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Author: blur_cherry


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Post time 16-10-2003 04:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by CoKeLat-RaWkZ at 16-10-2003 03:13 PM:
ada tak resepi utk frozen cheesecake???

sebab .....

lebih ringkas dan mudah, byk songehler main bakar ni....

Bolihlah cuba cheese cake ni...k.Liza dah attend class buat cake ni...dahpun makan..sedap;)

250 gm cream cheese
75 gm gula kastor
100 gm fresh cream
100 gm agar-agar cair

Topping....blueberry atau apa2 yg sewaktu ngannya
1.  Pukul cheese dan gula hingga kembang.
2.  Masukkan fresh cream dan agar-agar cair dan gaul rata.
3.  Tuangkan dalam bekas dan sejukkan.
4.  Jika suka bolihlah letakkan topping...saperti blueberry atau sbarang perasa lain.
5.   Potong dan hidangkan.

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blur_cherry This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 16-10-2003 04:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hanieliza at 16-10-2003 04:06 PM:
Bolihlah cuba cheese cake ni...k.Liza dah attend class buat cake ni...dahpun makan..sedap;)

250 gm cream cheese
75 gm gula kastor
100 gm fresh cream
100 gm agar-agar cair

Topping.. ...

tankiuk K.Liza...weekend ni, boley la blur try buat...Arr...yg ni frozen punye cake ker??:stp::stp::stp:

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Post time 17-10-2003 11:06 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hanieliza at 16-10-2003 04:06 PM:
Bolihlah cuba cheese cake ni...k.Liza dah attend class buat cake ni...dahpun makan..sedap;)

250 gm cream cheese
75 gm gula kastor
100 gm fresh cream
100 gm agar-agar cair

Topping.. ...


heheh boleh ler cok cube buat waktu weekend....... sedap je bila dibaca.. harap sedap gak bila masuk perut...

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Post time 17-10-2003 11:10 AM | Show all posts
BEry tak berapa suka yg frozen coz rasa macam tak masak.. Tp lebih senangkan.. sbb tinggal masuk jek dlm frigde...

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Post time 17-10-2003 11:23 AM | Show all posts
agar-agar cair tu kat mana nak beli..

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Post time 18-10-2003 12:05 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blur_cherry at 16-10-2003 04:17 PM:
tankiuk K.Liza...weekend ni, boley la blur try buat...Arr...yg ni frozen punye cake ker??:stp::stp::stp:

Kek ni tak lah macam kek..ia saperti puding sikit....tapi best tau..cuma k.Liza jarang buat sebab hubby dan anak tak suka...diorang  just suka kek black forest jer...

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Post time 18-10-2003 12:11 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by lin at 17-10-2003 11:23 AM:
agar-agar cair tu kat mana nak beli..

oppps sorri nak bagi tau...
agar-agar cair ni bolih dibuat samada...
1)  agar2 biasa tu (yg panjang )...
2)  gunakan agar-agar serbuk .
agak2 jer agar2 tu cuma air aje sukat banyak mana yg nak guna...rebus macam biasa..

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Post time 19-10-2003 09:42 AM | Show all posts
nyampuk sikit....

kalau filling tu mix with 1/4 cup lemon juice, 1 tbsp grated lemon rind (ambil kulit kuning saja, yang putih tu bitter....) & 3/4 cup sour cream and 2 tbsp cornflour and boleh substitute 1 of the philly cheeses with ricotta cheese jadi lemon cheesecake lah pulak.....this recipe's so yummy!!  

and for the base also boleh add grated lemon rind....line the baking tin with aluminium foil, bake at 180C for 50 mins or until just, refrigerate until firm...angkat the cake pakai foil tu saja...easy...

....semoga success...

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Post time 19-10-2003 11:30 AM | Show all posts
Siapa kat sini yg tau buat Cheese Kek yg rasanya mcm kita makan coklat, aiskrim....? Kek terus melt dlm mulut.

