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Author: rockabebe

Sri Cempaka, Sri KL, Sri Garden, Sri KDU private schools

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Post time 25-1-2008 09:36 AM | Show all posts
a'ah tak semua sekolah crowded with kids....tapi kalo nak pastikan kelas tu dlm 25 saja, memanglah kena pergi private

so lucky anak2 yg ada financial stablilty...options byk cuma pilih saja... pd yg kurang mampu, kita make the best out of it...itu sajalah drp meratapi nasib diri

kekadang i fikir nak anak nie have FREEDOM bila dia dah tamat belajat kat uni/kolej.....maybe kalo anak cerdik enuf to have scholarship tapi kena ikat sampai 10 thn dgn co. yg kekadang kerjanya ntah hapa-hapa......kebanyakkan my fren jadi camni, but plg tidak org kata ada keje drp menganggur tapi sayangkan!.....(tak tahulah korang paham ke tak apa yg i bebel nie)

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Post time 25-1-2008 09:40 AM | Show all posts

Reply #20 AmMiNafeesa's post

a'ah kannn...lepas tu kalo kita tak pandai nak cakap bila keluar sekolah/uni...lagi kena hentam sana-sini....

tapi nak buat cemana, kalo dlm kelas ada 40 org....masing2 nak bercakap...alamat PIBG meletup sebab buku latihan tak habis guna

mentaliti nie duk pusing2 camtulah...sampai depa hentikan semua jenis exam yg membantutkan tumbesaran manusia nie

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Post time 25-1-2008 10:14 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by my-alja at 25-1-2008 09:36 AM
kekadang i fikir nak anak nie have FREEDOM bila dia dah tamat belajat kat uni/kolej.....maybe kalo anak cerdik enuf to have scholarship tapi kena ikat sampai 10 thn dgn co. yg kekadang kerjanya ntah hapa-hapa......kebanyakkan my fren jadi camni, but plg tidak org kata ada keje drp menganggur tapi sayangkan!.....(tak tahulah korang paham ke tak apa yg i bebel nie)

apa yg saya pegang is, setiap tahap yang kita dah tempuh, hanyalah another stepping stone utk ke tahap lain. hvng said that, when we talk abt tertiary edu or college, it is just another challenge for us to go thru. if we can survive that challenge, overcome all the obstacles, & succeed from it, then it is a preparation for just any other challenge that we may face later on in our life, for the future.

so, to me, not necessarily kat college we majored in mechanical eng, we MUST later on work as an engineer, just to fulfill the need to match our career & our field of study, because that is what is expected of us, by the society, we are living in.
i've always (ok, not always lah, lately, these past few yrs) felt that we should be allowed to choose what we want to be, & what we want to do, in life, cumanya, make sure it is beneficial to ourselves, our families, our societies, and most of all, our CREATOR the almighty.
so contohnya, tak salah, kat college study engineering, dah grad (alja, ni tolak those ppl yg bonded to serve their sponsors ye) kalau dia taknak jadi engineer, nak berniaga ke, it is ok, apa salahnya, rezeki halal, dapat good income, meramaikan lagi muslim yang jadi usahawan.

some of the fields of study tu, kena la bagi exceptions, yg critical like medicine (dan lain2).. contohnya, because itu dah macam fardhu kifayah yg dituntut sgt2 dah zaman sekarang ni, sebab we can never have enough of good doctors to treat the population of the world.

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Post time 25-1-2008 11:15 AM | Show all posts

Reply #23 mclaren's post

yeah mc...i agreed with u at some point but we are living in the world of money, people decide for ur own gud, not urself....tu saja i try to avoid for my kids...

i dun want my kids to repeat my mistake, that's all...u study something that u dun know exactly what u want in life, and u end up being lost for the rest of ur life...memanglah nampak not bad esp for me bcos i can choose to be at home and do what i like....but for others yg terpaksa keje w/pun dia tak suka...yg i nampak ianya tak membantu society as what u said..meyusahkan org lain lagi ada bcos they dun like to be there and do what they're supposed to do....

i dun mind if u have degree in engineering and be a businessman..some ways r another they are related, esp if u choose to be in engineering business ..but if u study bagai nak rak (in this case budak2 yg di sponsored)....which the co. will decide for u what to do in ur study and ur soul is not there......cemana?...u ambik engineering tapi ur soul kat u think is a wise decision for u to go thru all engineering tasks just for the sake of having a degree...frankly, for me..u just wasting ur time

