Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 31-5-2004 07:04 PM:
:clap: :clap: :clap: padan muka ngan Hitler 'misai kontot', riak sungguh
rasanyer dia duduk kat umah berbulan-bulan
Woiittt.. happy nampak...
Saya mesti tak miss menonton gimnastik...
Kerri Strug dan kekawannya telah memenangi pingat emas olimpik acara gimnastik berkumpulan pada tahun 1996. Ini menamatkan rekod Rusia yang setiap tahun menjadi juara bertahan.
Originally posted by fleurzsa at 1-6-2004 04:59 AM:
Woiittt.. happy nampak...
Saya mesti tak miss menonton gimnastik...
Kerri Strug dan kekawannya telah memenangi pingat emas olimpik acara gimnastik berkumpulan pada tahun 1996. Ini menama ...
Nadia Comaneci tahun brapa ek?
dia menang sukan Olimpik utk few years kan ........ |
Nadia Comaneci ni ahli gimnastik Romania, menang 6 medal, 3 emas, 2 perak dan 1 gangsa pada tahun 1976. Dia juga dapat perfect 10 dalam 2 acara. Pas tu tahun 1980 dia menang 2 emas dan 2 perak.
Pada tahun 1989 dia berpaling tadah ke US dan thn 1996 berkahwin dengan Bart Conner, ahli gimnastik US yg menang emas olimpik 1984. Citer diorang ni memang happy ending...
The modern Olympic Games -
1896 - Athens
1900 - Paris
1904 - St. Louis
1908 - London
1912 - Stockholm
1920 - Antwerp
1924 - Paris
1928 - Amsterdam
1932 - Los Angeles
1936 - Berlin
1948 - London
1952 - Helsinki
1956 - Melbourne
1960 - Rome
1964 - Tokyo
1968 - Mexico City
1972 - Munich
1976 - Montreal
1980 - Moscow
1984 - Los Angeles
1988 - Seoul
1992 - Barcelona
1996 - Atlanta
2000 - Sydney
2004 - Athens
2008 - Beijing
Sukan Olimpik tidak ada ditahun berikut, kerana perang:
1916, 1940 and 1944. |
Korang kalo tak tengok acara2 sukan semasa Olympic games..
tapi korang mesti nonton upacara pembukaan dan penutup kan?
Jadi untuk korang, apa kenangan2 paling korang tak lupa dalam upaca bukak dan tutup Olimpik ni? :hmm::hmm:
bagi aku antaranya
1) 1984 Los Angeles
tu jam MTV baru start dan jugak zaman Breakdance, jadi untuk budak2 kecik cam aku, melopong mulut tengok ceremony dia... 
Betul2 ikut style MTV, siap ada satu orang pakai jet-pack terbang kat stadium lagik...
Upacara penutup - Lionel Ritchie nyanyi lagu All Night Long... lepas tu penari2 kat padang stadium semua buat Breakdance.:music::music:
2) 1992 Barcelona
selalu nya, paling suspens upacara pembukaan ni, ialah upaca bakar obor...
kalo zaman dulu, semua sama, pelari ngan obor, naik tangga stadium, bakar tu Olympic Flame kan?
tapi Barcelona 1992 tu stylo mylo beb, surprise habis...
mereka gunakan seorang ahli pemanah yang cacat tak silap..
dia duduk kat kerusi roda kat satu hujung stadium, lepas tu dia lepaskan anak panah yang hujung dia dah dibakar api,
anak panah tu terbang tinggi across stadium tu dan kena kat cauldron dan bakar olimpik flame tu...
tak senang wooo...lebih 100meter lebih nak aim.
3) 1996 Los Angeles
pun masa bakar obor....
tu jam, jadi suspen, tak diumumkan sapa yang bakar obor...
semua orang main teka2 la...macam2 sportman dan sportwoman famous amerika disebut...
tapi rupa2 nya yang bakar ialah Muhammad Ali,
walau dia dah terketar2 parkinson disease, tapi dia dapat bakar ah olimpik flame tu.... macam touching gitu ah... 
ja |
Originally posted by fleurzsa at 2-6-2004 04:17 AM:
Nadia Comaneci ni ahli gimnastik Romania, menang 6 medal, 3 emas, 2 perak dan 1 gangsa pada tahun 1976. Dia juga dapat perfect 10 dalam 2 acara. Pas tu tahun 1980 dia menang 2 emas dan 2 perak. ...
Nadia paling tadah sebb Romania negara komunis kan?
bagus la dpt larikan diri
n dengar2 pas Nadia retired dlm gym .. trus gain weight ...
revenge mkn .........
ciannyer sapa jadi ahli gym ni ... payah nak mkn .......
no wonder most atelit senang gain weight pas retired kalau tak jaga betul ........ |
Originally posted by fleurzsa at 31-5-2004 10:46 AM:

