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Author: fly_in_d_sky


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 Author| Post time 12-8-2006 01:12 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bettyboops at 11-8-06 03:01 PM
sekarang ni tatoo ni dah jadi trend.. chinese girls yg ramai bertatoo.. either dkt waist or shoulder (belakang badan)..

ha ah ... nape ek position tu diorg pilih??
diorg nak tunjuk ke diorg ada tatoo ......??
rasanyer diorg wat tatoo kekal atau tatoo sementara ek??
mmm x sakit ker??

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Post time 13-8-2006 01:26 AM | Show all posts
aku pernah nampak orang melayu, dia ingat dia pengsi abis la...
sampai kat dahi pun ada tattoo cross terbalik..

tattoo memang bleh hilangkan, pasal zaman skarang dah modern, ada laser treatment,
tapi bayaran dia mahal sangat, dah tu bukan sekali je treatment, tapi berulang2 kali, dan belum gerenti bleh sembuh.
Parut tetap ada..

lagi satu, masa muda, bleh la, kulit tegang, kulit cantik,
dah tua, dah krepot, kulit berkedut, jadi keropok, buruk siot...
so, tak yah tattoo....

Omputeh nye rockers, banyak duit, so dorang bleh touch up tattoo selalu, nampak cantik je, cam GNR, Motley Crue,
so jangan terpedaya.



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Post time 13-8-2006 01:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 12-8-2006 01:12 AM

ha ah ... nape ek position tu diorg pilih??
diorg nak tunjuk ke diorg ada tatoo ......??
rasanyer diorg wat tatoo kekal atau tatoo sementara ek??
mmm x sakit ker??

untuk masyarakat kat zaman 10, 20 tahun lepas, tahun selalu untuk gengster untuk samseng.
zaman skarang,
tattoo ada orang guna sebagai fashion
ada orang gunakan sebagai tunjuk dorang rebel..

kadang2 kita ingat budak tu ada tahi lalat setitik kat dahi dia, tapi tu pun tattoo...

tattoo buat sakit.. sebab tu haram dari segi agama, kita siksa kulit kita. Tu belum part kena air semayang lagik.



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 Author| Post time 13-8-2006 10:50 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 13-8-06 01:26 AM
aku pernah nampak orang melayu, dia ingat dia pengsi abis la...
sampai kat dahi pun ada tattoo cross terbalik..

tattoo memang bleh hilangkan, pasal zaman skarang dah modern, ada laser treatme ...

nak tanya ...... pengsi tu ape??

tu la yg fly pelik
diorg nak gak wat tattoo .....
masa muda mmg la nampak lawa + seni
da tua ..... isk2 .... gelebeh sane sini ...
nampak horrible ......
cth la .. cam p'puan senior yg dlm books of records
tattoo sampai 1 badan .......
xnampak lawa da ....
the undertaker kan tattoo gak kan ......
nampak semak la ....
masa wat laser treatment tu x sakit ke??
berulang sampai benda tu hilang ......
isk2 .... menghabis kan duit jer
dr gi wat tattoo baik gi beli mkanan ke, buku ke .. cd music ker .....

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 Author| Post time 13-8-2006 12:46 PM | Show all posts
How Tattoos Work

Not too long ago, most Americans associated tattoos with sailors, bikers and sideshow artists. But tattoos have become more popular in recent years, and the people who get them are as diverse as the styles and designs they choose. And some people who would never think of tattooing pictures or symbols onto their bodies use permanent make-up - a type of tattoo - to emphasize their eyes and lips.

In this article, we'll look at how the tattoo process works and examine the safety and legal issues surrounding it.

Tattoo Basics
Artists create tattoos by injecting ink into a person's skin. To do this, they use an electrically powered tattoo machine that resembles (and sounds like) a dental drill. The machine moves a solid needle up and down to puncture the skin between 50 and 3,000 times per minute. The needle penetrates the skin by about a millimeter and deposits a drop of insoluble ink into the skin with each puncture.

Early Tools
Early tattooing methods used picks, rakes, combs and chisels to cut or puncture the skin before adding pigment. Some Arctic and Sub-arctic tribes created tattoos by pulling a thread coated with soot thorough the skin.