[ Last edited by  my-alja at 26-1-2008 08:32 AM ]

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Post time 25-1-2008 11:42 AM | Show all posts

Reply #24 my-alja's post

tu la.. mcm my hubby, minat accounting, tapi terpaksa study engineering sebab itu yang sponsor offered kat dia looking at his spm results.

tp alhamdulillah, he somehow fell in love with his field, now doing well in his career.

however, i totally agree psl orang lain yang didn't put their heart into what they are doing, hanya kerana minat tu takde, tapi terpaksa lah jugak kerja sebab bonded. hasilnya, productivity very low, bosan pergi kerja, kerja just to get monthly salary to live day in day out.

root cause nya, among others, too much emphasis on exam results masa sekolah. siapa yang untung? nobody. sadisnya situasi nowadays.

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Post time 25-1-2008 01:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mclaren at 25-1-2008 11:42 AM
tu la.. mcm my hubby, minat accounting, tapi terpaksa study engineering sebab itu yang sponsor offered kat dia looking at his spm results.

tp alhamdulillah, he somehow fell in love with his f ...

yeah mc...i that case, he's lucky enuf to fall in love in his feild

my gud fren, grad dr german dapat diplom(taraf master degree)...dr antara university terbaik di german, dia balik dia taknak keje as engineer.....sampai sekarang, dia refuse to work bcos she doesn't like the job even ada 1st class degree....byk sgt kes camni, rugi pd co. yg sponsor dia, rigu pd diri dan masyarakat....

dia ngaku pd i, rugi aku cerdik sgt dedulu (kelakar) sebab offer yg dtg semuanya dlm engineering....dah tua2 camni, baru dia reliased dia minat farmasi.....but seriusly she is gud, i kalo ade kemusykilan pasal ubat-ubatan....akan call dia utk mintak nasihat sampaikan pead pun ingat dia nie farmacist.....

i bet kalo ade sesapa sanggup buat survey pasal nie, i bet percentage dia menggerunkan...

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Post time 25-1-2008 01:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by my-alja at 25-1-2008 01:50 PM

dia ngaku pd i, rugi aku cerdik sgt dedulu (kelakar) sebab offer yg dtg semuanya dlm engineering

tu la.. kes macam my hubby tu, kebetulan aje. mostly payah nak cari orang yang minat bidang lain, dipaksa belajar bidang lain, ended up minat pulak bidang yang dipaksa tu. sayang kan?

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Post time 25-1-2008 02:08 PM | Show all posts
sayang....memang sayang, outcome yg kita nampak dgn jelas..org2 kita buat keje ala kadar sebab nak carik makan

sorry ekk tuan rumah..melalut

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Post time 25-1-2008 03:04 PM | Show all posts
kalu me,
i will choose sri cempaka.....datin Frida punyer kan??

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 Author| Post time 25-1-2008 05:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by macademia at 25-1-2008 12:59 AM

yup, mac tekankan cemerlang all rounder (academic, koko, kepimpinan  n sahsiah) for my kids just so that they can get scholarships and grab the jurusan that they desire after SPM. Althoug ...

Betul tu mac.. kalau boleh nak leh dia cemerlang all rounder.. mula-mula ingatkan nak htr dia pergi Islamic Integration school.. tapi bila tengok syllabus cam berat sangat.. dgn hafalan and everything .. kesian pulak dekat dia.. Meisha ni alif ba ta pun tak lancar.. susah dok dlm environment yg mana kita tak dengar azan, tak de kafa or kelas mengaji..semua nye kena effort sendiri.. mak ayah dia pun bukan le terror sgt bab-bab ni.. bila nak ajar dia.. mula le liat..sebab dia tau kita ni parents dia.. macam-macam alasan "but it's so hard, i don't know how to speak arabic", tu le alasan nye bagai... Hopefully dia akan catch up bila di Msia nanti..

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Post time 25-1-2008 06:08 PM | Show all posts
rock, actually tak berat sgt if hantar integrated islamic school..cuma since anak u takde basics, kesian la, certain schools ada test..sbb org ramai nak masuk, tp classes ada 4 je untuk satu darjah/tingkatan..and some schools, facilities dia tak la sebagus sek keb. pun
cuma, environment dia, mmg so much better..and so does the teacher..
i tgk sendiri camne the teachers treat the students compared to some teachers in sek govt..
mentality they all mmg lain..
since u said u can afford to, y not..insyallah the agama part, u can substitute with panggil org dtg rumah ke..