Simbol sukan Olimpik yg berbentuk 5 cincin itu adalah idea Baron Pierre de Coubertin tah ...
tambah skit pasal simbol sukan Olimpik
simbol yg ada 5 cincin yg bersambung iaitu biru, kuning, hitam, hijau n merah n berlatar belakangkan warna putih. setiap cincin tu mewakili dunia yg berkumpul dlm suka Olimpik iaitu benua Afrika, benua Amerika, benua Asia, Australia n benua Eropah. Motto utk sukan Olimpik ialah Citius, Altius, Fortius (dlm bahasa Latin) yg bermaksud Faster, Higher, Stronger ... |
mengenai torch Olimpik
setiap kali sukan Olimpik bermula .. bermakna torch akan dinyalakan utk menyemarakkan lagi semangat para peserta ... torch ni dah bermula sejak zaman permulaan sukan Olimpik dulu yg menggunakan parabolic mirror yg menggunakan cahaya matahari.
membawa torch ni bermula ngan Olympic Torch Relay ngan mengelilingi satu Greece. tp skrg ni toch akan dibawa ke negara yg menjadi tuan rumah sukan Olimpik .. dr berlari, berjalan, menunggang kuda n macam2 lagi .. yg membawa torch ni adalah atelit yg akan diganti dr semasa ke semasa ..
atelit yg terakhir membawa masuk torch ke stadium n menyalakan bg menandakan permulaan sukan Olimpik. setiap tahun torch utk sukan Olimpik akan direka
membawa torch ni dah mejadi tradisi sejak 2700 tahun yg lepas di Greece n akan bernyala setiap 4 tahun sekali. torch ni menandakan simbol n mengingati pahlawan2 Greek yg dah mati n yg masih hidup. pd tahun 1936 di Berlin, German ... buat pertama kalinyer nyalaan dr torch telah dihidupkan setelah sekian lamanyer terpadam |
Olimpik Fun Facts
The early Olympic Games were celebrated as a religious festival from 776 B.C. until 393 A.D., when the games were banned for being a pagan festival (the Olympics celebrated the Greek god Zeus). In 1894, a French educator Baron Pierre de Coubertin, proposed a revival of the ancient tradition, and thus the modern-day Olympic Summer Games were born.
Host Greece won the most medals (47) at the first Olympic Summer Games in 1896.
The first Winter Olympic Games were held in Chamonix, France in 1924.
Norway has won the most medals (239) at the Winter Games.
The United States has won more medals (2,019) at the Summer Games than any other country.
The five Olympic rings represent the five major regions of the world |
berbalik zaman dulu
smua dah tau nape sukan Olimpik diadakan .. diadakan utk menandakan kedamaian antara Sparta n Elis. masa ni lah tidak ada peperangan n ia berlanjutan selama 3 bulan semasa musim panas.
stadium Olympia ni sentiasa diubah n ditambah dr semasa ke semasa n ada beberapa org femes pd masa tuh menonton sukan Olimpik spt Plato n Aristole n sebelum mereka pd tahun 6th BC .. iaitu Thales of Miletus telah mati sebb heat stroke. Gelon n Hieron of Syracusae juga ada n join sukan Olimpik n juga Alcibiades, Alexander The Great n Nero
hamba abdi n wanita yg dah kawin terutama tidak dibenarkan masuk n menonton sukan Olimpik. jika hamba abdi n wanita ditangkap .. mereka akan dibawa ke Gunung Typaeon. kaum wanita ada sukan mereka sendiri di Heraia n disertai oleh wanita yg belum kawin.
org2 Barbarian boleh menonton tp tidak dibenarkan bersaing. setiap peserta hendklah bebas. tidak pnah kene hukuman n kene berlatih selama 10 bulan utk sukan Olimpik ditmpt sendiri n 1 bulan di Olimpia. pemenang tak terima wang sebagai tanda kemenangan tp dianugerahkan ngan pujian n menjadi kebanggaan.
ni bg peserta sukan Olimpik yg teringin nak main tipu2 utk menang .. sama ada gune rasuah atau racun akan dikenakan tindakan kewangan mengikut hukuman n undang2 Zeus .. nama peserta n nama kluarga peserta akan dicatat n diukir di patung Zeus n patung Zeus tu berada dipintu masuk stadium n sebelum para peserta masuk .. mereka akan melihat patung Zeus sebagai tanda peringatan.
pd 472 BC sukan Olimpik dijalankan selama 5 hari berbanding yg asal hanya 1 hari. hari pertama para peserta dtg utk mendaftar n membuat sumpah janji yg mereka telah berlatih selama 10 bulan n mereka akan hormati segala peraturan. pd hari tersebut ada pertandingan antara bentara. pd hari kedua acara kuda n pentathlon diadakan. hari ketiga pula, acara padang spt lumba lari. hari keempat pula acara gusti, boxing n acara Pancrateon. hari kelima pula hari pemberian hadiah n diikuti majlis keraian.
kalau ikut tujuan sukan Olimpik diadakan pd masa dulu ialah utk menghentikan peperangan sesama mereka. tp pd zaman skrg peperangan dihentikan sebb nak join sukan Olimpik. is it odd? |
maskot sukan Olimpik 2004 musim panas