The tattoo machine has remained relatively unchanged since its invention by Samuel O'Reilly in the late 1800s. O'Reilly based his design on the autographic printer, an engraving machine invented by Thomas Edison. Edison created the printer to engrave hard surfaces. O?eilly modified Edison? machine by changing the tube system and modifying its rotary-driven electromagnetic oscillating unit to enable the machine to drive the needle.

Modern tattoo machines have several basic components:

    * A sterilized needle
    * A tube system, which draws the ink through the machine
    * An electric motor
    * A foot pedal, like those used on sewing machines, which controls the vertical movement of the needle.

A tattoo machine involves a magnetic vibrator driving the needle up and down.

When you look at a person's tattoo, you're seeing the ink through the epidermis, or the outer layer of skin. The ink is actually in the dermis, which is the second layer of the skin. The cells of the dermis are far more stable than the cells of the epidermis, so the tattoo's ink will stay in place, with minor fading and dispersion, for a person's entire life.

Next, we'll look at how artists actually create tattoos, from preparation to finishing touches.

Creating the Tattoo: Sterilization & Prep Work
A tattoo machine creates a puncture wound every time it injects a drop of ink into the skin. Since any puncture wound has the potential for infection and disease transmission, much of the application process focuses on safety. Tattoo artists use sterilization, disposable materials and hand sanitation to protect themselves and their clients.

To eliminate the possibility of contamination, most tattoo materials, including inks, ink cups, gloves and needles, are single use. Many single-use items arrive in sterile packaging, which the artist opens in front of the customer just before beginning work.

An autoclave sterilizes tattoo equipment before each use.

Reusable materials, such as the needle bar and tube, are sterilized before every use. The only acceptable sterilization method is an autoclave -- a heat/steam/pressure unit often used in hospitals. Most units run a 55-minute cycle from a cold start, and they kill every organism on the equipment. To do this, an autoclave uses time, temperature and pressure in one of two combinations:

    * A temperature of 250? F (121? C) under 10 pounds of pressure for 30 minutes
    * A temperature of 270? F (132? C) under 15 pounds of pressure for 15 minutes

Prior to sterilizing the equipment, the artist cleans each item and places it in a special pouch. An indicator strip on the pouch changes color when the items inside are sterile.

Before working on customers, tattoo artists wash and inspect their hands for cuts and abrasions. Then, they should do the following:

    * Disinfect the work area with an EPA-approved viricide.
    * Place plastic bags on spray bottles to prevent cross-contamination.
    * Explain the sterilization process to the client.
    * Remove all equipment from sterile packaging in front of the client.
    * Shave and disinfect (with a mixture of water and antiseptic soap) the area to be tattooed.

Now, let's look at how the artist creates the tattoo.

Time and Money
A small tattoo - under one inch - should cost from $50 to $100. Custom tattoos and larger designs are more expensive, and elaborate pieces can require multiple sessions. Prices for elaborate designs are whatever the market will bear, according to tattoo artists.

**Kalau kat m'sia brapa harga utk wat tattoo??

Creating a Tattoo: Outline, Shading and Color
Clients work with artists to create custom tattoo designs, or they chose images from flash, which are tattoo designs displayed in the shop. The artist draws or stencils the design onto the person's skin, since the skin can stretch while the artist uses the tattoo machine. The artist must also know how deeply the needles need to pierce the skin throughout the process. Punctures that are too deep cause excessive pain and bleeding, and ones that are too shallow cause uneven lines.

Most tattoo shops display a large collection of flash.

A Difference of Opinion
Some Americans with tattoos say they feel sexier (34%) and more attractive (26%). Many who don't have tattoos, however, think people who do have them are less attractive (42%), more rebellious (57%) and less intelligent (31%).

** Ada sesapa setuju atau x setuju atau neutral??

The tattoo itself involves several steps:
* Outlining, or black work: Using a single-tipped needle and a thin ink, the artist creates a permanent line over the stencil. Most start at the bottom of the right side and work up (lefties generally start on the left side) so they don't smear the stencil when cleaning excess ink from the permanent line.

* Shading: After cleaning the area with soap and water, the artist uses a thicker ink and a variety of needles to create an even, solid line. Improper technique during this step can cause shadowed lines, excessive pain and delayed healing.

