Akak baru aje habis baca buku Tears of my Soul - Sokreasa S. Himm. I m choking with tears from the first page to the last... sungguh brutal.. Ada ke bayi kecil KR ni pukul kepala dengan hoe... |
Originally posted by mok_nik at 19-3-2006 05:01 AM
mok nik ingat lagi masa berlaku huru hara kat kemboja tahun 1978/79 satu family dari kemboja(cham Islam) datang merayu memohon penginapan dan perlindungan dari arwah ayah mok nik. Arwah ayah se ...
Mereka berniaga tanpa ada sifat dengki, mereka tolong menolong sesama mereka.. Kalau x de kain kat kedai mereka, boleh lagi mereka ambil kain dari kedai kawan kat hujung lagi satu tu ha... kalau orang kita... jual banyak sikit mula le mulut tu terjuih.... |
Originally posted by TimahMulia at 20-3-2006 10:07 AM
Apakah sebenarnya yang menyebabkan tentera khmer rouge yang kebanyakkannya terdiri dari pada para remaja tergamak menjadi pembunuh yang paling kejam yang tidak terfikirkan akal kita? Sesetengahnya ...
dah kene cuci otak oleh komunis... |
Originally posted by TimahMulia at 20-3-2006 10:07 AM
Apakah sebenarnya yang menyebabkan tentera khmer rouge yang kebanyakkannya terdiri dari pada para remaja tergamak menjadi pembunuh yang paling kejam yang tidak terfikirkan akal kita? Sesetengahnya ...
Good question!
Teras pucuk pemimpin Khmer Rouge ( Pol Pot, Ieng Sary, Khieu Samphan..dll) adalah mereka yang cukup faham dengan perjuangan revolusi. Mereka dapat bimbingan secara langsung dari gulungan Marxist di Paris. Mereka memeluk faham Marxism bukan sebagai 'theoretical insight' tetapi bagaimana untuk membebaskan Kemboja dari kolonialisme Pranchis, menghancurkan sistem feudalnya dan mendirikan kerajaan Socialis. Mereka merujuk idea-idea faham Marxist dan revolusi dari Karl Marx ABC of Communism, Communist Manifesto; Lenin Materialism & Emperio-Criticism State and Revolution; Stalin Economic Problem of Socialism dan Mao Zedong On New Democracy. Bersandarkan idea-idea inilah maka ujudnya ideologi utopian 'Proletariate dictatorship'.
Untuk menjana ideoloji ini pucuk pimpinan disukong oleh beratus-ratus Cadre dan parti functionaries yang terlatih dalam strategi gurilla, perang revolusi, theori Marx-Leninist, pemikiran Mao Zedong dan dialektik materialisme.Untuk perlaksanaan seterusnya,unit bersenjata dibentuk yang terdiri dari anak-anak kaum tani (prolateriat) sabagai 'vanguard' kapada idealismenya. Indoktranasi dilakukan oleh cadre-cadre dengan displin yang ketat untuk menghindar faham reactionaries atau counter-revolusi yang munkin akan merachuni fikiran mereka. Jadi tidak hairanlah kalau askar Khmer Rouge selaku 'vanguard' kapada revolusi boleh melakukan apa saja yang dikira bertentangan dengan ideologinya.:hmm::hmm: |
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puteri dah pergi tengok sendiri kekejaman polpot. dari killing field hingga laa d toul seing museum. dahsat.. masih ada kesan darah kat sekolah yg dijadikan penjara dan tempat seksaan. kat killing filed, boleh gali gali jumpa tengkorak baru... iskkk mmg kejam! |
Originally posted by puterikhaleeda at 20-3-2006 03:47 PM
puteri dah pergi tengok sendiri kekejaman polpot. dari killing field hingga laa d toul seing museum. dahsat.. masih ada kesan darah kat sekolah yg dijadikan penjara dan tempat seksaan. kat killing ...
Akak pun ada rancangan nak ke Phnom Penh, tapi boleh ke? Kena pegi pakai travel agen ke? Dengar kata rasuah kat sana cukup hebat, sampai nak mintak paspot kita balik lepas kena cop pun kena bribe pegawai imiresen. |
Dalam warta dunia semalam, perbicaraan penjenayah perang khmer rouge akan dibuat 2007.. Keadilan perlu, balas dendam dah berlalu.. |
The Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat was built at the height of Cambodian political power in the late 8th century by King Jayavarman II (802-834), a fervent follower of Hinduism, he dedicated the temple to the god Vishnu.
