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Author: Sephiroth

China Olimpics - 2008 - We should bycott it.

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 Author| Post time 19-4-2008 09:03 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sharfox at 18-4-2008 06:17 PM
I'm talking about the Palestinian la Bro.

And this thread is about China and 2008 Olimpics. You're out-topic here.

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Post time 19-4-2008 11:38 AM | Show all posts
I malas nak cakap. But since I'm free, gua layanlah kejap.

Menurut Institusi Kajian Keamanan Antarabangsa Stockholm, expot senjata dalam pasaran antarabangsa 2006, China 2%, Amerika 30%.

Jualan senjata ke negara2 membangun, China 3%, Amerika 36% (mengikut angka laporan US Congressional Research Service 2007).

Lagipun, dakwaan kumpulan2 hak asasi manusia negara2 BARAT tiada bukti kukuh bahawa China dan Russia membekal senjata api kepada Janjaweed, manakala dunia ada bukti kukuh bahawa askar dan militia di negaras jiran Sudan seperti Chad dan Congo dilatih oleh AMERIKA. Oleh kerana serangan oleh militia yg bersenjata dan terlatih, kerajaan Sudan terpaksa bertindak dan tercetusnya masalah kemanusiaan di Darfur.

Hanya orang macam Sephiroth telan propaganda barat habis-habis. Ada masa, bacalah Press TV (Iran), China Daily (China), Channel NewsAsia (Singapore), Bernama (Malaysia), Al-Arabiya (UAE) ataupun Al-Jazeera (Qatar). Speaking about ALTERNATIVE VIEWS.

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Post time 19-4-2008 08:17 PM | Show all posts

Reply #21 Sephiroth's post

Yup. If U read my earlier post, I said I will support you 100% for this China thing if U give your stand on the Palestinians. I wonder why are you suddenly became so concern about this world.
And I would say "God have other plans for this Games as well". I support the China Govt. Lets Olympic!!!

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Post time 23-4-2008 12:25 PM | Show all posts
Aku baca kat newspaper Isnin ari tu 4 org ditangkap sebab protes larian Ahad ari tu. Si Seph ni senyap pulak sejak ari tu. Ada besar kemungkinan salah sorangnya Seph la.

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Post time 23-4-2008 07:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sharfox at 23-4-2008 12:25 PM
Aku baca kat newspaper Isnin ari tu 4 org ditangkap sebab protes larian Ahad ari tu. Si Seph ni senyap pulak sejak ari tu. Ada besar kemungkinan salah sorangnya Seph la.

correct, exactly!!

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 Author| Post time 13-5-2008 08:24 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sharfox at 23-4-2008 12:25 PM
Aku baca kat newspaper Isnin ari tu 4 org ditangkap sebab protes larian Ahad ari tu. Si Seph ni senyap pulak sejak ari tu. Ada besar kemungkinan salah sorangnya Seph la.

Whatever ... masuk jail kerana menperjuangkan hak hidup sesuatu kaum (TANPA GUNAKAN KEKERASAN) adalah sesuatu yg boleh dikatakan berbaloi bagi ku.

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 Author| Post time 13-5-2008 08:28 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sharfox at 19-4-2008 08:17 PM
Yup. If U read my earlier post, I said I will support you 100% for this China thing if U give your stand on the Palestinians. I wonder why are you suddenly became so concern about this world.
An ...

Source :

By Ben Blanchard 56 minutes ago

CHENGDU, China (Reuters) - Nearly 10,000 people were killed by the earthquake that hammered southwest China, officials said on Tuesday as rescuers struggled to reach the worst-hit areas, where many more may have died.

The toll from China's worst earthquake for over three decades appeared sure to climb as troops struggled on foot to reach the worst-hit area, Wenchuan, a hilly county of 112,000 people 100 km (62 miles) from Sichuan's provincial capital, Chengdu.

World - Be forewarned. Those who celebrate with people who have oppressed the Weak, shall endure the same fate that awaits the oppressors.

I shall not shred tears for them, nor for you who feast with them now, or join them in death later.

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 Author| Post time 16-5-2008 10:13 AM | Show all posts
Hmph ... where are the so many loud-mouth Communists supporters here? Why have they become so quiet?

Look how well the Communists are faring in their own nation, how well they are tasting the sins of their own actions.

