Author|Post time 15-2-2019 08:45 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Part 2
dear soulmate ,
actually i have made peace with this relationship thing . kesahnya nak biarkan sajer come what may , ada adalah takda pun tunggulah sampai abang jamil mampus huhu .
tp something happend to me and i decided to write this letter . hopefully dengan adanya 5 lautan di dunia , chances utk the message in my bottle to reach you jadi lebih meluas .
pls dont ask me yet what happend to me sampai i decided to write you a letter like this . but i promise you , one day when we finally meet i will tell you everything . pls be punctual because we are going to meet in Paris on one of those chairs that never sit on a quite level on a pavement . i hope it will be sunny on that day . across the bridge to our right you will see L’artisan Parfumeur and you are going to buy me a scent called Papiomextrem.
that will be your first gift to me . ok demanding me and ok i took that from the letter will wrote to louisa .
i will tell you more in my next letter about whats going on with me right now , i really hope you will understand when you read , i hope you wont judge .
before i leave :
tell me something boy
arent you tired trying to fill that void
or do you need more ?
Hari tu aku pi Pantai Senangin. Pantai yg kau kata takkan pergi lagi seumur hidup tu la. Tgh syok2 menikmati pemandangan situ, aku ternmpk la sebiji botol terapung ni. Sekeliling botol tu siap ada teritip. Tk lama lepas tu botol tu landing kat kaki aku. Aku tak berani la buka sbb isinya kaler kuning. Berbuih plak air kuning kat dlm tu tu. Imagine la the smell mun aku buka the cap of the bottle. Oh man, gelik!
Bisnis Pak Ya makin maju. Tmpt tu dah meriah. Tak mcm dulu. Dulu time kau pergi dgn mak kau tmpt tu sendu je kan. La ni mcm2 ada. Chalet bersepah. Pondok wakaf utk piknik pun ada, tp kena byr la. Kerusi plastik seketul pun kena byr jgn kau tak tau. Marak kerak beranak-pinak sia sbb tertarik dgn sampah. Pengunjung pun satu, tak reti2 nak jaga kebersihan.
Oh right, the dead tree is there no more, mcm kau juga. Semoga kau selamat dan berbahagia di alam sana. Kita bersahabat kerana Allah. Semoga kita sama2 tergolong dlm golongan mereka yg diberi kemuliaan utk melihat wajahNya.
Post time 15-2-2019 09:44 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Hope all the best for tt
Dear my other half
Hope u r the right one coz im a lefthanded
I pls be purely u, dont need to be an excellent cook or dam pretty
Dont need to be an extra clingy or a beautiful body
Just..pls be there when im in sadness hoping that u can wipe all my sorrow away
Because only the one i love only she can put smiles on my face
Because theonly one i need is..
Post time 16-2-2019 08:11 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Surat dalam botol is actually damn romantic tapi selagi i duduk di tanah melayu ni tak berani chuolls i nak bukak kalau terjumpa..entah setan jembalang mana dorang simpan dalam botol tu pastu main campak je kat tengah laut..kalau laut negara ummah mat saleh takpe kot.lulz