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Balas #17 leeya\ catat
kat belakang cover le...'made by nokia'..tp dia nyer nombor ke tujuh Dan ke lapan 01. aku sebenarnya kurang percaya kalau nak tentukan kualiti kita tgk nombor2 tu...mmg byk forum diorg bincang pasal nombor2 tu. pihak nokia sendiri pun takda 'announcement' kalau nk tentukan dia punya HP ori ke tak, kualiti ke tak, pirate ke tak dengan melihat nombor2 tu.. |
Balas #19 musang_pulut\ catat
aku rs ade kot..kalau microsoft ade pirate software, mgkn nokia pun ade...kita punya HP pun mcm komputer bergerak jgk kn... |
Balas #13 musang_pulut\ catat
masa korang nak beli HP (nokia sahaja) ade tak korang tanya pasal 'made' tu????? ke korang nampak HP tu lawa, smart korang pakai rembat je... |
Balas #24 akeyron\ catat
Mase dlu aku rembat je.Sbb xpernah terpikir kedai tu nk tipu aku.Tp dh makin tua ni kalau p bli,mcm2 la aku tanye...n aku akan survey byk kedai dlu utk tgk mane harga yg paling best. |
Sapa2 dia punya HP 'made in finland', cuba korang explore dekat 'phone language' ade tak bahasa melayu?
kalau 'made by nokia, kebanyakannya ada bahasa melayu...cuba korang tgk.. |
Balas #26 akeyron\ catat
Aku nye made in Finland n ade BM... |
Balas #25 leeya\ catat
kalau ko nak harga yg paling best, ko rembat nokia 'made in china' la. ha tu mmg best giler dia punya harga.. |
Balas #28 akeyron\ catat
Hahaha...aku tanye la dlu.Kan skarang aku dh suke menanya.Kalau mase aku muda remaja dlu bleh la die tipu.Skang aku muda belia,jgn harap!  |
Reply #14 leeya's post
cuba teliti ini..adakah bertepatan dgn yang dinyatakan.... rasanya tak pun sebut buatan dari negeri mana............
The Structure of an IMEI Number
IMEI numbers either come in a 17 digit or 15 digit sequences of numbers. The IMEI format currently utilized is AA-BBBBBB-CCCCCC-D:
AA: These two digits are for the Reporting Body Identifier, indicating the GSMA approved group that allocated the TAC (Type Allocation Code).
BBBBBB: The remainder of the TAC
CCCCCC: Serial sequence of the Model
D: Luhn check digit of the entire model or 0 (This is an algorithm that validates the ID number)
dan maklumat yang ini juga....
The number consists of four groups that looks this: nnnnnn--nn-nnnnnn-n The first set of numbers is the type approval code (TAC). The first two digits represent the country code. The rest make up the final assembly code. The second group of numbers identifies the manufacturer: 01 and 02 = AEG 07 and 40 = Motorola 10 and 20 = Nokia 41and 44 = Siemens 51= Sony, Siemens, Ericsson The third set is the serial number and the last single digit is an additional number (usually 0).
[ Last edited by monorail at 8-3-2009 07:22 ] |
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Reply #26 akeyron's post
Tak jgk. Bahasa melayu tu language pack. Blh tkar klu mau. Reinstall aja fw ikut region mana yg korang nak. Mostly hp2 yg dibeli kt msia guna apac fw. Aku sndri lbh suka guna euro fw sbb x mau bahasa cina kt dlm hp aku. |
Reply #32 freekey's post
Cuba kecikkan saiz font...
Menu-tool-seting-general-personalisation-display-font size |
Reply #34 tok_hoi's post
Ni la jd bila dgr aja zitron, avaxx trus kata ori tok...
Pdahal bnda tu international waranti. Dah expired kna caj jgk... |
Balas #31 freekey\ catat
Last skali akhir muda la...tp aku blum lg nk akhir muda sbb aku muda belia.Hahaha... |
Balas #30 monorail\ catat
Tq 4 info... |
hahha.... nokia 3120c aku cuma ada english n cina language |
Balas #38 death\ catat
Ala...xpe xde BM pn.Bkn best pn.Translate BM jd cm pelik sbb direct translation.Menjadikan aku lg pening. Setting - Tetapan, Connectivity - Sambungan.Walaupn btol,tp aku x biase...Baik guna je english... |
my nokia takde bahasa malaysia coz bkn beli kat cni... persoalannya ade tak ek beza antara made by mana? nampak dr luaran mcm sama je.... |
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