Phevos and Athena, the official ATHENS 2004 mascots, are brother and sister. Their creation was inspired by an ancient Greek doll and their names are linked to Ancient Greece, yet the two siblings are children of modern times.
The names are of two Olympian gods: Phevos, the god of light and music, known as Apollo; and Athena, goddess of wisdom and patron of the city of Athens. Phevos and Athena represent the link between Greek history and the modern Olympic Games.
source: olympic.org.uk |
himpunan maskot Sukan Olimpik (musim panas)
"Waldi" the Dachshund, Mascot of the 1972 Munich Olympic Games
"Waldi", the first official mascot to appear for the 1972 Munich Games, was a Dachshund. He was modelled after Cherie von Birkenhof, a longhaired breed of the species. While Waldi was the first official Olympic mascot, and preceded by the unofficial "Schuss", who appeared four years earlier in Grenoble.
"Waldi抯" head and tail are light blue, and his body has vertical stripes with at least three of the five Olympic colours. Waldi was produced in various forms and sizes: plush, plastic, stickers, posters and buttons - but not as a pin until many years later.

"Amik", Mascot of the 1976 Montreal Olympic Games
"Amik" the beaver was chosen as the official mascot for the Summer Olympic Games of Montreal, 1976. "Amik" in Indian language means beaver. The beaver has always been associated with hard work.

"Misha" the Russian Bear, Mascot of the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games
Designer Victor Chizikov
The Moscow Olympic bear "Misha" was developed by the renowned illustrator of children's books Victor Chizikov. It took the illustrator six months to draw one hundred variations of the bear that also carried the full name Mikhail Potapych Toptygin. "Misha" was finally unveiled on December 19th, 1977.
Misha was featured on hundreds of different pins, as a plush toy, in plastic, porcelain, rubber, wood, glass and metal.
A second, less well-known mascot, was also present during the Moscow Games . The mascot was a seal named "Vigri", who represented the yachting events in Tallinn.
Misha also appeared on a stamp.

"Sam" the Eagle, Mascot of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games
Designer C. Robert Moore
Details The eagle "Sam" became the mascot of the Los Angeles Games. He was chosen because the imposing bald eagle is the national symbol of the United States. Robert Moore and his associates from Walt Disney Productions selected the eagle, and "Sam抯" design was targeted to appeal to children.

"Hodori" the Tiger, Mascot of the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games
Designer Kim Hyun
Details "Hodori", the mascot of the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul, South Korea, portrays the friendly side of a tiger, which is present in many Korean legends. The mascot's name was chosen from a list of 2,295 names submitted by the public.
The " Ho" in "Hodori" comes from the Korean word for tiger, and "Dori" is a common masculine diminutive. The Olympic rings adorn the neck of Hodori, and he wears a "Sangmo" hat from a traditional farm dance. The streamer on his hat in the shape of an S stands for Seoul.
Seoul also had a female mascot, but Hodori the tiger captured the spotlight, and his female counterpart "Hosuni" was seldom seen.

