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Author: manjalara_01

Living with Depression & Anxiety: Jom Share pengalaman masing2

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Post time 24-8-2019 11:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
6+ years of 'modern illness' and anxiety disorder. As penyakit moden ni gets worse over time, takde ubat to cure it (bukan HIV AIDS ye ), A ni jadi D pula. I'm aware of D ni, sebab dekat forum komuniti yang saya jadi ahli, siap register dengan research network, diorang semua ada D, have to endure daily frustration, to give in and give up are always in their mind. Fellow friends kat sana, ada a few dah gave up

Sakit tu makin terasa sebab saya tak boleh lari selamatkan diri. Ubat untuk simptoms penyakit moden ni, most of them ada 'calming' and 'relaxing' effects, saya tak suka. Tapi kena juga sebab sakit sangat fizikal dan mental

Makan ubat, yes, dulu cam zombie, sekarang cam sayur jer, tapi jiwa meronta2 nak keluar dari badan ni, kadang2 rasa cam nak buat astral projection

Penat sangat. I thought if I could make fun of myself, I'd be ok. Rupa nya takkkkkkk. Makan ubat pun satu ikhtiar juga, dan doa. Sakit fizikal dan mental ni akan terus ada dan makin teruk dan teruk sampai mati, ada juga rasa cam nak stop, tak nak buat pape, kawan2 kokesen yang tak renounce the faith cakap, "We're unwillingly being put on self-destruction mode", I'll just keep goinng. Sia2 hidup selama ni kalau betul2 give up

Saya hargai TT buka thread ni Mental illnesses ni still taboo kan, persetankan saja mulut orang yang mengeji tu



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 Author| Post time 25-8-2019 06:41 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 25-8-2019 06:50 PM
aleX-S replied at 24-8-2019 11:37 PM
6+ years of 'modern illness' and anxiety disorder. As penyakit moden ni gets worse over time, takde  ...

u join forum komuniti ape tu u? bleh share x kat sini?..

yaa actually i pun x nk mkn ubat....
1- sbb mahal
2- kena mkn like 2 years straight
3- x tau ade kesan ke x after 2 years baru tahu..
4- usually ubat2 mcm ni kan ade side effect

tp u psl yg feel mcm zombie tu..i mmg dah lame rs emotional numbness ni..bukan lepas mkn ubat baru ade feel tu..mmg antara sympton depression..

u gi dpt treatment kat mana? ok x?...pernah cube psychotherapy? problem,..thanks for dropping by...


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 Author| Post time 25-8-2019 06:58 PM | Show all posts

'K': I've never retired something that was born before.
Lieutenant Joshi: What's the difference?
'K': To be born is to have a soul, I guess.
Lieutenant Joshi: Are you telling me no?
'K': I wasn't aware there was an option, madame.
[K walks to the door]
Lieutenant Joshi: Hey! You've been getting on fine without one.
'K': What's that, madame?



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Post time 26-8-2019 09:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 24-8-2019 05:41 AM
good luck mh17

Tq beb..

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 Author| Post time 4-9-2019 03:31 PM | Show all posts
Hey guys..

manja nak update something. skrg ni x tau la nk rs ape..panicky pun i pegi for my psychotherapy, Dr inform i also ade Inattentive ADHD & mild Autism...selain MDD & GAD...

u all tau mild Autism tu ape?...harap bleh share kat sini...

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Post time 5-9-2019 01:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by adila39 at 5-9-2019 05:52 AM
manjalara_01 replied at 4-9-2019 07:31 AM
Hey guys..

manja nak update something. skrg ni x tau la nk rs ape..panicky pun i pegi for ...

hi manja.. how old are u? mild autism? oh dont worry masih boleh lead life mcm biasa... but if u feel need some therapy how nak fokus or staying calm boleh pm i.

Mild autism all u need is a little support from ur circle to lead normal life. Jgn risau risau dik

Meaning from Wikipedia :
Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adults
Common symptoms of autism in adults include: Difficulty interpreting what others are thinking or feeling. Trouble interpreting facial expressions, body language, or social cues. Difficulty regulating emotion.

So, i would say... maybe urs lebih pada ur emotions, expressing feelings and social issues perhaps.

