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Author: sephia_liza


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 Author| Post time 2-4-2006 03:07 PM | Show all posts
Mysterious "Two-Hundred Million-Year-Old" Hidden Stone Bears the Words: "Chinese Communist Party Collapses" .....

A crack that formed 500 years ago in a megalith reveals six characters neatly brush-written in Chinese; the characters represent The Chinese Communist Party Collapses [Zhong Guo Gong Chan Dang Wang].?

The character collapse?is especially large. The official media in Mainland China have all reported this news, but they have hidden the word collapse?and only mention the written words the Chinese Communist Party? However, the word collapse?can be clearly seen in photos posted on the People  Daily Online and Xinhua.Net.

According to an overseas edition of the People Daily, Pingtang is a high mountain valley in Guizhou province, a southwestern part of China. Zhangbu village in Pingtang County is a very scenic spot spanning over six kilometers.

The natural and beautiful scenes can be viewed with many mystical mountains, rivers, rocks, caves, bamboos, trees, and fish. The area is very isolated, and has remained untouched by humans for a long time.

In June 2002, the Duyun international photography exposition recommended this area as a scenic spot for taking photographs. During routine cleaning of the area, this hidden words stone?was accidentally discovered.

The hidden words stone?is split in half due to having fallen from a cliff, and the gap is wide enough to accommodate two people.

The two sections are each seven meters in length, nearly three meters tall and weigh 100 tons.

The neatly written words the Chinese Communist Party Collapses?can be clearly seen on the right stone, and every character is nearly a square foot in size. The characters are so clearly written that they appear as if carved.

After going to the scenic area in Zhangbu village in October 2003, the vice-editor of the People抯 Daily, Liang Heng wrote, while on cliffs people may often discover that white clouds may appear to look like dogs, or something looks like a person or a beast, a picture or a chart, however, all such things are restricted by the appearance of the picture.

If today a megalith suddenly can write, speak, carve, develop writing technique, or use political terminology, how are people able to believe that? Do they even dare to believe that? However, facing these two pieces of the split hidden words stone? we have no alternative but to believe.?

Tourists who come to search for unusual phenomena do not actually dare to believe it. Though the craftsmanship is heavenly and Godly, how could it possibly be that skillful?

There has been the book from heaven? The solar stone? The God stone?etc. and now there is the hidden words stone? which has become Zhangbu valley main wonder of the seven wonders,?and has received admiration from many people.

During August 2003, Pingtang County invited a geology expert from Guizhou province to investigate Zhangbu, who later wrote a detailed report about the inspection. It was determined that the hidden words stone?fell from a high mountain cliff by the Zhangbu river valley.

On the steep mountain cliff, one can see a corresponding dent from where the rock must have fallen. After the megalith fell, it split into two, and the large brush-written characters of the Chinese Communist Party Collapses?can be clearly seen on the right hand side behind the fracture.

Three months later, the famous Chinese scientific culture inspection group for Guizhou Pingtang geological anomalies had been formed to investigate the hidden words stone?during December 5th through 8th, 2003.

The fifteen-person team included Li Tingdong, who is an academician from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, assistant director of the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences and an expert on Aerial Geology and Geographic Charts; Liu Baojun, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and renowned geologists, Li Fenglin, professor at China University of Geosciences and committee member of National Geoparks in the National Land Resources Department.

Experts believed that the hidden words stone?in Zhangbu river valley was from roughly 270 million years ago, the Permian period. The even arrangement of the characters on the hidden words stone?may be explained from a geological perspective that there are no traces of having been man made, though the probability is small.

This hidden words stone?not only is a world-class marvelous sight, but also has great geological research value.

During this investigation, People抯 Daily, CCTV, Guanming Daily, Technical Daily, Travel Satellite, China International Broadcasting station, and 20 other media reporters including People Daily.Net, Sina.Net, Eastern Net, Sohu.Net, Yahoo, and New China ally reported on the finding. More than 100 other newspapers, television stations, and websites have retransmitted the news about the scientific investigation.

