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Author: merigigi

Buddhism and Islam

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Post time 5-7-2007 11:30 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by merigigi at 5-7-2007 11:07 PM
Problem with being in a socity that is too materialistic is how tode-meterialize the attachment and cravings. I hope to find the answerin Buddhism, and I hope Islam can give me some answers too. Thecravings for material wealth and money, if you been there, it isendless, it's never enough... and once you thought it's enough, it canall dissapear.

I think this interest you right? merigigi?

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Post time 5-7-2007 11:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by merigigi at 5-7-2007 11:07 PM
salam semua,

maafkan saya, tetapi bukan maksud saya untuk menghina islam dalam apa cara sekali pun.

persoalan saya tentang buddhism dan islam juga berkisar tentang kehidupan saya. banyak ju ...

hmm....siapalah sy nak bagi nasihat...problem ni sure teruk dan merigigi sendiri je yg tau...tapi sabarlaa...

bila sy kenang2 balik bgaimana sy selalu terpanggil untuk ke jalan malu  sebab bila kena ujian baru sy nak cari Tuhan....nak cari ketenangan yang abadi....

ramai orang lain pun mcm tu...

rupa2nya....baru sy yg senang-lenang yg hanyut dengan dunia suuusaaah  untuk mereka terpikir tentang apa objektif mereka hidup....

cuma org yg ditimpa masalah yg susah sehingga mereka betul2 duduk untuk merenung diri mereka, haaaa....

pada masa tulah baru terpikir apa erti ketenangan...apa erti hidup....baru nak cari Tuhan...

oleh sebab itu, sehingga ke saat ini, mana2 saja kesusahan yg sy dapat, sy syukuri...kerana ia mengajar...mana silap kita...

rupanya kesusahan itu peluang...siapa pernah fikir??

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 Author| Post time 5-7-2007 11:40 PM | Show all posts
well, since i am pretty awake tonight....

yes weiloon, steps to dematerialize one self from luxuries and self-indulgence, from delusions of the world (chasinf after material wealth until it consumes you). i believe buddha teaches this...

salam ussop,

memang benarlah... bukannya aku nak fikiran negatif terhadap keperluan duniawi, tapi kalau terlalu mengejar duniawi, memang jiwa tak tenang... pernah aku dengar siapa entah cakap, mengejar duniawi ni umpama minum air laut masin - semakin dahaga dibuatnya...

memang benar ussop, percayalah saya, memang benar. and sometimes along the way kerana taksub kejar mengejar duniawi ini, benda benda yang really membawa makna atau harta benda boleh tercicir jugak... i have seen it happen... all the time...

the western concept of materialism is not so great. it brings about discontentment in life.

back to topic: buddhism and islam toward achieving peace and gratification to God.

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Post time 5-7-2007 11:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by merigigi at 5-7-2007 11:40 PM
memang benarlah... bukannya aku nak fikiran negatif terhadap keperluan duniawi, tapi kalau terlalu mengejar duniawi, memang jiwa tak tenang... pernah aku dengar siapa entah cakap, mengejar duniawi ni umpama minum air laut masin - semakin dahaga dibuatnya...

ini memang benar...

[ Last edited by  ussopp at 5-7-2007 11:49 PM ]

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Post time 5-7-2007 11:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by merigigi at 5-7-2007 11:07 PM
salam semua,

maafkan saya, tetapi bukan maksud saya untuk menghina islam dalam apa cara sekali pun.

persoalan saya tentang buddhism dan islam juga berkisar tentang kehidupan saya. banyak ju ...

Doesn't matter what antidote you take to solve your problem.  But as a muslim you should be carefull not to menyeleweng.

Masaalah awak saya rasa ni masaalah depress atau kesedihan.  You boleh solat, baca quran dan sebagainya tetapi kalau ibadat tu semua you buat just for the sake of buat.  Then it usually doesn't help.  Macam bila you baca mengenai buddhism with feeling.  The effect is there.  But bila you beribadat, no effect, what do you think is the problem?

and once you thought it's enough, it can all dissapear.

Kalau awak ingat tsunami di Banda Acheh.  Di sana terdapat beberapa orang kaya raya yang ada bungalo dan beberapa kereta.  But in few minutes, everything vanish, disappear.  Bukan benda tu musnah di situ, tapi hilang terus dari pandangan dalam beberapa minit.

So what do you think mereka buat?  Bersedih, marah kepada takdir, merungut dan sebagainya?