"Cobi", Mascot of the 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games
Designer Javier Mariscal
Details The Spaniards did not immediately take to "Cobi", the surreal dog from the Summer Olympic Games of Barcelona, who was designed by local cartoonist Javier Mariscal. "Cobi's" popularity slowly grew and by the end of the Games he was loved universally by the Spanish and the rest of the world.
"Cobi" was supported by a group of mascots during the Barcelona Games - including the Paralympic mascot "Petra". The whole mascot crew was featured as part of a popular Spanish TV show.

"Izzy", Mascot of the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games
The mascot of the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta was an amorphous abstract fantasy figure. It carried the name "Izzy", derived from "Whatizit?" because no one seemed to know exactly what "Izzy" really was.
He changed his appearance several times after the closing ceremony in Barcelona in 1992. Over time he grew a mouth where only lips had existed, he added stars in his eyes, bulked up and gained muscles in his previously spindly legs, and eventually sprouted a nose.

"Ollie", "Syd" and "Millie" , Mascots of the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games
Designer Matthew Hatton
Details "Ollie", a Kookaburra, "Syd", a Platypus; and "Millie", an Echidna, are three native animals chosen as mascots for the Sydney 2000 Games. These Australian animals represent the earth, air and water.
"Ollie": epitomises the Olympic spirit of generosity and universal generosity (from Olympic).
"Syd": represents the environment and captures the vigour and energy of Australia and its people (from Sydney).
"Millie": is a techno-whiz and information guru, with all the facts and figures at her fingertips (from Millennium).
The Organising Committee received hundreds of submissions from artists, children and others from around the world. Matthew Hatton抯 design was chosen to represent the Olympic mascots for the forthcoming millennium.
source Olympic mascot :www.aafla.org
source info: www.collectors.olympic.org
[ Last edited by fly_in_d_sky on 6-6-2004 at 04:00 PM ] |
himpunan maskot sukan Olimpik (musim sejuk)

The skiing man "Schuss", Mascot of the 1968 Grenoble Olympic Games
Artist M Lafargue
"Schuss", a little man on skis, is actually the very first unofficial Olympic mascot. Schuss appeared at the 1968 Olympic Winter Games in Grenoble. He was featured on a pin and on small toys but not as a plush mascot.

"Schneemann", Mascot of the 1976 Innsbruck Olympic Games
A snowman was chosen as the official mascot for the Games in Innsbruck in 1976. "Schneemann" appeared on pins and on many other souvenirs. For collectors, he is greatly sought after as a plush toy.

"Roni" the Raccoon, Mascot of the 1980 Lake Placid Olympic Games
Artist Don Moss
Designer Capital Sports
The mascot "Roni" replaced the live raccoon mascot "Rocky" of Lake Placid who died before the Winter Games in 1980.
The raccoon took many different forms, and "Roni" was the first mascot to appear in sporting poses on various products.

"Vucko" the Little Wolf, Mascot of the 1984 Sarajevo Olympic Games
Designer Joze Trebec
"Vucko" was designed by Joze Trebec of Kranja and was chosen by the readers of major Yugoslav newspapers to be the 1984 Sarajevo Games Mascot. "Vucko" was elected from a list of six finalists which included a snowball (grudva), a mountain goat (divozoka), a chipmonk (lasica), a lamb (jagjne) and a porcupine (jez). The words in brackets are Serbo-Croat words for the animals, and not their names.

The Polar Bears "Hidy" and "Howdy", Mascots of the 1988 Calgary Olympic Games
Designer Sheila Scott, Great Scott Productions
The bear siblings "Hidy and Howdy" from the 1988 Winter Games in Calgary were the first dual mascots in the Olympic Games. They took the form of inseparable brother and sister polar bears.
The Calgary Zoo sponsored a contest to name the bears. Among the nearly 7,000 entries submitted, the names "Hidy" and "Howdy" were eventually chosen.

