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Author: berita


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Post time 23-3-2006 05:05 PM | Show all posts
1.  Tell me about your self? - soalan ni nak tengok communication skill dia, friendly ke tak etc
2.  Tell me about your past experience? - yang ni nak tengok sama ada apa yang dia cakap match dgn apa yang dia tulis dalam resume.  ada sesetengah tu tulis resume mak oii panjang berjela2.  kekadang tu programming language tak reti pun letak jugak lah dalam resume.  Tapi dgn aku siap lah habis semua aku tanya.
3.  then aku akan bagi satu issue atau problem yang susah.  aku tak expect dia jawab ngan betul tapi ini nak test how dia react dalam situasi yg sebegini.

satu lagi utk adik2 yang gi interview, bila jawab soalan jawab dgn jelas.  jgn mumbling.  pas tu tengok mata interviewer tu betul2 bila jawab soalan dan mendengar soalan.  tunjukkan sifat2 yang anda bersungguh2 nak kerja yang dipohon.

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 Author| Post time 24-3-2006 11:38 AM | Show all posts
what is yur weaknesses...  :hmm: ni soalan cepu emas ni...

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Post time 24-3-2006 01:16 PM | Show all posts
What if...kita tak reti BI atau mungkin tak fluent.So kalo interviewer tu tanya in BI,takpe ke kita jawap in BM ataupun campur2?

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Post time 24-3-2006 01:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Nara_Gaara at 24-3-2006 01:16 PM
What if...kita tak reti BI atau mungkin tak fluent.So kalo interviewer tu tanya in BI,takpe ke kita jawap in BM ataupun campur2?

better jawab dalam BI gak...tapi kalo dah tersangkut je nk jawab...minta permission nak jawab dalam BM.........

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Post time 24-3-2006 02:07 PM | Show all posts
kalo utk multinational company (mnc) dia mmg tak amik kalo english teruk

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 Author| Post time 24-3-2006 02:21 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Nara_Gaara at 24-3-2006 01:16 PM
What if...kita tak reti BI atau mungkin tak fluent.So kalo interviewer tu tanya in BI,takpe ke kita jawap in BM ataupun campur2?

:hmm: that's why melalui soalan2 sumbangan semer... sama2 praktis to prepare ourselves utk sebarang incoming english interbiu... contohnye my brother dpt keja shell baru2 ini... ini berikutan kegigihan beliau mempraktis jawapan interbiu... ok? :cak: mana tak okay... dulu gaji dia RM4K... sekarang RM10K...

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Post time 25-3-2006 03:59 PM | Show all posts
Pastu nak tanya,apakah jenis2 jawapan yg menyebabkan kita terus direjek?

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Post time 25-3-2006 04:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Nara_Gaara at 25-3-2006 03:59 PM
Pastu nak tanya,apakah jenis2 jawapan yg menyebabkan kita terus direjek?

susah jugak nak bajek...terlalu subjektif...kalo jawapan kita salah / loyar buruk skit tp kita jawap dgn penuh confident + english yg power, chance utk dpt still ade

[ Last edited by ecomoda012 at 25-3-2006 08:21 PM ]

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Post time 25-3-2006 08:19 PM | Show all posts
aku dulu senang sangat... "u rasa u boleh kerja dekat site? boleh panjat tangga, scaffolding?" aku cakap, "i'll try my best". pastu terus dapat kerja. esok terus start.. hehehe.

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 Author| Post time 27-3-2006 09:53 AM | Show all posts
:hmm: antara interbiu yg paling best aku attend dulu ada satu company ni... dia tanya psal hobby... & i was so lucky sbb hobby aku sama ngan GM yg dok interbiu aku tu... we talked on records... siap buat karangan pendek on my hobby suke main gitar blablabla... :cak:

antara jawapan yg killer (byebye punyer)... jawap tak menepati soalan... tak konfiden... jawapan yg pessimist... apabile mnjawab knala tunjukkan sikap aggresive & confident... merendah2 diri ni simapn je la! :lol

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Post time 27-3-2006 09:33 PM | Show all posts
Based on my experience on both side of the table;

1 - Get to know you (this is also the critical stage of setting the scene - very important to appear calm, professional and in control).  

2 - Test your qualification against applied role.  Fresh grad - around your qualification, why this company, your potential leadership quality etc.  For mature hire - your previous role, your career path, your success stories

3 - Test your personality, drive and temperament - what is your strength & weakness (then they will zoom in on these so be prepared to substantiate).  where do you see yourself in 5 years time; 10 years time.