Panaromic View
Angkor Wat central tower
Angkor many statues
The temples were designed to represent Mount Meru, the dwelling place of the Hindu gods. Tremendous efforts were made to build Angkor Wat, tons of stone had to be brought over long distances, usually on rafts. Thousands of laborers toiled for years to pile the stones on top of another and artisans patiently carved bas-relief statues of warriors and dancing girls, leaf patterns and intricate floral decorations on the walls,
The name "Angkor" is derived from the Sanskrit word nagara meaning "city", successing kings continued the practice of building temple mountain at the heart of their capital. Angkor Wat is the largest religious building in the world, it measures more than a half mile long on each side. For the next six centuries Cambodian civilization was to dominate mainland Southeast Asia until its decline due to the emergent kingdom of the Thai(Mon Thai...Swadeeee Kaaap) to the west, who ransacked it in 1431 and Angkor was abandoned. Angkor Wat remains one of the most important achievement of the Cambodian people.
smiling monks![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
[ Last edited by thamrong at 21-3-2006 11:08 AM ] |
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Pemimpin khmer rouge Khieu Samphan ada villa besar kat Phnom Penh, masih hidup pun dia sampai sekarang (fatherly face lagi - ikut kata penulis buku Daughter of The Killing Fields).. tapi askarnya disuruh pakai selipar tayar buruk....nasib nasib.. Harap2nya tak berlaku la perkara ni kat negara kita..susah anak cucu.. |
Originally posted by TimahMulia at 21-3-2006 10:11 AM
Akak pun ada rancangan nak ke Phnom Penh, tapi boleh ke? Kena pegi pakai travel agen ke? Dengar kata rasuah kat sana cukup hebat, sampai nak mintak paspot kita balik lepas kena cop pun kena bri ...
Tak payah... puteri pergi ari tu, 'redah' je.. cume booking hotel.. dia org amik dari airpot, pastu arrange sendiri kat sana. naik potpot je... semua dua dollar eheh depa pakai USD. duit mereka ada.. tapi jenuh aa.... beribu ribu ribu.. kaya sekejap ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Originally posted by puterikhaleeda at 20-3-2006 10:36 PM
Tak payah... puteri pergi ari tu, 'redah' je.. cume booking hotel.. dia org amik dari airpot, pastu arrange sendiri kat sana. naik potpot je... semua dua dollar eheh depa pakai USD. duit me ...
Naik flight apa puteri?
Nak gi ke Toul Sleng tu jauh ke?
Cheoung Ek puteri pegi? |
air asia . toul sleng tu kat phnom phen. semua area area tu.. cuma killing field tu jauh sikit. siem reap kene naik bas. jauh sikit laa..
cheoung ek? emmm tak kot. ada apa kat situ eh?
kalau cik timah nak kesana, puteri leh kasi nama hotel yg puteri pegi, dan dekat dgn satu restoran malaysia. baik dan harga berpatutan. leh cakap melayu. eheh jgn ke kedai kedai melayu yg lain.. aduiii cekek darah.. dgn org dari negeri sendiri pun dia kira pakai dollar. yg kedai puteri cakap tu pakai local currency. jadi murah laa.. siap kasi lauk free kalau makan kat sana.
satu keinsafan laa trip ke sana tu.. berkesan untuk anak2 puteri. |
Originally posted by puterikhaleeda at 22-3-2006 03:08 PM
air asia . toul sleng tu kat phnom phen. semua area area tu.. cuma killing field tu jauh sikit. siem reap kene naik bas. jauh sikit laa..
cheoung ek? emmm tak kot. ada apa kat situ eh?
kalau ...
yang akak penah baca cheoung ek tu killing fields yang ada lubang2 tempat bunuh orang masa era KR tu lah.
Puteri boleh le PM akak nama hotel tu ye.. tima kasih ye.
Lagi satu nak kasi info.. rupa2nya masa KR tu dulu, orang-orang kaya yang ada emas dari Phnom Penh yang kena excavation tu jual barang kemas mcm anting2 ke, cincin ke kepada isteri2 khmer rouge tu secara sembunyi2 sebab dalam era tu pakai barang kemas tak dibolehkan sebab katanya 'imperialist. Ai, isteri KR pun nak juga merasa barang kemas ye.. Kalau dah perempuan tu perempuan jugak.. |
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The Khmer Rouge, and a region, on trial
By Yin Soeum
PHNOM PENH and PAILIN - Cambodia is finally set to proceed with a United Nations-prescribed tribunal against former Khmer Rouge leaders for their alleged role in genocide and crimes against humanity, including culpability for the deaths of an estimated 1.7 million people.
