susah nak jwb soklan ko tuh..terpulang |
Originally posted by orangdalam at 1-1-2007 11:22 AM
nampak tenang muka saddam selepas digantung..lidah tak terjelir..mata terbuka sedikit..apa yang pasti perbicaraan ke atas saddam berlaku dalam suasan ...
aku sgt bersetuju dgn ko...
semoga Allah menerima taubat allahyarham Saddam Hussein... |
Saddam Hussein!!!nKesian sama dia if that is the real Saddam. If not, kesian the look alike. |
Originally posted by barney50 at 30/12/2006 17:47
At last the waiting was over. The butcher of Baghdad was hanged this morning. Justice served at last.
Justice served??? My foot lah. The trial was all the way bias man. |
Originally posted by Debmey at 30/12/2006 18:02
Saddam will finally meet his maker and find out if those virgins are for real. I can bet you he is gonna be very very disapointed.
and you??? |
Originally posted by ExAvantz155 at 31/12/2006 19:32
manusia yg paling layak menerima hukuman gantung seperti saddam ialah Bush & bapanya... !
Originally posted by vixen at 1/1/2007 11:23
Stop being an apologist for a tyrant.
Saddam was not a good man let alone a good moslem and pretended to be Moslem only when it served his own lunatic purposes and power.If you research his pe ...
He was a puppet to the US and when he defied US, the US want him out. He is a great fighter. |
Originally posted by RedChaSiew at 1/1/2007 13:13
not really. he has served his past master - the amerikans quite well.
until he harboured ambitions for himself. LOL.
aanother amerikan asset retired - with no scrap value
:setuju: |
Originally posted by supergripen at 1/1/2007 15:15
agreed..he was not a good man.in fact he's no better than Bush and Co...hell,come to think of it,he's no worse either!!
under him,Iraq was a prosperous nation,it's people(well,mostly at leas ...
:setuju::tq: |
Iman_6 This user has been deleted
Who Gassed the Kurds?
The links above, exposed by a retired Army War/CIA analyst.
I wasn抰 surprised why Bush could not wait and let his puppet regime execute Saddam without going for another trial on the Kurds massacre.
Lets see what would be his next strategy in Iraq after this.
As covered by the mainstream medias in Al-Jazeera, BBC, CNN, everyone can see the mockeries of justice handled in the kangaroo court during Saddam trial. |
bro, link not valid la. repair link pls |
Originally posted by barney50 at 30-12-2006 05:47 PM
At last the waiting was over. The butcher of Baghdad was hanged this morning. Justice served at last.
who's waiting..?
and what justice..?
When will The Bush crime syndicate tried and executed? Hopefully sooner than later. Bush is worse than Saddam. |
Originally posted by barney50 at 12/30/06 01:47
At last the waiting was over. The butcher of Baghdad was hanged this morning. Justice served at last.
Saddam Hussain's death solves nothing! Why the rush to execute Saddam Hussain?
For every thousand of Kurds who he persecuted and murdered, his neighbouring countries' leaders have murdered just as many, and the US occupation of Iraq has murdered tenfold more innocent civilians. Besides, surely we should be following the paper trail and prosecute the man who personally negotiated the weapons deals and sale of biological and chemical weapons to Saddam Hussain during the 1980s.

[ Last edited by DARSITA at 2-1-2007 11:06 AM ] |
Iman_6 This user has been deleted
Originally posted by DARSITA at 3-1-2007 02:59 AM
When will The Bush crime syndicate tried and executed? Hopefully sooner than later. Bush is worse than Saddam.
:setuju: |
Originally posted by ChildrenOfBodom at 12/31/06 08:43 AM
skrg ni pon babi sharon tu tgh nazak nak mampos kat hospital tapi binatang tu tak mampos2 lg sebab Tuhan nak bagi dia rasa macammana penderitaan org2 Palestine yg dibunuh macam tu jgk dia rasa.......
did you talk to God and ask Him why that happen to Sharon? I don't think it's our business to say why it happens to him. |
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