Source :

Getting care in China's disaster zone following Monday's massive earthquake is a struggle. Hospitals, medicine, blood, needles, doctors

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Post time 16-5-2008 01:05 PM | Show all posts
Inilah sebabnya Tibet merupakan sebahagian wilayah China:

Tibet is located in southwest China. By the Tang Dynasty (618-907), the Tibetans and Hans had, through marriage between royal families and meetings leading to alliances, cemented political and kinship ties of unity and political friendship and formed close economic and cultural relations, laying a solid foundation for the ultimate founding of a unified nation.
    In the mid-13th century, Tibet was officially incorporated into the territory of China's Yuan Dynasty. Since then, although China experienced several dynastic changes, Tibet has remained under the jurisdiction of the central government of China.     Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368)     In the early 13th century, Genghis Khan, leader of the Mongols, established the Mongol Khanate in north China. In 1247 Sagya Pandit Gonggar Gyamcan, religious leader of Tibet, met the Mongol Prince Gotan at Liangzhou (present-day Wuwei of Gansu, China) and decided on terms for Tibetan submission to the Mongols, including presentation of map and census books, payment of tributes, and the acceptance of rule by appointed officials. The Tibetan work Sagya Genealogy written in 1629 includes Sagya Pandit's letter to the religious and secular leaders in the various parts of Tibet that they must pledge allegiance to the Mongols and accept the regional administrative system prescribed for Tibet. The regime of the Mongol Khanate changed its title to Yuan in 1271 and unified the whole of China in 1279, establishing a central government, which, following the Han (206 BC-220) and Tang dynasties, achieved great unification of various regions and races within the domain of China. Tibet became an administrative region directly under the administration of the central government of China's Yuan Dynasty.
    Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)     In 1368 the Ming Dynasty replaced the Yuan Dynasty in China, and inherited the right to rule Tibet.     The central government of the Ming Dynasty retained most of the titles and ranks of official positions instituted during the Yuan Dynasty. In the central and eastern parts of present-day Tibet, the Dbus-Gtsang Itinerant High Commandery and the Mdo-khams Itinerant High Commandery were set up respectively. Equivalent to provincial-level military organs, they operated under the Shaanxi Itinerant High Commandery and, at the same time, handled civil administration. In Ngari in west Tibet, the E-Li-Si Army-Civilian Marshal Office was instituted. Leading officials of these organs were all appointed by the central government.     The Dalai Lama and the Bainqen Lama are the two leading incarnation hierarchies of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism. The Gelug Sect rose during the Ming Dynasty, and the 3rd Dalai Lama was the abbot of one of the sect's monasteries. The central government of the Ming Dynasty showed him special favor by allowing him to pay tribute. In 1587 he was granted the title of Dorjichang or Vajradhara Dalai Lama.     Any official of the Tibetan local government who offended the law was punished by the central government.
Qing Dynasty (1644-1911)     When the Qing Dynasty replaced the Ming Dynasty in 1644, it further strengthened administration over Tibet. In 1653 and 1713, the Qing emperors granted honorific titles to the 5th Dalai Lama and the 5th Bainqen Lama, henceforth officially establishing the titles of the Dalai Lama and the Bainqen Erdeni and their political and religious status in Tibet. The Dalai Lama ruled the bulk of areas from Lhasa while the Bainqen Erdeni ruled the remaining area of Tibet from Xigaze. In 1719, Qing government troops were sent into Tibet to dispel the Zungar forces which had been entrenched in Lhasa for three years, and set out to reform Tibet's administrative system. The Qing emperor made a young Living Buddha of the Xikang area the 7th Dalai Lama and had him escorted into Tibet, and appointed four Tibetan officials renowned for meritorious service "Galoins" to handle Tibet's political affairs. From 1727, High commissioners were stationed in Tibet to supervise local administration on behalf of the central authorities. Officials were also assigned about this time to survey and delimit the borders between Tibet (i.e. Xizang) and Sichuan, Yunnan and Qinghai.     In order to perfect Tibet's administrative organizations, the Qing Dynasty on many occasions enacted "regulations" to rectify and reform old systems and establish new ones. The Authorized Regulations for the Better Governing of Tibet, promulgated in 1793, had 29 articles. Their major purport was:     The Qing government holds the power to confirm the reincarnation of all deceased high Living Buddhas of Tibet including the Dalai Lama and the Bainqen Erdeni. When the reincarnate boy has been found, his name will be written on a lot, which shall be put into a gold urn bestowed by the central government. The high commissioners will bring together appropriate high-ranking Living Buddhas to determine the authenticity of the reincarnate boy by drawing lots from the gold urn. (Both the gold urn and lots are still preserved in Lhasa.) The tonsure of the incarnate Living Buddha, his religious name, the choice of the master to initiate him into monkhood and his sutra instructor all have to be reported by the high commissioners to the imperial court for examination and approval. The central government will send high officials to supervise in person the installation ceremony for the new Dalai Lama and the new Bainqen Erdeni and also the ceremony for their taking over reins of government at coming of age.     All foreign affairs involving Tibet will be left completely in the hands of the high commissioners. No Galoin is allowed to maintain correspondence with the outside, and all letters and alms received by the Dalai Lama and the Bainqen Erdeni from the outside must be submitted to the high commissioners for censorship and decision concerning a reply.     Criminal punishment will be reported to the high commissioners for examination and approval.     Between 1727, when the high commissionership was first established, and 1911, the year the Qing Dynasty was overthrown, the central government of the Qing Dynasty stationed more than 100 high commissioners in Tibet.     Republic of China (1912-49)     In the autumn of 1911, revolution took place in China's interior, overthrowing the 270-year-old rule of the Qing Dynasty and establishing the Republic of China.     Upon its founding, the Republic of China declared itself a unified republic of the Han, Manchu, Mongol, Hui, Tibetan and other races. In his inauguration statement on January 1, 1912, Sun Yat-sen, the provisional first president of the Republic of China, declared to the whole world: "The foundation of the country lies in the people, and the unification of lands inhabited by the Han, Manchu, Mongol, Hui and Tibetan people into one country means the unification of the Han, Manchu, Mongol, Hui and Tibetan races. It is called national unification." The five-color flag used as the national flag at that time represented the unification of the five main races. In March the Nanjing-based provisional senate of the Republic of China promulgated the republic's first constitution, the Provisional Constitution of the Republic of China, in which it was clearly stipulated that Tibet was a part of the territory of the Republic of China.     In order to form the first parliament of the Republic of China, the Beijing government promulgated on August 10, 1912 the Organic Law of the Parliament of the Republic of China and the law on elections for members of parliament. These statutes specified the methods for Tibetans to participate in elections, and the right of elected parliamentary members to have a direct say in government affairs. When the Chinese Kuomintang formed the national government in 1927 in Nanjing and held the national assembly in 1931, both the 13th Dalai Lama and the 9th Bainqen Erdeni sent representatives to participate. Article I of the General Outline of the Constitution for the Political Tutelage Period of the Republic of China, formulated during the assembly, stipulated that Tibet belonged to the territories of the Republic of China. The Tibetan local government and the Bainqen's administrative body, Kampus Assembly, also sent representatives to the national assembly in 1946 called by the Nanjing national government.     As in the previous Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, the central government of the Republic of China exercised jurisdiction over Tibet. The Bureau of Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs (renamed Mongolian and Tibetan Council in May 1914) was established by the central government in 1912 to replace the Qing Dynasty's Department in Charge of Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs. The bureau was responsible for Tibetan local affairs. The central government also appointed a representative to Tibet to carry out the responsibilities of the high commissioners stationed in Tibet by the Qing Dynasty. After the Nanjing national government was set up, a Commission for Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs was established in 1929 to handle the administrative affairs of the Tibetans, Mongolians and other ethnic minorities. In April 1940 the Commission for Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs opened an office in Lhasa as the permanent mission of the central government in Tibet.