Even though no one dares to mention the sixth character, collapses? and only report the first five characters, everyone who can see it understands its meaning.

In an infinite universe which allows infinite possibilities, anything might occur. In our infinite space-time, nature can always create the most ideal design; while this coincidence could only happen once in a billion years, unexpectedly it has occurred in Buyi Village, Pingtang County.

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 Author| Post time 2-4-2006 03:11 PM | Show all posts


In 1974, in Romania, two kilometers east of Aiud, a group of workers, on the banks of the river Mures, discovered three buried objects in the sand, in a trench about 10 meters(32 feet) in depth . Two of the objects, proved themselves to be Mastodon bones, some millions of years old from, between the Miocene and the Pleistocene periods.

The third object, a block of metal similar in some respects to the head of a hammer, was sent off, for a study, to the archeological institute of Cluj-Napoca.

The examination of this object showed that it was, 20.2 cm long, 12.5 cm wide and 7 cm, high, (8x5x3 inches approx) and ignited a debate within the scientific community.

Florin Gheorghita, for one, had the opportunity to examine the report, and the analysis performed under the direction of Dr.Niederkorn of the institute for the study of metals and of non-metallic minerals (ICPMMN), located in Magurele, Romania, emphasized that it is composed of a alloy of extremely complex metal.

Gheorghita affirms that the alloy is composed of 12 different elements, of which he has succeeded to establish also the volumetric percentage of the aluminum (89%). He identified the presence of Copper (6,2%), silicon (2,84%),zinc (1,81%), lead (0,41%), pond (0,33%), zirconium(0,2%), cadmium (0,11%), nickel (0,0024%), cobalt (0,0023%), bismuth (0,0003%), silver (0,0002%), and gallium (in trace amounts).

The fact that this weird metal object is uncovered together with very ancient, bone (mastodon) does cause one to wonder and raises many issues.

Aluminum, just to begin, it is not found free in nature, but combined with other minerals and only in the last 100 years or so has the technology been thought to exist to separate it out.

Additionally, this strange "foot" is covered with an oxide layer, of little more of a millimeter, which lends credence to its antiquity. The Romanian scientists began to form some hypotheses.

There was one that seems more interesting than others. An aeronautical engineer, in fact, advised that it was similar to the foot of a landing of device of sort of a flying vehicle, with reduced dimensions such as the lunar module or the Viking probe.

In confirmation or support of this theory beyond the shape of the object, are the two oval holes, and the scratches in the interior in the rear part and the angles, like too the composition of the material, as well as its composition of light aluminum.

In 1973, on the bank of the Mures, a river near Aiud, a 700-year-old town in Transylvania, Romania, workers discovered a small, mysterious metal object, along with bones (including the jaw) of a mastodon, in a sand pit under a 35-foot-thick layer of sand.

Later, the find was donated to the Museum of the History of Transylvania in Cluj. The editors of RUFOR, a Romanian UFO magazine, found the strange object in a storeroom of the museum in 1995.

The object weighs five pounds and its dimensions are 8.25 by 5 by 2.75 inches. There are two holes of different sizes in it. The object has two arms. The traces of tool marks can be seen on the sides of the object and on its lower part.
Chemical Analysis

A piece of this object was examined at a research center at Margurele, Romania. According to the analysis, the object contains 12 elements: 89 percent aluminum, 6.2 percent copper, 2.84 percent silicon, 1.81 percent zinc, 0.41 percent lead, 0.33 percent tin, 0.2 percent zirconium, 0.11 percent cadmium, 0.0024 percent nickel, 0.0023 percent cobalt, 0.0003 percent bismuth, and trace of galium.

Mircea Aries and Peter Lab, two Romanian journalists and researchers, affirm that the same results were obtained in a research institute in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Anomalous Aluminum

The object is covered with a thick layer of aluminum oxide. After the analysis of this layer, the specialist affirmed that the object is at least 300 to 400 years old.

This result puzzled the researchers because pure aluminum was not readily obtainable until the middle of the 19th century.