Still, talk to ur consultant tu and ask opinion how to control ur symptoms. Again.. u can still enjoy life spt biasa.



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Post time 5-9-2019 04:07 PM | Show all posts
aleX-S replied at 24-8-2019 03:37 PM
6+ years of 'modern illness' and anxiety disorder. As penyakit moden ni gets worse over time, takde  ...

aaaa...kalau virtual ni boleh hug, i will give u a big warm hug. Way u put it here, and the way i read it...i can sense actually sis is a fighter. U are strong than u know.

At this moment bila I baca, matter of fact kinda feeling a little bit down ni..sbb keje dah banyak tp xtau where to start and the messy part kat rumah, and how i cant even vent it out to anyone...anyway...i ada terbaca somewhere...kadang kadang bila kita rasa how hard life is...why not u twist your mind. U listen to people what im doing now. I baca ur komen, and i feel why not i bagi sis ni some zest to feel better. Trust me, in what ever illness u having now..either a very severe diagnosis ke or even a small cut ke apa...ada satu benda yg takde apa boleh kalahkan..iaitu HOPE.

U kena keep fighting..if we need to die, die with style la org kata, u dah try sehabis boleh. So what im saying is jgn stop having hope to feel better and lead better life, maybe by helping others even a shoulder to cry on  or even just a tap on shoulder pun akan buat org lain feel good, do it..why, sbb naturally nnt our soul akan rasa calm. I dah try and i rasa ia bantu i stand matter what...i hope.

Start here, tak payah kat luar sana...try read some complicated topics and give opinion ke..

Way back years ago, i tak tau if i kena depression ke apa, but i cant even talk properly, i mumbling bila i mula masuk kerja ..i sweating bila i need to talk to my boss. 3 bulan pertama tu mmg hell....i rasa nak mati pun ada. Everyday i cry over small thing..but now i dah ok dah sbb i tell myself i want it too. So here i am ok and better and happy je..yeah life ada ups and down and again...u kena keep having hope. And continue medication yg dr prescribed. Be a fighter ok.

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Post time 7-9-2019 10:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Baru tau D&A ni jugak penyakit yg menyakitkan sama seperti penyakit luaran yg mampu dilihat
Stay strong uolls. Semoga terus kuat dan tabah

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Post time 20-9-2019 12:30 PM | Show all posts
Saya nak buat bengkel mini untuk membantu mereka yang ada depression dan anxiety di kawasan Lembah Klang.

Siapa yang berminat boleh klik link di bawah: ... si_dan_tingkah_laku

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Post time 31-10-2019 09:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Syukur terjumpa thread ni. Xtau nak ngadu kat siapa. I rasa mcm semua org pandang sinis kat i pdhal mungkin tidak pn sebenarnya. Doc kata i paranoid. Overthinking.
Bulan april haritu i mcm kena heart attack. Masuk wad 4 hari. Doc diagnose as unstable angina. Bulan 8 i buat streas test. Tp doc kata semua ok. Setahun sebelum tu i dah start susah nafas. Almost everymonth kena ambik neb. N doc suruh pakai pump biru dgn coklat. Ada time bila check mmg doc kata nafas ada bunyi. Tp ada time doc ckp oksigen i ok n x perlu neb. Tp sbb i susah sgt nak nafas, i ttp nak ambik jugak neb. Tp betul, lps neb pun nafas still ketat.
Lepas kes masuk wad tu, i selalu jadi susah nafas, shaking, loya, sakit dada. Selalu. Masa tu i x tau pasal anxiety ni semua. Sampai one day my kazen ckp cuba u baca pasal anxiety. Sbb dia kata mcm nampak simptom kat i. So i study. N ye, nmpk mcm ada simptom2 tu. Oh ya, setiap kali i x boleh nafas, i akan gi emergency HTAR sbb mmg rasa mcm heart attack. Ada sorg doc tu mungkin dia alert psl ni, dia ckp "i rasa tpt u bukan kat sini, puan. Nak x i refer to psikatri? ". Alamak. Biaq btoi.
I x nak. Tp sumpah i x sanggup. Sakit. So i pergi Klinik Jiwa Damai kat Shah Alam. Psycologist tu kata i ada split personality. Hah?! Dia suruh i jumpa kaunselor dulu. Tp sampai sekarang i x jumpa2. Mcm x boleh terima. Tp sepanjang dr gi klinik tu sampai skrg, hampir tiap2 hari i susah nafas, sakit dada semua tu. I x banyak duit so i mcm takut kalau buat treatment nnt kena pakai byk duit. I x tau apa i fikir skrg. Otak i mcm ada celoreng2 yg x tau hujung pangkal.
Mcm conteng2 tu. Serabut2. Tah apa i fikir. Tp sumpah yg susah nafas tu sakit sgt. Pastu hari2 i rasa mcm harini apa nak jadi eh? Hari2 dlm ketakutan. Dah lama x balik rumah mertua. Sbb rasa x nak jumpa sapa2. I surirumah. Anak 5. Byk nak cerita tp dlm kepala otak dah fikir, apa org akan komen eh? Mengadanya budak ni. Haihhh.



