingin membantu manusia...sipirit2 ini juga ciptahan  Tuhan...
dlm dunia yg penuh dgn 'hostile" di mana kita di buli...x salah minta sipirit tersebut dengan nama Pencipta.

macam tu lah
yg jadi jahat pun sebenarnya kerana angkara manusia juga
berlagak/sombong macam dunia ni mereka yg punya

dan kalau dah tahu spirit2 ni, senang lah cite
maka gilah belajar jenguk2 kat alam sana tu
bawa je sekeping hati nan ikhlas tu - mereka2 tu semua baik2 je

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Post time 3-3-2017 10:49 AM | Show all posts
by orangbesi

kehidupan yg lebih baik - agama gak kannnnnn

Agama tak akan menbuat sesuatu kehidupan itu menjadi lebih baik. Yang akan menbuat kehidupan menjadi lebih baik adalah tahap Spiritual seseorang. Kerana ada orang yang beragama melakukan kerja2 yang bodoh dan tak munasabah.

saya tak berkata sebegitu lah,
maksud saya tak semestinya dah bersolat itu dikira baik

Habis itu, apa maksud kamu bahawa bersolat itu boleh mencegah seseorang itu melakukan sesuatu yang "mungkar"? Apa peratus pencegahan itu? 50%? 70% 80%? 90%

dan jelas mereka2 yg masih melakukan keji dan mungkar - masih belum BERSOLAT
walaupun mereka kononnya selalu mengerjakan solat

Kamu asyik pusing cakap benda yang sama tanpa sebarang bukti. Kata solat boleh menghindar mereka lakukan kerja mungkar, kemudian kata kamu kata tudak semesti semua yang bersolat itu baik dan balik kepada bersolat itu akan menghindar seseorang itu melakukan benda yang mungkar. Statement anda adalah MENGARUT.

SI HATI ni.......cuba kamu tanya para Rishi, apa tu yg dinamakan HATI

Apasal saya kena Tanya orang lain mengenai statement kau? Bukankah kamu yang mengatakan bahawa hati itu tak boleh diam sedangkan aku sudah mengatakan bahawa meditasi adalah bertujuan mendiamkan diri (minda dan hati seseorang).

Di sini, adalah jelas kamu menidakan statement aku (mengenai meditasi dan kesannya ke atas minda dan hati) dgn mengatakan bahawa hati tidak boleh didiamkan. Sekarang aku nak kamu menbuktikan bahawa kenapa hati itu tak boleh didiamkan.

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Post time 6-3-2017 10:52 PM | Show all posts

Agama tak akan menbuat sesuatu kehidupan itu menjadi lebih baik. Yang akan menbuat kehidupan menjadi lebih baik adalah tahap Spiritual seseorang. Kerana ada orang yang beragama melakukan kerja2 yang bodoh dan tak munasabah.

ada juga yg berspiritual dulu utk memulakan agama
dan kita beragama - dan didalamnya jelas sifat2 spiritual didalamnya
cuba belek kitabmu dulu, betulkan

org yg beragama tidak buat kerja bodoh
hanya yg perasan beragama atau perasan mereka yg betul je yg buat kerja2 cam tu,   betul tak?

Kamu asyik pusing cakap benda yang sama tanpa sebarang bukti. Kata solat boleh menghindar mereka lakukan kerja mungkar, kemudian kata kamu kata tudak semesti semua yang bersolat itu baik dan balik kepada bersolat itu akan menghindar seseorang itu melakukan benda yang mungkar.

benar, camana nak cari bukti???
kan itu semua adalah dalam spritual/jasad yg halus - mana leh nampak atau dibuktikan

Di sini, adalah jelas kamu menidakan statement aku (mengenai meditasi dan kesannya ke atas minda dan hati) dgn mengatakan bahawa hati tidak boleh didiamkan. Sekarang aku nak kamu menbuktikan bahawa kenapa hati itu tak boleh didiamkan.

ayyoyo - bab hati mana leh dibuktikan
atau hati yg tidak berkehendak kepada apa2 pun - PENCIPTANYA pun dia tak mau lagi

kamu faham ke apa itu hati/qalbu
yg merasai, yg berkeinginan/yg memerlukan.........nafsu diri sendiri!!!!!!!!


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Post time 7-3-2017 11:55 AM | Show all posts
by orangbesi

ada juga yg berspiritual dulu utk memulakan agama
dan kita beragama - dan didalamnya jelas sifat2 spiritual didalamnya
cuba belek kitabmu dulu, betulkan

Tak, kamu silap. Tak ada agama yang dimulakan oleh mana2 orang alim.

Agama Buddha itu sendiri tidak dimulakan oleh Gautama Buddha tetapi oleh pengikut2nya yang mengumpul ajaran beliau dan menbukukannya selepas kemangkatan beliau. Agama Hindu yang ada dua mazhab (Vaishnavi dan Shivaite) juga sama juga. Kitab2 Bhavagad Gita, Mahabratha dan Ramayana serta kitab2 Purana semuanya dikekalkan secara oral utk berkurun2 lamanya dan dibukukan sekitar 3rd CE dan dijadikan agama yang ada kini.

Agama Christianity dan agama Islam kamu sendiri apa bezanya? Bukankah kedua2 kitab tersebut dibukukan oleh pengikut2 agama tersebut selepas kematian "pengasas" mereka? Dlm agama Christianity, ianya muncul 300 TAHUN selepas Jesus dan Kitab Al Quran pula wujud selepas kematian Nabi Muhammad.

org yg beragama tidak buat kerja bodoh

Tak, yang beragama lah yang menbuat kerja2 bodoh.
Untuk berkurun lamanya, orang2 Kristian melancarkan perang Crusade ke atas Middle East kerana mereka berfikir mereka "beragama". Orang Islam spt Taliban dan ISIS juga melakukan kerja yang sama kerana mereka berfikir mereka "beragama". Siapa kau utk mengatakan bahawa mereka tak beragama?

benar, camana nak cari bukti???