* Color: The artist cleans the tattoo and then overlaps each line of color to ensure solid, even hues with no holidays - uneven areas where color has lifted out during healing or where the artist missed a section of skin.

* Final cleaning and bandaging: After using a disposable towel to remove any blood and plasma, the artist covers the tattoo with a sterile bandage. Some bleeding always occurs during tattooing, but most stops within a few minutes.

The tattoo artist fills in a tattoo using a thicker needle.

Next, we'll look at how you should take care of a new tattoo.

How Much Does it Hurt?
People describe the sensation of getting a tattoo as similar to bee stings, sunburn or being pinched. Some say they experience a slight tickling or "pins and needles." Individual pain tolerance, the size and type of tattoo, and the skill of the artist all contribute to the amount of pain. Location also makes a difference - skin that rests right over a bone is more sensitive.

Caring for a New Tattoo
Taking care of a new tattoo can prevent health problems and protect the quality of the image. Most artists give clients a pamphlet that explains all the necessary procedures. Customers generally receive instructions to:

* Remove the bandage one to two hours after completion.

* Wash gently with cool or lukewarm water, using a mild antibacterial soap.

* Pat dry. (Don't rub!)

* Apply very thin coats of antibacterial ointment and work into the skin. Too much ointment can pull color out of the tattoo.

* Avoid soaking the tattoo in water or letting the shower pound directly on it.

* Avoid the sun, sea and swimming pool until healed.

* Refrain from picking at scabs. They will fall off as the tattoo heals, usually in one to three weeks.

* Use ice packs if swelling or redness occurs.

* Call a doctor if you have even the slightest signs of infection.

* recommended to surf the website - How Tattoo Works To Watch The Clips That Are Available

reference : How Tattoo Works? Willson, V. Tracy. Retrieved 2006, Aug 13, from the



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Post time 13-8-2006 09:23 PM | Show all posts
to deaf4ever...thank fly...nape nak rosakkan kulit yg Tuhan ciptakan begitu sempurna strukturnya?mmg ada budaya yg mengamalkan tattoo kerana fahaman yg di ketahui dari zaman nenek moyang diorg lagi,ada sbbnye yg diorg buat tu.kita yg tak buat BETTER takyah buat kerana kita tak mahu di samakan dgn budaya yg tak terdapat dalam budaya kita.about laser treatment,mmg le boleh hilang tapi kalu buat tattoo pastu buang,tak ke bodoh namanya.banyak org yg buat tattoo menyesal kerana tattoo memberi imej negatif kat diorg.ada sesetgh tempat only CRIMINALS  saje yg ade tattoo.



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Post time 14-8-2006 01:12 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 13-8-2006 10:50 AM

nak tanya ...... pengsi tu ape??

tu la yg fly pelik
diorg nak gak wat tattoo .....
masa muda mmg la nampak lawa + seni
da tua ..... isk2 .... gelebeh sane sini ...
nampak horrible .... ...

pengsi tu cam style la, cam unique gitu.

tattoo pun ada orang bleh buat sendiri, guna benang kaca, dakwat cina ke apa ntah...
mintak maaf la eh sapa ada tattoo cam gini, tapi terus terang ni tattoo jenis paling buruk...
dia malap semacam.
ada la kawan2 aku dulu suka buat, kat buku lima tangan tu kan, eja nama la apa la,
ada suka buat cam barb wire , design duri2 kat tangan...
dah tu nak hilangkan, ambik putung rokok, cocok2 kat tempat tattoo tu, kira bakar kulit la,
ada buang pakai tuang acid.

Tapi dalam masyarakat kita sampai sekarang, sapa bertattooo susah jugak nak dapat keja..
bos2 nak ambik orang keja, kalo nengok kita tattoo kat lengan tangan , bahu ke apa ke
dorang pun fikir dua kali.
Kalo cam kita keja kaunter macdonalds ke, keja sambut tamu ke, orang nak hampir kat kita pun takut, takut kena bantai.



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Post time 14-8-2006 01:19 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 13-8-2006 12:46 PM
How Tattoos Work

Not too long ago, most Americans associated tattoos with sailors, bikers and sideshow artists. But tattoos have become ...

korang nengok pasang tattoo dah seksa dah.. tu pun orang masih buat.