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Post time 16-5-2008 01:21 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 16-5-2008 10:13 AM
Hmph ... where are the so many loud-mouth Communists supporters here? Why have they become so quiet?

Look how well the Communists are faring in their own nation, how well they are tasting  ...

Setakat kini, tiada negara pun boleh meramalkan gempa bumi. Gempa bumi yang berlaku di China kali ini memang dahsyat dan mengorbankan banyak nyawa. Kerajaan dan semua rakyat China sedang berusaha sedaya upaya untuk menyelamat dan membantu mangsa dalam bencana alam ini.
Sesiapa yang mempunyai rasa kemanusiaan, tidak akan berketawa pada penderitaan orang lain. Shame on you. You think if this kind of earth quake happened in AS, they can do better than China? Or you can do better than China? Do you know how hard to save a life after earth quake? Why don't you come to try rescue even one person?

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Post time 17-5-2008 07:37 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 16-5-2008 10:13 AM
The China communist Government was so proud that they could sendrockets to space, planning to send man to Moon, hell ... one time, theyeven prepared to sell properties on the Moon.

They are so damn proud of themselves. Keepers of dozens of nuclearmissiles which could threanted even the US. Managed to scare Japaneseand South Korea by shooting missiles over their airspace. So proud oftheir Communist heritage, so eager to invade Nepal.

Now, their Pride means nothing. They cannot even save their own peoplein their own nation. And this is just One City. We just have to waitfor the sequels a bit longer. Especially considering their Foreignguests will be coming to join them in their Sin Harvest.

u more likey anti china only, what u say was not logical

if they cannot proud with their technology, how about malaysia?
send angkasawan by rusia technology, but so many people proud with it.

maybe earthquake cause many people surfer, but goverment fast to do something help them.
its better than those tibet terrorist who only make people pain and scare only.

u are so racisme more than protect human right.

