Nak sangat study di Jepun , asasi , matriks or any preparatory institution macam
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I ada check juga haritu , mcm Nagoya university scholarship bagi elaun 50 000 yen ( ~RM1900) per month but I still dont understand kalau scholarship mcm ni dia support fee university sekali ke? About my goal after degree, im planning to work there for a few years, and after that maybe if I can apply scholarship for master to study in any country in Europe, I'll do that but if not I'll just fly back to Malaysia and join cadet pilot program hehe.
ichaackerman replied at 9-7-2021 07:28 PM
I ada check juga haritu , mcm Nagoya university scholarship bagi elaun 50 000 yen ( ~RM1900) per m ...
You have to check betul2 the university punya funding term. Ada yang full, ada yang half. Anyway, good luck. Preparation program may make you realize yang certain courses may not fit for you, or you lose interest in the course itself sebab discover benda lain (bercakap berdasarkan pengalaman).
If you are planning to work in Malaysia in engineering field, kawan2 I yang study oversea banyak struggle untuk dapatkan kerja kat sini. If you can just work overseas, stay there. Or else you will lose banyak masa doing preparation and grad lagi lambat dari yang dalam negara, and struggle to find job. Cuba cari percentage perempuan muslim kerja kat Jepun sana and if they are ok with their lives (I assume you are female Malay).
UKM pun banyak kerjasama dengan universiti Jepun. Few of my friends and kenalan dapat buat postgrad kat sana due to referral from UKM. but that's postgraduate, bukan undergrad. And then there's MEXT scholarship.
I'm not sure macam mana prospects kerja for fresh graduates by the time you grad nanti, but since few years ago and now makin teruk competition for job. Tak kira grad Malaysia or overseas (bercakap berdasarkan pengalaman juga). I would like to say follow your passion, tapi I think nowadays you have to prioritize the job market first, and see if you can do it. Scholarships are scarce nowadays, and banyak yang taja dalam negara sekarang instead of overseas. Batch junior I patutnya pergi UK, but in the end sponsors bagi diorang pergi India instead. |
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Edited by Cenderakirana9 at 9-7-2021 10:13 PM
I took the time to ask my engineer friend about job prospect. Dia kata kita tak value orang tu grad dari mana. Overseas or Malaysian uni, sama je. And I have pointed out that you will graduate later than your Malaysian friends if you go overseas.
Quite a number of people yang I kenal yang nak sangat belajar oversea sebab nak experience living abroad or they see it as a prestigious achievement, then ended up merungut sebab susah dapat kerja due to various factors, but selalunya sebab course diorang tak banyak market kat Malaysia or job competition too high. Lagi2 keadaan sekarang tak menentu. If you have cable for kerja nanti, then it's okay. If not, better stay je sana. Buat solat istikharah mintak petunjuk.
I'm not familiar with the student life in Japan so can't give you insights about that. UK has strong Malaysian communities so studying there takde banyak masalah. Makanan halal pun senang cari. I think if you study in uni yang dekat kawasan bandar, should be ok |
ichaackerman replied at 9-7-2021 04:51 PM
after preparation di Malaysia , student akan pergi ke JASSO ( to study language and take Examinati ...
dik kalau u rasa x yakin dan takut, i suggest u sambung degree kt msia je dulu atau cari mana2 twinning program..masa degree nnt try apply exchange student programme ke.. nnt master/phd u sambung luar sbb sponsorship lebih pelbagai utk peringkat ni. skg ni mcm byk da closed atau u try kena try next intake.
bukan apa, zaman uol ni ramai gile yg ada byk A. jadi persaingan mmg hebat. cuma lebih dekat org yg mampu je sbb parent boleh tanggung.lagi 1, standard belajar sana tinggi dan spm sini xsama dgn level high school grad. jdi u kena ada foundation yg kuat takut sangkut tgh jalan. rugi nnt.
mechanical/aerospace engineering kt jepun tu university mana yg u nak masuk tu? plan utk kerja nnt akan kerja di sana atau kerja di msia? |
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Post time 13-7-2021 04:33 PM
From the mobile phone
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Cenderakirana9 replied at 9-7-2021 10:09 PM
I took the time to ask my engineer friend about job prospect. Dia kata kita tak value orang tu grad ...
thankss for the infoo , it help me alot

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Post time 13-7-2021 04:35 PM
From the mobile phone
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airmineral replied at 10-7-2021 11:05 AM
dik kalau u rasa x yakin dan takut, i suggest u sambung degree kt msia je dulu atau cari mana2 twi ...
saya nak masuk tohoku or nagoya university and saya planning untuk kerja sana dulu after grad |
ichaackerman replied at 9-7-2021 07:17 PM
course mechanical engineer / aerospace engineer.
Kenapa tak ke germany, byk uni2 yg bagus di sana… cuba apply GMI dulu, dr situ blh apply scholarship dr MARA… |
Kupucandy replied at 26-7-2021 11:45 AM
Kenapa tak ke germany, byk uni2 yg bagus di sana… cuba apply GMI dulu, dr situ blh apply scholars ...
Apply MARA, at the same time apply GMI |
tak try yg dkt beranang tu ke? |
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