Other specialists claim that the object could be 20,000 years old because it was found in a layer with mastodon bone. Perhaps this particular specimen lived in the latter part of the Pleistocene.

Some researchers suppose that this piece of metal was part of a flying object that had fallen into the river. They presume that it had an extraterrestrial origin. Other researchers affirm that it was made on Earth and was part of a tool. The purpose of this tool is unknown.

Boczor Iosif is a retired teacher in Transylvania. He is a regular contributor to several Hungarian paranormal magazines and a correspondent for the Fortean Times.

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 Author| Post time 14-5-2006 03:31 PM | Show all posts

ancient underwater concrete technology

A University of Colorado at Boulder professor and his colleagues have taken a page from the writings of an ancient Roman architect and built an underwater concrete pier in the manner of those set in the Mediterranean Sea 2,000 years ago.

CU-Boulder history Professor Robert Hohlfelder, an internationally known underwater archaeologist, said scholars have long been in awe of the engineering feats of the early Romans. A former co-director of the international Caesarea Ancient Harbor Excavation Project, he said the research effort was spurred by the stunning hydraulic concrete efforts undertaken at Caesarea Harbor in present-day Israel and elsewhere in the Mediterranean before the time of Christ.

Hohlfelder, who teamed up on the project with London architect and archaeologist Christopher Brandon and Greek and Roman Studies Professor John Peter Oleson of Canada's University of Victoria, said the writings of ancient Roman Pollio Vitruvius provided a key starting point. Vitruvius published 10 books on architecture circa 25 B.C. describing the building and engineering methods practiced during the Roman Empire, including ancient harbor construction.

"The writings of Vitruvius are a window on the engineering efforts of ancient Romans," said Hohlfelder. "But we still had a number of questions about the use of ancient hydraulic concrete, and felt the only way to answer them was to attempt our own project based on what the ancients did and the materials they used."

The three researchers formed the Roman Maritime Concrete Structure Study, or ROMACONS, in 2002, and began collecting and testing hydraulic concrete cores from early Roman structures around the Mediterranean region. In addition to analyzing the composition and strength of different cores, they also were able to trace raw materials to specific Mediterranean sources with the help of CU-Boulder geology Professor Charles Stern, illuminating ancient trading patterns.

While Vitruvius explained how to build the wooden forms for underwater concrete structures, he did not specify how they were anchored to the seafloor, how the mortar was poured, how aggregate materials like stone chunks were added or how long it took the concrete to cure, Hohlfelder said.

In 2004, the team obtained a study site through the Italcemente Group, an Italian concrete company with a marine testing station in the harbor of Brindisi, Italy, to build a free-standing concrete pier, or "pila" -- a common feature in ancient Roman harbors. They designed the pila to be small -- about two meters on a side and two meters high -- reaching just above the water's surface at high tide, he said.

In September 2004 the team drove wooden planks into the submerged seafloor to make the forms, which were reinforced with horizontal beams to form a box. "We had seen impressions of these vertical wooden planks in Roman concrete, and wondered if the cracks between planks had to be caulked to prevent concrete leakage," he said. "But the thick mix they used may have made this unnecessary."

They used the Roman recipe for concrete passed down by Vitruvius. It included seawater, lime and sand (pozzolana) and chunks of volcanic rock from the Bay of Naples -- the same source for material used in ancient construction efforts at Caesarea and elsewhere in the region. The lime powder combined with sand and water made up the mortar, which would bind the aggregate into a solid mass of concrete.

Individual loads of the mortar were plopped into the form by the team using a wicker basket rigged with a "trip-line" modeled after ancient Roman illustrations of construction scenes with similar baskets and from actual artifacts recovered by archaeologists from an ancient shipwreck site near Pisa, he said. The team used hand tools to tamp the aggregate into the mortar as the structure slowly rose from the seafloor.

The three men finished the pila in September 2004 after using 13 tons of raw material and expending 273 work-hours, capping the top with paving stones in the manner of the early Romans. "We believe this is the first structure built with these materials and techniques in at least 1,600 years," said Hohlfelder.