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Post time 31-10-2019 09:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I tgh baca semua pasal A n D. I menagis semahu2nya. Kenapa koranggggg? Tp mmg lately i rasa hidup i xde makna. Bila masa nak nangis i nangis. Gelak kejap pastu murung balik. I rasa perasaan sedih lg banyak dr happy. Dulu i selalu buat lawak. I mmg x suka tgk cite sedih. Kenapa i jd mcmni skrggggg???
I lost 15kg dlm 3bulan ni. Tp i x nak org kata i sakit. So i post status2 posting2 psl diet. Tp sbnrnya i x ikut pn. Mmg i x lalu mkn. I ni asek fikir apa org lain ckp. I rasa nak duduk sorg2 sbb senang. Bila duduk dgn ramai org, org lain buat hal, x kisah la suami ke anak ke, nnt terpalit nama i. Siapa wife dia. Siapa mak dia. Masyaallahhhh kenapa dgn i?



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Post time 5-11-2019 09:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Issandra replied at 31-10-2019 09:33 AM
I tgh baca semua pasal A n D. I menagis semahu2nya. Kenapa koranggggg? Tp mmg lately i rasa hidup i  ...

Hugs sis. I feel you. Luahkan kat sini kalau rasa it would make u feel better. Ramai orang experience benda sama tapi our ability untuk carry the burden, lain lain. Nangis lah seboleh2nya kalau itu boleh buat u lega.

Iols pun ada masalah lebih kurang sis. Kerja iols kena jumpa ramai orang so iols rasa makin stress dan pressure. Tapi tiap hari iols akan luahkan kat husband. At times lega, at times 4-5 hari jugak rasa down sampai effect kerja.

Sampai la ni iols struggle tapi i wont ever give up. Sakit ni dari iols kecik lagi sebab iols mangsa buli famili dan peers.

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Post time 9-11-2019 01:29 AM | Show all posts
Issandra replied at 31-10-2019 09:33 AM
I tgh baca semua pasal A n D. I menagis semahu2nya. Kenapa koranggggg? Tp mmg lately i rasa hidup i  ...

agak sedih sikit dgn input issandra
apa2 pun, keep going
kena lalui hidup ini
tapi jgn lupa utk consider jumpa psychiatrist
mungkin mereka boleh membantu?

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Post time 9-11-2019 01:37 AM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 25-8-2019 06:58 PM
'K': I've never retired something that was born before.Lieutenant Joshi: What's the difference?' ...

a glass vessel when the cologne is gone
an oasis when all moisture has evaporated
a sealed letter without an address
a gesture without a meaning
a love unreciprocated..

sigh, how empty is a chest
without its soul

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Post time 9-11-2019 08:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Thank you uols. Baru ni i ternampak iklan shaklee set anxiety. I try beli. Alhamdulillah seminggu ni i rasa tenang sikit. X marah2. Sedih pn mcm boleh kontrol. Bila time waras ni i siap tanya, kenapa yg aku sedih sgt sblm ni?

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Post time 9-11-2019 11:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 5-9-2019 04:07 PM
aaaa...kalau virtual ni boleh hug, i will give u a big warm hug. Way u put it here, and the way i  ...

this is my first time read bout D
& A ni. Selama ni ignore je this illness..tak pernah amik peduli. Been there last time depression..tapi ntah..sedih yg teramat ke. sedih lah..kecewa tapi lum tahap makan ubat apa sume..kerja still on..cuma mmg sepenuhnya bergantung pd Allah. just go through sahaja kehidupan ni. Cuma skrg, kalau i nak start marah..panas..tak tentu hala..or stress..i terus g tido.
apa simptom d & a ni ye..