Tidak juga, life continues and they still muslim.  They still solat dan beribadat.  And they rebuild their life.  Tak ada pun dia orang pergi cari kat buddhism atau apa-apa ism yang lain.

In your situation, you should bersyukur to Allah s.w.t. that you still have a PC to login to this net.  For the Achenese, they even lost the electricity.

And me, by writing this just remind me to bersyukur alhamdulillah that I still have with what I have yesterday.  Tomorrow it will be a gift if they are all still with me.

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Post time 5-7-2007 11:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by merigigi at 5-7-2007 11:40 PM
yes weiloon, steps to dematerialize one self from luxuries andself-indulgence, from delusions of the world (chasinf after materialwealth until it consumes you). i believe buddha teaches this...

Not only luxuries... but most importantly your ego.... have you ever look into yourself... get to know the ego in you?
the ego is so call satan la... the one who always ask you do bad thing

in Islam.. when you feel angry mad etc.. you call for Allah... But have you ever sit down ask yourself, why you angry? who or what is this anger in me all about? get to know your ego... after you know it, you realise your anger, ego etc is illusion

the western concept of materialism is not so great. it brings about discontentment in life.

back to topic: buddhism and islam toward achieving peace and gratification to God. ...

both Islam and Buddhism is to peace
Only Islam towards gratification to god.

Buddhism is liberation or peace...

I am in UK now too.. sometime I am speechless seeing the british gal so obssess with fashion..with the latest season

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Post time 5-7-2007 11:51 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wei_loon5063 at 5-7-2007 11:34 PM

What do you see? half filled cup...incomplete?

or capable of filling another half?

The answer is up 2 u, u r what u believe , nobody can change it  unless it was written 2 b like that
Life just a story , part by part and finally conclude as ONE BIG STORIES

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Post time 6-7-2007 12:06 AM | Show all posts

Reply #19 merigigi's post

You see, you evicted your believe to be the cause of your doom in life. That's your choice. When you started this thread you have make the decision, but with doubts. If you have to decide, with all the money worth mention by you appear on your left hand and your religion on the right hand, you will choose what was in your left hand. Then it's clear who your god is. If Buddha is the epitome of what you holding in your left hand, then you shouldn't stick yourself with any religion at all. All your excuses is self explanatory directed to the wellbeing of your condition. When circumstance not right, you dig a hole. Does it will save you?

" you choose your ground, you play hard and you loose, then you blame God"

does that comforts you? From the start this wasn't about religion after all.:re:

If you need guidance maybe you should follow the richest man in the world, Bill Gates, he got religion and you should follow him.

[ Last edited by  Syarul at 6-7-2007 12:16 AM ]

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Post time 6-7-2007 12:22 AM | Show all posts

[ Last edited by  Bateesta at 11-7-2007 05:52 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 6-7-2007 12:48 AM | Show all posts

People like you cannot accept an alternated negative view about Islam. I have a personal problem about my being, my circumstance, whcih Islam does not give me answers to fully. Didn't I say a million times that money isn't what makes the world go round? Didn't I say I was duped into thinking that it did, and I am feeling burnt out at this moment. Thus the need to re-allign the objectives of my life, finding out what truly gives me peace and gratification to God.

It is about religion. Isn't religion supposed to solve people's problems? Or is religion a set of sentences, a Book and rituals people do for the sake of something "Unseen" - and I dont mean that as an insult. If religion touches our lives, wouldn't that religion be a True religion? Same with the conviction I have that Allah is real and Muhammad is the Rasulullah. They have touched my life. Allah is there in my life highs and lows.

Syarul, if you can't answer this question - which I honestly think is too deep for you, then don't start an argument.

I'm simply seeking answers from Islam and Buddhism about re-shifting my thoughts, re-arranging the view of the world, re-priotizing what's important.... these things that went neglected when I was too taksub chasing the money.

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Post time 6-7-2007 12:56 AM | Show all posts

Reply #29 Bateesta's post

Lol, dude can you see the greater picture? It' doesn't so hard to see such defect on his standing after few posts. And if he died yesterday that be mati katak lo..mati defying God

"No person have a total control over his own life, but we have a total control over choices"

It's always causes and effects. 1+1=2, but 9999999 gigon teron million *0 = 0

and Meregigi,

Dan janganlah kamumengatakan (bahawa) sesiapa yang terbunuh dalam perjuangan membelaUgama Allah itu: orang-orang mati; bahkan mereka itu orang-orang yanghidup (dengan keadaan hidup yang istimewa), tetapi kamu tidak dapatmenyedarinya. [2:154]

Religion wont fix your miserable life, not Islam nor Buddha. Even an atheist can make to the top of the world, why need of religion anyway? I think you bark at the wrong place, but forgive my word if it harash your conditions more then what it is. Stick to your objectives I wont distrub you no further, Since the statement on top probited me from doing so. "Make way everyone, hero coming through!"