The Snow Imp "Magique", Mascot of the 1992 Albertville Olympic Games
Designer Philippe Mairesse
The paunch blue Snow Imp named "Magique" became the mascot of the Albertville Winter Games. The first mascot, "Chamois", a mountain goat common to the Savoie region of France, was unceremoniously dropped about two years before the 1992 Winter Games.

"Haakon" and " Kristin", the Mascots of the 1994 Lillehammer Olympic Games
Lillehammer had the first people-like mascots of the Olympic Games. "Haakon and Kristin" were two children from Norwegian folklore, and they appeared on pins, posters and stickers as well as in three-dimensional plush toys, wooden carved objects, plastic piggy-banks, pewter, and plastic miniature figurines.
There were also several pairs of real-life blond, blue eyed Norwegian children who, in keeping with the loveable mascots |
ttg Olympic Torch
The Olympic Flame is an important symbol of the Games. There are many collectors who cherish items associated with the transport of the flame in the Olympic Torch Runs. You do not have to be a great athlete nor famous to carry the torch and people from all walks of life have had this honour. A good example is the Atlanta Games Torch Run in 1996 where "Community Heroes" were nominated by local United Way organisations to run with the torch.
source: collectors.olympic.org |
himpunan Olympic Torch (musim sejuk)

The Olympic Torch Run for the Vl Olympic Winter Games, Oslo 1952
General Information
Journey The Olympic flame was lit in Morgedal (NOR) and was transported to Oslo by cross-country skiers.
Beginning of Relay 13 February 1952
End of Relay 15 February 1952
Distance (km) 225
otal number of torches 95
Runners 94 (special skier: (Eigil Nansen)
Technical Characteristics
Colour Silver
Weight 1450 g
Length 22 cm
Philatelic Items

The Olympic Torch Run for the VII Olympic Winter Games, Cortina d扐mpezzo 1956
General Information
Journey Olympia - Athens - Rome, Rome airport - Venice (aeroplane), Venice - Mestre (gondolas), Mestre - Cortina (roller-skaters, runners, skiers)
Beginning of Relay 22 January 1956
End of Relay 26 January 1956
Technicals Characteristics
Two types of torches were used.
Colour Silver
Weight 820 g
Length 47 cm
Philatelic Items

The Olympic Torch Run for the Vlll Olympic Winter Games, Squaw Valley 1960
Journey Morgedal (NOR) - Oslo - Los Angeles Airport (aeroplane), Los Angeles Airport - Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (helicopter), Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum - Squaw Valley (runners)
Beginning of Relay 31 January 1960
Distance (km) 960
End of Relay 18 February 1960
Runners 700
Colour Silver
Weight 1350 g
Length 48.5 cm

The Olympic Torch Run for the IX Olympic Winter Games, Innsbruck 1964
General Information
Journey Olympia - Athens (runners), Athens - Vienna (aeroplane), Vienna - Innsbruck (aeroplane), Innsbruck - Bergisel (car), Bergisel - Stadium (runners)
Beginning of Relay 22 January 1964
End of Relay 29 January 1964
Technical Characteristics
Caption:" IX Olympische Winterspiele 1964". The handle is conical in line with two rings. The upper part is like a bowl with Olympic rings and the caption.
Special torches: Two safety lamps were used during transport
Composition Bronze
Colour Bronze
Weight 2250 g
Length 61 cm
Philatelic Items
A special cancellation mark of the flight carrying the Olympic Flame to Vienna was issued on the 23rd of January 1964.

The Olympic Torch Run for the X Olympic Winter Games, Grenoble 1968
General Information
Journey The journey constituted 50 legs of more than 7,300 km of which 3,500 km was done on foot, 1600 km on skis, 300 km on horseback, in rowing boats and on bicycles, and 1900 by various mechanical means (aeroplane, helicopter, car).
Olympia - Athens, Athens Helleniko-Paris Orly (Air France Boeing 707), Paris-Grenoble
Beginning of Relay 19 December 1967
End of Relay 6 February 1968
Distance (km) 7222
Total number of torches 33
Runners 5000
Technical Characteristics
Caption: 擷e Jeux Olympiques d扝iver Grenoble 1968 |