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Post time 19-10-2003 06:28 PM | Show all posts
I got one for you Baiduri, I got it from a magazine..have tried it a few delicious...this is an American recipe, so all the ingredients are in imperial not metric.  This may seem a lot of work but it's worth it..


1 cup plain flour
1/4 cup finely chopped toasted pecans
1/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup butter
1 beaten egg yolk

3  8 ounces packages cream cheese, softened
1 1/2 cups sugar
4 ounces semisweet chocolate, melted and cooled
2 tbsp plain flour (1 tbsp US = 15 ml)
1 teaspoon vanilla
4 eggs
1/4 cup milk

1  8 ounce sour cream

Cara buat crust:  Campur flour, chopped pecans and sugar.  Add butter till mixture is crumbly.  Stir in egg yolk.

Press about 1/3 of the dough on the bottom of a 9 inch springform pan.  Remaining dough - cover & set aside.  Bake bottom crust - 375F or around 190C about 7 mins or until golden.  Cool kan.

Then grease the sides of the springform.  Attach sides to bottom of pan (At times, this base may crack but usually still o.k).  Press remaining dough 1 1/3 inch sekeliling pan.

Cara buat filling:  Beat cream cheese, sugar, melted chocolate, flour and vanilla till smooth (medium speed).  Add eggs all at once (At low speed - just combined saja).  Stir in milk.

Then pour filling.  Set the springform pan on a shallow baking pan.  Bake - 350F (you guys figure out the Celcius equivalent....reduce dari the first baking) for 45 mins or till center appears nearly set when shaken.  Spread sour cream atop the cake and bake 5 mins more.

Remove springform from baking pan.  Cool cheesecake in pan on a wire rack for 15 mins.  Then loosen the crust from pan's sides - use a metal spatula, flat knife atau yang sesuai.  Cool 30 mins more.  Remove sides of pan.  Cool 1 hour, cover and chill at least 4 hours.  Ready to eat.

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Post time 22-10-2003 02:36 PM | Show all posts
interesting...boleh cuba...but kalau bakar cheese cake kat microwave tak secantik macam bakar kat oven.

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Post time 23-10-2003 04:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sinbad^boy at 22-10-2003 02:36 PM:
interesting...boleh cuba...but kalau bakar cheese cake kat microwave tak secantik macam bakar kat oven.

eish...tak sabar rasanya nak buat cheese cake...yummy!!!

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Post time 25-10-2003 07:22 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by chempaka_ku at 2003-10-19 06:28 PM:
I got one for you Baiduri, I got it from a magazine..have tried it a few delicious...this is an American recipe, so all the ingredients are in imperial not metric.  This may seem a lot of ...

My reply:-

Assalamua'laikum wrt. Cik Chempaka,

Thanks for the recipe. I'll try this recipe. Selalunya kalau resipi tu original dr. negara2 mcm the States, UK - kek biasanya memang sedap & quality maintain. Thanks again.

Wishing you a Happy Ramadhan.

Best regards.

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Post time 25-10-2003 11:33 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blur_cherry at 10-9-2003 02:15 PM:
betul! tak tipu...tak caye try la..rase die same mcm kat secret recipe tu...

kalau betul, blanje aku tau...kalau beli kat secret recipe, satu kek tu lebih kurang $60. Kalau buat sendiri, tak sam ...

dah try buat cheesecake tu...ada bawa ke office...siap dah ada orang nak order....tapi tak tahu nak jual berapa rial...coz..harga cream cheese tu saja dah RM9.00 + orio biscuit RM2.90 satu pak...I buat dua pak untuk base dia...tapi silapnya I hancurkan ngan tangan gitu...kalu nak best kena blend dulu...baru menjadi plus mentega tu cairkan...

Blur-cherry...kalau ikut pengamatan hang le...resipi macam tu berapa rial boleh jual ha? untuk sebiji....