4 - Explore your relevant experience - usually ask, when was the last time you faced this situation/problem.  Followed by, how did you manage/solve it; actual/real examples.  If you are planning to sell specific ability, pls be prepared with a couple of actual experiences to share with the interviewers.

5 -. Formal things like, what is your expected salary, when is you availability date etc.

6 - Test your analytical/problem solving abilities - this usually involved totally unrelated issues; e.g. how many buses are there in Malaysia?  Worst answer - I don't know.  The interviewer is not looking at your answer as more ofen than not, he/she does know the correct answer as well. They are looking for the way to approach the problem and solve it.

7 - The will ask you; is there any question?  Pls make sure you have questions.  Depending on your confidence level, it can be as simple as, "When will I know the result?" to "What has the company got to offer someone like me?" - depending on how you pose this, you stand a chance to really impress them.

that's it for now

[ Last edited by foundation at 27-3-2006 09:36 PM ]



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Post time 2-4-2006 04:41 PM | Show all posts
What is your career goal?

any idea?? :stp::stp:

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 Author| Post time 4-4-2006 11:10 AM | Show all posts


tell me about yourself.?
This is not an invitation to share your life story.  Think of the qualities that the employer is looking for and how you can demonstrate some of these qualities.  If that doesn? work for you, then qualify the question.  Ask ?hat area of my background would be most relevant to you?? and take it from there.

Can you work under pressure?
Use a story of past performance to illustrate your answer.

What is your greatest strength??
Focus on strengths that relate to qualities that would contribute to your job performance.

Why did you choose to study engineering and to attend the University of Iowa??
This question is an attempt to examine your reasoning process.  Answer in a way that demonstrates the use of logic in reaching your decision.

What is your greatest weakness??
This question is a trap.  Don? get caught.  Here are three ways to answer this question:

1.If you are obviously missing some qualifications for the job, admit it.  Then express confidence in how you will overcome this lack of experience or skills.
2.Use a weakness that you have already overcome and tell how you did so.
3.Describe a weakness that would actually be viewed as a positive by an employer.  Always try to turn a weakness into a positive.

Where do you want to be in 5 years??
Employers want to see that you are thinking about the future.  A good way to answer is to identify yourself with the engineering profession you want to get into.

What do you know about our organization??
Employers want to know that you have taken the time to research the organization.  Share what you know from what you have read or learned from an employee, especially as it relates to the reason you have applied for this position.

Why do you want to work here??
In your answer, demonstrate a clear connection between your strengths, interests, and goals and the company? attributes.

What qualifications do you have that will make you successful??
Academic success is not enough.  You also have to add relevant experiences, such as internships, cooperative education, and related summer or part-time work, that illustrate your strong points as they apply to the organization.

Why should I hire you??
Highlight areas from your background and personal attributes that relate to the company? needs.  Address how you can fulfill primary job description qualifications.  If you are interested in the job, show enthusiasm!

Credit to Uni of Iowa

[ Last edited by  berita at 4-4-2006 11:14 AM ]



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Post time 9-4-2006 09:39 PM | Show all posts
hmm... berguna btol thread nihh... tq 4 all the info guys!! :hatdown:

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Post time 10-4-2006 12:50 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by izzati at 9-4-2006 09:39 PM
hmm... berguna btol thread nihh... tq 4 all the info guys!! :hatdown:

Mmg berguna pada bakal2 interviewee...

Sok;lan lazim yg aku tanya pada interviewee...

" What are you really good at..?

Heheh.....macam2 jawapan dapat..:nerd::nerd:

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Post time 12-4-2006 04:11 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by berita at 20-3-2006 08:28 AM
Tell me bout yourself...

THAT is the toughest, most irritating, brain-wracking question of ALL the interview questions in the whole world!!!

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Post time 13-4-2006 03:08 PM | Show all posts
wahhh.. mmg berguna... makasih pd tuan rumah.. sungguh berguna utk masa depan..... lagi2.. bg lg idea2 yg berpatutan.....

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Post time 13-4-2006 10:50 PM | Show all posts
satu lagi soklan maut..(based on my experience)

do you like to eat belacan?

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Post time 13-4-2006 11:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nAwwAr at 13-4-2006 10:50 PM
satu lagi soklan maut..(based on my experience)

do you like to eat belacan?

: biar betik...swasta or gomen punye interview??? ape implikasinye dpd jawapan kita??

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Post time 14-4-2006 10:46 PM | Show all posts
ala..interview mara ari tu
aku saje je create a conversation pasal mknn kat malaysia ni

hahaha.. aku jawab " I can't live without belacan "

then dia cakap.. " me too.. "


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