The Olympic Torch Run for the XII Olympic Winter Games, Innsbruck 1976
General Information
Journey Olympia - Athens (car), Athens - Vienna (aeroplane)
In Austria a northern route (867 km) and a southern route (751 km) were used to bring the Olympic Flame to Innsbruck. Each convoy consisted of a "mobile dish" for the Olympic Flame, and a miner's lamp (placed on a Mercedes roof) .
Beginning of Relay 30 January 1976
End of Relay 4 February 1976
Technical Characteristics
Caption:"XII Olympische Winterspiele 1976" The upper part is with the design of the Olympic rings.
Composition Metal
Colour Silver
Weight 900 g
Length 74.60 cm
Philatelic Items

The Olympic Torch Run for the XIII Olympic Winter Games, Lake Placid 1980
General Information
Journey Olympia - Platanos (runners), Platanos - Andravida airport (bus), Andravida - Athens (aeroplane), Helenikon airport - Panathenean Stadium (runners), Stadium - Helenikon airport - Langly Air Force Base (Virginia). In Shannon (Ireland), the plane carrying the Olympic Flame made a stop- over to present the flame to the native country of Lord Killanin. Langly AFB - Yorktown (boat), Yorktown - Albany (runners), Albany - Lake Placid (runners)
Beginning of Relay 30 January 1980
End of Relay 13 February 1980
Distance (km) 12,824
Total number of torches 80
Runners 52 (26 men/ 26 women)
Technical Characteristics
Caption:"XIII Olympic Winter Games Lake Placid 1980". Torch is conical, designed with a silver ring on which the caption is engraved. The handle is leather wrapped.
Composition Metal, leather
Colour Bronze
Weight 1080 g
Length 73 cm
Philatelic Items

The Olympic Torch Run for the XIV Olympic Winter Games, Sarajevo 1984
General Information
Journey Olympia - Athens (car) Athens - Dubrovnik (The Olympic Flame was put into a special safety lamp and transported in a JAT aeroplane).
Two torch relays set out from Dubrovnik to Sarajevo, one taking off in an easterly direction (2602 km) and the other in a northerly direction (2687 km).
Beginning of Relay 29 January 1984
Distance (km) 5289
End of Relay 8 February 1984
Runners 1600 (for 900 km)
Technical Items
Caption "Sarajevo 84". The top of the handle is plate formed, and the combustion tube features the Games logo.
Manufacturer Mizuno Corporation, Japan
Colour Silver, brown
Weight 780 g
Length 57.7 cm
Philatelic Items
To commemorate the Winter Games the Yugoslavian post office issued, among others, two special stamps with torch motives.
Special torches:
One safety lamp
The Government of Yugoslavia authorised the striking of a gold coin, which features the Olympic Flame..

The Olympic Torch Run for the XV Olympic Winter Games, Calgary 1988
General Information
Journey Olympia - Athens, Athens - St. Johns Newfoundland (aeroplane) - Halifax - Charlottetown, Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Yellowknife, Inuvik, Whitehorse, Vancouver, Victoria, Grande Prairie, Edmonton, and Red Deer to Calgary.
Beginning of Relay 15 November 1987
End of Relay 13 February 1988
Distance (km) 18,000 (Canada)
Total number of torches 100
Runners 6520
Technical Characteristics
Caption: " Citius Altius Fortius" and " XV Olympic Winter Games Calgary Alberta Canada 1988" with the Games logo. The design of the handle symbolises the Calgary Tower. A laser engraved the pictograms.
Fuel Gas, kerosene, and alcohol (two different types of fuel)
Composition Aluminium, wood (maple)
Colour Silver and brown
Weight 1260 g
Length 60 cm
Philatelic Items
Special torches: One safety lamp
Gold coin 1/4 Troy oz
A hand holding the Olympic torch (Canada)
source info: collectors.olympic.org
source image: collectors.olympic.org |

The Olympic Torch Run for the XVI Olympic Winter Olympic Games, Albertville 1992
General Information
Journey Olympia - Athens - Paris (Roissy Charles de Gaulle by Concorde), throughout France, including Corsica to Albertville
Beginning of Relay 13 December 1991
Distance (km) 5500
End of Relay 23 February 1992
Runners 5500
Technical Characteristics
Caption: "XVIes Jeux Olympiques d扝iver 1992" with Olympic rings.
Manufacturer Ugine
Composition Metal
Colour Silver
Weight 1300 g
Length 41 cm
Philatelic Items
A special newspaper, "Le Quotidien de la flamme" was produced at every leg of the relay.