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blur_cherry This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 29-10-2003 01:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zazizu at 25-10-2003 11:33 AM:
dah try buat cheesecake tu...ada bawa ke office...siap dah ada orang nak order....tapi tak tahu nak jual berapa rial...coz..harga cream cheese tu saja dah RM9.00 + orio biscuit RM2.90 satu pak...I  ...

hie zazizu..

sorile lambat reply. buzy sket.

arr...ko beli cream cheese jenis ape? kat mane? sbb, cream chese yg blur slalu beli jenis philadelphia & harge die, yg paling murah 5.70, yang paling mahal pun 6.00. Tu depends on tempat kat mane kite beli la...Lg satu, biskut tu, takyah gune memahal. Ade biskut coklat yg satu pek 1.20 je. Gune tu je dah cukup. Jimat sket...

Cube ko beli cream cheese brand yg blur ckp tu. Murah sket kalau untuk jual. Kalau utk satu cheese cake, slalunye blur pakai 2 cream cheese. Lebih kurang 12.00 ringgit la. Pastu, tambah la dgn harga gule, telur, biskut, letrik, upah buat....ikut ko la nak letak bape harge...

slalunya, satu cheese cake, org jual dlm 40-45 ringgit. Tu kire murah dah tu sbb yg biase jual kat secret recipe tu 60.00. Kalau kat tempat lain, mmg la murah sket cheese cake diorang sbb diorang bkn buat gune cream cheese 100%...

ok..blur ucapkan slamat bepose & slamat beniage...

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Post time 29-10-2003 03:55 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blur_cherry at 29-10-2003 01:23 PM:
hie zazizu..

sorile lambat reply. buzy sket.

arr...ko beli cream cheese jenis ape? kat mane? sbb, cream chese yg blur slalu beli jenis philadelphia & harge die, yg paling murah 5.70, yang pa ...

thank you blur-berry...kalau kira cream cheese saya beli lagi murah le coz 4.50 je utk 250gm....anyway, memang murah rezeki bulan puasa ni, ada je orang menempah choc moist gue...alhamdulillah...nanti nak try buat lagi cheese cake tu...tak sabar rasanya...

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blur_cherry This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 29-10-2003 04:13 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zazizu at 29-10-2003 03:55 PM:
thank you blur-berry...kalau kira cream cheese saya beli lagi murah le coz 4.50 je utk 250gm....anyway, memang murah rezeki bulan puasa ni, ada je orang menempah choc moist ...

blur_cherry le awak! bukan blur_berry...panggil blur jek..senang....ok, slamat membuat kek....

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Post time 29-10-2003 04:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by zazizu at 29-10-2003 03:55 PM:
thank you blur-berry...kalau kira cream cheese saya beli lagi murah le coz 4.50 je utk 250gm....anyway, memang murah rezeki bulan puasa ni, ada je orang menempah choc moist ...

Bagus berniaga dibulan posa ni..leh tambah isi poket...

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Post time 31-10-2003 03:41 AM | Show all posts

dah try dah!

Ame buat yg mini size, 1/2 of the original portion... tambah chopped almond to the base... everything was perfect...! Until lepas Ame & hubby dah rasa masa sahur... masa nak amik simpan balik dlm fridge... my cat pintas jalan kat kaki Ame... habis terjatuh selambak the beauyoootiful yummy baked cheese cake!

This was my 1st try at making baked cheese cake... it's a wonderful simple, idiot proof cheesecake! Not clumsy-proof though! :re:

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blur_cherry This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 31-10-2003 09:49 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Amelie_Poulain at 31-10-2003 03:41 AM:
Ame buat yg mini size, 1/2 of the original portion... tambah chopped almond to the base... everything was perfect...! Until lepas Ame & hubby dah rasa masa sahur... masa nak amik simpan balik dlm f ...

Ala Ame...sayangnye kek tu jatuh...nape la jatuh kat lantai tak jatuh dlm mulut Ame...ekekekek....N'way, it's really nice to know that u've tried the recipe....

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