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Author: rama2samar

ANUGERAH MELETOP ERA AME 2018, apo??? hadap ke fattahrians, love warriors???

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Post time 23-1-2018 09:09 AM | Show all posts
Edited by JiEunTak at 23-1-2018 01:11 AM

helok si fattah pun jangan attend laa meletop nih ...dengan hos nya si katik...haji telinga capang sekoq lagi...kang sat g ada laa depa nak provoke ka pecacai fattah ataih stage...knowing fattah plak jenih x membalas...heloknya fattzura x yah hadap AME pun... biaq org tau depa dok umah makan2 ke lepak2 kat SC....and sengaja x attend AME...

sorry la since anugerah ERA ka apa benda tah mmg aku x layan....sampah ja bg aku jenih vote2 nih...supa laa ABPBH pun... dok x dok mai mana hala tatau Ifa Raziah menang sdgkan Alif Satar tu more than apa2 punya deserve to win... kalau mcm Fazura and Janna tu menang wpun atas vote leh la terima dek otak sbb depa mmg punya bakat berlakon and deserve...

ni...pelakon meletop pun ada si katik....tell filem apa dia berlakon dalam 2 3 taun nih...? brp byk drama dia berlakon...? layakkah dia nak tercalon pun....takat berlakon tangkap muat sekadar nak marketing tudung...

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Post time 23-1-2018 09:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kalau ikut iols nak je chuols semua abaikan AME. Mmg iols tak pernah follow pun AME ni. Iols rasa terlalu banyak aura negatif kat weekly show dan anugerah ni not just bcos of autolike and her fans tapi jugak melibatkan the whole production yg mmg mcm nak cari jalan je nak kenakan fattzura. Iols sebenarnya tak suka tengok benda ni jadi persaingan yg tak sehat dan memecahbelahkan umat malays. Dah teruk sgt dan berpanjangan pergaduhan fans ni.

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Post time 23-1-2018 09:18 AM | Show all posts
allahurobbi, sanggup diorang berbalah di IG? iols masuk IG saja-saja nak tengok gambar retis aje, tak kuasa nak komen / berbalah kat situ..

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Post time 23-1-2018 09:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Oroi8887 replied at 23-1-2018 08:52 AM
Tak trcalon pon tak apa, dorg bkn kisah pon

Diorng mmg x kisah.. x peduli pun.. cuma kita as fans rsa mcm diperlekehkan plk.. tp x pe la.. iols pun hrap & tak nak fattzura ada kaitan lg dgn program neeletop ni.. selagi jah ade kt situ...

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Post time 23-1-2018 09:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pinkyroses811 replied at 23-1-2018 09:23 AM
Diorng mmg x kisah.. x peduli pun.. cuma kita as fans rsa mcm diperlekehkan plk.. tp x pe la.. iol ...

Neeletop x move on lg tu. Masi dgn phd die. Ala xpe, anugerah mcm ni xde pon xpe.. apa la sgtkan hahaha

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Post time 23-1-2018 09:43 AM | Show all posts
Fattah meols x faz mmg x hadap award2 syok sdri cmni..menang or kalah tu rezki

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Post time 23-1-2018 09:52 AM | Show all posts
This is just my opinion, as I never vote for any artist

Sebagai seorang fan memang mudah untuk cakap anugerah2 vote ni picisan, tak hadap & sebagainya
Better dapat recognition from anugerah yg ada artistic merit

But as an artist, any anugerah is equally important
This is Malaysia, where bakat dengan populariti kena seiring
You ada bakat je kalau tak popular,  u tak kemana
Orang nak panggil berlakon pun kena fikir 2-3 kali, takut produk tak boleh jual

Ini realiti yg artis Malaysia kena hadapi
Sponsor datang mencurah2 kalau its proven u popular, IG follower u juta2
Tengok je ayda jebat, aaron aziz, neelofa mmg banyak jadi duta produk

Fattah dapat jadi duta mencurah2 pun sejak SHMP and sbb menang anugerah popular ABP
Previous AME dia sapu bersih semua kategori yang dia tercalon
His follower bertambah dari ~1mil before SHMP to 2.7m now
I know for a fact knp Fattah always jadi pilihan Astro untuk jadi lead drama sebab dia bawak masuk byk sponsors