[ Last edited by  n01xlam at 17-5-2008 07:45 AM ]

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Post time 17-5-2008 02:21 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 17-5-2008 06:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dabei_presh at 17-5-2008 02:21 PM

banyak lawa lah gambar ini?

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Post time 18-5-2008 07:30 PM | Show all posts
Boycott yourself if you want to. Seriously I'm not pro-China or anti-Tibet. What I believe is the facts.

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 Author| Post time 3-6-2008 09:05 AM | Show all posts
Hmph ... One Earthquake was not enough ...

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Post time 10-6-2008 06:47 AM | Show all posts
Politics and sports shouldn't mix. I support Beijing Olympics 100%. BTW the earthquake had nothing to do with how the Chinese government treats the Tibetans. Only the dumb religion fanatics made a stupid issue out of this.

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 Author| Post time 17-6-2008 10:48 AM | Show all posts
Hehehehehe ... dumb religious fanatic, eh?

Don't confuse me with those fools who strap themselves with bombs and blow them up for prostitutes.

Anyway, Earth-Element have done its task (the Earthquake), Water-Element is doing its task now (the flood).

That leaves just the Fire-Element and the Wind-Element. I wonder which will come next and how many people in China will die or become homeless. Already, I have counted a few millions from both disasters, and China Atheist Government are still PIG-HEADED.

Oh well, once the four Elements have done their tasks, and China will have a humiliating Olimpics (where their officials and guests will feed and cheer while the rest of the populations mourns and weeps), I will wait for China to draw out it's people out of Tibet and Nepal. Failure to do so, and the Cycle WILL begin again. This time, Death tolls WILL rise. God willing.

And yeah, fools can continue to call me a dumb religious fanatic.

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 Author| Post time 2-7-2008 08:39 AM | Show all posts
Source : ... inarightsuscongress

Tue Jul 1, 9:06 AM ET

BEIJING (AFP) - A leading US congressman said Tuesday China was carrying out a tragic crackdown to smother dissent during the Olympics, triggering a warning by Beijing to butt out or risk harming Sino-US ties.

"Tragically, the Olympics has triggered a massive crackdown designed to silence and put beyond reach all those whose views differ from the official 'harmonious' government line," U.S. Representative Christopher Smith told journalists.

Smith said China had failed to deliver on its promise to improve its human rights record when it was awarded the right to host the Olympics.

"Just the opposite is happening," he said.

"At the time, the argument certainly appeared plausible, if not compelling, but in the years, now months, running up to the Olympics, the reality has been numbingly disappointing," Smith said.

You know, for bunch of people who are well-educated and civilised, the Olimpic Council and people who support them are VERY STUPID to the point that they go and allow China - one of the World's biggest human right abusers the right to conduct Olimpic by accepting China's promise that they will change. Very stupid indeed.

This people should know by now that China Government would not be bothered about them and continue their stupid, stubborn ways.

Oh well ... what Man cannot do, Nature WILL do.

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 Author| Post time 14-7-2008 10:56 AM | Show all posts
Source : ... adeunembargobritain

Sun Jul 13, 2:53 PM ET

LONDON (AFP) - China is breaking the United Nations arms embargo on Sudan, providing military equipment and training pilots to fly Chinese jets, the BBC said Sunday, citing an investigation by its journalists.
Citing two confidential sources, the broadcaster said China was training pilots to fly Chinese Fantan fighter jets, and that Sudan had imported several fighter trainers called K8s two years ago.

It obtained satellite photographs of the planes, reportedly believed to have been delivered to Sudan in 2003 -- the UN arms embargo was imposed in March 2005 -- at an airport in Nyala in south Darfur last month.

The Darfur conflict began in 2003 when ethnic minority rebels took up arms against the Arab-dominated regime and state-backed militias, fighting for resources and power in one of the most remote and deprived places on earth.

The UN has said that 300,000 people have died in Darfur and more than 2.2 million have been displaced since 2003 -- the Sudanese government puts the number of fatalities at 10,000.

China, the main buyer of Sudan's oil and a key investor in the economy, has repeatedly been accused of not doing enough to make Khartoum stop the brutal campaign.

Next month, the World shall sit down and celebrate "Human spirit" as they called it, with one of the World's biggest Human Right abusers. Maybe those who eat and drink with this sort of people, share the Torment of Hell as well.

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Post time 14-7-2008 11:51 PM | Show all posts
eja boycott pon tak betul...mengong

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