spesel utk akak siti..
sebakul ayam goreng KFC..pun seni gak...:mll: |
lol:kant:..seni makan erk?
Satu lagi..akak Siti minat tengok teater dan puisi..
Dulu masa belum kawen selalu gak gi tengok
Dah kawen husband pulak tak minat:geram:
Nie nak carik geng yg sama2 minat....janji boleh gi ramai2...:hug: |
McdCPc This user has been deleted
Originally posted by hirai_saza at 21-10-2004 22:34:
mata setiap owang lain2..(akak siti..saza edit balik)
kalo ngko tgk poster yg berconteng..setiap owang mempunyai pandangan berbeza..
mungki ada yg cakap pelukis tuh tgh marah ker..
pelukis tuh ...
:setuju::setuju: |
McdCPc This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Akak_Siti at 22-10-2004 01:05:
lol:kant:..seni makan erk?
Satu lagi..akak Siti minat tengok teater dan puisi..
Dulu masa belum kawen selalu gak gi tengok
Dah kawen husband pulak tak minat:geram:
Nie nak carik ge ...
jom arrrr....cam samer jer problem nih... |
McdCPc This user has been deleted
Originally posted by hirai_saza at 21-10-2004 23:45:
spesel utk akak siti..
sebakul ayam goreng KFC..pun seni gak...:mll:
kuatnyer makan....:bgrin: |
Originally posted by McdCPc at 22-10-2004 01:09 AM:
jom arrrr....cam samer jer problem nih...
Jom2.....:cak:...:clap: |
McdCPc This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Akak_Siti at 22-10-2004 01:14:
Ooooo..seni tu subjektif??? :
Orang kata..."cantik itu subjektif"
lol:lolSebab tu akak Siti yg tak cun dapat husband yg hensem...:love:
Kat mana lah agaknya "seni" ...
mesti seni bahasa nih....:hmm: |
McdCPc This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Akak_Siti at 22-10-2004 01:17:
jom..jom....:bodek: |
Originally posted by Akak_Siti at 22-10-2004 01:05 AM:
lol:kant:..seni makan erk?
Satu lagi..akak Siti minat tengok teater dan puisi..
Dulu masa belum kawen selalu gak gi tengok
Dah kawen husband pulak tak minat:geram:
Nie nak carik ge ...
hahahahahah..kalo kat siti nak tau..saza nih terer bab seni makan:bgrin:
saza pun minat tgk teater..akak siti bawak laa saza gi teater..
kat mesia..saza tak pernah lagik..
kalo kat sini ...pernah sekali... |
McdCPc This user has been deleted
Originally posted by hirai_saza at 22-10-2004 09:38:
hahahahahah..kalo kat siti nak tau..saza nih terer bab seni makan:bgrin:
saza pun minat tgk teater..akak siti bawak laa saza gi teater..
kat mesia..saza tak pernah lagik..
kalo kat sini ...per ...
[ Last edited by McdCPc on 22-10-2004 at 04:18 PM ] |
McdCPc This user has been deleted
Originally posted by hirai_saza at 22-10-2004 22:23:
:hmm:..kompius.. |
Tips for Viewing 3-D Stereograms
1. Pick a spot on the picture (the middle seems to work best) and just stare at it.
2. Allow your eyes to relax, don't just stare AT the image, try to stare THROUGH it. You'll notice your eyes will go slightly out of focus. This is normal.
3. Keep staring, don't give up, once you begin to see the first image, it gets much easier.
4. If you are still having trouble viewing the stereograms, please see the article entitled "Why Some People Cannot See Hidden Stereograms Images" by Jason Weekley A.B.O.C., L.D.O. |
3-D Stereograms - Flowers with a Twist
Stare intently at the picture below. Can you see the hidden image?
[ Last edited by Akak_Siti on 24-10-2004 at 05:04 AM ] |
Why Some People Cannot See Hidden Stereogram Images
by Jason Weekley A.B.O.C., L.D.O.
The basic principle behind a stereogram depends on the ability for a person to merge multiple objects into one. There are many factors that could inhibit a person's ability to see the object hidden beneath the initial surface. As an example....place your thumbs and index fingers together in the shape of a triangle, and find an object in the distance to look at through the triangle. It must be a distant object! independently close one eye, then the other....you will notice that you were only able to see the complete object through one eye without moving the triangle. This concept is called eye dominance. Sometimes the brain will shut off one eye, and rely on the dominant eye, if the object to be viewed doesn't come in focus. There are many people who need corrected vision that don't realize it because of the human ability to adapt.
Another possible cause is convergence. At close range (12-18 inches), your eyes converge an average of 3mm...but this is not so for everyone. Just as you have a dominant eye for distance, you will also have a dominant eye for near. After years of depending on one eye to do the majority of the work, you can depend less on convergence and adaptability. By allowing your eyes to relax, and blur....you attempt to overide your brain's intent, and allow both eyes to be equally dysfunctional. Thus, images begin to overlap and the muscles that control your eyes are less likely to fix at the same point that they normally would. The same people that have problems crossing their eyes...even a little...will have the greatest frustration when attempting to view stereograms.
Other conditions such as esophoria and esotropia can cause the eye to move inwards...(commonly called a lazy eye), and exophoria and exotropia (a tendency for an eye to shift toward the temple), will have an impact. I would suggest that people could adjust their distance from the stereogram and have a greater rate of success. A distance that works for the majority, doesn't always work for everyone. And last but not least...I would enjoy the statistics relating the ability of a person to see stereograms with regard to their profession. Analytical/Artistic mindset? |
3-D Stereograms - Pumpkin
Stare intently at the picture below. Can you see the hidden image?
![](http://www.eyetricks.com/stereograms/pumpkin.jpg) |
3-D Stereograms - Last Exit
![](http://www.eyetricks.com/stereograms/last_exit.gif) |
3D Stereograms - Rings
Stare intently at the picture below. Can you see the hidden image?
![](http://www.eyetricks.com/stereograms/rings.jpg) |
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Category: Belia & Informasi