Fazura pun hanya menang ABP 2016 je walaupun dah lebih sedekad berlakon n menang FFM
Obviously, demographic peminat2 fazura memang bukan jenis vote2 anugearh ni
Tapi, mmg nampak kan beza Fazura before n after ABP 2016
Sebelum ni Fazura bersin pun orang kutuk,  sekarang dia dah jadi Malaysia's sweetheart

My point is, if you are a fan of them, together or separately, just sokong them in any anugerah yg tercalon, x perlu melabel2 anugerah
Once seorang artis tu dah tak menang anugerah2 popular ni, it gives a sign to the sponsors yg populariti artis tu dah menurun, time tu barulah nak masuk paper mengadu tak dapat any job



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Post time 23-1-2018 10:01 AM | Show all posts
bvsf06 replied at 23-1-2018 09:52 AM
This is just my opinion, as I never vote for any artist

Sebagai seorang fan memang mudah untuk c ...

logik tu

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Post time 23-1-2018 10:02 AM | Show all posts
bvsf06 replied at 23-1-2018 09:52 AM
This is just my opinion, as I never vote for any artist

Sebagai seorang fan memang mudah untuk c ...

tapi iols lebih rela theyols tak menang anugerah popular2 macam ni as long as theyols can work consistently in the industry. maybe that's why faz tak menang banyak anugerah popular sbb fans sheols just want to see her as a good actress but not a popular one but always consistently berlakon dalam industry macam Remy jugak. i know for a fact that faz menang apbh tu pun bukan sbb sheols popular sangat tapi sbb netizen vote sbb nak alih undi yach.
Besides, faz berjaya menang hati ramai acik2 sbb lakonan sheols dlm hsc sebagai isteri yg taat tu yg buat sheols dapat perhatian semula. sampai ustadz dan motivator pun ada yg puji sheols. sbb sheols lama tak berlakon drama tu yg tenggelam sbb orang tak nampak sheols kat tv. my two cents jugak.


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 Author| Post time 23-1-2018 10:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
bvsf06 replied at 23-1-2018 09:52 AM
This is just my opinion, as I never vote for any artist

Sebagai seorang fan memang mudah untuk c ...

nice input kaka... this is what weols need...

justification berkhemah yach...

ok...mari sama2 pk k!

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 Author| Post time 23-1-2018 10:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sora13 replied at 23-1-2018 10:02 AM
tapi iols lebih rela theyols tak menang anugerah popular2 macam ni as long as theyols can work con ...

kinda agree with chuols oso...

haha... acaner

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Post time 23-1-2018 10:11 AM | Show all posts
bvsf06 replied at 23-1-2018 09:52 AM
This is just my opinion, as I never vote for any artist

Sebagai seorang fan memang mudah untuk c ...

mmg anugerah tu penting utk artis..
tapi this AME terlalu politik and fishy.

takpelah, teruskan je vote for Fattah and Fazura.
walaupun dah takde hati langsung nk hadap.


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Post time 23-1-2018 10:22 AM | Show all posts
Edited by sora13 at 23-1-2018 10:24 AM
rama2samar replied at 23-1-2018 10:06 AM
nice input kaka... this is what weols need...

justification berkhemah yach...

kan, come to think of it, with her reputation yg tercalar dulu and tak disayangi acik bawang but still she's the only one yg got a reality tv with E channel which catapulted her career in indonesia and philippines. so she doesn't need this anugerah picisan. as for Fattah, I'm still not sure about him whether he can stand on his own in this industry without the popularity awards. i do hope so though that producers will still be interested in him even without the popularity awards.

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Post time 23-1-2018 10:56 AM | Show all posts
My 2 sen...Faz punya bakat as an actress dan management yg bagus like Iman Tang dapatkan Faz jobs mcm AAC2

Not so much sbb dia menang award based on undian

Semua orang tahu acting skills dia macam mana sebab dia dah lama dalam industri

Tapi in the past Fazura pun takde lah bnyk sgt produk endorsement maybe bcos dia takde fan based yg kuat mcm ayda jebat or maybe kena lah menang award undian.....kalau itu hala tuju dia.