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Post time 10-11-2019 12:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
yuki812 replied at 9-11-2019 03:44 PM
this is my first time read bout D
& A ni. Selama ni ignore je this illness..tak pernah amik pedu ...

hi yuki... i rasa on ur case u ok je. sbb u aware and reaction u.. obviously u normal. in life manalah xd masalah but im sure masing2 ada cara handle yg berbeza beza. Semua tu ikut how strong a person tu. I think u are a very strong lady sbb u ble ignore. So betul dah cara u.

I suka hal2 ni sbb i pernah encounter my own friend depression sampai kelar tangan and makan pill. I pernah la teman dia dari pagi sampai ke malam to ensure xbuat semua tu.. i rasa nyesal sb bgtau parents dia. pastu parents hantar dia pusat pemulihan.. dia lari masuk hutan semua.. kena pukul. zaman sekolah. i x pasti apa sebabnya tp mybe sb parents control sgt.

Then i pun pernah lalui.. i x confident lgsg nk bsrcakap.. infact i jd gagap. yes ni few yrs back. i sendiri penah rasa lost.. i can just stare at anything tp feel kosong je. berbulan jugakla i jd xkisah.. semua lantakla je. i hanya tido. But then mybe sbb kita ni Allah masih syg.. one day i bangun.. i terus decide to change. Oh i penah jugak rasa nak hmmm... but i did not sbb mybe i pikirkan ayah mak.. so we are ok.. klu sedih kita buatla benda yg happykan diri and yeah push self lebih sikit.. i try hard juga make sure baca quran wlu selai.. and mmg pemalas jugak tp i buat jugak so.. nnt bila kita down Allah akan always watch us. So yuki buatla.

i kat hotel ni..i letih sb satu hari jalan.. boss i ni robot rasanya.. dia ingat i ni muda lg ke apa.



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Post time 18-12-2019 10:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ipes2 replied at 20-8-2019 09:26 PM
MH17, abg awak ini bunyi macam schizophrenia aje.. kalau tak pon, depressive schizoaffective disor ...

salam doc

maaf sy nak tanya disini.bukan pasal anxiety or depress walau masa umur sy 20 thn pernah ada depress ni sampai koma sehari.

lately dah menganjak ke usia 40an ni.saya perasa mkn teruk plak mood swing.dan ikutkan pembacaan sy.lebih kepada simptom pmdd tu.
premenstrual dysphoric disorder

jadi,betul btul nak dptkan pandangan doc.dimana boleh sy dptkan rawatan utk pmdd ni? dah banyak buat hidup sy kacau bilau celaru.

pernh pgi klinik gomen.doc pun xtau term pmdd ni.puas sy cite..dia igt sy sengugut biasa plak terlupa masa tu  nk sebut pmdd tu.pastu,dia suh sy mkn pil perancang utk stabilkan mood.

harap doc ipes dpt dah x tahan nak hadap pyakit ni.mental sungguh rasa.tqvm doc



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Post time 18-12-2019 11:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aleX-S replied at 24-8-2019 03:37 PM
6+ years of 'modern illness' and anxiety disorder. As penyakit moden ni gets worse over time, takde  ...

apa maksud 'a few dah gave up'

dorg jadi camne?

penat kan jadi org mcm kita kita ni..
luaran org nampak normal tp sebenarnya itu sume palsu

saya lagila dgn introvert.x suka nak berborak or bergaul dgn org ramai.bila di tmpt kerja satu penyiksaan sgt .dah cuba nak jd extrovert tp kejap je pastu sy akan kembali ddk tmpt asal dan x pedulikan org.


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Post time 18-12-2019 11:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 25-8-2019 10:41 AM
u join forum komuniti ape tu u? bleh share x kat sini?..

yaa actually i pun x nk mkn ubat....

kat hosp.xleh dpt ubat awk tu ke? sb awk bgtau mahal..huhu
ke memg kena beli sendiri
sori tanya sb xtau sgt..huhu

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