[SBS 2006] Queen of The Game (Lee Bo Young, Joo Jin Mo)
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Originally posted by PrincessFiona at 30-11-2006 12:30 PM
macho ye........ |
Reply #20 PrincessFiona's post
uiksss a'ah ade cam muke andy lau pastu ade sowang hero taiwan tu muke cam ni... |
Reply #22 Hana_Hirokawa's post
saper hero taiwan tu???....cuba ko bgtau skit..aku nk imagine muker die...sama ker x??...:bgrin: |
Originally posted by ckucin at 30-11-2006 09:36 AM
citer ni rating dia rendah.. tp ckucin tgk best juga.. la ni dah ep 4.. tgh mengikuti citer nie..
Ko pun layan gak ek citer ni...weiii aku dah tak larat nak layan arr...awat la bulan ni byk na citer menarik...Hard disk pun dah termengah2 nak catch up apa yg aku upload...
:cak: Habis semua citer aku belasah...dr snow queen, 90 days sampai le ke cito ni...Waaa...ponek woooo..Igtkan x nak tgk tp bila tgk muka hero terus hatiku terpaut :lol (chehhh wahhhh) |
Originally posted by Hana_Hirokawa at 30-11-2006 12:36 PM
uiksss a'ah ade cam muke andy lau pastu ade sowang hero taiwan tu muke cam ni...
hana...aku rasa aku tau sapo...Hero ni selalu main citer pedang2 gak arr...tp aku x igt arr namo ehh |
Reply #24 KuAnne's post
aku dah lama minat dia dan Jung Woo-sung sejak movie MUSA lagi... aku pun tertengok hari sabtu lepas.. tu yg terus melekat tu.. ekkekekeke.. best juga citer dia.. pasal balas dendam.. |
citer ni best.........dah tgk sampai episod 2.tgah tg sub team katr d-addicts. x sabar nak tau episod seterusnya.best gak heroin pandai balas dendam...huhu... |
rukia tau cite ni dr mmbr...dia ckp,dgr suara hero smpi termimpi2...haha...
rukia dgr dr dia pn mcm best cite ni.... |
ya the scenes they took of NZ has such a different texture from others kdrama . make me feel like i really need to be there .! ...lol now we solve the mystery why they need LOTR crew on to work on this ~~! i thought they probably going to take a LOTR tour ..and he took her to a freezer!!!
*pass pom pom* to bimbo milly ^...now you know we need a bimbo cheer like last time in F70s from esp 1 ...the cheer can probably be like this :
*i wish i was the one in the car he jump out to stop and make my heart stopped too
i wish i was the one who stay in that charming house with him
i wish i was the one whom he has candle light dinner under the darkening sky
i wish i was the one he took a walk with in the dark
i wish i was the one whom he cleared the frost off the car window for me , so i can admire the view which is him .!
i wish i was the one he flashes that gorgerous simle
i wish i was the one locked up in the freezer with him so he can place his arms and coat over me
i wish i was the one whom he need to make me fall in love with him in 5 days .but it will only take 5 seconds .
in other words
I WIsh i was the woman he want to take revenge but cant help but fall in love with*
see milly now that is bimbo talk
-credit from soompi- |
rukia tgk LBY dgn 2nd heroin tu ada iras2 la dorg...susah nk bezakan... |
Originally posted by rukiaichigo at 3-12-2006 09:37 PM
rukia tau cite ni dr mmbr...dia ckp,dgr suara hero smpi termimpi2...haha...
rukia dgr dr dia pn mcm best cite ni....
last saturday tertengok online. dah episode 14, lagi 6 episodes habis lee citer nie...
lepas tertengok tue terus masuk CB donlod.. sub dah kuwar sampai episode 9 :bgrin:
:setuju: tang sore dier tue.. sore jantan woooo and expression dier cam priceless gitewww...

KHAS BUAT captain f4 .. tadah jangan tak tadahhhh :lol |
Reply #34 Zaihasky's post
adehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........ :jeling: ngko saje je zai wat aku jadi parah...... bib ke aper pun x leh pakai dah.... air liur aku dah x leh control dah kuar nie.... adehhh bila kurun le plak aku nak dpt tgk citer nie........ 
[ Last edited by captain_f4 at 11-1-2007 08:24 AM ] |
cite nie skrg dah sampai part Chase hilang ingatan dan gf dia dah bersalin anak lelaki Chase.....ada ker sesapa tgk cite nie lagi? |
Originally posted by captain_f4 at 11-1-2007 08:23 AM
adehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........ :jeling: ngko saje je zai wat aku jadi parah...... bib ke aper pun x leh pakai dah.... air liur aku dah x leh control dah kuar nie.... adehhh bila kurun ...
tahan leee sikit Capt.... tapi nampak cam parah berdarah dah tue :lol... |
Originally posted by PrincessFiona at 11-1-2007 08:44 AM
cite nie skrg dah sampai part Chase hilang ingatan dan gf dia dah bersalin anak lelaki Chase.....ada ker sesapa tgk cite nie lagi?
Last Sat/ Sunday SJ (JJM) and EC (LBY) dah berjumpa kembali secara kebetulan ditapak pembinaan tempat EC bekerja. Mereka dah ader anak lelaki (Summer). SJ masih kehilangan ingatan, tapi dia dah dapat agak yang Summer ialah anaknya dan EC.
Nampak gaya cam bagus jugak citer nie.. suka tengok gandingan Lee Bo Young dan Joo Jin Mooooo nie :love: |
Originally posted by PrincessFiona at 30/11/2006 09:31 AM
ye limau cite dah kuar ep 4 ....heroin tu ada dlm cite Save the last dance..
ader dlm save the last dance? jadik aper? |
Reply #39 nzhass79's post
yang 2nd heroin. kaan dari kecik ngan hero, ji sung.. |
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