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Post time 23-1-2018 10:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
BoongaKertas replied at 23-1-2018 08:05 AM
Kaka RAM, keypad dah elok eh? Hehehe. Smlm nervous meols baca komen2 kaka, semua CAPSLOCK.

Iols  ...

Lagipon kan boong, fattzura takkan dtg pon kan

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Post time 23-1-2018 11:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by separasedar at 23-1-2018 11:08 AM
sora13 replied at 23-1-2018 10:22 AM
kan, come to think of it, with her reputation yg tercalar dulu and tak disayangi acik bawang but s ...

Yes. Faz mmg tak prnh kisah psl award jenis mcm ni. Unless yg betol2 berkualiti and off course msti nak menang. But bkn award station television syok sndri mcm ni n rancangan ni sndri bila secara live tak menyokong sgt kerjaya fazura (sorry to say). And i dont think sheols akan attend that kind of event.
Byk lg  kerja n project2 besar faz nk kena hadap dr AME ni. Fattah, meols tak tau cmne.
So netizen2, adik2, makcik2 kt luar sana, pls stop meroyan dan membawangkan diri dr mengkomen kt mana2 socmed yg boleh memalukan artis tu sndri.
Support artist bkn dgn bertelagah bergaduh berbalas komen nk tunjuk artis ko yg paling hebat.

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Post time 23-1-2018 11:07 AM | Show all posts
Incanto replied at 23-1-2018 10:56 AM
My 2 sen...Faz punya bakat as an actress dan management yg bagus like Iman Tang dapatkan Faz jobs mc ...

dia tak banyak product endorsement tapi dua tiga yg sheols endorse tu bukan sempoi2 punya produk - avon, colgate, MAS Upgrade - inflight video & cadbury. itu je pun dah cukup tak payahlah sampai berpuluh sheols nak jadi ambassador.

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Post time 23-1-2018 11:12 AM | Show all posts
iol sokong kalau fattzura tak pi pun anugerah hauk ni..tak tercalon pun tak pe...tercalon pun kena kecam...tak tercalon pun dah macam2 di kate..yang kata suka sgt dgn fattzura tu tak payah la nk buat malu p merempan kat IG meletop ke ape ke pasal AME tak calonkan fattzura...haiishhh....stay classy yach !!



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Post time 23-1-2018 11:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Incanto replied at 23-1-2018 08:06 AM
Yes...aman damai hidup kalau takyah layan meletop

Meletop = bukti hajjah tak move on

Betol tu. So, ignore saje. Meols mmg x prnh tgk meletop or anugerah meletop ni dr dulu. Even lsblm kes LB vs Fattzurians or zaman2 kegemilangan lofattah pon.
Yg kt luar2 tu x payah lah nak bising2.
Rancangan dorang. Anugerah dorang. Sukati dorang la nk letak sape pon pencalonan. Why bother

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Post time 23-1-2018 11:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Aduradura at 23-1-2018 11:47 AM
bvsf06 replied at 23-1-2018 09:52 AM
This is just my opinion, as I never vote for any artist

Sebagai seorang fan memang mudah untuk c ...

Ayda jebat & aaron aziz dah lama dah tak menang apa2 award.....ayda jebat dah dekat 2 tahun tak menang popularity award....sejak bbnu masuk industri, mmg ayda terkick ke belakang....product endorsement ni semua base on how you handle social media, aktif ke tak & berapa byk followers yg you ade.....tengok la keluarga hanishairul , sendu, tapi havoc dgn ank & kucing, endorsement masuk jeeee....schawal pun endorsement banyak je....tak perlu menang popularity award pun ....hannah delisha pun same, sheolls baru je up sbb drama photographer tu, tp terus dpt jadi duta brand hp tu....its all about rezeki....selagi blog hiburan mcm rotikayap, beautiful narokkk upkan pasal kisah artis tu, selagi tu laaa theyols ni tak dikira sendu...mcm how IG hiburan using fatzura's popularity skrg.....

Kalau iolls jadi bos, iols mmg akan kejar fatzura utk product endorsement...sbb fatzura bukan setakat nama selalu disebut2 skrg, fatzura jugak ada fanbase yg masing2 ade IG belas ribu, puluh ribu followers yg keje theyolls ni hari2 duk repost merepost ....rugi kalau taknak, byk free marketing owwwww hahaha

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