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 Author| Post time 25-1-2008 06:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by my-alja at 25-1-2008 05:50 AM

yeah mc...i that case, he's lucky enuf to fall in love in his feild

my gud fren, grad dr german dapat diplom(taraf master degree)...dr antara university terbaik di german, dia balik di ...

Alja.. I paham pasal yg scholarship-bond nye situation..sebab Rock termasuk dlm golongan ni I was awarded a scholarship from one of the big sponsors in Malaysia (TNB, Telekom, Bank Negara, Shell,  you all teka le ye), doing course that wasn't my first choice .. Adusss! That was the worst time of my life.. Coincidentally.. masa 2 months intensive English course yg dorang offer tu all the scholars.. buat kat Sri Cempaka kat Damansara tu.. so sedikit sbyk I know about the school le.. Tapi my officer.. punya le garang.. yg bangsa maki and mencarut kalau you tak dapat straight A's.. anything below B's is considered a failure... Semua kena apply to the top 5 uni kat UK and US.. kalau exam tak perform.. duit allowance kena potong.. ..Hari hari nangis kat uni.. got in to lak the top 4 uni kat UK ni.. so dia nye standard very high le..  I really had a hard time.. I wouldn't wish for this for anyone let alone my daughter.. pastu bonded 10 years.. now ni I am paying off my loan.. sebab I keluar.. and ramai my friends yg dulu nye semua creme de la creme masa SPM, semua nye buat dead end jobs kat department yg dorang sendiri tak suka.. ada yg buat engineering course kat top uni kat US.. balik Msia dicampakkan kat unit biasiswa.. ada ke patut?

Contrary to my hubby, even though dia pun from another scholarship program (JPA)..he's more relaxed.. he's got to do the course he love, accounting, but he is not being pressured like me. He graduated with 1st class Hons, and easily got a job at one of the top audit firm. I guess our experience masa kat msia with the education system and all has changed our perspective of how we want our child to be educated. Now meisha is a well rounded kid with who is smart, not afraid to say what she thinks (although sometime rasa macam nak cili je mulut dia), creative, opionionated and balance. We are lucky that we can get this part of her life sorted out, and now it's time for us to instill a little competitiveness in her...and as we can't get it here in the English education system, that's why we have decided to move back to Malaysia.

Your exam results won't determine how successful and not successful you will be in your life. Sebab we have seen so many cases yg mana kengkawan dulu yg excellent masa exam, but now, there are just average or not even doing so well in their career. It's your attitude, your mentality on life and knowledge in general that will take you far in this world.  

[ Last edited by  rockabebe at 25-1-2008 10:59 AM ]

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Post time 25-1-2008 06:32 PM | Show all posts

Reply #32 rockabebe's post

my hubby pun senasib dgn u lah rock ...sebab tu i paham sgt situasi org2 yg bonded 10yrs with the ugly job....

bayangkan masa practical pernah keje kat co. buat enjin boeing, sekali balik m'sia kena jaga plant, mau berpeluh ...nasib rezeki dia murah dapat buat project sampailah sekarang...kalo tak rasanya, dia dah  blah balik US....huhuhu

and the same thing happened to my fren above, dia balik dgn master degree dr german...masalahnya org2 m'sia nie mana tahu sgt pasal diplom unless u dapat keje dgn company german..barulah org paham, betapa TERROR nya budak2 nie ...alih2 kena buat keje ntah hapa-hapa ikut kekosonganlah kannn...nak lari takleh, nak bayar balik tak mampu...alahai kesiannya!

i duk halusi isu nie dah lama, tu yg kami putuskan anak2 nie apa pun result dia nanti...i nak depa bebas tak kisahlah dia jadi professional atau tidak

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 Author| Post time 25-1-2008 07:08 PM | Show all posts
Sapa-sapa tau pasal APIIT Smart School dekat Subang ?

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Post time 25-1-2008 07:46 PM | Show all posts

my opinion..

for me, gov school is not that bad but to compare with the other school of course private school is the best. it provides something that gov do not provide
especially surrounding area.ur kids normally more relax. but for me, if u want ur  kids adapt with the environment around (since nak balik malaysia), better
go to gov school. she mixes around with our culture. tapi u kena pandai pilih la sekolah. kalo gov. pilih yang baik macam sk bukit damansara, sek sri bintang
utara/ selatan. environment, equipment and learning session like private school.tapi if u prefer to go to private school it's up to u. normally sekolah ada sri2
ni memang sekolah terbaik dan best..kecuali hehhehe seri cheras

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 Author| Post time 25-1-2008 08:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by marissa_raif at 25-1-2008 07:04 AM
kalu me,
i will choose sri cempaka.....datin Frida punyer kan??