Buktinya ada pada kehidupan seseorang. Kalau seseorang itu berspiritual (ataupun dalam agama Islam - beriman), dia tak akan melakukan kerja2 bodoh walaupun dia ada peluang utk melakukannya dan boleh terlepas dari hukuman di dunia. Dia tak akan melakukan zina, tak akan terikut hawa nafsu, tak akan tertarik kpd keganasan.

Dia akan mencari jalan kehidupan yang baik - tanpa menfikirkan bahawa ianya termasuk dlm agamanya ataupun tidak. Ada masa juga kehidupan dia akan kelihatan dlm konflik dgn aliran agama tetapi dia tak akan perduli - spt menyokong pengikut agama dia yang terikut jalan yang tak baik.

Orang yang spiritual adalah dia yang tak takutkan akan manusia dan takfirsan agama mereka tersendiri. Orang yang Spiritual menpunyai kekuatan minda yang luar biasa kerana sekutunya adalah Tuhan, dan BUKANNYA Nabi ataupun Rasul atau Buddha ataupun Rishi mana2.

kamu faham ke apa itu hati/qalbu
yg merasai, yg berkeinginan/yg memerlukan.........nafsu diri sendiri!!!!!!!!

Mentang2 kamu bernafsu, kamu fikir semua orang macam kau kah?

Manusia yang gagal mengawal nafsu adalah seperti seseorang yang buta, pekak dan tak boleh bercakap. Dia tak akan melihat Matahari di langit, tak boleh dengar kata2 anda cuba menerangkan akan Matahari dan tak akan menanyakan soalan berasas utk kamu tahu dan cuba mengajar. Yang dia tahu hanyalah bahang Matahari di kulitnya tetapi dia akan fikir bahawa ianya bahang api dan tidak mahu percaya bahawa adanya sesuatu spt Matahari di langit.

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Post time 7-3-2017 03:10 PM | Show all posts

Tak, kamu silap. Tak ada agama yang dimulakan oleh mana2 orang alim.
Agama Buddha itu sendiri tidak dimulakan oleh Gautama Buddha tetapi oleh pengikut2nya yang mengumpul ajaran beliau dan menbukukannya selepas kemangkatan beliau. Agama Hindu yang ada dua mazhab (Vaishnavi dan Shivaite) juga sama juga. Kitab2 Bhavagad Gita, Mahabratha dan Ramayana serta kitab2 Purana semuanya dikekalkan secara oral utk berkurun2 lamanya dan dibukukan sekitar 3rd CE dan dijadikan agama yang ada kini.
Agama Christianity dan agama Islam kamu sendiri apa bezanya? Bukankah kedua2 kitab tersebut dibukukan oleh pengikut2 agama tersebut selepas kematian "pengasas" mereka? Dlm agama Christianity, ianya muncul 300 TAHUN selepas Jesus dan Kitab Al Quran pula wujud selepas kematian Nabi Muhammad.

saya tak berkata mereka alim utk mulakan agama
tapi BERKEHENDAK kepada yg lebih baik - Gautama Buddha pun sama kan

bukankah Gautama Buddha adalah beraliran hindu dan dia putera raja mewah dlm istana?
dia pun BERKEHENDAK juga kan
dan dialah yg memulakan AJARAN/AGAMA baru kan, jika tidak mana ada pengikut

kitab2 yg manusia tulis sebagai pedoman aja kan
yg sebenarnya corak penghidupan, itulah yg peringatkan kepada manusia yg semakin lalai dan lupa
setahu saya jika kamu jelajah ke pendalaman china, masih ada golongan yg MEMBACAKAN AYAT2 TUHAN dr mulut ke mulut

Tak, yang beragama lah yang menbuat kerja2 bodoh.
Untuk berkurun lamanya, orang2 Kristian melancarkan perang Crusade ke atas Middle East kerana mereka berfikir mereka "beragama". Orang Islam spt Taliban dan ISIS juga melakukan kerja yang sama kerana mereka berfikir mereka "beragama". Siapa kau utk mengatakan bahawa mereka tak beragama?

kalau sekadap perang utk kuasa/harta - bukankah haram
sekiranya hendak menegakkan hukum TUHAN...silakanlah tapi jangan melebih2
comeonlah bro - cuba sedara tanya mana2 manusia adakah mereka kata mereka tak betul tak benar???
sedara tanya orang gila sekalipun dia akan mengaku dia waras dan betul
hanya mereka2 yg tetap memelihara hukum TUHAN aja yg masih memperbaiki diri dan golongan setempat

Manusia yang gagal mengawal nafsu adalah seperti seseorang yang buta, pekak dan tak boleh bercakap. Dia tak akan melihat Matahari di langit, tak boleh dengar kata2 anda cuba menerangkan akan Matahari dan tak akan menanyakan soalan berasas utk kamu tahu dan cuba mengajar. Yang dia tahu hanyalah bahang Matahari di kulitnya tetapi dia akan fikir bahawa ianya bahang api dan tidak mahu percaya bahawa adanya sesuatu spt Matahari di langit.

kamu dah tahu, jadi kenapa nak ikut kebanyakan akal/ilmu/pegangan manusia???
dan yg lagi penting, ajak/seru manusia ke JALAN TUHAN
TUHAN tu pun bukan ada tiga, empat,  SATU je kannnnnnn

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