The Olympic Torch Run for the XVII Olympic Winter Games, Lillehammer 1994
General Information
Journey National relay;
Morgedal - Lillehammer
(11/23/93 - 12/2/94)
International relay:
Olympia - Lillehammer
(16/01/94 - 12/02/94)
Type 1 and 2
Technical Characteristics
Caption: The Games logo and pictograms are on the copper part of the torch.
Manufacturer Paal J. Kahrs Arkitekter AS
Composition Wood, copper, steel
Colour Brown, silver, bronze
Length (Type 1) 153 cm (Type 2) 184 cm
Philatelic Items

The Olympic Torch Run for the XVIII Olympic Winter Games, Nagano 1998
General Information
Journey Olympia - Athens - Athens - Tokyo (aeroplane)
The Olympic torch relay was run through most of Japan's 47 prefectures.
Beginning of Relay 23 December 1997
End of Relay 7 February 1998
Runners 7000
Technical Characteristics
Caption: "Nagano 1998, The XVIII Olympic Winter Games, Nagano 1998". The Olympic rings on the upper part of the torch depict crystallised snow. The handle is wrapped with yellow thread.
Fuel Propane
Manufacturer Katsura Co.
Composition Aluminium and cotton
Length 55 cm
Colour Red, silver and gold
Weight 1500 g
Philatelic Items
source info: collectors.olympic.org
source image: collectors.olympic.org |
Olympic Torch utk musim panas

The Olympic Torch Run for the Games of the Xl Olympiad, Berlin 1936
General Information
Journey Olympia - Bulgaria -Yugoslavia - Hungary - Austria - Czecoslovakia - Germany (Berlin runners and rowers - Kiel)
Beginning of Relay 20 July 1936 12.00 PM
Distance (km) 3422
End of Relay 1 August 1936 5.20 PM
Runners 3422
Type 1
Total number of torches 3840
Technical Characteristics
Caption: "Fackel Staffel Lauf Olympia Berlin 1936" and "Organisazions-Komitee f黵 die XI. Olympiade Berlin 1936 Als Dank dem Tr鋑er". There is a drawing of the route of the flame and the German eagle over the Olympic rings.
Fuel Magnesium-based
Manufacturer Krupp company
Composition Metal Developer Carl Diem
Colour Silver
Diameter 15.40 cm
Weight 908 g
Length 27 cm
Philatelic Items
Special postage stamp: 12 + 6 Pfennig with torch bearer.
Application booklet:
1st Edition 1934
2nd Edition 1935 (in 5 languages)
Posters: Two editions in five languages, a total of 30,180 copies
Each participant received a certificate designed by H鰊ig.
Miscellaneous items:
A scaled down imprint of the relief from the Palazzo Colonna, used in correspondence.
In 1936 Carl Diem received, from his close colleagues, a silver imitation of the Olympic Torch, made by the well-known Berlin goldsmith H.J. Wilm.

The Olympic Torch Run for the Games of the XlV Olympiad, London 1948
General Information
Journey Olympia - Katakolon (runners), Katakolon - Corfu (Royal Navy ship), Corfu - Bari (ship), Bari - Milano - Simplon - Lausanne - Geneva - Nancy - Luxembourg - Brussels - Lille - Calais (runners), Calais (ship) - Torquay (runners) - Londres
Beginning of Relay 17 July 1948
Distance (km) 3365
End of Relay 29 July 1948
Runners 1416
Type 1 and 2
Total number of torches 1688; plus 12 reserve torches (Switzerland) and 20 for demonstration
Technical Characteristics
Caption: "Olympiad to London with thanks to the bearer XIVth Olympiad 1948". The caption and the Olympic rings are chiselled on the upper part.
There were three types of torches used during the relay: A standard torch, a torch with a gas recipient for the sea crossing and a torch for the last runner.
Fuel Magnesium-based
Manufacturer Fuel Research Station of the Scientific and Industrial Research E.M.J. Factories Ltd.
Composition Aluminium
Length 46.80 cm
Colour Silver
Weight 908 g
Philatelic Items
South Korea issued a 10 won stamp featuring a torch bearer and the Olympic Rings.
The envelope of the invitations to the NOCs was decorated with the emblem of a torch bearer.