..and Wei loon bless this guy.

[ Last edited by  Syarul at 6-7-2007 01:47 AM ]

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Post time 6-7-2007 02:09 AM | Show all posts

[ Last edited by  Bateesta at 11-7-2007 05:52 AM ]

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Post time 6-7-2007 02:13 AM | Show all posts

[ Last edited by  Bateesta at 11-7-2007 05:52 AM ]

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Post time 6-7-2007 09:38 AM | Show all posts

Yang mana awak semua berpegang?

" Maka bahawasanya siapa yang hidup (lama) di antaramu nescaya akan melihat perselisihan (faham) yang banyak. Ketika itu pegang teguhlah Sunnahku dan Sunnah Khalifah Ar Rasyidin yang diberi hidayah. Pegang teguhlah itu dan gigitlah dengan gerahammu."
(Hadis riwayat Imam Abu Daud dan lain-lain. Lihat Sunan Abu Daud juzuk 4, muka surat 201)

" Ada 2 firqah dari umatku yang pada hakikatnya mereka tidak ada kaitan dengan Islam iaitu kaum Murjiah dan kaum Qadariah."
(Hadis riwayat Imam Tirmizi. Lihat Sahih Tirmizi juzuk 8, muka surat 316)

" Dari Huzaifah r.a, belaiu berkata: Bersabda Rasul SAW: Bagi setiap umat ada Majusinya dan Majusi umatku ialah orang yang mengingkari takdir. kalau mereka mati, jangan dihadiri pemakamannya dan kalau mereka sakit, jangan dijenguk. Mereka adalah kelompok Dajjal. Memang Tuhan berhak memasukkan mereka ke dalam kelompok Dajjal."
(Hadis riwayat Abu Daud, Sunan Abu Daud Juz 4, halaman 222)


3. Kaum Muktazilah iaitu kaum yang berfaham bahawa Tuhan tidak mempunyai sifat, bahawa manusia membuat pekerjaannya sendiri, bahawa Tuhan tidak boleh dilihat dengan mata dalam Syurga, bahawa orang yang mengerjakan dosa besar diletakkan di antara 2 tempat, dam mikraj nabi Muhammad SAW hanya dengan roh sahaja dan lain-lain.

4. Kaum Murjiah iaitu kaum yang menfatwakan bahawa membuat maksiat tidak memberi mudharat kalau sudah beriman, sebagai keadaannya membuat kebajikan tidak memberi manfaat kalau sudah kafir.

5. Kaum Najariah iaitu kaum yang menfatwakan bahawa perbuatan manusia adalah makhluk yakni dijadikan Tuhan, tetapi mereka berpendapat bahawa sifat Tuhan tidak ada.

6. Kaum jabariah iaitu kaum yang menfatwakan bahawa manusia ini "majbur" ertinya tidak berdaya apa-apa. Kasab atau usaha tidak ada sama sekali.

Fahaman Jabariah datang dari perkataan 'JABAR' bermakna Allah Azza Wajjala tidak digagahi kuasanya. Maka dikatakan manusia itu ibarat kapas yang berterbangn diudara mengikut kemana sahaja ia ditiup angin.

Fahaman Qadariah pula diambil dari perkataan Kudrat yakni manusia mempunyai kudrat untuk melakukan perbuatan buruk ataupun baik. Ia akan dihisab diakhirat kelak berdasarkan apa-apa yang telah diperbuatnya semasa hidup didunia.

Fahaman Muktazilah - pandangan teologinya lebih banyak berdasarkan akal dan bersifat falsafah hinggakan menganggap Al Quran itu sebagai 憁akhluk

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Post time 6-7-2007 10:51 AM | Show all posts

Reply #34 ibnur's post


[ Last edited by  Bateesta at 11-7-2007 05:52 AM ]

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Post time 6-7-2007 03:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Bateesta at 6-7-2007 10:51 AM
Knp x ada fahaman wahabi dlm list tu..hahahha..kakakaka..kantoi   

off topik....
ke sini

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Post time 6-7-2007 03:20 PM | Show all posts

Reply #32 Bateesta's post

Adakah kau fahami apa yang dimaksudkan dengan takdir itu sendiri?

takdir adalah ketetapan Allah atas segala yang telah ditetapkan seperti;

Siang dan mlm, menang dan kalah, lelaki dan perempuan, hidup dan kematian, syurga dan neraka etc++

itu adalah takdir, dan yang mana kamu pilih antara itu adalah takdir kau

takkan duduk kat tepi jln yang sepi berdoa, agar tiba-tiba dtg rezeki?

takkan Islam tu berkembang dengna sembahyang 40 rakaat, memohon doa berkali-kali, bertasbih , istigfar sahaja, kalau mcm tu apa yang Rasullullah buat?

