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Author: dashday

Kongsi wifi bolehkah disalahgunakan oleh orang lain?

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Post time 6-3-2008 09:40 PM | Show all posts
nak tny gak kat sini...klu kia pki wifi kat umah x nak org dpt detect wifi kat umah kia ni..
so..camner erk..???pki pasword ker??caner?

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Post time 2-12-2008 10:27 AM | Show all posts
nak tanya..camner nak tukar password kat wifi? supaya org lain tak leh access ke kita nyer internet.

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Post time 2-12-2008 12:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by bzzts at 6-5-2007 07:09 PM
elok kalo guna filter by MAC address.
sebab kalu guna network key macam WEP atau WPA, diorang buleh kongsi key tu dgn kekawan atau jiran lain.

lagi elok kalu guna manual IP, manual gateway ad ...

lama dah aku tepikir nih..

walaupon dia xdpt intenernet.. tp still bleh connect network...  so maksudnya dia leh connect folder IIS kita... jika kita ada install satu system web server(localhost).. dan bagi access IP untuk sistem tuh.. kita leh buat Sistem untuk control access untuk pengguna access... so idea saya sape2 nak men/share internet..
dia kene jumpa web server kita dulu.. jadi di situ kita boleh buat login page... lepas login barulah redirect ker defaultpage(yahoo,gle etc)

adakah benda nih posible....

paham x wahai forumer sekelian...
kalo posible.. mari contribute idea...

.:saya budak baru belajar.....

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Post time 2-12-2008 12:36 PM | Show all posts

Balas #20 dhania_arif\ catat

bergantung kepada folder apa yg kita share..

-manipulate wsscript leh gak.. tp benda tuh kene letak dulu dlm pc(c:/ or windows)... so kalo org luar xder access mcm mana nk tempek script tuh... kecuali pakai org dalam.. <-- saya tipu.. kakakakaka....

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Post time 2-12-2008 01:05 PM | Show all posts

Reply #23 naikAntena's post

possible. if you go to hotels, cafe, airports, etc., that offer pay as you go internet access, they use this kind of system.

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Post time 2-12-2008 03:26 PM | Show all posts

reply SENIOR OOBI#25

ermmm.. possible... hikhik...

Boleh ke kalo sekadar
login (webserver)
if pass then
redirect (</b>

adakah dengan sekadar sesimple itu dah boleh access internet..

maafkan itu cuma idea... x try pon lagi...

huhuhu... OOBI apa background awak arrr....

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Post time 3-12-2008 11:23 AM | Show all posts

Reply #26 naikAntena's post

so far, yang oobi perhatikan, that's the idea. when user connects to your network for the first time (of course, you have to give them the url), they will need to enter login credential given to them. once pass, you can direct them to your default url.

as far as making it secure, you need to dig more. a more robust system, they host authentication system separately from the router and use token that changes every 60 seconds (or whatever time you set). rsa security is one of the most famous security companies (very famous with their vpn token).

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Post time 3-12-2008 01:37 PM | Show all posts
setakat pengetahuann yg saya ada... mungkin lepas saya redirect tuh..

saya akan buat dalam <iframe> jer... pastuh kemungkinan ada kemudahan textbox.. untuk taip web address... kemudian show dalam iframe jer...

"use token that changes every 60 seconds " mengenai ini...  mungkin guna jscrict auto ker... post back balik ker dlm time yg boleh di set pada panel admin.. cewah bukan main lagi idea.. kuikui...

dari segi securities lak.. contoh selepas logout . dia men2 tekan button back... atau men taip jer address.. kt sini .. bleh gunaa sessionstate ke.. apa2 jelah session... satu lagi leh guna js untuk disable back button.. kuakua...

huhh mcm mana kalo ada idea nk control bandwitch.. kakaka.. ini saya x tahu... susah tol pengetahuan cetek...

xder ker forumer lain nak contribute idea... kalo jadi leh jadikan opensource.. kuikui...  

nk g google RSA security + VPN(mende apa lah tuh.. mcm bese belajar je semester2 dulu...)

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