Whether the half-foreign, half-Cambodian court will arrive at a credible verdict is very much open to question, however.
International prosecutors are expected to unearth compelling new evidence against former senior Khmer Rouge cadres, some of whom now serve in Prime Minister Hun Sen's government. Hun Sen - himself a former junior-level Khmer Rouge cadre - has repeatedly warned that the proceedings could generate panic among Khmer Rouge supporters and reignite the civil war that ravaged the country throughout the 1980s and into the 1990s.
The tough-talking premier has more recently presided over a fractious yet largely peaceful political period attended by strong economic growth. And considering the geriatric state of most surviving Khmer Rouge leaders, most doddering in their late 70s and early 80s, as well as the relative calm that has settled over the territories they formerly controlled, the prospect of a renewed civil war seems distant.
There is still a palpable sense of injustice among the Cambodian people, nearly all of whom lost at least one family member to the murderous regime. Hun Sen has on numerous occasions condemned the Khmer Rouge for their past atrocities, yet at the same time provided sanctuary for its former leaders in his government.
The highly anticipated tribunal, where preliminary procedures are scheduled to commence in June and the actual trials by early next year, will put Cambodia's court system to the test. The Supreme Council of the Magistracy, under the auspices of newly crowned King Norodom Sihamoni, last week approved 30 judicial officials for the trial, 13 of whom are UN-appointed foreign nationals.
The make-up and format of the tribunal have been points of heated contention between Hun Sen and the UN since the idea of bringing Khmer Rouge leaders to trial was first broached in 1997. A UN Group of Experts expressed its concerns in 1999 that decisions on whom to investigate and indict, and whom to convict or acquit, would be based on a political agenda rather than the hard evidence in Cambodia's politically pliant courts.
Hun Sen had insisted that the trial take place in Cambodia, presided over by Cambodian judges, and be limited to the period under examination to the Khmer Rouge's Communist Party of Kampuchea (CPK) rule from 1975-79. After years of bickering, the UN has largely acquiesced to Hun Sen's demands in hopes of achieving some measure of accountability for Khmer Rouge leaders.
The five-member trial chambers and seven-member Supreme Court chamber will sit more Cambodian judges than foreign ones, while the Cambodian government and the UN will each provide one prosecutor and one investigating judge. The courts will act on a "super-majority" basis, where judgments must be agreed by at least one foreign judge. However, the same is not true for the co-prosecutors, and the Cambodian prosecutor may veto contested indictments.
That will quickly bring into question who will and will not be targeted for prosecution. The UN Group of Experts had earlier recommended that between 20 and 30 Khmer Rouge leaders stand trial. Hun Sen has balked at the suggestion and has insisted that the royal amnesty granted to former Khmer Rouge foreign minister Ieng Sary in 1996 should make him immune to prosecution.
Significantly, the UN first started negotiating about the tribunal with Hun Sen's government in 1997, coincident with the mass Khmer Rouge defections into his government. Since, Hun Sen had repeatedly backtracked on earlier commitments to establish the tribunal, most recently reneging on providing Cambodia's US$13.3 million share of the $56.3 million total budget for the trial.
Western donors, including the United States, who contribute more than half of his government's annual budget and have applied pressure in support of the tribunal, have recently agreed to $9.6 million for Phnom Penh's share. Donor pressure seems to be the main motivating force behind Hun Sen's decision to move ahead with the trial.
Atrocity alibi
The evidence presented at the tribunal is bound to be contentious. Nuon Chea, 80, known as Khmer Rouge "Brother Number Two", has in interviews with the press denied any knowledge or responsibility for the execution, torture, forced labor or starvation during the CPK's four-year rule. Instead, he has claimed that "foreigners" - a veiled reference to the Vietnamese - were behind a large share of the killings.
"I will answer in front of the court if they need me. I just want to be clear and not just accuse the [Khmer Rouge] alone for genocide," he recently said in an interview with Asia Times Online from his home in the northwestern town of Pailin.
Khieu Samphan, 74, the CPK's former head of state, has similarly denied any knowledge or culpability for alleged genocide and crimes against humanity. Ieng Sary, who is politically protected against prosecution through his 1996 royal amnesty, suffers from a debilitating heart condition and nowadays spends more time in a Bangkok hospital than at his posh Phnom Penh villa. Pol Pot, the regime's infamous leader, died in the jungle along Thailand's border in 1998; Kae Pok, a senior CPK central committee member, died in 2002.