Yang Menguasai pemerintahan hari Pembalasan (hari Akhirat). [1:4]

bagaimana pula di dunia?

Tiap-tiap khabar berita mempunyai masa yang menentukannya (yang membuktikan benarnya atau dustanya); dan kamu akan mengetahuinya. [6:67] - ayat yang menyatakan ayat al-Quran itu sendiri

"Maka adakah orang yang membangunkan masjid yang didirikannya di atas dasar taqwa kepada Allah dan (untuk mencari) keredaan Allah itu lebih baik, ataukah orang yang membangunkan masjid yang didirikannya di tepi jurang yang (hampir) runtuh, lalu runtuhlah ia dengan yang membangunkannya ke dalam api neraka? Dan (ingatlah) Allah tidak akan memberi hidayah petunjuk kepada orang-orang yang zalim"[9:110]

dasar?? adakah dasar itu takdir? kalau kau anggap semuanya takdir yang kedua tu jlnnya. Bagi yang mendapat petunjuk al-Quran itu adalah petunjuk, tetapi yg tidak mendapat petunjuk(menggangap mendapat petunjuk) seolah olah merasa benar, sebenarnya sesat. Kerana al-Quran membenarkan kedua-dua keadaan; jalan yang lurus[1:6] dan jln yang sesat [1:7], salah penerimaan, ikut jln 1:7 join geng-geng Islam yang sesat, siapa yang sesat nie?

Cari ayat yang menyatakan apakah dasar Islam, adakah berkenaan takdir?
Jika dasar adalah prinsip/pengangan cari ayat yang menyatakan prinsip seorang Islam, adakah takdir?

Ada ke takde? ke tak jumpe?

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Post time 6-7-2007 03:27 PM | Show all posts

Reply #34 ibnur's post

Yang mana aku berpegang?

al-Quran dan sunnah dua tu sahaja, yang lain kau bawak semua penyataan kitab-kitab alim ulama, sori x selari ngan al-Quran jgn arap, Murjiah ke, Qadariah, kejabariah ke letak tepi, semua cirite pasal amal ibadat, Allah nak terima ke amalan kita nie?

Originally posted by Syarul at 5-7-2007 02:28 PM
Katakanlah: "Mahukah Kami khabarkan kepada kamu akan orang-orang yang paling rugi amal-amal perbuatannya?[18:103]

(Iaitu) orang-orang yang telah sia-sia amal usahanya dalam kehidupan dunia ini, sedang mereka menyangka bahawa mereka sentiasa betul dan baik pada apa sahaja yang mereka lakukan". [18:104]

masuk neraka pakai Smart Tag

[ Last edited by  Syarul at 6-7-2007 03:30 PM ]

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Post time 6-7-2007 03:52 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Syarul at 6-7-2007 03:27 PM
Yang mana aku berpegang?

al-Quran dan sunnah dua tu sahaja, yang lain kau bawak semua penyataan kitab-kitab alim ulama, sori x selari ngan al-Quran jgn arap, Murjiah ke, Qadariah, kejabariah k ...

Tu yang berpegang denga al-quran dan sunnah tu kena tag jugak....  

saja jer tu tag-tag tu nak bagi panas jer.....

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Post time 6-7-2007 03:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by merigigi at 6-7-2007 12:48 AM
I'm simply seeking answers from Islam and Buddhism about re-shifting mythoughts, re-arranging the view of the world, re-priotizing what'simportant.... these things that went neglected when I was too taksubchasing the money..

To the people here the thoughts of rearranging your thoughts is like leaving Islam and it wont be encourage by them.

from Buddhism, suffering is from attachment, desire.

from Islam, suffering is trial of God.

So... If you accept trial of God, you wont accept yor suffering from attachment

if you accept your suffering from attachment, you wont see it trial from God.

what say you?

Now your mind is clouded.... sit down, face your doubt..... see your doubt... see why you doubt about which....

then you willl see which is illusion which is the one that you want?


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