Aku dulu ada satu kawan cina budak pompuan, jenis gengster cina nye satu badan nye..
pantun pahlawan cina kat belakang badan la,
dah tu tak cukup lak, nak lagi cun, dia pegi tattoo eye brow dia...
so dia cam dah tobat la, so ada bahagian dia nak buang la, ntah tiap2 kali dia pegi treatment laser, bayar beratus2..

sakit tau, pasal laser kan panas, kena kat kulit kita.. mustahil la bagi dia nak hilangkan tattoo satu badan, cuma mungkin tempat2 tertentu je la,
lagi satu, orang ada tattoo nama la, apa la, nama mataair la apa paling bodoh, abis dah break up, cammana sey nak hilangkan tattoo tu



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Post time 14-8-2006 01:24 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by narvmarishka at 13-8-2006 09:23 PM
to deaf4ever...thank fly...nape nak rosakkan kulit yg Tuhan ciptakan begitu sempurna strukturnya?mmg ada budaya yg mengamalkan tattoo kerana fahaman yg di ketahui dari zaman nenek moyang dio ...

masa muda2 syok la, takde pedulik, nak enjoy je so buat la tattoo la apa la..
kira merdeka la, berani buat sesuatu yang mak bapak tak suka, tapi satu hari mesti menyesal...

cam kawan aku ada member tattoo satu badan, kat dahi pun ada tattoo cross terbalik, kira anti christ la
tapi now, dia dah jadi baik pun, ko bayangkan dia masuk mesjid, jemaah mesjid terutama yang tengok dia, mau terpengsan kang pakcik2 mesjid ekekeke. Memang la dia dah tobat la apa la, tapi hidup dalam masyarakat, susah bagi dia nak sesuaikan diri dah.
nak nak kalo orang pompuan, pakai tattoo, nanti lain kali carik keja ke, nak apa ke, susah ah...orang nengok lain macam.
Untuk sesetengah orang bleh terima la, tapi ada orang tak.



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Post time 20-8-2006 01:19 AM | Show all posts
ni masuk sokkabar melayu spore bulan lepas pasal tattoo.
sorry aku scan asal boleh je , ada senget2.



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Post time 20-8-2006 01:21 AM | Show all posts
artikel dia lak


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 Author| Post time 20-8-2006 11:22 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 20-8-06 01:21 AM
artikel dia lak

lain kali gune otak
bukan gune montot utk pk ..........
da nyesal ...... kulit da rosak .......
mmm ...... nie ler kalau x gune otak
hanya pk sonok jer ....... yg didepan xpk

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Post time 20-8-2006 09:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 7-8-2006 11:44 PM
kat sabah / sarawak ada certain2 kaum yg wat tatoo kan??
pe maksud tatoo yg diorg wat tuh ek?
melambangkan ape?
kuasa? kekuatan? simbolik?
nape diorg wat tatoo tu?
certain2 org ke yg wat tato ...

roses ada tgk national geography hari tuh... kaum iban kat srawak ada buat tatoo.. kalo corak bunga pucuk paku tuh melambangkan sudah mecapai kelakian.. yg lain2 pon ada maksudnya.. ada sesetengah tatoo (hanya terdapat pd org iban yg tua2 ajer) melambangkan yg diorang penah kerat kepala musuh diorang..:ting:

utk kaum iban nie.. diorang xleh suka2 pakai corak tradisional sbb corak tuh mmg ada membawa maksud...

ituler.. yg roses paham dr rencana yg roses tgk tuh..



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Post time 20-8-2006 10:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 19-8-2006 07:19 AM
ni masuk sokkabar melayu spore bulan lepas pasal tattoo.
sorry aku scan asal boleh je , ada senget2.

Terlajak perahu boleh di undur,terlajak kereta boleh di gostan,
Terlajak kata buruk padahnya,terlajak bertatu menyesal kemudian...

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Post time 20-8-2006 11:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by roses at 20-8-2006 09:08 PM

roses ada tgk national geography hari tuh... kaum iban kat srawak ada buat tatoo.. kalo corak bunga pucuk paku tuh melambangkan sudah mecapai kelakian.. yg lain2 pon ada maksudnya.. ada seset ...

cam orang thailand kan, kalo dorang yang keja buruh, jauh dari negara dorang..

korang nengok badan dorang bila dorang bukak baju...

kat bahagian belakang nanti ada cam tattoo2 semayang gitu la, tattoo2 ni cam bintik2 la apa la..
kira nak mintak perlindungan dari bahaya dan kacau.