The team will extract cores from the pila and analyze them later this year to assess the underwater curing rate of the concrete, he said.

"We think we have a better idea now about what went on day-to-day when Caesarea Harbor and other ports in the Mediterranean were being constructed," he said.

Hohlfelder has studied ancient shipwreck remains off Cyprus, Greece and Israel and 10 ancient harbors -- including the submerged town of Aperlae in present-day Turkey -- during his academic career at CU-Boulder.

The 100-acre Caesarea Harbor, the world's first port constructed in the open sea, is considered one of the most innovative and successful engineering feats of the ancient world. Framed by two artificial breakwaters and containing a lighthouse, towers and warehouses that served ships throughout the Mediterranean for more than 1,200 years, the harbor was completed about 15 B.C.

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Post time 15-5-2006 10:48 AM | Show all posts
Interesting articles, where did u get them from sephia_liza? Good work for finding them, always liked reading these kinda things!

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 Author| Post time 15-5-2006 11:07 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by taiaha at 15-5-2006 10:48 AM
Interesting articles, where did u get them from sephia_liza? Good work for finding them, always liked reading these kinda things!

I found it when i surving internet....

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Post time 16-5-2006 08:31 AM | Show all posts
The biggest question in History of Mankind is - Did Humans come from one Point of Origin OR did they come from various Origin but intermingled with each other later?

The last Ice Age was about 100,000 years ago, and according to History, there were at least 3 Sub-Species of Man on this Planet - Neanthals in Europe, Peking Men in China, Java Men in South-East Asia. Also, according to Hindu Religion, there were Dark-Skinned people in South India during the time of Aryan Immigration to India.

So, how advanced did our Forefathers were? :hmm:

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 Author| Post time 10-6-2006 03:28 PM | Show all posts

Ancient Map of Africa Poses Questions

The unveiling in South Africa's parliament on Monday of a replica of an ancient Chinese map of the then known world which includes a recognisable outline of Africa is raising intriguing questions of which foreigners first explored the continent.

"The idea is to take us beyond what we have been ... brainwashed into believing" declared Speaker Frene Ginwala at the opening of the exhibition, which includes other maps and rock art.

The "Da Ming Hun Yi Tu", the Amalgamated Map of the Great Ming Empire, dates back to 1389, decades before the first European voyages to Africa.

Among recognisable features are the Nile River and South Africas Drakensberg mountain range.

The map also shows a great lake, covering almost half the continents land mass. Researchers suggest it may have been drawn on the basis of an Arab legend that stated "farther south from the Sahara Desert is a great lake, far greater than the Caspian Sea".

(The biggest lake in Africa, Lake Victoria, is in fact only a fifth of the size of the Caspian Sea.)

"We have the worlds best researchers working on it," said parliaments senior researcher Heindri Bailey, who was hesitant about drawing conclusions from it.

"Until we are able to gain the knowledge we wont speculate on it."

The original of the map is housed in Beijing where it has remained wrapped up, sealed and stowed behind a locked door since the fall of Chinas last emperor in 1924. Fewer than 20 people have had access to it since then.

The digitised reproduction of the map on silk is almost four metres (around 12 feet) high and more than four metres across.

Place names are written mostly in Manchu, a now virtually extinct language, and still in need to be translated.

Karen Harris of the historical and heritage studies department at the University of Pretoria said that as early as the 1st century AD records had been found in China mentioning places in Africa.

"They had the capability, definitely," she said. "Theres not so much evidence to prove it, but it isnt a closed book yet."

A picture dated 11 November 2002 shows a detail on the Da Ming Hun Yi Tu (the Amalgamated Map of the Great Ming Empire) dating back to 1389 which is arguably the oldest world map in existence that accurately reflects the African continent.

Harris said that at the time the Chinese were seeking tribute and not trade for the emperor and therefore would not have set up bases or left behind significant markings as was the case with Europeans.

