Watak Paling Cool Dalam TV Series Yang Korang Tengok
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michael scofield kat prison break..........
chad michael murray kat one tree hills........ |
Originally posted by hyphrigian at 2-1-2009 10:01 PM 
charlie harper paling cool.....
aku rasa, mak dia lagi cool...  |
bapak sinchan.. i like  |
Jax - Sons of anarchy
Charlie - two and a half men.

Hyde - That 70's Show

Sock - Reaper |
Aku suka sangat watak Mick dalam Moonlight... Dulu tengok kat TV9. Now tak ader lagi. Saper tau mana nak dapat full version citer ni. |
Spike from Buffy the Vanpire Slayer..... |
mr bean la paling kool..  |
wahahaha Mr. Bean...retarded ade laaa
tapi tv series aku tgk, leh bilang ngan jari jek... |
kalau aku pulak, aku pilih dua orang ni -
- horatio caine - csi miami
- dr richard webber - greys anatomy
aku nk pilih chad michael murray dlm one tree hill...
tp dlm one tree hill season baru nie, aku jd benci ah kt die..... |
michael scofield - prison break
horatio - csi miami
watak cikgu onizuka  |
aku rasa Horatio -CSI Miami dgn Mekel skopel - Prison Break  |

BARNEY on How I Met Your Mother.Very wit character..Very cool..Sampaikan aku kadang2 marah kawan dier(Ted and others) macam x layan ngan kerenah dier...Aku rasa dierlah the glue yang hold this group together and not that boring Ted.

Dr. Miranda Bailey on Grey's Anatomy...for being a Nazi with heart. |
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