The Olympic Torch Run for the Games of the XV Olympiad, Helsinki 1952
General Information
Journey Olympia - Athens (runners), Athens - Aalborg (aeroplane), Aalborg - Copenhagen (runners, rowers, yachtsmen), Copenhagen - Malm |
seek1u This user has been deleted
sape tau..mana nak d/load olympic mp3 theme..
yg aku ingat start dari la 1984..
atara lyric die.."olympiad..olympiad..you will teach and we will learn"
dan juga 1988 di seoul , korea,,tajuk theme die ialah HAND IN HAND sung by
KOREANA..aku dah dapat theme ni..
ada sesape ada info pasal olympic official theme song ni..thanks |

The Olympic Torch Run for the Games of the XVl Olympiad, Melbourne 1956
General Information
Beginning of Relay 1 January 1956 9.30 AM
End of Relay 22 November 1956 4.25 PM
Type 2
Technical Characteristics
Torch used by the last runner in the opening Ceremony.
Caption: "XVI Olympiad Melbourne 1956". Fluted handle, openwork designed Olympic rings.
Fuel Hexamine in the form of tablets, with additional naphthalene and a special igniting material. The burning time was about 15 minutes.
Colour Silver
Philatelic Items
Australia: 7,5 pence, Torch, Olympic Rings, Constellation "Southern Cross" (Similar to the national flag of Australia)
German Democratic Rep: 20 Pfennig, Torch, Olympic Rings, and Olive Branch
South Korea: 20.55 won, Torch, Olympic Rings and Olive Branch
Poland: First Day Issues with torch bearers and route information Greece-Australia superimposed.
Greece: Special post mark Olympia and special airmail letters "Olympic Torch Flight"
Romania: 20 bani, Torch with Olympic Warrior
Liberia: 20 cent, 40 cent, Air mail torch over Australia.
Medals: Commemorative medals for the participants of the torch relay
Miscellaneous items: Signet

The Olympic Torch Run for the Games of the XVl Olympiad, Melbourne 1956
General Information
Journey Olympia - Athens, Athens - Cairns (aeroplane), Cairns - Townsville, Townsville - Mackay, Rockhampton - Bundaberg, Bundaberg - Maryborough, Maryborough - Brisbane. Brisbane - Grafton, Grafton - Newcastle. Newcastle -Sydney, Sydney - Canberra, Canberra - Albury, Albury - Bendigo, Ballarat and Greelong to Melbourne.
Beginning of Relay 2 November 1956 9.30 AM
Distance (km) 20,470
End of Relay 22 November 1956 4.25 PM
Runners 3118
Type 1
Total number of torches 400
Technical Characteristics
Caption "XVI Olympiad 1956: Olympia Melbourne". The handle has a ring, and the bowl features three series of Olympic rings. This type of torch was also used for the Equestrian Games in Stockholm.
The torch design of 1948 was obviously used again.
The last runner carried, as in 1948 in London, a special torch made of aluminium, which had been slightly altered in design, with a magnesium flare for fuel.
Fuel Hexamine in the form of tablets, with additional naphthalene and a special igniting material. The burning time was about 15 minutes.
Colour Silver
Weight 960 g
Length 47 cm
Philatelic Items
Australia: 7,50 pence, Torch, Olympic Rings, Constellation "Southern Cross" (Similar to the national flag of Australia)
German Democratic Rep: 20 Pfennig, Torch, Olympic Rings, and Olive Branch
South Korea: 20.55 won, Torch, Olympic Rings and Olive Branch
Poland: First Day Issues with torch bearers and route information Greece-Australia superimposed.
Greece: Special post mark Olympia and special airmail letters "Olympic Torch Flight"
Romania: 20 bani, Torch with Olympic Warrior
Liberia: 20 cent, 40 cent, Air mail torch over Australia
Medals: Commemorative medals for the participants of the torch relay
Miscellaneous items: Bookmark
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Two Olympic Games were held in 1956 because the horses in the Equestrian events could not take part in the Olympic Games of Melbourne. The Australian government had imposed a 6-month quarantine on all animals entering the country, therefore the organisers decided to hold the horse events in Stockholm.
General Information
Journey Olympia - Athens (runners), Athens - Copenhagen (aeroplane), Copenhagen Airport - Copenhagen Town Hall (horseback), Copenhagen - Malm |
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