This, she said, would make it difficult to uncover evidence in support of Chinese having been there, adding: "You wouldn't find human remains because the Chinese took their bodies back to their ancestral lands."

But Bailey said some circumstantial evidence existed in South Africa to suggest the Chinese had navigated around Africa long before Bartolomeu Dias rounded the Cape of Good Hope in 1488.

"Chinese pottery has been found in (South Africas northern) Limpopo Province dating back to around the 13th century and there's rock art in the Eastern Cape depicting Chinese-looking characters," Bailey said.

British amateur researcher Gavin Menzies, a submarine engineer, argues in "1421", a book which came out this month, that Chinese admiral Zheng He circumnavigated the globe between 1421 and 1423, 100 years before the crew of Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan, who was killed en route.

Zheng He, a eunuch who never travelled with fewer than 300 ships, the biggest carrying 1000 people, is long known to have visited Asia, India, Gulf countries, and Somalia, from where he took back giraffes and lions.

The official history also mentions "Franca" (France and Portugal) and Holland, with the Hollanders described as tall people with red hair and beards.

To meet them in their homeland, Zheng He would have had to sail round the southern tip of Africa.

This is the first time that a copy of the map has been shown outside China. The original is a derivative of an even earlier one dated 1320, which was believed to have been destroyed.

That was before Zheng He's birth (he lived from 1371 to 1435), which deepens the mystery.

Some of the later European maps on show in parliament illustrate dragons, snakes and one-eyed monsters in the inland regions.

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 Author| Post time 10-6-2006 03:32 PM | Show all posts

Pyramids Previously Reported by American Pilot

Following the end of World War II, one of the first newspapers to break the story in the United States was the Rocky Mountain News. In a news item published March 31, 1947, it carried a close-up picture of a large pyramid photographed by aviator Maurice Sheahan, Far Eastern director of Trans-world Airlines, with accompanying text:

The giant pyramid reported discovered by an American aviator flying over Shensi Province in China is in a land of pyramids, the heart of ancient Chinese civilization.

If the pyramid is located by exploring parties on the ground, it probably will never rival the famous pyramids of Egypt as a tourist sight. The Chinese pyramids of that region are built of mud and dirt and are more like mounds than the pyramids of Egypt, and the region is little traveled.

American scientists who have been in the area suggest that the height of 1000 feet, more than twice as high as any of the Egyptian pyramids, may have been exaggerated, because most of the Chinese mounds of that area are built relatively low.

Chinese Pyramid.

The location, reported 40 miles southwest of Sian, is in an area of great archaeological importance, but few of the pyramids have ever been explored.

Scientists who have sought to excavate in the region have had difficulties with the local authorities. Like the pyramids of Egypt, it is expected that the mounds of this area have been looted for centuries by the natives. Pyramids, such as the one reported by the American flier, are the tombs of ancient peoples, with the biggest pyramids containing numerous artefacts.

In the same area but east of the tombs of the kings or em- Sian, ancient capital of several Chinese dynasties, is the pyramid believed to be the tomb of Ch?n Shih Huang-ti, the emperor who built the Great Wall of China some 2200 years ago.

Best estimates are that the newly "discovered" pyramid is at least 2000 years old

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 Author| Post time 10-6-2006 03:42 PM | Show all posts

Triangular Holes in Granite--Enigmatic Mooring Stones....

Article 1: Triangular Holes In Boulders

Granite stone with triangular holes

Recently, someone who wishes to remain anonymous, inspired after reading our Ancient Man, wrote us about a curious discovery of his.

He had found some triangular holes in a granite boulder near Raleigh, NC. We have mentioned similar triangular holes before (SF#69/ 20), noting that hundreds of such holes had been recorded in boulders from Minnesota and the Dakotas to the eastern seaboard. We can now add to this dossier a photograph supplemented by this individual's testimony.

"Soon after Hurricane Fran struck Raleigh in September 1996, I was walking one of my customary routes along a local creek when my attention was arrested by a ?-ton granite boulder in the creek bed.