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Post time 20-8-2006 11:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 20-8-2006 11:22 AM

lain kali gune otak
bukan gune montot utk pk ..........
da nyesal ...... kulit da rosak .......
mmm ...... nie ler kalau x gune otak
hanya pk sonok jer ....... yg didepan xpk

sayang eh, aku nengok pun sedih..

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Post time 20-8-2006 11:38 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by narvmarishka at 20-8-2006 10:18 PM

Terlajak perahu boleh di undur,terlajak kereta boleh di gostan,
Terlajak kata buruk padahnya,terlajak bertatu menyesal kemudian...

layan gambo lagik...
ni cina nye secret society lak...


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Post time 22-8-2006 08:56 AM | Show all posts
weeehhhhh.... geli aku ngok. bukan cantik pun, cantik lagi akuuuu...natural beuty jer

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Post time 22-8-2006 11:48 AM | Show all posts
masuk sokkabar melayu nari, korang nengok awek ni nye tattoo, cute je ek :pmuka:


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Post time 22-8-2006 11:52 AM | Show all posts
korang nengok bayaran laser treatment dia, sekali rawatan 600 ketul - 2000 ketul. Ni $sing, kalo tukar RM lagi giler dah.
Ni ingat, sekali rawatan tau.

Kini rangkumi program peningkatan jati diri

Suryani Omar

PROGRAM perintis membuang tatu di kalangan remaja akan meluaskan skop khidmat mereka untuk turut membantu golongan tersebut meningkatkan jati diri menerusi beberapa program pembangunan.

Mendedahkan usaha lanjut projek Mudik Ke Hulu itu, Pengerusi Lembaga Pentadbir Masjid Tentera Diraja, Ustaz Pasuni Maulan, berkata peluasan program tersebut diharap dapat menolong remaja mengharungi cabaran hidup.

'Membuang tatu itu hanya aspek fizikal, tetapi program-program pembangunan diri akan membantu mereka membina semangat untuk menghadapi cabaran-cabaran lain yang berterusan dalam hidup,' katanya, dalam satu sesi taklimat di Masjid Tentera Diraja kelmarin.

Projek Mudik Ke Hulu adalah sebuah projek yang diusahakan bersama oleh Masjid Tentera Diraja, Thye Hua Kwan Moral Society, Dr Elias Tam, Dr Rashid Tahir dan Bridge Marketing and Services Pte Ltd.

Ia dimulakan bulan lalu dan mempunyai matlamat utama untuk membantu remaja menghilangkan tatu mereka.

Sejauh ini, ia telah menarik 140 peserta.

Di bawah program itu, mereka yang terpilih berpeluang membuang tatu dengan mengeluarkan kos 50 peratus lebih rendah daripada kos asal di pasaran perubatan, yang berharga antara $600 dengan $2,000 bagi setiap rawatan.

Menjelaskan program pembangunan diri itu, Pengarah Urusan Bridge Marketing Services, Syed Ahmad Syed Agil, berkata selain membina semangat jati diri remaja, program lanjutan itu juga menjalankan kaunseling berkelompok.

Ia juga mengajar peserta membina tekad untuk berubah dan menghargai diri.

Ditemui selepas sesi yang dihadiri lebih 40 peserta dan ibu bapa itu, Ustaz Pasuni dan Dr Tam berkata pihaknya sedang cuba mengumpul dana bagi membantu peserta membiayai kos menghilangkan tatu.

Sejauh ini, mereka berjaya mendapat geran $11,000 dari Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (Muis), yang akan diberikan dalam dua tahap - tahun ini dan tahun depan.

'Saya berharap masyarakat dapat menyokong projek ini, lebih-lebih lagi kami mendapati ramai yang tidak mampu menampung kos menghilangkan tatu, walaupun selepas diberi subsidi,' kata Ustaz Pasuni.

Mereka yang ingin menderma boleh menulis cek kepada Masjid Tentera Diraja dan menulis 'Mudik Ke Hulu' di belakang cek.



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