A'ah..datin frida punye.. i remember meeting her when I was like 18 years old.. 15 thn yg lalu.. when we did our English course kat Sri Cempaka.. baik org nye

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 Author| Post time 25-1-2008 08:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by my-alja at 25-1-2008 10:32 AM
my hubby pun senasib dgn u lah rock ...sebab tu i paham sgt situasi org2 yg bonded 10yrs with the ugly job....

bayangkan masa practical pernah keje kat co. buat enjin boeing, sekali balik m' ...

hehehe.. tu le... nasib org kena bonded ni.. I guess now, our kids are the lucky ones.. sebab we can give them a better choice as we have experienced and been there through the education system. Dulu our parents pun tak de kesedaran benda cam ni.. as long as dapat scholarship pi overseas, that's the most important.. yg lain pikir kemudian.. betul tak?   I guess now the society are more open our choice of career..klu dulu either kena jadi doctor, engineer, accountant je.. all the professionals je.. but now ni.. jadi chef or fashion designer pun boleh buat duit and have a good future..

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Post time 26-1-2008 12:34 AM | Show all posts

Reply #37 rockabebe's post

takleh nak bandingkan dgn zaman dulu rock...zaman bapak kita masuk MCKK, sah2 ada jawatan elite dlm gomen

zaman kita masuk MRSM, dapat scholarship...balik jadi executives with limited options...kalo nasib baik like my fren, boleh jaga family business

zaman anak kita nie, no money no talk....

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Post time 26-1-2008 03:18 AM | Show all posts

Reply #35 teacher_shakira's post

i cant agree wit u more

i've got 2 nephews yg sebaya. 1 @ sri kdu, the other one @ skolah kebangsaan biasa.  the one yg @ sri kdu ni, mmg xposed sgt2, tau la dok kl plak tu kan. the other one, walau skolah biase, stil can catch up wit his cousin. aiman (sri kdu) however, cam relax je wen it comes 2 acdemic ni, x kesah pon dpt A ke ape ke, pdhal tis year nk upsr.  whereas yg ayul (skolah kebangsaan) ni plak, mmg book worm. mungkin nature kot. & also how their parents treat them...

tp skola sri kdu mmg facilities tip top (& fees pon gempak la kan...). co-curriculum activities derang siap ade horse-riding, fencing. school trip siap g beijing tu... tp i tgk my nephew ni cam sgt la relax nye... stay back @ library pon sbb main online games wit frens, bkn sbb nk wat revision. & bab agama, agak kantoi la jugak. paling seksa ms fasting month, sbb mmg xde yg monitor bdk2 ni pose ke, x pose ke. kira kt cafe tu, bdk2 malays pon relax je menjamu selera during fasting month. i went there once ms derang nye annual concert. i was heavily preggy & x larat pose, so i broke fast tghari tu mkn sama2 ngan parents lain. selamba je like nobody's bisnes pon. & nobody minded.

ayul plak, siap jd muazin @ skolah agama. semayang jemaah jd imam. in fact kalu kami balik kg & semayang jemaah ramai2, die la bilal nye. at the age o 7/8 die dh khatam quran & tajwid pon lagi bagus dr makcik die sorang ni haaaa...   & he's very active - debate, nasyid, stage play, poem recitation, musabaqah - just name it. he was even selected 2 go 2 japan unt represent msia lam quiz science & technology last year.

my point is, like teacher shakira has said la. there's no harm sending your kids 2 gov school provided u choose the good school. she stil can b active & competitive & all rounded.  kite parents pon kn monitor die @ home @ hav gud rapport ngan teachers.

yet again, nk masuk private school pon xpe... the same thing applies. yg penting kite kn get involved, know wat's going on sume. ttg school reputations tu, mungkin kn pegi sdiri & tgk sdiri 1st impression camne...

[ Last edited by  mummydhani at 26-1-2008 03:19 AM ]

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Post time 26-1-2008 09:08 AM | Show all posts

Reply #39 mummydhani's post

kekadang tu yg risau kann....letak anak kat tempat org2 senang nie, akedemik satu hal tapi i plg risau dia punya peer group....peers contribute a major impact on our kid's emotional developement..

plg tidak kat public school, social interaction is not limit in one group of society

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