Former junior-level Khmer Rouge officials, including Heng Samrin, now a senior member of Hun Sen's Cambodia People Party, and Hor Nam Hong, currently foreign minister, have remained tight-lipped about their past association with the CPK. Like Hun Sen, they will likely escape prosecution because they fled to Vietnam after the Khmer Rouge began its murderous internal purges and apparently were not involved in the CPK's mass-execution policies.
Initial indications are that Hun Sen hopes that UN-appointed judges are willing to compromise and pin the majority of the blame on two senior Khmer Rouge cadres - Ta Mok, 75, alias "The Butcher", and the less influential but just as brutal Kang Kech Eav, widely known as Duch, who infamously administered the S-21 prison where many of the executions occurred - both of whom are now imprisoned on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
It's unclear that that will be the case, however. The Documentation Center of Cambodia, led by United Kingdom-based academic Stephen Hader, has recently gathered unprecedented documentary evidence that claims to implicate seven senior Khmer Rouge officials for devising and implementing policies of mass execution, torture and other crimes.
The 153-page volume, Seven Candidates for Prosecution, widely available inside Cambodia, uses archival evidence to dissect Khmer Rouge command and control structures and claims to draw clear lines of authority for the policies to top Khmer Rouge officials. The book makes the case for prosecuting seven major Khmer Rouge cadres, including Nuon Chea, Ieng Sary, Khieu Samphan, Ta Mok, Sou Met, Meah Mut and the recently deceased Kae Pok.
As archival evidence is presented at the tribunal, legal analysts predict that the political pressure on Cambodian judges and the local prosecutor for acquittal will likely be immense. There are concomitant fears that a lack of judicial independence among Cambodian judges could result in a UN-endorsed historical whitewash, where many former senior Khmer Rouge leaders are absolved of responsibility for what appears to be their well-documented role in mass executions.
Great power scars
The tribune is also likely to dredge up unpleasant episodes from the region's violence-marred past, including hard evidence of US, Chinese and Thai material support for the Khmer Rouge after they were chased from power and into the jungle by Vietnamese invaders in 1979.
The United States famously funneled "non-lethal" supplies to the Khmer Rouge to establish a buffer against Vietnam continuing its march into Phnom Penh across Southeast Asia and potentially into Thailand, which had dutifully provided the US access to its airfields to bomb Vietnam.
China, currently in the midst of a diplomatic charm offensive in the region that has included large dollops of aid and assistance for Cambodia, then famously took sides with the Khmer Rogue in pursuit of its regional campaign to arm and support communist insurgencies. Underground elements in Thailand's military, meanwhile, profited hugely from supplying arms, ammunition and sanctuary to the Khmer Rouge throughout the 1980s. Pol Pot maintained a residence in Thailand's Trad province, from where he orchestrated many of his military strategies.
Former Khmer Rouge cadres have repeatedly suggested that the tribunal should also take into account the events that led up to the Khmer Rouge's rise to power in 1975 and hold former US leaders, including former national security adviser Henry Kissinger, accountable for their role in the illegal carpet-bombing of Cambodia during Washington's conflict with Vietnam in the 1960s and 1970s. Those suggestions have been batted back out of hand, however.
Some Cambodians question the desirability of dredging up the painful past during a period of relative peace and robust economic growth. On the ground, there is still a palpable fear that the trial could lead to local-level revenge killings.
"Most of us have lived through war for over 20 years," said Lath Lyna, a villager who lives in Pailin, the Khmer Rouge's former stronghold town. "We've all had enough fighting and we certainly don't want more people to die because of the trial."
Some suggest that the more generalized approach of the "Truth and Reconciliation" process employed in South Africa may have been a better model for Cambodia, where local suspicions and resentments still boil under the surface, particularly in areas where former Khmer Rouge officials still have local power.
Many Cambodians wonder whether the UN-led tribunal isn't yet another instance of outside interference in their country's internal affairs, staged more in the interest of superpower politics than real reconciliation. Truth and justice, they fear, will only be a small part of the tribunal's final verdict.
in Soeum is a freelance journalist based in Phnom Penh.
Asia Times Online |
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Originally posted by riccckyyy at 10-5-2006 09:47 PM
The Khmer Rouge, and a region, on trial
By Yin Soeum
PHNOM PENH and PAILIN - Cambodia is finally set to proceed with a United Nations-prescribed tribunal against former Khmer Rouge leaders for ...
Tima kasih ye ricky.. |
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