The boulder had 3 holes drilled in its face, about 6 inches apart, and all in a straight line. (See photo.) I had not noticed this boulder before, so I'm fairly confident it was uncovered by the storm's 10-inch deluge of rain.

Because the three holes seemed too close together to be blasting holes, I took a closer look at them and was surprised to see that they had "trianguloid" cross sections rather than round ones. By "trianguloid" I mean the cross section was thus:

Casts of the holes were made by using modeling clay. The expanded bases of the casts suggest that a shallow pit was pecked out of the granite before drilling began, and the constricted tips show that the first 3/4 inch of the drill bit was of a smaller diameter, perhaps to give it greater penetrating power so that the holes could be started more easily. The smaller "pilot" holes were also trianguloid in cross section."

(Anonymous; personal communication, May 27, 1997.)

Comment. In SF#69, it was proposed that the triangular holes were made in that shape so that wooden shafts, also of triangular cross section, could be inserted, given a quarter turn, thereby wedging the shaft firmly in place.

This idea is behind the speculation that these strange boulders are really ancient "mooring stones." In truth no one really knows how old they are and what their purpose was. The final explanation may be mundane and/or trivial.

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 Author| Post time 10-6-2006 03:43 PM | Show all posts

Article 2: SF #69 ..The Enigmatic "Mooring Stones"

Archeologists love to puzzle over pyramids, stone axes, and such straightforward productions of ancient man. In contrast, simple holes in boulders are hardly the things important scientific papers are written about. Yet, scattered about the Great Plains are some 300 boulders of very hard rock, each possessing the same rounded triangular holes. Surely such a phenomenon would pique some archeologist's curiosity!

The holes are made with high precision to the dimensions shown in the figure. They are 6 inches deep, plus or minus an inch. Holes with a rounded triangular shape represent a sophisticated drilling technology. Steel tools are high craftsmanship are indicated.

Even though the holes have been known for over a century, only amateurs have shown much interest. A few such enthusiasts have tracked down hundreds in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Illinois, and the eastern seaboard.

All of them seem to be located on present-day lakes and rivers and now-dry waterways. This marine affinity has led to the theory that they are "mooring stones," especially Viking mooring stones! In truth their real purpose is unknown.

How old are the holes? Weathering of those in granite suggest ages of at least several hundred years - well before the westward push of American settlers. The peculiar shape of the holes seems to rule out production by modern drills (usually round) for purposes of blasting or installation of surveyors' markers.

Another puzzle, probably related to the purpose of the holes, is the presence of large, smooth grooves on some of the boulders bearing the triangular holes.

The technique of "cam wedging" may lead us to the purpose of the holes. If one inserts a triangular shaft into such a hole and rotates it part of a turn, the shaft becomes firmly wedged in place.

A rotation in the opposite direction quickly frees the shaft. It does seem that the mooring-stone hypothesis is consistent with cam-wedging.

(Olson, John J.; "'Mooring Stones': An Enigma Deserving More Attention," Epigraphic Society, Occasional Publications, 18:253, 1989.)

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Post time 5-5-2008 03:03 AM | Show all posts
thread berkurun aku kasi up....camne bole terlepas pandang thread2 sensasi mcm ni??? hehe...

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Post time 6-5-2008 05:30 PM | Show all posts
ya betul
aku pun baru pasan

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Post time 6-5-2008 05:40 PM | Show all posts
:pompom: :pompom: :pompom: :pompom:

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Post time 7-5-2008 02:20 AM | Show all posts
mak oooi.....podih mato tok_wann....tapi berbaloi baco...thanks

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Post time 7-5-2008 11:21 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 7-5-2008 11:24 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 19-6-2008 08:40 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 22-6-2008 12:29 AM | Show all posts
Bagus betul info dalam thread ni.......mesti Kasi UP UP :victory:

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Post time 22-6-2008 03:03 AM | Show all posts
best lak baca..........

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Post time 7-8-2008 09:55 PM | Show all posts

Ancient Technology


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